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  1. Hello everyone, We understand your concerns and why you would suspect that we intend for Dual Universe to go to a free-to-play model. Without going into detail about the open position, we can however let you know that there are currently no plans to change Dual Universe into a Free-to-play model for several reasons, “Cost-per-User” being one of the major ones. Nor do we have any plans, or intents to introduce any "Pay-to-win" microtransaction systems into Dual Universe. This position is open for another project and NOT for Dual Universe. We hope this cleans up some of the assumptions that are being made in this thread. Best regards, The Novaquark Team.
  2. Dear Noveans, For some time, the Discord Moderation team and the Novaquark Community team have discussed changes internally to make it more community-friendly along with the suggestions made by the community during the open discord suggestions channel over the holidays of 2022. Today, the following changes have been deployed. "Verified ID" Role implementation From now on, except for a few channels with no restrictions meant for visitors, most channels on this Discord are in "Read Only" until you get the "Verified ID" role. You just have to link your Discord account to your Dual Universe account to get this role. If you haven't done it already, here is the process to do so: 1- Log on to your Dual Universe account here: https://www.dualuniverse.game/account/profile 2- Go to the "Linked Accounts" tab: https://www.dualuniverse.game/account/linked 3- Click on the "Link my Discord Account" button and follow the process. Once you have linked your DU account to your Discord account, please wait up to 10-15 minutes in order to receive the "Verified ID" role on Discord. In thecase you didn't receive the "Verified ID" role past that time, please reach out to a CM on Discord (NQ-Nyota, NQ-Nicodemus or NQ-Nyzaltar) or contact Customer Support here: https://support.dualthegame.com/hc/en-us/requests/new "Welcome" Category changes [Discord Info] Addition of Localization reaction roles to unlock FR/DE social channels and a new commodities channel for FR and DE. To be able to fully access these channels, Community members will be required to have both reacted to the Localization role and have Verified their Discord via (https://www.dualuniverse.game/account/linked) [Discord Info] Added a Direct link to the Discord Verification website (https://www.dualuniverse.game/account/linked) for the community to unlock the Verified Role inside discord. Once linked this will give you full access to additional channels. [Discord Info] Added Disclaimer involving Verified ID role. "Official News" Category changes Reddit Feeds have been disabled and will no longer be posted on the DU-FEEDS channel. "Community" Category changes The initial duscussion channel has been renamed "Visitors" Lua Channel has been moved to Social Category Duscussion-FR has been moved to Social Category Duscussion-DE has been Moved to Social Category Discord-Suggestions has been archived New "Social" Category Layout New Duscussion channel (Verified ID role will grant access to channel visibility) Duscussion-FR renamed to FR-Duscussion. Only visible with FR role granted in Discord Info. ("Read only" without Verified ID role) Duscussion-DE renamed to DE-Duscussion. Only visible with DE role granted in Discord Info. ("Read only" without Verified ID role) Org Recruitment adverts are now every 24-hour cycle and will be cleared every 48 hours and put back on automatically. LFG Channel ("Read only" without Verified ID role) Events Channel ("Read only" without Verified ID role) New "Building" Category New Building Duscussion Channel (Verified ID role will grant access to channel visibility) New Voxel Advice Channel ("Read only" without Verified ID role) Lua Channel renamed to Lua-Advice("Read only" without Verified ID role) Construct Gallery ("Read only" without Verified ID role) New "Economy" Category Layout Commodities have been split into two channels WTB-Commodities and WTS-Commodities for QOL for the community. Commodities Channel has been extended to 6hr cooldown between posts Addition of FR commodities channel (Only visible with FR role granted in Discord Info) Addition of DE Commodities channel (Only visible with DE role granted in Discord Info) Ship Adverts (Read only without