ELX987 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Hello, i was on one of the ships crashing the SW pvp event and generating content, was a lot of fun and i really hope that NQ brings more opportunity to do more pirate themed stuff GF AC, and all who attended see yall next time -EL X a statement from our leader: "Hello everyone, Sylva, leader of Band Of Outlaws here. This thread, the official DU discord and the Memeserver have all gotten a lot of traffic and I thought I would drop by and leave some of my thoughts here for you all. I acknowledge and understand that the Star Wars fans who created the event feel that we, BOO and some of our allies, when crashing their event yesterday, "ruined it." And yes, Skilo has it right when he says that we did it because we could. Those of you who are arguing against the Star Wars IP being in the game... well, tbh, I love Star Wars, it has inspired more than one generation of space dreamers, and hopefully, many more to come. That having been said, there is more to this story (and hopefully, for the story of Dual Universe). We originally had someone sign up for the Star Wars event who was building a legit PvP meta Star Wars ship. At the time, I was advised that we were also giving info to the Star Wars group on how to build PvP meta ships, and that advice was generally not followed/heeded. As the date loomed closer it became apparent that the ship, according to our standards, was only about 10% complete, and so our member withdrew from the Star Wars event. We then heard that ATOM was being paid to provide security for the event, and that was when we decided to party crash it. The thing is, when you look at what Dual Universe intends to be, a civilization building game - there should, in my opinion, player made safe zones in which events like this could be held in. This is an event that you would hold in the heart of an area that has an enforced edge of space, so pirate incursions would be few and far between (and not be without repercussions). We very much support this. We expect to be hunted down because of our actions. We will be disappointed if we aren't. We already don't hunt the small fries. We already do not pursue freighters and small ships. We have historically only hunted the larger org tagged ships. Our groups already PvP against each other. We haven't done a PvP event since the End of the World event in December. Since then we have only had solos and small groups go out for PvP, which has still been few and far between. Mostly we have been doing the same as everyone else, recovering from the .23 patch, mining, industry, and building more ships. We got bored. We crashed the party and ruined a lot of hard work, and for what? Some laughs... and hoping to fight some ATOM and some hopefully buffed Star Wars capital ships. As to the idea of waiting for DU to grow more... you may very well get what you request. BOO has diversified our gaming interests. We are playing Valheim, Starbase, and Last Oasis in addition to Dual Universe now. Don't worry though, we're still around and will still be active in Dual Universe. We will sporadically come out and throw down. So try to be prepared for us. Build meta ships. Bring your friends. You don't know when we will strike. Prepare for the changes that are coming. " - Sylva, on page 5 of this thread SpiceRub, LtKlap, Danger and 4 others 7
LtKlap Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Nice DsyncWar, but very fun event, tons of shoots!! i love it! #GOBOO Noddles and ELX987 2
Daphne Jones Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 There's are reason why meta is considered cheating in RP. This was intended as an RP combat event. Griefer orgs... whatcha gonna do? LtKlap and iNFiDeL 2
Noddles Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 How dare BOO PvP in the PvP zone. How rude of us to play the game according to the rules set forth by NQ. OrionSteed, Bollox, Mordgier and 4 others 7
smurfenq Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 BOO bois BOO bois whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ELX987, CoreVamore, LtKlap and 1 other 4
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 I guess this is why i said the plan for player driven civilization building game was very optimistic. More examples coming soon. Daphne Jones 1
CoreVamore Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Civilizations are built in more than one way, learn the ways of life.....
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 18 minutes ago, CoreVamore said: Civilizations are built in more than one way, learn the ways of life..... But when this way was used in real world, it took 10000 years for it to become a civilization. Im quite sure NQ does not have that time-frame for this game so succede.
GraXXoR Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Alternative headline: Boo are so bored they crashed a Star Wars RP event with their meta builds. This game’s search for civilization is plumbing new depths of fail. iNFiDeL, Daphne Jones, Mordgier and 2 others 5
fiddlybits Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 1 hour ago, Noddles said: How dare BOO PvP in the PvP zone. How rude of us to play the game according to the rules set forth by NQ. Whether it's rude or not has nothing to do with the rules. If a group is playing basket ball at a park; you can run onto the court, kick the ball, and yell "Let's play soccer!" If you don't steal the ball, it's not illegal. It's still rude. sleim22 and iNFiDeL 2
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 5 minutes ago, fiddlybits said: It's still rude. That requires common sense. Building a civilization also requires common sense. But apparently we are now finding out that MMO players are probably the group with less common sense in this world. What a surprise. GraXXoR 1
Noddles Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 1 hour ago, fiddlybits said: Whether it's rude or not has nothing to do with the rules. If a group is playing basket ball at a park; you can run onto the court, kick the ball, and yell "Let's play soccer!" If you don't steal the ball, it's not illegal. It's still rude. Well I wouldn't do that because soccer balls and basketballs are two different things and require two different courts. This was DU. We all had the same ball (ships) and played on the same court (pvp zone). Also if I did that irl Id expect to probably get in a fight. This event had hired guards and we primarily attacked those. If you don't want to get PvPd bring better guards or dont do it in the pvp zone. ELX987, Demlock and Lethys 3
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 I kind of love BOO for doing this. Sure it was a 100% dick move. One my moral values would prevent me from doing. But this is what all of you PVP lovers wanted. If you all wanted for pvp to be free, unregulated in all places except sanctuary moon. This is it. This is unregulated pvp. They dont care about you, your feelings or your event. And you support this rule set they used. Most of you expected your little org to have a blast killing others, but now you are the pray. Next time, think this through before asking for a system that makes only 1 winner and 99 losers. Danger, Supermega and kulkija 3
Lethys Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Attacking some random ppl in pvp space is "griefing" and a "dick move" Smh. Wow what a bunch of irrational snowflakes JohnnyTazer, Bollox and Demlock 3
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 4 minutes ago, Lethys said: Attacking some random ppl in pvp space is "griefing" and a "dick move" Smh. Wow what a bunch of irrational snowflakes They will never understand. Also, incase people here are slow, this is DU not star wars. Sure you are free to build replicas, but you arent entitled to ANY space in the game you cant actively defend. This game will never thrive because a few nerds wanna go LARPing in pvp space. You want star wars? Go watch the fucking movies or play one of the games that has the rights to the IP. The rest of us sane adults want dual universe. The stupidity around these parts can be astounding at times. Danger 1
Thunderchrome Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 5 hours ago, GraXXoR said: Alternative headline: Boo are so bored they crashed a Star Wars RP event with their meta builds. This game’s search for civilization is plumbing new depths of fail. that is the truth and the result of that will be less and less events and the braindead griefertrash (they are not pvpers) will not understand that they are the reason for it. if i was admin i would permabann every single one of them and it wouldnt hurt the game at all because they are only a 1% minority.
