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Development forges ahead in Dual Universe. In update 1.2 (arriving on the 13th of December 2022), players will see new game systems and overhauls all about exploration, discovery, and salvaging.





Are you looking for a fight or trying to avoid one? Whatever your aims, we’re adding a new tool for you to navigate with more precision and awareness of the space around you. With integration into the piloting and gunner HUD, the Tactical Map allows you a clearer view of your surroundings and a better ability to interact with the map.



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Following frequently requested feedback, each asteroid now has an independent lifetime parameter that determines when it will despawn, meaning that asteroids will spawn randomly and despawn independently of any cycle based on their lifetime parameter. Players will see a constant spawning and despawning of asteroids in the game world.

The ‘Discovered Category’ is being removed. There will still be a timer to broadcast the discovery of an asteroid, allowing players to mine them before their location is moved from the ‘rumored’ list to the ‘broadcast’ list.


We’re also removing the tier information from undiscovered asteroids before their broadcast. Asteroid tier information is still revealed after the broadcast. However, this change will allow solo players and small groups a better chance to mine the high-tier asteroids they’ve invested in discovering.




Quanta floats out there, adrift in space, waiting to be claimed. Space recovery and reclamation have never been more profitable. Until now, Noveans would have to fly, hoping to stumble across wrecks, but that’s changing. We’re adding wrecks as ‘Abandoned Wreck’ items in the ‘Landmarks’ tab of the map. These are not pinpoint locations, however, and some searching is required to find the wrecks.



We’re excited to bring you this next step in our development of Dual Universe. We have streams planned to show you the upcoming features of update 1.2, and we will have more information on update 1.3 soon. Let us know what you think of this update here, and thank you all for your continued support.


Ooo. Well, good. These look like improvements. And super-soon, after 1.1. I don't think anyone was expecting such things before Christmas!


Edit: And 5 hours before anyone comments? Astonishing! :)


First! :)


Salvage changes are cool.

Asteroids change are really oriented around carebears... Why people still need more no risk in PVP? Do you even listen NQ what we need and how people are full of ressources?

- No more discovered tab = nerf for piracy even if it's hard to find a roid with just a random first coords (can be in a circle of 14SU+)
- No more timed spawn + random tier of roid = a PVP player will have to randomly pick a roid, go for it and find sometimes just a basic one, without interest or content... How can you think it will be a good thing for us? It will just add more time lost to PVP gameplay, we REALLY need that thx!

Just check how miners and safezone players are happy, you give them a real free farm pass.

We need a good patch for PVP asap please.


I really like this direction. The whole process of tracking down unknown signals can be a lot of fun. A little less detailed information for asteroids and little more for wrecks is a great call in my opinion. Looking forward to the livestream and the follow up information on update 1.3

6 hours ago, NQ-Wanderer said:

We’re also removing the tier information from undiscovered asteroids before their broadcast.

Again a time sink. I am not happy with this change. So, after my workday i should spend 4-6 hours (probably more) only for scanning the correct roid? I dont see this as a positive change

15 minutes ago, Cobqlt said:

Salvage changes are cool.

Asteroids change are really oriented around carebears... Why people still need more no risk in PVP? Do you even listen NQ what we need and how people are full of ressources?

We need a good patch for PVP asap please.

 What do you mean exactly? I just see here a new (ugly) time sink

10 minutes ago, Koffye said:

 What do you mean exactly? I just see here a new (ugly) time sink

Time sink and less risk in PVP, it's NQ after all... Listen players who don't just think with their wallet seems hard.

40 minutes ago, Cobqlt said:

Salvage changes are cool.

Asteroids change are really oriented around carebears... Why people still need more no risk in PVP? Do you even listen NQ what we need and how people are full of ressources?

- No more discovered tab = nerf for piracy even if it's hard to find a roid with just a random first coords (can be in a circle of 14SU+)
- No more timed spawn + random tier of roid = a PVP player will have to randomly pick a roid, go for it and find sometimes just a basic one, without interest or content... How can you think it will be a good thing for us? It will just add more time lost to PVP gameplay, we REALLY need that thx!