Verified ID role) Building Adverts (Read only without Verified ID role) Services Channel (No changes) "Player Created Media" Category changes Streamers corner no longer requires Creator Role (Read only without Verified ID role) Community Creations (Read only without Verified ID role) News Stand (Read only without Verified ID role) New "PVP" Category PVP Rules channel has been added. New terms and conditions visible to all without a Verified ID role. This role can only be obtained by community members with a Verified ID role. This role will be obtained by using the reaction icon (crossed swords), unlocking the PVP general channel. PVP General Channel has been added. Only visible once the Verified ID role and PVP role have been obtained. PVP role given by accepting the terms and conditions in PVP Rules. PVP Advice Channel has been added (Read only without Verified ID role) PVP Gallery Channel has been added (Read only without Verified ID role) New "Career" List We have reduced the current number of careers from 50 to 17. These Career roles can be added in the offtopic channel using the? Rank Command. Architect, Designer, Inventor, Shipwright => Builder Astronomer, Explorers, Scout, Star Mapper => Explorer Bar Pilot, CoPilot, Dockmaster, Harbor Pilot, Pilot, Navigator => Pilot Bounty Hunter, Mercenary => Mercenary Bureaucrat, CEO, Corporate Executive, Emperor, Leader, Teacher => Leader Captain, Commanders, General=> Military Officer Coder, Scripter => Lua Master Diplomat, Lawyer => Diplomat Doctor, Paramedic => Rescuer Economist, Entrepreneur, Insurance Agent, Market Trader => Tycoon Engineer, Manufacturer => Industrialist Gunner, Soldier => Military Historian Hauler, Mission Runner, Smuggler => Hauler Miner, Refiner => Miner Pirate, Scammer, Thief => Pirate Salvager Other Roles changes Trade Role removed Creator Role removed Discord Moderator (old role removed) The Dragon Moderator role removed DJ role removed Gamescom 2017 removed Gamescom 2018 removed Gamescom 2019 removed The rabbit catcher role removed Agora role removed Recruiter role removed The famous writer role removed (added in-game) Novawrimo winner removed (added in-game) Reddit moderator removed SpaceMom’s timeout corner removed The addition of a new PVP role, Only granted once PVP rules have been accepted by using the reaction role. Added New FR localisation role, Only granted to community members that use the localisation reaction role Added New DE localisation role, Only granted to community members that use the localisation reaction role Perm role removed The voice helper role removed The voice newcomer role removed Guest role removed Best Regards, The Discord Moderation team & the Novaquark Community team
  3. (Ceci est une traduction de la news officielle parue Lundi dernier, le 16 Janvier 2023. Vous pouvez trouvez ici l'annonce originelle en version anglaise) Bonjour tout le monde ! Je suis Mark van den Heuvel, connu par beaucoup d'entre vous sous le pseudonyme NQ-Deckard, un membre de l'équipe de production ici à Novaquark. Tout d'abord, pour ceux d'entre vous qui ont célébré la Nouvelle Année récemment, je vous souhaite à tous une très bonne année et je suis impatient de découvrir toutes les créations en jeu que vous allez concevoir. Alors que nous faisons nos premiers pas en 2023, je veux vous tenir informé sur la situation actuelle pour Dual Universe et dans quelle direction nous nous dirigeons dans un proche avenir. Après le lancement officiel en Septembre dernier, nous avons travaillé assidûment à corriger les bugs restants et à améliorer l'équilibrage du jeu. Nous avons aussi délivré les récompenses Kickstarter numériques à nos backers. Comme toujours dans le cas de Dual Universe, énormément de travail se profile à l'horizon et nous avons beaucoup de choses à ajouter au jeu et à améliorer le contenu déjà existant. Un de nos buts principaux est d'améliorer l'expérience de jeu, de mettre à jour certaines fonctionnalités et de faire des améliorations simplifiant la vie des joueurs, et en particulier celles suggérées par vous, notre Communauté. Faisons maintenant un tour de ce que nous avons prévu pour vous prochainement et un peu plus tard: Planètes Nous avons récemment intégré en jeu la nouvelle version de la planète Talemai, et nous continuons de travailler sur les autres restantes. Après avoir fait un point sur les progrès réalisés, nous avons décidé de prendre