JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 6 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: Nope, im one of the guys waiting 3 hours behind a bush in dayz to just take the shot and move away without even looting. But in dayz we are all there for the end of the world. Here, some ppl will be here to create stuff and show it on this events. And they are forced to do this in open pvp area because there is no mechanism in place for certain consented pvp duels in the safezone. You guys decided to go kill ship designers, to make sure they would suffer for their dream. Was it a tactical decision, nope. Was it a economical decision, nope. Would it bring any glory, nope. Was it good for DU in general, nope. What was it good for? Your ego. The cost? Other ppl's deep sadness and desapointment. Probably some youtubers advising creators to not buy DU. And now you want us to acknowledge your excuses?... Maybe they are playing the wrong game then? It was never touted as a game where you steal another well known IP, to have a free zone to do a mock battles. So In that regard BOO is actually the good guys. Promoting DU and what it has to offer.
XKentX Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 It's a real Dual Universe Universe 1) Full of people dreaming about "creativity" and stuff having no idea what people of full loot PVP sandboxes do and how precious carebear tears are for them. Universe 2) Full of EVE veterans that are used to this kind of things and wonder wtf the game is full of bears and where is my pvp. Kinda NQ responsibility to chose which they want or make universe to fit both types but they fail in it as in everything else atm.
SirJohn85 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 7 minutes ago, Lethys said: Oh so you ruined someones life there too, destroying hours of looting on their part. Did you make sure that the same Person picked up his loot again? Or die you not care? Wow this is so hypocritical considering this I couldn't have put it better. Thank you for that. So he makes sure that someone's whole progress is destroyed by killing him just for fun. If you're really mean, you kill him again when he tries to get his own loot. But since you can save ships as BP in DU, you end up losing what you lose in other mmorpgs or survival games: time and loot. Congratulations joaocordeiro - you just argued yourself to the wall. Case closed and I'm out of here. Lethys 1
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 3 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: Maybe they are playing the wrong game then? It was never touted as a game where you steal another well known IP, to have a free zone to do a mock battles. So In that regard BOO is actually the good guys. Promoting DU and what it has to offer. Maybe im playing a dying game. Dying because NQ failed to calculate the costs of enforcing equal distribution power in all of the game pillars. Making all other pillars hostages of PVP. And now, while some are trying to save the game. All you can think of is your own pleasure in seeing other ppl's sadness until the very second when the servers go offline.
blazemonger Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 1 hour ago, Noddles said: As far as we are concerned it was a success. It generated content and we got to have fun in DU. The appropriate response would now be to put an opposing group together who can actually stand against BOO. We just want fights. I get you had your fun.. and that's OK.. I also get you just want fights. That is the whole point and at least in that regard you are better than PIRAT ever was as they just wanted to get paid to get kills which is different. I don't think the idea is to get a group together to "stand against BOO" as that is precisely what you are after and it really does not at all align with what I consider to be the intent of DU as it's not a PVP centric game. There needs to be ways for members of BOO to be truly outlaws, they need to not be entirely safe in safezones and should potentially be subject to capture and prosecution for their crimes against civilization. That however is probably way beyond what NQ can achieve in the years to come. As said, and IMO, orgs like BOO have already accomplished the creation of the safezone triangle and will probably be the reason for more restrictive PVP measures going forward as that is the easy way out for NQ.
XKentX Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 2 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: And now, while some are trying to save the game. All you can think of is your own pleasure in seeing other ppl's sadness until the very second when the servers go offline. You are not supposed to be "saving the game" for 20 euros per sub. You are supposed to shoot shit and have fun or do whatever else that you like.
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 11 minutes ago, Lethys said: Did you make sure that the same Person picked up his loot again? Or die you not care? I dont care, no one does. DayZ is that kind of game. No pillars. No civilization creation, only the end of the world with pain and grief. But all the players and the devs of that game understand and agree with that. No youtuber will advice dayz for minecraft kids. Unlike DU.
