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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, NQ-Wanderer said:

Hello, Noveans.


What are you thoughts regarding our SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION communication? Let us know below!

I am all for a partial wipe where the economy is reset, quanta + talents are removed, but all elements on constructs are removed as well.

That way old players still have the honeycomb hulls of their constructs as a base for rebuilding everything.

As a builder and this is the one I would be most happy with, as replacing elements is far less painful than replacing honeycomb.

Edited by Shaman

After all the things. actually i'd just leave if there was a wipe. seriously, look at teh mega factories. The investments in the schematics. The time and faith of the community to provide content.


Resounding naw, Im out. Gimme monies back pls.


The billionaire things was fixed with athena I think and the new "way" for more schematics and rarity of plas.


anyway. pick right.


Posted (edited)

Most important PRO's missed... 


Hundreds of paid accounts no longer paying.  Less money for NQ

Empty worlds with no constructs... sounds fun.

Many existing players offer help to new players in financial and advice... gone.

Edited by Caldog

If ther eis a full wipe (which i would prefere) then there should be a way to regain the old talent points, because thats bascially what ppl paid for. Be it that they get all their TP back 2 months or so into the game, or an increase in TP/hour until the "legacy TP-pool" is empty or whatever.


I do not get this post at all as it really does nothing as far as answering any of the questions. It is a PR/marketing answer which really does not help at all. As NQ plans to release the game in a few months, it would be _really_ bad if NQ has not yet made this decision and is working towards release with that choice in mind.


It also makes things more convoluted and complex as in reality NQ has only two options:


No wipe

Not the prefrred option for me for most of the reasons explained in the post and in general I believe it woudl hurt the game long run and cretainly at  release.

But I could live with  it if it happened


Partial wipe

Players get to keep blueprints and accrued points are retunred to the talent pool, world is wiped

This I prefer to happen, it maintains the benefit for existing players in tha tey wil be able to jumpstart a new world with their tal;ents to be reassigtned as wanted

It also allows players who used beta accounts to change their choices if the wipe happens shortly before release.



A full wipe wil not be an option as NQ has charges people to play and taking away that time by removing any benefits from that woudl be at best unethical. A parallel server is just a very, very silly idea as NQ hardly has the resources to afford one cluster, let alone two



7 minutes ago, Shaman said:

I am all for a partial wipe where the economy is reset, quanta + talents are removed, but all elements on constructs are removed as well. That way old players still have the honeycomb hulls of their constructs as a base for rebuilding everything. I am a builder and this is the one I would be most happy with, as replacing elements is far less painful than replacing honeycomb.

This is the ideal situation 


Are Schematics truely so unpopular? It gates people from building massive factories with no sense of economies. It would make everything sell at Ore value vs  actual value because everyone wants to sell fast and get money now cratering a possible stable economy into the ground. or just make the only viable thing to sell on market is ore because everything else i can just make myself with minimal investment.


It's good to finally hear your guys' thoughts after such a long wait. Having read everything I'm starting to lean back in the direction of a full wipe. Yes, I fully expect this to disappoint the more creative types that have put in mountains of time and effort to get things to where they are now. More than a fair amount of people will likely leave over this and I would not blame them. This will allow new players to come in and we'll finally be in a somewhat acceptable state of permeance (I'm still surprised NQ hasn't taken to doing shorter reverts of the server in the event of game breaking bugs and abuses) where we can carry on without this fear looming under the bed.


The only real surprise with this, the idea of removing schematics. Is it really that unpopular? We've gotten over that phase and now we're thinking of undoing it? I'm baffled.


Go ahead and wipe everything but blueprints, fix past mistakes and make release as best as can be. Based on the points made that sounds like the best option. As long as blueprints are revamped to make it easer to redeploy static constructs it should be fine.

I don't care if skill points are reset to 0, keeping all skill points might be too advantageous, but keeping a percentage of them or capping them might be a good compromise.

If a few people leave because they lost their alpha/beta progress then so be it, best to appeal to new players.


I've been playing Dual almoust since alpha started and i, for one, have always been in favor of a wipe


But i'm not 100% against the schematics. The problem with them was the way you placed them on the game ... that was  soooooo bad!!!!


In a wipe if you keep the schematics from start people will adjust to it. 


That being said ... full wipe with extra points/tallents/quantas for your backers regardless of current status ingame, how many quantas we have, etc


As a long time regular player: a partial wipe I could live with, a full wipe not.

I would expect to at least remain blueprints, talents and schematics and preferably 'capsule constructs' (maybe without cargo and fuel). I think I am entitled to replace my factory I spend 2 years working daily in building without having to set it all up again from scratch for the 4th time (after alpha, beta pre-schematics, beta post-schematics). 

The idea to remove schematics is new to me, but if we can run factories without schematics that is ok: I did that before and with my talents I should be able to make money. There would just be more competition and a smaller market as more people will make their own stuff.

But I do expect compensation for the years of grinding money and talents together to build up my schematics set. Not sure what I would do with 30bil, but I worked hard for it, and I never used any exploits. Would not be fair if the builders get all their work saved by getting blueprints, and industrialists loose everything they worked for.

It is frustrating that this wipe discussion has been going on for so many months now. I would like a decision soon please, so that I know if I am wasting my time these months or need to go look for another game.


Im struggling to understand NQ , and do you understand even your own reason for doing things?

Sure the addition of Schematics was loss of players and not well received, but without a system like Schematics there are no brakes on anybodies capabilities to mass produce.


I do remember the days well before schematics how everybody had their own factory, and nobody needed to visit a market, DO note also with the addition of Mining units a world without schematics would be like everybody is playing factorio that is easy mode, there is no need to use the market, except maybe change my Bauxite to Hematite and thats it


Also i have been playing this game under the original promise of no Wipe, that was even the reason when some Economic exploits happened some of us requested a server roll back


Do a wipe, and i will wipe my account


Apologies for the caps but the tone is intended. LEAVE TALENT POINTS OFF ANY WIPE DECISION JUST LIKE BLUEPRINTS.


As for my opinion. If you must weigh pro and con list make it so Voxel only constructs survive the wipe. Make a warning pre-wipe if the construct will fail the check just like you did with element stacking.


Pro - Builders can keep their hard voxel work and only have to replace the elements on the other side of the wipe.

Pro - Far less Back Lash.

Pro - Closes nearly all Loopholes apart from Voxel but Voxel will be the most easy to reproduce post wipe anyway so economic effect is very limited.

Pro - Newbies can be instantly inspired by the veterans creations of the Beta period.


Con - Some veterans will have to dig out ther buildings again.

Con - Nq will have to add a small bit of effort to save the 1,000's of hours of work created by the community.



6 minutes ago, SeekerOfHonjo said:

Are Schematics truely so unpopular? It gates people from building massive factories with no sense of economies. It would make everything sell at Ore value vs  actual value because everyone wants to sell fast and get money now cratering a possible stable economy into the ground. or just make the only viable thing to sell on market is ore because everything else i can just make myself with minimal investment.

Yeh I wasn’t aware schematics were hated, just the implementation. 

If schematics go, then something else needs to replace them. Maybe talent based efficiencies to encourage people

to specialise and use the market??

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