Just check how miners and safezone players are happy, you give them a real free farm pass.

We need a good patch for PVP asap please.

Because a crosshair on your ass as soon as you touch an asteroid is nowhere close to 'risk vs reward'.
That mechanic was purely designed to cater gankers with quick nobrainer prey..and it's good and healthy for the game that this crap will be gone soon.


Wan't to gank or controll all pvp space resources?..work for it..


I realise I have a question about the wreck system: are they talking about "spawned" Wreck objects, or the tracking down of wrecked/abandoned player-constructs? I'd initially thought it was just the latter, but I suspect there wouldn't be nearly enough meat on that bone to merit a whole new game loop. Oh look, a new (since launch at least) game loop! Yay! :)


I think the asteroid changes are the right direction for asteroids because the genre-concept of "belter" involves at least some speculative prospecting, and the whole "it gets made public knowledge" thing sucks dead donkey genitals anyway (productive asteroid coords should be valuable secrets, not automatically broadcast). Yes, it takes time. But at least for once in this game, it's an activity which "ought" to take time. So long as we're having to grub around for raw materials in this free matter-energy-matter conversion tech setting, it might as well feel like "proper" asteroid mining.

15 minutes ago, psyKodad said:

Because a crosshair on your ass as soon as you touch an asteroid is nowhere close to 'risk vs reward'.
That mechanic was purely designed to cater gankers with quick nobrainer prey..and it's good and healthy for the game that this crap will be gone soon.


Wan't to gank or controll all pvp space resources?..work for it..

Please don't talk about something you never experienced. I did some piracy and PVP, not just ganking random on roid. So please, move your hands for craft or buy a PVP ship and try what is really a roaming on roids, you will see what is our real content.

Players with at least some functionnal parts in their brain can easily dodge a gank on roid, or they can trap on it, or simply just take the information and come back later.

This game is perfect for carebears, they can do everything without a single risk, some of the roids rare/exo still spawn at 2SU of the safezone, so please, stop cry when you don't understand anything else than what your wallet want.

We are here for push this game in something better, not killing it.

8 minutes ago, Cobqlt said:

Please don't talk about something you never experienced. I did some piracy and PVP, not just ganking random on roid. So please, move your hands for craft or buy a PVP ship and try what is really a roaming on roids, you will see what is our real content.

Players with at least some functionnal parts in their brain can easily dodge a gank on roid, or they can trap on it, or simply just take the information and come back later.

This game is perfect for carebears, they can do everything without a single risk, some of the roids rare/exo still spawn at 2SU of the safezone, so please, stop cry when you don't understand anything else than what your wallet want.

We are here for push this game in something better, not killing it.

Well, experienced that..from the other side. And you're right.. it's easy enough to 'dodge a gank' by just tapping or stay max 30 mins..and that's the exact reason why this gameplay was bad. There was no risk..you exactly knew whats coming.
What we will get now is real risk vs reward..where you might risk to stay longer..with the increasing risk of encounter a random patrol.

But i understand why you're pissed...you're used to a broken game mechanic that allowed pvpers to gank and controll 99% of pvp space resources from a gui list, and i assume you liked that a lot.

It can hurt getting something taken away..get over it and see it as what it is, a fix to improve the game..even if it comes very late


Please fix the Decor Display Distance, NQ...

You broke things with the last update, I don't want to be a bitter player, so please fix it.

18 minutes ago, psyKodad said:

Well, experienced that..from the other side. And you're right.. it's easy enough to 'dodge a gank' by just tapping or stay max 30 mins..and that's the exact reason why this gameplay was bad. There was no risk..you exactly knew whats coming.
What we will get now is real risk vs reward..where you might risk to stay longer..with the increasing risk of encounter a random patrol.

