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  2. Not played or been here for a while and only just heard MyDU was out. But from what I see here it is not possible to export ship designs from MyDU back to the main game? That's kind of a missed opportunity: I was hoping MyDU could be used as a handy ship designer, since getting access to all parts in the main game can take a fair deal of effort (which I don't mind) and time (which I don't have). Alternatively, if the simulator has been updated to allow this, that would also make my day... but I'm gonna guess the answer to that is No?
  3. I've installed, setup, and started the myDU server on my local machine. Attempting to login to the server from within myDU under Direct Connection with a server URL of localhost, user admin, and the password I created during setup returns "Password is incorrect!" Attempting to login to the Backoffice page with user admin and the password created when installing the server just reloads the login page. To be sure I'm not typing the password incorrectly, I'm literally pasting it into the password field when installing the server, and when trying to login. The password I'm using is not complex; just letters and a number. I've uninstalled the server and reinstalled, same results. Not sure what else I can do... EDIT - So it looks like the admin password just didn't get set properly. I was able to reset the password by opening a command prompt window in the scripts directory inside the directory where I installed the server, and running the following with the password I wanted to use in place of PASSWORD: docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /python/DualSQL/DualSQL sandbox /config/dual.yaml --auth-set-password admin --password PASSWORD After that ran, I was able to login to the Backoffice interface as well as the game itself.
  4. I haven't come across those settings yet. As for the fuel, it would be relatively easy to change the recipes to use Oxygen and/or Hydrogen and be nano-craftable.
  5. Yes. That was an impressive amount of ruins and wrecks and broken dreams 🙂
  6. Earlier
  7. how do i shut off decay and rent fee on territories also is it possible to adjust how much fuel engines use
  8. You missed out on a lot of fireworks, but I know Geo and Mhaijik streamed the first tour and it is up on their Twitch videos. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2261620021
  9. Hi there, late to the party. Was there any kind of stream or recording on Twitch or Youtube. If so, can someone send me a link to it ?
  10. ::pos{0,27,60.4419,0.6437,291.6455} for some Czar on Haven action
  11. Our Coorpmember Jadessia Only 3 Months in Game but has already a nice Looking Ship for 3 Month in here. ::pos{0,27,-9.4358,149.7055,303.6573} Jadessia
  12. Let's get this Birthday party started Noveans! Get those Talents queued up everyone, because when the clock strikes 0 UTC on September 27th your Talent Point accumulation rate will be doubled! That's right, two times the talent points, double the learning! This talent point boost will last until 0 UTC on October 14th. But wait - there's more! Starting right now, head over to the Alioth Exchange (in the center in front of the red hall) and claim your free gift! It's called The Milky Way and admit it, you need this statue on your base or on your ship! Look at the awesome moving lights! (The Milky Way dispenser will also be available until October 14th - so don't forget to get yours!) Also, gentle reminder, do not claim while in VR! We hope you will celebrate with us the treasure that Dual Universe is and we hope to see you on our DU TURNS TWO TOURS! It's not too late to get your suggestions on where to visit submitted! (Hint, hint) A huge thank you to each and every one of you (yes you in the back of the room too) for being part of our Universe! ❤️
  13. The Spark (aka *Tomb of the Squirrels*) ::pos{0,2,17.0099,111.5566,35.4781} I'm still working on it. Sneak peek + free stuff inside (see spoiler below) I'm always happy about visitors in my little corner of Alioth. See you there! 💚
  14. Hey! Wenn Novaquark offline geht, könntest du möglicherweise Probleme haben, dich einzuloggen und auf deinen Server zuzugreifen. Es hängt davon ab, wie sie den Login-Server handhaben, aber ohne ihre Infrastruktur könnte es schwierig werden.
  15. *Chuckles* Time for some tidying up! Thank you for the location suggestion.
  16. The kettles always on if you feel like a visit to my extensive Ship collection. The Alioth Eyrie 1-3 at ::pos{0,2,36.3701,123.7980,4.7508} is always open.
  17. Always love a good tour to see what folks have been up to! 🫡 I'll try to sweep up the sand a bit for any potential visitors to LSA Industries - Alioth, aka Mos Esper Tatooine, aka Star Wars Island ::pos{0,2,20.1578,104.2245,57.2615}
  18. I know that place well! Looking forward to seeing it again. ❤️ Thanks @Zarcata
  19. Oh wow, I need to definitely check that out, thank you @Valencia I'm sworn to secrecy!
  20. BorK Station on Haven: Position: ::pos{0,27,30.1584,-4.6181,46.7599} Here you can find various caves with themed areas. Fire, ice, alien and pirate themes and all on one tile on Haven.
  21. Also will there be double talents for this anniversary? 🙏😃
  22. Nyota! You have to come see Purrchino, the Arcade (we have playable games there now), and Flynn's Dance Club behind Purrchino. ::pos{0,2,34.4410,114.1521,161.2023}
  23. Thanks @Frank2 - I don't think we've visited Dead Horse Haven or Alioth yet, thank you for the suggestions! ❤️
  24. I have two places I'd like you to consider visiting. Dead Horse Haven ::pos{0,27,-75.3563,-169.9995,842.7327} A four large core hangar made mostly of gold with several ships inside, old and new. Some are on top of the hangar, and some parked around the landing strip. There are elevators up a column of spheres where people can jump from 2500 meters, and a Honeycomb Library. Dead Horse Alioth ::pos{0,2,39.2832,101.0451,299.8752} About 7km north of Market 6, there is a small collection of pagoda style buildings and a shadow. Thank you for considering. I enjoy DU very much. We've had so many great creators that I hope to equal someday. Frank
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