XKentX Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 5 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: No youtuber will advice dayz for minecraft kids. Unlike DU. Are you delusional ? What kid in 2021 will play a game where you stare at the screen for hours to just get your back to the other location ? They will get bored before they get to sanctuary during the tutorial.
blazemonger Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 19 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: And they are forced to do this in open pvp area because there is no mechanism in place for certain consented pvp duels in the safezone. While I think your overal response is grossly exaggerated and pretty much devalued by some silly comments in there, this is a fair point and due to actions like this and similar ones in the future will lead to what I expect to be more restrictive PVP, like PVP flags, at least in certain areas to allow such events to be possible. You can't argue with orgs like BOO or people like JT as they see the game differently and think that their way of liking at the game is what it needs to work and even survive. Their views are actually fairly limited and pretty much focused on their personal wants from any game and not anything that serves the game as a whole. It will be for NQ to ensure the game is managed in such a way that it works well for the most and not just for some. Trying to argue this is pointless as there is no argument to be had and the comeback will generally just end up being your average trash talk nonsense because that is really all they have. NQ will need to ensure events like these can be held without needless interference if they want such events to even take place. So I do expect we'll see such measures, like PVP flags or more likely areas where PVP can only be had between consenting parties, pretty much like the duel mechanic in EVE works.
le_souriceau Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 24 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: No youtuber will advice dayz for minecraft kids. To be honest... I spend years in MC, playing (considering population composition) to large extent with kids too... May be western ones behave better, but many eastern european ones I encountered were most merciless gaming criminals I ever seen, full of insatible lust for destruction for sake of destruction, greedy thieving and disturbingly sadistic tendencies. Local PvPers are christmas elves in comparison to brutality of this little villains. And yes, they don't give muck about boring games like DU.
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 8 minutes ago, blazemonger said: Their views are actually fairly limited and pretty much focused on their personal wants from any game and not anything that serves the game as a whole. Come the fuck on man. I am me. I cant be anyone else. I play DU for me. As you play DU for you. But to say I don't care is just talking out your ass. I can and want DU to be the game I want it to be, or I will quit and play something else. The original pitch from JC is the ONLY reason i'm here, as it directly appealed to the type of game I want to play. Player driven, open world pvp, safe zones, but small. High tier ore in pvp zones. Pirates, wars, building, alliances, espionage. All those things. Guess what the fuck DU was NEVER promoted with. "come here so you can enter into events and steal other well known Sci-fi intellectual properties, and exclude those you dont want." So dont come at me fucking sideways with comments like that. And you know better too. BOO is a million times better for the game then any of those star wars geeks are, Because BOO is promoting DU, and playing within the DU universe, and playing by the rules I might add. Also dont you find it funny that my Talemai blockade got the attention of NQ, where Devs showed up, and even tweeted about it, and posted in my forum post. Because i was promoting DU. Unlike this stupid ass star wars event, NQ was no where to be seen. Wonder why? Oh ya star wars isn't their IP. SidewinderCZ and Stolas 2
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 17 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: And you know better too. BOO is a million times better for the game then any of those star wars geeks are, Because BOO is promoting DU, and playing within the DU universe Can you share with me some links of that promotion? Videos? Banners? News stories?
Lethys Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 27 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: I dont care, no one does. DayZ is that kind of game. No pillars. No civilization creation, only the end of the world with pain and grief. But all the players and the devs of that game understand and agree with that. No youtuber will advice dayz for minecraft kids. Unlike DU. Ah ok, so all the Talk and reasoning about rl stuff IS useless to you too. Good to know that you come up with reasons you yourself don't believe then and everyone can just throw in the bin because they don't mean anything 17 minutes ago, blazemonger said: NQ will need to ensure events like these can be held without needless interference if they want such events to even take place. So I do expect we'll see such measures, like PVP flags or more likely areas where PVP can only be had between consenting parties, pretty much like the duel mechanic in EVE works. That was never pitched tho. It was always promoted as an open sandbox with some safe zones and the rest pvp area. Ofc such a system leads to what happened here but that was clear from the start. No one really disputed that and I know of a time back in 2014 when we told NQ what this entails. You know what they did. Nothing and ignored it JohnnyTazer 1
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 3 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: Can you share with me some links of that promotion? Videos? Banners? News stories? Also NQ commented in the thread. And 2 NQ devs where there (you can find shamsie's stream of the event I believe, where Devs were on each side of the battle monitoring it and gathering info. I do believe they even chatted in Twitch chat briefly.
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 5 minutes ago, Lethys said: Ah ok, so all the Talk and reasoning about rl stuff IS useless to you too. Its about crushing hopes and and dreams of ppl. Ppl that came to this game to be a creator. Ppl that spent months to lose everything like that. In dayz no one had that kind of dream. Ppl are well informed about the game. Also the time frame is quite different. In dayz you can have acceptable gear in 2 hours of gameplay. And top gear in 10-20 hours. The ammount of grief is different and you can get back to take revenge in hours. Here you play for months to lose everything because you were innocent to think ppl would respect a event made to promote the game. A game failing. You cant compare my feeling about dayz gameplay with yours about DU.