du temps supplémentaire pour mettre la nouvelle version concernant les autres planètes pour leur donner une identité propre, avec de nouveaux styles, de nouveaux terrains et de nouveaux éléments plus immersifs. Cela veut dire que les planètes restantes sortiront à un rythme plus lent (et dans un ordre différent) que ce que nous avions prévu au départ. Attendez-vous à de nouveaux teasers, concepts arts et images de notre part très bientôt ! Missions de combat (JcE) Nous avons décidé très tôt dans le développement de Dual Universe de ne pas nous concentrer sur un système de combat JcE (Joueur contre Environnement), principalement dû à d'autres priorités. Avec tous les retours communautaires que nous avons eu depuis le début du jeu, le combat JcE est toujours resté une des requêtes récurrentes de la Communauté. Nous essayons toujours d'écouter (ou lire) vos retours, et je suis heureux de vous annoncer aujourd'hui que nous avons commencé à développer la première itération du système de combat JcE dans le jeu ! Nous prévoyons une première version d'un système de missions JcE qui permettrait aux joueurs de combattre avec leurs vaisseaux. Ces missions varieront en taille pour permettre à tous les joueurs de participer (certaines missions pourront être faites en solo ou par un groupe de joueurs). Nous sommes très enthousiastes à propos des fonctionnalités de combat JcE en cours de développement. Cela ajoutera plus de gameplay incitatif pour tous les Novéens et leur permettra de tester les difficultés du combat spatial avant de s'embarquer dans des batailles JcJ contre d'autres joueurs dans Dual Universe. Nous sommes encore à un stade de développement très jeune pour ces fonctionnalités et cela va prendre du temps, mais nous sommes déjà impatients de vous voir les tester dans de futures sessions sur le serveur de test. Vos retours seront capitaux dans le développement du combat JcE dans Dual Universe. Améliorations des fonctionnalités JcJ A la suite d'une table ronde récente qui a eu beaucoup de succès avec les membres de la communauté JcJ, nous avons passé en revue tous les retours récupérés et nous les avons comparés à nos données internes pour décider quels changements nous allions effectuer. Nous sommes en train de voir comment augmenter l'impact et/ou les pré-requis d'avoir une "coque" de voxels sur les vaisseaux JcJ pour encourager le design, les configurations de vaisseaux requérant un équipage de plusieurs joueurs, et possiblement restreindre la possibilité d'éjecter les cargaisons en cours de combat. Restez à l'écoute pour de plus amples informations sur les prochains développements ciblant les fonctionnalités JcJ. Constructs gagnants du concours Peu de temps avant le lancement officiel du jeu, nous avons organisé le concours "Build Your Legacy" consistant à créer des designs pour les avant-postes et speeders de départ, avec à la clé l'intégration des Constructs gagnants dans le jeu. Nous travaillons actuellement à rendre disponibles les Constructs gagnants comme options sélectionnables lors du premier démarrage du jeu et nous regardons aussi à les rendre disponibles à l'achat dans le magasin UEF. Tous les Constructs soumis à la sélection étaient vraiment originaux et impressionnants. Je voulais féliciter tous ceux qui ont pris du temps pour participer à cet évènement, que leurs Constructs étaient parmi les gagnants ou non. Unité de maintenance Une refonte complète de l’Unité de réparation était planifiée pour la sortie de la mise à jour 1.2, juste avant les vacances de fin d'année. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite plus de travail, et nous avons de ce fait décidé de l'inclure dans la mise à jour 1.3 à la place. Lorsque la refonte prendra effet en jeu, l’Unité de réparation sera remplacée par l’Unité de maintenance, qui peut réparer les Constructs avec des Débris et démanteler les Constructs. Cependant le démantèlement de Constructs est la partie qui requiert le plus de travail et nous sommes en train de voir si nous intégrerons cette partie de la fonctionnalité dans la mise à jour 1.3 ou plus tard. Lorsqu'elle sera ajoutée, cette fonctionnalité retirera la frustration de chercher le (ou les) dernier(s) minuscule(s) morceau(x) de voxel dans un Construct et permettra de refaire le design entier d'une zone de manière beaucoup plus agréable, avec l’Unité de maintenance qui sera capable de retirer proprement