Lethys Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 7 minutes ago, Niemand said: that is the truth and the result of that will be less and less events and the braindead griefertrash (they are not pvpers) will not understand that they are the reason for it. if i was admin i would permabann every single one of them and it wouldnt hurt the game at all because they are only a 1% minority. Yup, because killing someone in pvp space clearly is griefing. Going to pvp space and then complaining about dying is irrational and really, really really stupid JohnnyTazer and Stolas 2
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 1 hour ago, Niemand said: that is the truth and the result of that will be less and less events and the braindead griefertrash (they are not pvpers) will not understand that they are the reason for it. if i was admin i would permabann every single one of them and it wouldnt hurt the game at all because they are only a 1% minority. You know these "events" dont do shit for DU. You know that right? Real mechanics and real stuff to fight over will. You do realize this game wasn't built for "events". Players have the freedom to do what they want especially in the pvp zone. You are clearly delusional. But if you ever want help we can hop in a discord channel sometime and I can explain it all for you if you want. But in the mean time, take a moment to think about this.....you think the health of dual universe, is for people to get together and steal someone else's IP, and do a mock battle, instead of actually doing stuff to further the interest in DU. Create your own lore in game. Eve doesn't make headlines doing mock battles stealing someones IP. No instead they boost their own game and their own lore. That's what DU needs. Lethys, XKentX and [BOO] Sylva 3
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 @JohnnyTazer It was a dick move. In the same way trowing a grenade into tower of players in CS is a dick move. You saw something that could be funny. You took advantage on the hope of ppl and you crushed every one's hope. Can you do that? YES. Do most ppl do that? NO What makes you special? You ok with doing dick moves. Dont try to clean this up. They came to the forum, to open a new topic, to get attention for destroying ppls hope for a event. This is not about a group being a snowflake. This is about another group needing to crush snowflakes to boost their ego. That said. You are right. This is the game we have, this are the rules. You guys are free to be who ever you want in game. It does not matter if you are directly venting RL problems or if you are role-playing as a heartless terrorist, you have the right to do this. For you, every action we do has a consequence. And those consequences dont change by winning this topic's battles. This themed battle would in did be good pub on youtube. This was destroyed. The one-sided loss of assets and work generated for this event, will be a catalist for more ppl to lose hope in the game and take a break from du if not leave forever. For others, JohnnyTazer is not alone. There are hundreds of players like him. They want to play this like ppl play dayz. "shoot everything that moves, shoot to kil, shoot without any morals" Rules, that you agreed to and promoted, allow it. This is the ppl that will be left to build a civilization. Yet they only want your blood, your scalp. So, next time ppl like me warn you about the rules, about protecting new players, about "player driven" possibility to become "hell", dont call us trolls. Dont argument just to win a forum battle. Dont stay quiet while we do the battle alone. Dont think your little group will be the alpha male so you dont have to care about this. But if you do those things above, dont complain now. You just got what you wanted. Supermega 1
le_souriceau Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Feeling bad for SW fans, but it was kinda... obviously expected? Such events never safe in open world PvP games (by my 20 years MMO experience -- some "crashing" is always happens). Only ways to make them more viable: combination of secrety, smart choosing of place, diplomacy, sometimes -- armed guards to fend-off random intruders. And even with all this something can go horribly wrong. Its just risky buisness (that demands plan B). OrionSteed and Lethys 2
Knight-Sevy Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 It wasn't that bad. Funny how BOO failed to do any significant damage to our Star Wars Skinner pvp ships. Good intervention, unwelcome and unsurprising, but Dual Universe will be bland if we do not have this kind of target ^^ So thank you I guess JohnnyTazer and Lethys 2
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 12 minutes ago, Knight-Sevy said: It wasn't that bad. Funny how BOO failed to do any significant damage to our Star Wars Skinner pvp ships. Good intervention, unwelcome and unsurprising, but Dual Universe will be bland if we do not have this kind of target ^^ So thank you I guess This.
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 26 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: This. This guy has been your side kid for several debates about pvp. Practically the same as agreeing to your self. OrionSteed 1
Snipey Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 10 hours ago, ELX987 said: Hello, i was on one of the ships crashing the SW pvp event and generating content, was a lot of fun and i really hope that NQ brings more opportunity to do more pirate themed stuff GF AC, and all who attended see yall next time -EL X Why are you still allowed here after what you did? Daphne Jones 1
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