NQ-Nyzaltar Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Hi Noveans, Please post all your questions related to Demeter update in the dedicated thread below. Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
Aranol Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Now, if you want quanta with mission, you need to subscribe many alt acount and let them disconnect on you mission ship instead of VR Removing VR mission is not a big change for multi account player, but it's a huge loss for real player that will spend more time for the same result. Now we need to warp, take the mission, and once the transport done, warp to destination and retrive mission I realy don't see the goal of that idea. It's also complety remove the hauler gameplay, I was use to to mission for may other player and of curse be payed for that So this year NQ remove : Hauler gameplay Combat Engineer gameplay Multi-crew PVP ship gameplay (still possible but useless) etc... any plan to bring back this gameplay to the game ? LaGrosseSlayeuse, Messaline, Snipey and 5 others 8
nekranox Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Are there any updates on LUA screens? The new LUA API for screen content is great but is missing important features such as text rotation and the ability to draw polygons. Is more time scheduled to work on this feature. Are there still no specific dates for disabling/removing HTML screens? Related feature request: Davian_Thadd 1
space_man Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Why was using VR in the mission system removed, versus doing something encourage more pew pews such as increasing the collateral or adding a bounty system or new toys in the sandbox? Why is the harvesting tool so slow? Is this a game limit, server limit, intentional delay? Ruperthon 1
vylqun Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 So a few questions here: 1. There are exactly two quanta faucets in the game, a constant one, 150k per day and player, as well as a farmable one, the mission system. With the newly introduced sink in form of taxes, which require 1million per week and active hex, a single player can support exactly one workable hex (mining, industry, dispensers etc.) without having leftover quanta to buy items. If we asume that every player has at least one active hex, while most will have more than that, the mission system is required to provide enough quanta for the system to offset those taxes, else we will face a serious deflation with ore values dropping below tax-sustainable prices. How does NQ intend to fix the alt abuse of the mission system while maintaining the ability to earn enough quanta to support those taxes? (while answering please keep in mind, that many players only have a few hours per week and can't really run many missions) 2. From my preliminary scanning of, effectively, 1/6th of Symeon, i can tell that there are very few T4 nodes across the planet. Most of the good spots either are already taken, or will be taken within the next week. How does NQ plan to have new players participate in the mining system if there are no really good spots left? Will T4/T5 be considered a strategic ressource that only guilds and a few veteran players have access to? 3. Territory scanners require T2 ores. Is that intended? Without scanners we can't effectively search for hexes with good ore yield, especially if there might be a (partial) wipe in the future, acquiring hexes to min T2 would depend either on luck or on hours of picking T2 rocks from Sanctuary before you're able to build a scanner line and a few finished products. 4. Currently there are quute a few hexes bugged for several days already, that means, the ore pool that should be (for example) 140/h is only 40/h without anyone mining. As this directly impacts the ability of the players to generate income thats needed to pay taxes, is there any plan to delay the first tax payment or any other compensation that would player with those hexes allow to pay their taxes? 5. I think i speak for everyone when i say ppl imagined the asteroid system to be something different than "at a set time and day some asteroids will spawn". With the very limited amount of ore a player (especially new ones without access to many hexes with MU) do you plan to randomize the asteroid spawn, so new asteroids can be found and mined every day during the week? Ruperthon, Zarcata and SuperBeast 3
Novean-61657 Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 46 minutes ago, NQ-Nyzaltar said: Please post all your questions related to Demeter update in the dedicated thread below. Why, when the answers we get are as undependable as F! So is NQ having a Christmas party?