pour vous les Constructs qui ne sont plus désirés. Support avancé pour Joystick Dual Universe a déjà un système basique pour utiliser un Joystick dans le jeu. Cependant, cela ne permettait pas de connecter proprement un Joystick au système Lua. Nous sommes en train de changer cela, permettant aux joueurs de mapper de manière analogique les inputs liés aux boutons d'un Joystick, d'une manette, ou d'un pédalier, ou encore tout simplement d'un Gamepad dans Dual Universe. Ceci devrait significativement améliorer l'expérience de vol aérien/spatial en jeu pour les joueurs qui ne sont pas des développeurs Lua et devrait ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités pour ceux qui sont à l'aise avec le Lua, pour des projets comme des jeux d'arcade en jeu, des systèmes de contrôle de vol, et plein d'autres projets malins et/ou utiles que vous, notre Communauté, développez depuis déjà un certain temps. Refonte des configurations Lua par défaut Une fois que nous aurons ajouté le support avancé pour Joystick, nous prévoyons de refondre les scripts Lua par défaut qui sont donnés aux joueurs. Vous avez été nombreux à nous demander cette mise à jour, et nous voulons nous assurer de délivrer quelque chose à la hauteur de vos espérances. Nous ajouterons une série complète de fonctionnalités et d'améliorations. Cela veut dire un nouveau système de contrôle de vol, une possibilité d'activer/désactiver les widgets sans nécessité de code Lua, intégrer plusieurs systèmes qui ne sont pas totalement inclus dans les scripts de contrôle actuels, comme les générateurs anti-gravité. Modifications sur le ravitaillement en carburant Ceci a été une demande populaire de votre part, et nous évaluons différentes options pour permettre aux joueurs de remplir les réservoirs de carburant à partir d'un autre Élément. Actuellement, nous prévoyons de faire une "Trappe à carburant" capable d'agir comme un intermédiaire pour un simple réservoir de carburant. Cette fonctionnalité n'existe encore que sur le papier et pourrait grandement changer au fur et à mesure du développement de cette fonctionnalité. ------------------------------------------------ Comme toujours, merci d'avoir lu ce bref récapitulatif de ce qui arrive prochainement. J'espère que vous avez désormais une vision plus claire sur la direction que nous prenons avec Dual Universe et je suis impatient de lire vos commentaires sur le forum. Passez une excellente journée ! - Mark (NQ-Deckard)
  4. @An0ubiS & @huschhusch: We have looked into the issue and some fixes have been made to the form. You should now be able to select properly the size for the T-shirt and/or the body type (male or female) for the figurine. Reminder: Emerald backers (and tiers above) do not have the ability to select the body type for the figurine as they will automatically receive a Figurine of each body type. @LocInt Here is the size chart for the T-shirt (the numbers are in centimeters) Also, due to the issue spotted (thanks for those who reported it!), we have extended the time to fill the form planned initially. (Originally, you could fill the form until Thursday January 26th included. You will have until Sunday, January 29th included now). Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
  5. Hi @huschhusch and @An0ubiS Could you precise if your Founder pack was pledged or upgraded after the end of the Kickstarter campaign (during the following year)? Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
  6. Dear Backers, As previously announced last month, we are preparing the shipping of the Kickstarter Physical Rewards in the next few months. As one of the last steps, here is the final opportunity to update your personal information regarding the physical rewards: Postal Address (where to send the rewards), T-shirt Size (if eligible), Body Type of the Figurine (if eligible). You can find the form to fill in your DU account information here: https://www.dualuniverse.game/account/backer (You will need to be logged into your account on the Dual Universe website to access it). The form will be available until Thursday January 26th, 2023. After that date, the only way to change any of this information (and being taken into account for shipping) will be by reaching out to our Customer Support department for assistance. This option will be available until we start to ship the Kickstarter Physical rewards. The Novaquark team.
