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Alpha Tester
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  1. Dont worry. They never listen, so everything is fine for release
  2. Avatar vs avatar when?
  3. Because this might be a feature in itself later (like in Eve). Respec your char once a year or so. Even if this will never be a thing, basic stuff in the UI ist still missing, like way better sorting, having a way to plan the skills, button for training a category of skills to lvl X and so on. DU isnt the first game with this Kind of system and ppl could've learned from other games
  4. All boils down to working servers. Which doesnt work as intended. Which IS why Du will forever be restricted, because it doesnt work properly. When (IF) Nq ever gets it to work, du may have a chance
  5. when will NQ finally adress the VERY useless UI for talents? you need to click 4 billion times to spend all your 88,8 million SP. that's ridiculous. And it's been that way since alpha 1. GL and HF spending those folks, I certainly won't
  6. Tell me moar how Well i use homophobic slurs. Which, you know, doesnt mean shit because its just as Bad as griefer to me. Oh and if you really think that i ever even implied "but mimimimimimimimi some random on some forum did it too" .....you clearly didnt get the irony i implied in that reply nor the sarcasm. Nor what i wanted to show with it. Pls try harder to paint me the way you think i am. Im really disappointed by this trash Talk. Up your Game Buddy, you can do better!
  7. Funny how Carebear and butthurt get ppl to think they need to write smth while at the same time griefers is A-OK. Not to mention that the daphne comment has nothing worth to say either, but thats obviously ok too. Smh some ppl
  8. yeah yeah, salty carebears claiming to be butthurt....again. gtfo
  9. they cant even get the server to work properly when there are just constructs around. this would not end well when the whole thing moves..... they simply can't do it and won't do it for exactly those reasons
  10. Oh by any means, have fun and continue if you like. It won't get you anywhere as this guy can't even begin to understand thé problems with His "idea" let alone see why his opinion is only one of many and not the only way how ppl can play this game. I too have a lot of fun reading this thread and your very good counters. And ofc his very bad arguments lol
  11. Heard the whole "we will improve our communication" thingy before. Don't believe you a single word Also: what IS the underlaying mechanic of taxes and the interconnection? See thats why your communication sucks. You actually don't communicate by saying lots of stuff
  12. forget it, this guy is beyond arguments. he will never get why this is a bad idea. Nor seems to get why his arguments are VERY poor
  13. calling a ship with a self destruction device which could potentially kill dozens of others around it "unarmed" is quite the leap xD this guy is so hilarious, I can't stop laughing
  14. Good luck. such ideas have been around since 2013. And were obviously ignored since then
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