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Alpha Team Vanguard
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    The void of space
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    Astronomy, tanks, reptiles, dinosaurs (Jurassic Park included), dragons, technology
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    Ruby Founder
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  1. Please clarify, an exact-exact amount down to how many places after a decimal? I've never used the old repair units but think it'd be much easier on the brain to just round up to the next whole then remove whatever extra is left after the process is complete. Perhaps there's room for a skill line here, more repairs done with less material needed, repair done faster, etc.
  2. Thanks everybody for having patience while I pushed for a PVP-related space in discord. If you wish to have discord-related PVP in the DU server, please follow the rules, it helps you and it helps us mods. If you wish to have firey discord-related PVP in the DU server, please take it to DMs or another server. Originally we wanted to have somewhat looser rules for the section but I'm not seeing that in the rules channel for the category so we'll have to wait and see. Its a completely new section and rules are still being ironed out as the community adopts it. Rules could change at any time, if they do, we'll let you know.
  3. This whole issue pushed me a fair bit closer to the whole anti-safezone click. The ASA is a permeant safe zone for people just getting their start, Beyond that, people have to implement and uphold their own attackable safe zones. Nations and collectives should form to uphold and protect their interests. IIRC that was supposed to be how it was implemented. I don't think we would have seen this outside the safe zone, players would have handled things themselves and NQ wouldn't even have to be involved, they could just shrug and say 'these are the rules'. Instead we got what we got out of this whole situation resulting in HEXTEK capitulating, and NQ shrugged, and said 'these are the rules'. They boxed themselves in real good with the community, they just can't get a single win in with us it seems like, and I don't envy that. That said, I condemn anyone taking their in-game problems and turning it into real life threats.
  4. Sometimes kindness and love is only so strong. A child with a bad attitude can only antagonize their parents for so long before corrective action is taken. If a couple's relationship isn't strong, then there isn't much keeping them apart. Dispensers of justice will only let us go with so many penalties before we end up in prison. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch for me to say that some of us are just running on faith now. I've been here since kickstarter, and I have lots of reasons to leave. I'm personally in quite the pretzel of a balancing act ever since the changes to organizations were announced, it wouldn't take more than a solid shove for me to move on. I'm not a fan of burning $500, but sometimes, it's not about the money... Oh man, someone remind them of how constructs had to be made invulnerable and automatically brake while coming out of warp because people were building voxel nets at the end of tunnels. Or what about the wall of dirt that was being built around the arkship... Wasn't the ASA much smaller back in Pre-/Alpha? I remember buildings hanging right off the side of the marketplaces and even had one myself. Those were the days. People will be awful just for kicks, and not in make-believe video games either. Flip on your local news channel for examples. I don't watch mainstream news anymore for a reason. We'd probably still complain if it was a dozen tiles away if the load were even heavier. Also, solution to avoid this 'flooding the economy with quanta', how about cutting players off entirely from doing apheila missions after doing it so many times? I mean, it is a legitimate concern, and missions were already adjusted during previous testing phases because they were such easy money. See someones previous reply about building regulations in and around airports. As far as I'm concerned, this is no better than those anti-grav towers that pierced the atmosphere on voxel-thin stilts. If you didn't have a radar back then, or at minimum static cores displayed, you were playing with a loaded gun.
  5. I'm not editing my above post on purpose. Just wanted to push this to your attention in case you're still watching.
  6. Why yes, I too enjoy the feeling of unadulterated rage when I crash into a 1vx tower that destroys half my ship on impact, the other half blowing up on touchdown. I had that pleasure happen to me back in alpha when I ran into a stray lonely core that was just floating up there. No voxels, no elements, just a core. Had a good laugh after I thought about what happened. If the community worked on a planetary project and built (two) elevators at the poles or in mega cities then it would be a commonly known thing and generally accepted. Also, if they were thick and girthy, and visible from further out, that'd be great. If the game was more physics-based, that'd be awesome. Your elevator would actually have to be built to support itself and couldn't just be a couple of parallel voxel-thick rails. Having to fly around ducking and dodging towers and landing pads doesn't appeal to me. It's slower and more wasteful on fuel when I could travel in a straight line, and I'd be far less trustworthy of automated flight scripts in such an environment. If I wanted to fly through a forest, I'd do so on the ground in my cheap speeder. 9H later: Imagine this for a near miss coming into market 12 on a glide path in the middle of the night. Best beleieve because that's what's covering the north-west approach.
  7. Interesting, is this going to be recreated post launch?
  8. What about the sixth tier? Life time subs? Wouldn't this also make things pay to win? Pay more money, get access to better or more powerful equipment?
  9. I'm a super legate for two organizations. What will happen after launch? Will I be stripped of ownership of one organization, if so, which one?