  7. Hello, Noveans! We're sorry for our mistakes regarding Backer Rewards in our 1.1 Update News communication. We're writing this to fix all confusing or misleading parts on which rewards are attributed to which tiers and why. If you'd like, keep this communication as a reference instead of the previous one. We have also made a list of what has been delivered and what remains to be delivered for digital and physical rewards. Backer rewards: Avatar skins Alpha team outfit (Gold Founder Backer tier and higher) Arkship passenger outfit - Bronze* (Silver Founder Backer / Contributor Supporter Backer tiers and higher) Arkship passenger outfit - Silver* (Gold Founder Backer / Sponsor Supporter Backer tiers and higher) Arkship passenger outfit - Black* (Sapphire Founder Backer / Patron Supporter Backer tiers and higher) Earth legacy outfit - Silver* (Gold Founder Backer / Sponsor Supporter Backer tiers and higher) Earth legacy outfit - Black* (Sapphire Founder Backer / Patron Supporter Backer tiers and higher) Military outfit ** (Silver Founder Backer tier and higher / All Supporter Backer tiers) * As mentioned in a communication back in March 2018, several rewards from Supporter Packs have been gifted to Kickstarter backers. ** As the extra Character Customization tokens won’t be added to the game, the eligible backers received the Military Outfit to compensate Backer rewards: Emotes Base emotes (Gold Founder Backer tier / Sponsor Supporter Backer tiers and higher): Dance Cry Thumbs down Thumbs up "Just DU it" More emotes (Sapphire Founder Backer / Patron Supporter Backer tiers and higher): Victory Threat Facepalm Silly dance Salute Backer rewards: In-game Pets Kickstarter Pets: Kickstarter Pet tier 1: Automata Nora-SP (Silver Founder Backer tier and higher) Kickstarter Pet tier 2: Automata Nieve (Gold Founder Backer tier and higher) Kickstarter Pet tier 3: Automata Spud-7 (Sapphire Founder Backer tier and higher) Kickstarter Pet tier 4: Automata Max-E (Ruby Founder Backer tier and higher) Kickstarter Pet tier 5: Automata Elite (Emerald Founder Backer tier and higher) Supporter Pack Pets: Supporter Pack Pet tier 1: Anicham Scrap (Silver Founder Backer / Contributor Supporter Backer tiers and higher) Supporter Pack Pet tier 2: Anicham Comp (Gold Founder Backer / Sponsor Supporter Backer tiers and higher) Supporter Pack Pet tier 3: Anicham Max (Sapphire Founder Backer / Patron Supporter Backer tiers and higher) What has been delivered and what remains to be done: Digital Rewards: Skins: Alpha team outfit (delivered, can be found in-game) Arkship passenger outfit - Bronze (delivered, can be found in-game) Arkship passenger outfit - Silver (delivered, can be found in-game) Arkship passenger outfit - Black (delivered, can be found in-game) Earth legacy outfit - Silver (delivered, can be found in-game) Earth legacy outfit - Black (delivered, can be found in-game) Military outfit (delivered, can be found in-game) In-game Pets: Kickstarter Pet tier 1: Automata Nora-SP (delivered, can be found in-game) Kickstarter Pet tier 2: Automata Nieve (delivered, can be found in-game) Kickstarter Pet tier 3: Automata Spud-7 (delivered, can be found in-game) Kickstarter Pet tier 4: Automata Max-E (delivered, can be found in-game) Kickstarter Pet tier 5: Automata Elite (delivered, can be found in-game) Supporter Pack Pet tier 1: Anicham Scrap (delivered, can be found in-game) Supporter Pack Pet tier 2: Anicham Comp (delivered, can be found in-game) Supporter Pack Pet tier 3: Anicham Max (delivered, can be found in-game) Others: Name in game credits (delivered, can be found in-game) (Note: offensive or inappropriate names haven’t been included) Forum titles (delivered, can be found on the forum) DACs (delivered, can be found in your Dual Universe account on the game website) Original SoundTrack (Digital version) (In progress, will be found in your Dual Universe account on the game website) Artbook (Digital version) (In progress, will be found in your Dual Universe account on the game website) In-game titles (when eligible) (delivered, can be found in-game) Resurrection node* (with special skin) (delivered, can be found in-game) Furniture Set* (delivered, can be found in-game) Sanctuary Territory Units* (delivered, can be found in-game) Arkship cryogenic tube* (decorative) (delivered, can be found in-game) * As mentioned in a communication back in March 2018, several rewards from Supporter Packs have been gifted to Kickstarter backers. Physical Rewards: As mentioned in a previous communication, we had to sign with a new partner for the Physical Rewards logistics (packaging and shipping) and we had hoped to deliver the Physical Rewards for the end of this year (2022). Unfortunately, this took more time than expected. We are expecting to sign with our new