Cabana Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Hi I like the update and i like the game but i have a mysterious feeling inside me when i play the game . If you can please explain us. Is there going to be a wipe of all things at the release of the game ? Specific Quanta , Constructs or anything else ? Will help a lot. Thank you SuperBeast 1
Serula Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 12 minutes ago, vylqun said: 1. There are exactly two quanta faucets in the game, a constant one, 150k per day and player, as well as a farmable one, the mission system. With the newly introduced sink in form of taxes, which require 1million per week and active hex, a single player can support exactly one workable hex (mining, industry, dispensers etc.) without having leftover quanta to buy items. If we asume that every player has at least one active hex, while most will have more than that, the mission system is required to provide enough quanta for the system to offset those taxes, else we will face a serious deflation with ore values dropping below tax-sustainable prices. How does NQ intend to fix the alt abuse of the mission system while maintaining the ability to earn enough quanta to support those taxes? (while answering please keep in mind, that many players only have a few hours per week and can't really run many missions) I second this! Ruperthon 1
W1zard Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 With demeter weapons balancing this is how DPS from one gunner seat looks like currently. (considering max handling/ops talents). In changelog you guys said Quote With the laser changes, railguns should once again dominate the long-range, but we think they needed a little more help. But as you can see from the graph, that's definitely not the case, railguns are not dominating long-range. They are doing more DPS only on 1.9+su range, and that's not possible to hold that distance in active combat with only 2 su visibility and lock ranges. This is how DPS graph would look like if you lower the required PvP-Capacity of railguns by only 2.5% so we can fit 4 railguns in one seat. Now you can clearly see that railguns will have most dps on ranges 1.4+su which for me sounds like it should have been. So now to the question: Will we see proper weapon balancing in near future? Jasper_1, hdparm, Omukuumi and 1 other 4
W1zard Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 With current shields and CCS mechanics it's encouraging playes to fly on different ships, not as a one big crew. Because you can have big ship with 40 mil CCS and 20 mil shields for two gunners, or you can have two different ships with 20 mil CCS and 20 mil shields each. (Which would result in more total HP) As DU is an MMO it should encourage players to fly together as a crew (at least that's how I see MMOs), but that's not the case currently. Will that be changed? Omukuumi, Jasper_1, Aranol and 4 others 7
W1zard Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 If I understand correctly current tax system, we are able to pay taxes for one week, then make it go inactive for one week, and then again pay taxes, etc. So you can pay only 1mil every 2 weeks for the tile to remain claimed, but being active only half the time. Can we have some kind of "half-taxes" mechanics that will remain tile claimed but not active, like we have above, but with proper game mechanic, not with juggling the taxes in and out? p.s. I have not tested it yet, but if inactive tiles still provide adjacency bonus, paying taxes only every second week can make huge difference.
Zireaa Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Are you planing on limiting how big we can build two If so by how much I thought this is a rebuild civilization so how is that going two work if we are being limited we should be able two make cities also why don’t we have any hand weapons or base defenses how are we going two defend a base from ships (bring back last version of game and work off that you keep making huge changes how are we going two move forward when we keep changing core gameplay it’s like alha again
CptLoRes Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Please explain your vision for how new and casual players and solo builders should be able to find an enjoyable game loop with Demeter. Messaline, Omukuumi, TonyTones and 15 others 18
joaocordeiro Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 4 minutes ago, CptLoRes said: Please explain your vision for how new and casual players and solo builders should be able to find an enjoyable game loop with Demeter. +1 Ruperthon, marxman-1, Messaline and 1 other 4
DogMinion Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Ore Pools are way off it seems for outer planets. Consider we can run multi scanners popping off 19 scanners every 20 minutes or so so scanning a hundred tiles is not unfeasible for an evening. As a result planets that had t2/t3/t4 are readily apparent as no longer producing, even following the "hot spot" and heat map methods of searching. Ore's are supposed to be more prolifant the further away from Alioth by original design. Now there is no encouragement to populate further nor build fantastic structures, player made markets. Will you resort the ore pools. Is Are some planets like Locobus supposed to have a 200 ore pool limit? It seems off. It is problematic not to be able to afford warp cells or fuel to start production for this created problem and no new player would be enticed to leave Alioth and Sanctuary with the current implementation. We need to know ASAP so that we can realistically pick and place our MU's with proper supply chain logistics in mind. Currently ore availability on some locations completely invalidates even having a outpost at that location. Is it good to pull the rug from under the player base more with unknowing? Thanks in advance for your reply. Fallen Angel Since 2016 Ruperthon, SuperEpicAndy and Tional 3
Thunderblaze Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Under JC you guys said there would be no hard wipe, at worst there would be a soft wipe to refresh planets and we would have magic blueprints that build our constructs back. Since then, your team has proven you can do a terrain wipe without wiping constructs and enhance visuals/landscape at the same time. Given that, there should be no plans for a wipe, especially given every player's financial investment and hundreds of hours of gameplay at this point in time, correct? Players should know as that would dictate what we do in the game and how much effort we apply accordingly. Thank you. Zarcata and marxman-1 2