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 6 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: Also NQ commented in the thread. And 2 NQ devs where there (you can find shamsie's stream of the event I believe, where Devs were on each side of the battle monitoring it and gathering info. I do believe they even chatted in Twitch chat briefly. 9 likes. 585 likes. Got more links?
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 1 minute ago, joaocordeiro said: 9 likes. 585 likes. Got more links? An EXPO isn't the same as stealing Intellectual property, tho im sure some ships there were replicas. Many more were unique designs, promoting DU. So I have no problem with that at all. And my Talemai forum thread had 5k views. A lot more than 500 likes on twitter. You do understand how an ingame DU ship EXPO to show off your DU ships is 100% completely different than hosing a specific IP star wars event?!??!?! The expo did not say "bring us your best star wars and star trek ships to show off!!!" No it advertised as bring your "ships" to show off. You are not a very bright person.
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Man, I wonder which one sparks more interest? Stuff that is DU releated, or mock replicas of someone else's IP. If only we had some way of knowing....some sort of numbers to look at... smurfenq 1
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 13 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: You do understand how an ingame DU ship EXPO to show off your DU ships is 100% completely different than hosing a specific IP star wars event?!??!?! IP starwars event is closer to a ship expo than to a declaration of war. (does not matter how many "?" and "!" you put there) But here right now im simply calling BS on this: 52 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: BOO is a million times better for the game then any of those star wars geeks are, Your example of blockade had 29 ppl interested(9 on twiter, 20 on youtube) While zenith's event gathered allot of volunteers to promote the game to its 295k subscritores, getting 17k view and 585 likes. So, BS. Its absolute BS that you and your tactics are in any way a a major player in promoting the game. Its all BS excuses.
JohnnyTazer Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 4 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: IP starwars event is closer to a ship expo than to a declaration of war. (does not matter how many "?" and "!" you put there) But there right now im simply calling BS on this: Your example of blockade had 29 ppl interested(9 on twiter, 20 on youtube) While zenith's event gathered allot of volunteers to promote the game to its 295k subscritores, getting 17k view and 585 likes. So, BS. Its absolute BS that you and your tactics are in any way a a major player in promoting the game. Its all BS excuses. Im comparing pvp to pvp. BOO is better for the overall game than Star Wars events. Always will be. This isn't star wars. It will never be Star Wars. And you keep talking about the EXPO, when I never talked about it. EVER. Nor did I ever say it was "bad for the game" or didnt promote DU. So keep making shit up I guess, only thing your good at.
Hazaatan Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Yup, this all sounds about right. I have been saying this for weeks. The griefers are going to cause another exodus as soon as surface PVP is introduced. The game will have its PVP climax and start to fall into becoming a zerg fest griefing game, and then a dead game...
Lethys Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 22 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: Here you play for months to lose everything because you were innocent to think ppl would respect a event made to promote the game. A game failing No you don't. You have the BP. And the experience of building it. You only lose the ship itself. And you can in fact play the game 100% without pvp. So this failing isn't really upon NQ or the game, ppl who venture outside the safezone simply fail to understand what it is about. Also, the dayz example you gave was only to show that you're hypocritical. You're using an "argument" YOU deem good to stomp ppl here with while in fact you yourself do the same thing in another game. Pls point me to the Promotion for du with this event. To me it simply looked like some random guys wanting to show off their cool ships and rp a bit. Where's the Twitter announcement to promote du?
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 6 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: Im comparing pvp to pvp. BOO is better for the overall game than Star Wars events I wander if we can compare the event's success with your blockade fiasco in views. Nope we cant, because you ruined it.
joaocordeiro Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 1 minute ago, Lethys said: And you can in fact play the game 100% without pvp Except hosting events in a pvp area. Those are not events those are all out massacres of cheep that dared to cross the fence.
Lethys Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 32 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said: Except hosting events in a pvp area. Oh you can do that ofc. You can hire mercs and you can have someone watch Scanners for intruders. And you can flee if you see someone approaching. And you can fight them together. Or create a trap. Or just accept that you lost and do better next time because YOU ventured into the pvp zone where you are not supposed to be safe. You know. Emergent gameplay and such. But I guess sheep arent that intelligent to actually play the game.
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