partner in January 2023, and from there, we hope to ship the rewards progressively. We also had an issue with the Collector Boxes, which needed to be remade. Keep in mind that the following ETAs is just a rough estimate for now and we are not protected against extra delays: February 2023: We hope to start sending Physical Rewards for Silver, Gold and Sapphire Founder backers. March 2023: We hope to start sending Physical Rewards for Ruby, Emerald, Diamond and Kyrium Founder backers. Later in 2023: We hope to start sending the Physical Reward (T-Shirt) for Patron backers. In January next year, we will give you a status update to keep you informed about the progress for the shipping of the Physical Rewards. That’s all for now! The Novaquark Team
  8. Hi everyone, It has come to our attention that there have been many DAC scam attempts occurring recently. Please keep in mind that trading DACs for Quantas is not officially supported by Novaquark at the moment, for the simple reason that there is no secure way (yet) to handle this kind of transaction. Because of the current situation, please be aware of the following: Advertising any DAC/Quanta transaction on the Dual Universe Community Discord and/or on our forum, is officially forbidden for the time being. We might reconsider the topic once we have a secure way in-game or on the website to make this kind of transaction secure. If despite this announcement, you are still willing to engage in such transactions, don’t forget it’s at your own risk. We strongly discourage doing such transactions unless you have a solid trust in the other player you will trade with and we are not able to refund any losses. The Novaquark Team
  9. Dear Noveans, We have made some changes today on the forum. Here are the most noticeable changes to make our communication more straightforward with the Community and help the new players: We separated Forum Rules and Announcements forum sections. There will soon be more threads in the Forum rules section to clarify some topics like Forum Warnings policy and a few other things. Players will now have the opportunity to reply and give their feedback directly in the Announcements forum section. This will prevent doubling the number of threads each time there is a need for feedback to an announcement. Warning: many announcements threads will be unpinned very soon, so don't be surprised if an old announcement thread will NOT appear at the top of the list in this forum section. Remaining pining threads will be either about recent announcements or old important announcements that are still worthy of being pinned. A full New Player Landing Zone, divided in 4 forum sections (Help forum section, FAQ forum section, Gameplay Tutorials and New player introductions. A few new forum sections in the General Category, dedicated to specific themes. The Gameplay Mechanics Assembly forum section will be closed soon. In the future, please use the new forum sections for specific topics. The "Idea Box" forum section will be closed soon as well: we thank you for all your input and ideas you have shared with us. However, right now, we already have a (very) long list of things that we want to add to the game. It doesn’t make much sense to ask for more suggestions and keep this section open for now, as we won’t be able to allocate much time for new ideas in the near future and may give the feeling that the team doesn’t listen to the Community. So we prefer to close it at the moment, and reopen it later when the developer team will have some bandwidth to take into consideration new ideas. You’re still more than welcome to share your feedback and suggestions on what to improve among the already existing features in the game in the thread dedicated to specific features! The opening of a PvP forum section. Please be aware that it’s an experimental section, so the rules about it may change quickly if needed and please try not to abuse the already more flexible rules for this section. French forum sections have been merged into one for the time being, due to limited activity. We might redevelop a few sections in the future, depending of the needs German forum sections have been merged into one for the time being, due to limited activity. We might redevelop a few sections in the future, depending of the needs Many Beta and Alpha sections have been archived, when they were not really active for at least a few months. We hope you’ll enjoy this new layout! If you have any questions or comments about these changes, if you think there is a bug about some forum access or posting rights, please let us know! The Novaquark Community Team.
  10. Hi everyone. As this thread has basically the same purpose as this one (which got an update on the situation), it will now be closed. Best regards, Nyzaltar.