But i understand why you're pissed...you're used to a broken game mechanic that allowed pvpers to gank and controll 99% of pvp space resources from a gui list, and i assume you liked that a lot.

It can hurt getting something taken away..get over it and see it as what it is, a fix to improve the game..even if it comes very late

Except I was the first one to report each broken mechanic to Deckard and co. But you can see my DM better than me obviously.

It's nice to be judged by a guy who has no experience on the subject and who attributes random things to his interlocutor to make his arguments more valid.

Just test PVP and we will talk after, for real, you will understand that your broken mechanic don't exist and you will just find a huge time sink.

1 hour ago, Cobqlt said:

Salvage changes are cool.

Asteroids change are really oriented around carebears... Why people still need more no risk in PVP? Do you even listen NQ what we need and how people are full of ressources?

- No more discovered tab = nerf for piracy even if it's hard to find a roid with just a random first coords (can be in a circle of 14SU+)
- No more timed spawn + random tier of roid = a PVP player will have to randomly pick a roid, go for it and find sometimes just a basic one, without interest or content... How can you think it will be a good thing for us? It will just add more time lost to PVP gameplay, we REALLY need that thx!

Just check how miners and safezone players are happy, you give them a real free farm pass.

We need a good patch for PVP asap please.


Ah... us poor Carebears, vs. you WarMongers (hey, if your going to insult us...) finally get a small break.  So sad.


Will the tactical map work in atmo? It would be great if we could dial back radar from 10km, something less, given the thousands of constructs around high population areas.

22 minutes ago, psyKodad said:

Well, experienced that..from the other side. And you're right.. it's easy enough to 'dodge a gank' by just tapping or stay max 30 mins..and that's the exact reason why this gameplay was bad. There was no risk..you exactly knew whats coming.


Yeah... stay 30 minutes after spending 4-6 hours finding the rock.  That was NOT a reward, it was Ganker fodder design.


Personally I'm thrilled they have recognized Solo players exist.  Can't recall the last time over the past 5 years when they have tried to balance for us a bit.  Maybe because they never really did?

8 hours ago, NQ-Wanderer said:

The ‘Discovered Category’ is being removed. There will still be a timer to broadcast the discovery of an asteroid, allowing players to mine them before their location is moved from the ‘rumored’ list to the ‘broadcast’ list.


How long is the timer?  Hopefully not the old Discovered one since that would pretty much null out this change.

1 hour ago, Cobqlt said:

... more time lost to PVP gameplay...

Those that think ganking unarmed miners is PVP - lol.   How about you can't enter the safezone for 2 hours after an attack so you have to stay out in PVP land and be flagged as a blip on the map... so if you want PVP you can find them, and if you attack you can also defend... there you go PVP.

Posted (edited)

The asteroid stuff seems like an improvement. But not really what I was hoping for myself when I heard that asteroid hunting was going to get a rework. I've always wanted the DSAT coordinate system to be replaced with a DSAT that works like the scanner/direction scanner tools that are used for mining. That's a neat mechanic that requires some skill and intuition, and now it's barely used. Seems like a waste. Tracking down an asteroid could work just like tracking down an ore node.

I see some pvpers think that the removal of the discovered column will make it hard to find miners and kill them. But we haven't seen how the new roid spawning will work. If the roids are continuously despawing/respawning, there might only ever be 20-30 spawned roids and it will actually be easier to find miners.

The tactical map is cool as well but I hope you guys do it better than Elite Dangerous did it. Theirs can definitely be improved.

No need for the varying distances between concentric circles. They should have even spacing every 50km so that players can properly see how far away a contact is with just a glance at the map.

The contact icons should indicate the direction of travel and facing of the contact. (markers should as well)

The plane altitude lines should be dashed when below the plane.

There should be an indication of radar range at the top/bottom of the sphere in the form of a vertical circle that shows where the limits are.

I also hope that Lua wizards will have access to the data that the tactical map uses so that they can build user-made tactical maps into their hud.

Edited by TobiwanKenobi

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