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  1. Yesterday
  2. I really hope this just means a change in business model. Paid expansion packs, or paid cosmetics packs (new engines etc) and continued support of the MMO side. That said, this is great news for me as it means I can finally get my friends who are subscription adverse to try what I think is the single best voxel building game available.
  3. Not sure how to take that. I pay a subscription fee in the hope that the game will stay in development and have new features/improvements. I think this will kill the essence of DU.
  4. This is my takeaway as well. I'm just happy to be able to continue playing at all.
  5. Feeling a bit down tonight, I must say. DUSleepers, Lexikon, DUHS... I did it so that I could write it all down and share it with everyone. Soon there won't be an "all" nor an "everyone" anymore. Heh. Just hoping DU will find salvation finally going the "Space Engineers" way.
  6. And also funny 4 of the replies are from Ruby players. Lifetime is now really lifetime!
  7. At least there will always be a DU somewhere!
  8. Thank you NQ. This is the best news I've heard in some time. Normally games that are like this will never take this step and will just cease to exist because the online component is gone, but with this, you will have the ability to just continue on, effectively for free. And if someone ever went insane enough to do it, they could make a modding framework for this as well and then the possibilities are kinda boundless, like adding avatar PVP, XXXXL cores, massively increasing construct view distance, as long as the core technology supports it, it's probably possible with modding.
  9. I can certainly see this be the start of the sunset for the game as being hosted by NQ.. Frankly, it's obvious development ceased a long, long time ago anyway so it makes sense. But yes, While they mention that a subscription will still be needed for the "MMO" server they host, I totally expect that server to not be around for much longer after the private servers arrive.
  10. Will blueprints be transferable to the live server? That way you could use the private server as a creative mode feature. And even if you don't you will still be able to share your creations with the rest of the world.
  11. I'm not sure if this is really good news.
  12. Not unexpected, I appreciate the idea. Will the private servers have all the functionality of the "MMO" one (server hardware permitting obviously)
  13. Will we be able to enable underground mining on our private servers? Like it existed before?
  14. Question: Will blueprints be transferable to the private universe and vice versa?
  15. Dear Noveans, Thank you for your patience while our team was fixing the server issues we had recently. Now that the server is back up and stable again, we've got some exciting news for you! We are thrilled to announce myDU, the standalone version of Dual Universe! With the myDU client, you will be able to host your own Dual Universe server and/or connect to other players’ private servers. This version of myDU will give you the freedom to play Dual Universe without a subscription. When creating or administrating a myDU server, you will be able to: Grant yourself unlimited resources Disable PvP or create a full PvP server Choose to play solo or with a select group of friends Please Note: While myDU will provide full access to Dual Universe, it does not include access to the Novaquark MMO server! You’ll need a subscription to continue to play on the Novaquark MMO server of Dual Universe. The standalone version will be available in the coming weeks. (We are currently anticipating a mid-August release timeframe.) We can’t wait to see you play myDU!
  16. Last week
  17. Let us know what you think about it once you get the hang of it. Fair warning, there is a steep learning curve with limitless building possibilities.
  18. Hi, That would be great, thank you for looking into it for me. Regards, Lex.
  19. Greetings Lexando! We just recently had a bit of downtime on the main server, let me get the team to look at this. I'll let you know when it's back up!
  20. Hi, Just found this through Steam so decided to try out your demo, unfortunately after it says 'Connection Queued 1...' it then fails to login with the Internal Server Error (Error 2) message. Did a quick google and forum search but unable to find anything other than an IPv6 issue, no ida what that means. Any help to try this game out would be great. Thanks.
  21. Earlier
  22. A new scroll message has been revealed. Enjoy everyone.
  23. how about you actually fix the game? or have support staff that reply and support?
  24. I played WoW for many years so the subscription model was and still is not what keeps me away. The steam numbers tell a similar story. The naked treadmill and tiny community (compared to just about any other MMO) hurt DU. I still haven't found any other game (or non-game) that scratches the building itch as well but that alone isn't enough. The factory aspect wasn't my thing but it pushed me to try a few factory building games; DU fell short. As much as I yearn to return I can't with the game lacking active development. I sincerely hope it gets sold to a team that can breathe life back into the dream.
  25. I have to agree with a business model change. My group, including me, have stopped playing after the second month of official release. We felt that even though we enjoyed the building and factory portion of the game, there was just nothing else. Yes we could go out and search for pvp for hours or go on "high staked" mining missions but no excitement ever came from it. I find the biggest issue with a monthly sub is the lack of tools given to players to keep the player driven world going. To add onto that, the PvP could be better by having announced events with a certain time that players can go to and fight over resources. Not everyone would participate because of the potential loss of a ship but it's an idea. Just a little rant but making a monthly sub worth it is a big reason why we can't come back. If it was F2P or B2P with a shop, I personally would be coming back instantly to play with the building once more. I can't justify paying 15 a month for me to play in my factory just for no one to buy my stuff or for no one to come see what I built. Something needs to change and maybe the payment model isn't it, but something needs to change to get the player driven game back.
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