  11. Hi evereyone, We deeply apologize for the wait regarding the missing Sanctuary Territory Units (and other in-game expected backer rewards). As you may have noticed the fix has been deployed last Wednesday and should have solved the issue for the most part.The only ones who should be currently missing a Sanctuary Territory Unit are the Contributor Backers. We hope to fix this last part next week, if everything goes well. However, please bear in mind the Contributor Pack did NOT originally contain a Sanctuary Territory Unit. The reason why we are going to give 1 Sanctuary Territory Unit to every Contributor Backer is to make it fair for everyone: In an old communication, we promised that Kickstarter Backers will get automatically some of the Supporter Pack rewards from an equal level (Silver Founders gets some Contributor rewards, Gold Founders get some Sponsor rewards, Sapphire Founders - and above - get some Patron rewards). In that communication, a mistake was made in promising a Sanctuary Territory Unit to Silver Founders, while Sanctuary Territory Units were only included in Sponsor and Patron packs, not the Contributor one. As the mistake was on our side, we decided to proceed. However, as Silver Founders are supposed to be on the same tier as Contributor Supporters, this situation seemed to us unfair towards the Contributor Supporters. That's why we decided (and mentioned in our previous communication) that Contributor Supporters will get a STU as well. When this decision was taken, the fix that has been deployed last Wednesday was already in preparation, and adding that in the fix at the last minute would have a risk to make a mess. That's why it was decided to proceed with a separate fix for this specific category of players. Last but not least: If after the fix from Wednesday, you are still missing a STU (or another expected in-game rewards) and you are not in the case of waiting a STU for being a Contributor Supporter, then please contact our Customer Support by submitting a ticket mentioning that you're not in that specific category of players and you have checked your inventory after the fix. To contact our Customer Support team, you can do it from this page. Best regards, Nyzaltar.
  12. Hi everyone! We wanted to inform you that over the past week, many accounts have been banned for involvement with Real Money Trading (RMT) and exploits. We have stated previously that RMT transactions and exploiting are strictly forbidden in Dual Universe. We take this topic very seriously and the penalties for this kind of behavior are of the highest level. Best regards, The Novaquark team.
  13. As this thread overlaps the purpose of the official backer rewards thread, it will now be closed. Many questions have been answered in the thread dedicated to the backer rewards here: If you have additional questions and/or concerns on the topic, please post them in the dedicated thread. Best regards, Nyzaltar.
  14. @Serula @Wyndle Our apologies for the late reply. If you haven't seen it already, the monthly subscription is back since launch to its original planned price during the Kickstarter campaign, as mentioned in this news: This is why the number of DACs for each backer won't change. @Crash If you're refering to the DACs contained in the Supporter Packs (Contributor, Sponsor and Patron), yes, it is the same than for the Founder Packs. @Physics You should have received your Resurrection Node skin at launch. If not, please reach out to the Customer Support by writing a ticket on the CS Portal here: https://support.dualthegame.com/hc/en-us/requests/new @Zeddrick @Celestis Everyone (Backer players and non-Backer players) spawn on Haven with a normal Territory. Backer players will have a small number of STUs depending on the Backer Packs tied to their account. You can read the details in this announcement: If you are among those who have some missing STUs, please reach out to the Customer Support by writing a ticket on the CS Portal here: https://support.dualthegame.com/hc/en-us/requests/new @DutchEasyGamer The Character Design tokens are not yet available, as they will be usable once we have a more advanced character customization system in the future. @NeXaMo It depends. Some Ruby Founder Packs had only the Lifetime Subscription (Ruby Founder Packs with Physical rewards) and some had DACs in addition (Digital & Boosted versions of the Ruby Founder Pack) @KinG_BigJerk There was a choice during the Kickstarter campaign (and even during one year after) to choose/swap between Physical or Digital versions of the Founder Packs. Today, it's not possible to change the version: Kickstarter Physical rewards have all been produced, and we're making good progress to fix the last issue of a long serie (finding a new partner to ship them to all the eligible backers), and we hope to be able to ship them before the end of the year. For Supporter Packs, there was never an option to exchange the physical rewards for extra DACs. @mghtyred For the question "when will I have my rewards?" you have a first reply there: You should have received some of the Digital rewards at release, last Tuesday. If you haven't received the ones planned in the announcement mentioned above, please reach out to the Customer Support by writing a ticket on the CS Portal here: https://support.dualthegame.