  10. How am I preparing? Lets see here... One week off of work, I might extend it to two weeks. Telling family I love them, but to leave me alone during this period. Ensuring the abc fire extinguisher is fully charged and ready at a moment's notice. Hoping and praying whatever building the servers are in do not spontaneously go up in flames. ......... Prepping a post in the discord announcement channels advising everyone that the servers have crashed and to please be patient.
  11. Anxious as all hell right now about launching, launch next month beat every expectation I had set, and I'm quite terrified. I don't say that to make noise and get attention, it's really how I feel right now. So much went wrong over the course of beta, starting with the fact that NQ did not treat the beta phase as a proper testing phase. I've harped on it so much, soft launch was a mistake. I don't want to say it's fatal, but if things go south, that's the first thing I'm going to blame. As far as launching on steam goes, I'll echo another player that lacking the label that the game is not complete at its core (territory warfare, etc) is a bad idea. You have to be honest, open, and blindingly transparent about what is currently lacking in terms of expectations. The community has their own opinions on these traits of NQ, of which I think we're all very well aware of, so I'll leave it at that. Really wish we could hear from JC, especially since he was responsible for kicking off DU, it's probably a big moment for him on a very personal level too. I'm really happy for NQ, I've been a ruby founder and have been here since the mid-Kickstarter days and damn has it been one hell of a ride. I'm also 'I need a new pair of drawers' level scared, and then some. If we're launching for real this time, I hope you get it right. I hope.
  12. As a funny youtuber always says every time something politically stupid happens irl, 'imagine my shock'. I've always been pro wipe, but the inclusion of talent points to be wiped has me really miffed. As it is, I have almost 100M points currently. The pioneer packs to get me back up to 60M over 6 months is nice, but I really feel like that should be an addition to what we've already accumulated. Short of blueprints, avatar and organization names, NQ program rewards, and the knowledge and experience we've gained, not including talent points. I'm grimacing and coping really hard. I'd always imagined the talent points as the only tangible in-game item that took time to build that would be really useful after launch, well I guess that's dashed. Real disappointed. As an aside, I feel like the disbursement of the pioneer pack rewards is somewhat unfair: If you've been a subscribing member for at least 1 to 3 months of beta up till NOW, not release: Advanced If you've been a subscribing member for at least 4 to 12 months of beta, or are a KS iron, bronze, silver founder, or are a post-KS contributor backer up till NOW, not release: Rare If you've been a subscribing member for at least 13+ months of beta, or are a KS gold or above founder, or are a post-KS sponsor or patron backer up till NOW, not release: Exotic Not having a cutoff of the announcement date cheapens these packs since anyone can get them, or at least until the release date. I envision a ton of 'rare' packs going out. Like the difference between testing and playing, or founders and backers, the verbiage is so important. How many times do I have to say it? NQ should have never gone with a 'soft launch' and kept the spirit of the beta test, strictly a test. Hopefully, after this wipe, they'll have figured out that it is not a good idea to let the effects of a bug (1% schematic fire sale for the best example) ripple out. Stop the game, fix the bug, roll back the server, and press play. That's what "beta testing" is for, the effects of this would be negligible, and newer beta players could get a taste of the scheduled pre-/alpha experience. I don't know how this will translate once the game is released, nor the reaction that these small reversions will do to the whole idea of a 'persistent universe', but the seeds could have been planted back in beta, hell, back in alpha once we started going full time. I'm hesitant and reserved about the future going forward based on my general beta experience. Alpha 3 had me hopeful, but that hope dissolved as beta progressed. It doesn't appear that DU will make its 1.0 feeling feature complete and truly playable. There's still lots more I think that should be added, old stuff needing further refinement and adjustments, and the whole game a more polished and launch-ready feel. You only get one chance to make a good first impression... If we're releasing in the sixteen months, I'm anxious. No one will laugh at you for going to a charlie 'test phase', but I doubt that will happen. At this point, I'm just hoping for the best.
  13. Just another one of those uniquely awful ideas from NQ. Right up there with those changes to organizations that I think they still have on the backburner... I forget how many people have said it already but it bears repeating. This is supposed to be a player-driven game. Will player-created and owned markets ever be a thing? Some of your recent answers are starting to push me in the no direction, and now this? Way back in the day when the markets were a mess I had little advertising kiosks at the main arkship ones. Interactive screens with static text that came alive with a functional and navigable menu when you stepped on a pressure plate. Elevated display screens at the top of the tower that cycled through the advertisements each time the pressure plate was triggered. I was thinking of building an actual store on my sanctuary plot back in the day before the parking rules existed. Starting to think it was a good thing I didn't invest the time and effort, NQ did it themselves! I haven't done a single thing with my advertising side project since. Thinking of shelving it entirely because this... why even bother?
  14. Been a bit busy with life these past few weeks but it was great reading this. Hopefully NQ could glean a few things from it.
  15. Great start, I look forward to being able to add hardware 2fa devices at some point.
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