Omukuumi Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 The "extractions efficiency" and "calibration charge efficiency" talents don't work in VR, like missions, you don't think this will worsen the imbalance between players with one/few accounts and those who abused with 40+ alpha key or else by being able to leave his characters on site or in the mission ship? This update is really difficult for new players, they can no longer easily use the services of other players for missions, especially in PVP where the presence of a foreigner on a ship is dangerous. VR is like using a robot remotely, how can you not carry a simple package with them and put it in a container? --- The changes in PVP are too weak and misguided to encourage interesting gameplay. He pushes people to play alone, in a ship without voxel, as small as possible and we lose everything that made the charm of DU, the multi crew. You have to review the functioning of the shield and the CCS, understand what your game can support the most and orient your balance around that, to allow all kinds of gameplay and not just single player gameplay. Do you think that a new round table around PVP would be possible? With the different groups that are involved in it, pirates as well as hauler pilot or roid miners. --- Do you plan to leave friendlist lock that won't refresh? Because to follow allies on the move or in combat, it has become very hard. Aranol, LaGrosseSlayeuse, Kritzsche and 6 others 9
TonyTones Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 2 hours ago, CptLoRes said: Please explain your vision for how new and casual players and solo builders should be able to find an enjoyable game loop with Demeter. +1 DrFrigoPorco, Messaline and Ruperthon 3
Serula Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 I'm a builder and I have three accounts. Because of the Demeter changes I am considering to retreat back to sanctuary so I don't have to pay taxes and sell the ores I mine. All my territories on sanctuary are grouped together and I discovered that they mostly only contain quartz. I also discovered that the ores are not evenly spread and there actually are territories that have hematite and presumably bauxite. The materials I build with. I was expecting lower ore values on sanctuary because of the lack of taxes but this not acceptable. You once said to pick our territories carefully because we won't be able to change it after and so I did. But now this seems unfair and I am really not happy with this. So my question is. The ore distribution on sanctuary is uneven and without the ability to change territories. Will we be granted the ability to change territories or will the ore distribution be changed to be more fair? Jeronimo, Ruperthon, Ving and 1 other 4
Celestis Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Why hasn't the Codex (F1) been updated with information about the new Mining units? Why wasn't the Codex updated with information about the Schematics when that happened? The Codex is the easiest place to turn to for help whilst playing DU but it is becoming less and less useful. Please update the Codex with concise information whenever you introduce something new to the game. Having to scroll through pages of DU news outside the game is really inefficient as it's hard to know where to look and takes ages to find out one simple thing whereas the Codex (F1) used to be helpful. Ruperthon, LaGrosseSlayeuse and Metallical 3
Pascal_Mage Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 Will you re-add "set destination" to Scans? also will you add in GUI the territory ID after naming?
JayleBreak Posted November 27, 2021 Posted November 27, 2021 While building, I placed a ceiling using the deploy voxel tool and was warned that the complexity of the voxel chunk had reached 79%. The chunk had almost no shaped voxels (I do detailing like door frames and such afterwords) but it did span the exterior wall, interior wall, floor, and ceiling (for 2 floors). The walls did have header and footer textures. But all this is typical in a build. I continued to build putting a second floor above the first floor ceiling and the chunk's complexity rose to 85%. Why is such a straight forward construct on the threshold of being too complex? Will adding shaped voxels (e.g. door frame) push complexity over the limit? What is the complexity measure trying to tell me, and can it be put into words that I can act on? Addendum: I completed the chunk by adding a 45% slanted wall using a material already present. The complexity went from 85% to 104%. The location of the chunk is: ::pos{0,26,1.9579,12.0628,347.0015} if you care to see for yourself. A picture of the offending wall is below. TheCrimsonPeon and Zarcata 2
Novean-32184 Posted November 27, 2021 Posted November 27, 2021 With HQ territory units being positioned as personal use only (as clearly seen in the devblog), why can players give full access to orgs on these tiles? This effectively creates an exploit which allows orgs to control/have access to massive numbers of tiles they only have to pay taxes on if they need to run industry or mine, going on the notion that orgs will "buy" access to these tiles or make it a requirement for their members to set rights for the org on these and/or have control over theior placement.
Novean-32184 Posted November 27, 2021 Posted November 27, 2021 Why has NQ designed Mining unit access in a rather inconsistent way through RDMS The RDMS system is designed so that any individual element (group) on a construct can be given access rights to and with access permitted, so is use of said element. If I have mining rights on a tile and I own the construct the mining unit is on, that should suffice. Currently, unlike any other element in the game, the mining unit has it's own rights entry for the sole purpose to activate it. This is inconsistent with the design of RDMS. Messaline, SuperBeast and Ruperthon 3
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