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Other Digital rewards will be released as soon as possible. Kickstarter Physical rewards have all been produced, and we're making good progress to fix the last issue of a long serie (finding a new partner to ship them to all the eligible backers), and we hope to be able to ship them before the end of the year. Is this a con? No. It would have been if you didn't get anything, and that's not the case: as a Ruby Founder backer, you should have at least your lifetime subscription activated and at least 2 STUs right now. If this is not the case, please reach out to the Customer Support. We mean it. The other rewards will come. Is this taking way more time than expected? Yes, and we deeply apologize for it as we completely understand your frustration. Digital rewards took way more time than expected and the dev team had to focus on game polishing as top priority, so we're delivering them progressively, with a few starting at launch. Physical rewards took also way more time than expected, as we had several important issues during production (among them, the statues, which were done twice from scratch, as the previous versions were not to the standard we wanted for our backers), then we had a logistic issue during the pandemic, to gather all the physical rewards in one place, then we had our partner supposed to ship the Physical rewards that cancelled his commitment a few months ago. We understand that the number of years you had to wait until now made the wait incredibly long and again we apologize for that. But we haven't dropped the ball for the Physical rewards, if this what you think. @cerveau The fact that you have the STU on your account with a Supporter Pack and not the one on your Founder Pack confirm what has been uncovered during the ongoing investigation: There shouldn't be any missing STUs coming from the Supporter Packs, as it was a reward included in those packs by default. However, there are some groups of founder backers which seemed to have not received the gift promised at the Supporter Packs release (1 or 2 STUs for Founder backers, depending of the Founder level, starting at Silver). @Cmdr_Matthew If you pledged a Ruby Founder pack during the Kickstarter campaign (or during the year after the campaign), the fact that your ruby founder status isn't showing might be because of 2 scenarios possibles: 1) Your kickstarter pledge is not linked (yet) to your Dual Universe account. 2) Your kickstarter pledge is linked to your Dual Universe account but you activated your profile on the forum not long ago, and it just doesn't show up on the forum. If it's the first case, please reach out to the Customer Support by writing a ticket on the CS Portal here: https://support.dualthegame.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. If it's the second case, let one of CMs knows (Nyota, Nicodemus, Rubicon or I) and we will fix it quickly. @SirRichardTheFirst Inflation has nothing to do in the story. First, you compare two things that are not the same: Months of subscriptions and DACs. Months of subscriptions have a lower value than DACs. Months of subscription can only be used for your play time. DACs can be used for your play time as well, sure, but they can also be gifted to a friend and later, DACs will be also tradable in-game for quantas (in-game money). Second, the original value for a month of subscription is 13€ and the original value of a DAC is 18€. For 20 months of subscription, the total value is 260€ before discount and could go down to 200€ if you're under the biggest discount. For 20 DACs, the total value is 360€ and there is currently no discount available (as they're not purchasable at the moment). @Aaron Cain We totally understand the frustration and the ticket of your friend is not ignored: the team is working as fast as possible to solve the issue. We hope to have a fix for beginning of next week that will work for everyone having this issue. However, we can't start giving STU individually as it would create another problem: the fix will not be able to detect if the already existing STUs on each account targeted are coming from packs which worked properly or if it has been added manually from the Customer Support. That being said, would it be possible to have the number of the ticket of your friend, to make sure his account impacted by the issue that will be solved by the fix and not another (like his DU account not properly linked to his Kickstarter pledge)? Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
  15. Hi @Marzuk As mentioned in the Kickstarter from a few days ago, if you have created your Dual Universe account just recently, you need to contact our Customer Support to link your Kickstarter pledge with your Dual Universe account. If you haven't created your Dual Universe account yet, you must: 1) Create your Dual Universe account on our website: https://dualuniverse.game/signup 2) Contact our Customer Support team by writing a ticket through our Customer Support Portal: https://support.dualthegame.com/hc/en-us/requests/new (please for easier authentication, contact them with the email address you used for your Kickstarter account when you backed the project) Only when your Kickstarter pledge will be linked to your Dual Universe account, you will be able to find your DACs on your account. Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
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