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BOO crashed the SW pvp Event, was good fun and generated content :D


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BOO is just your average version of what PIRAT was in EVE. They do not really care for the game itself and are mostly here because they had a chance to get in early and establish a foothold. In the bigger picture of DU they will mean very little even when their choices in gameplay can be disruptive and a nuisance.


It's just one of those things you have to consider  when setting up events.. They're the kind that would disrupt the Daymar rally in SC, not because it makes sense or because it has a purpose but for the simple reason they can. It's an unfortunate consequence of the way games like DU are set up.


It's orgs like BOO that forced the safezone triangle into the game and it's orgs like BOO that will potentially force a PVP flag to become a thing in at least part of the game world.

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13 hours ago, ELX987 said:

Hello, i was on one of the ships crashing the SW pvp event and generating content, was a lot of fun and i really hope that NQ brings more opportunity to do more pirate themed stuff :D


GF AC, and all who attended


see yall next time :D




Are you really giving credit to NQ for this event, whatever else happened?


We all know NQ doesn't work on weekends any more.

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13 hours ago, ELX987 said:

Hello, i was on one of the ships crashing the SW pvp event and generating content, was a lot of fun and i really hope that NQ brings more opportunity to do more pirate themed stuff :D


GF AC, and all who attended


see yall next time :D




Edit: Jesus, even the forums are lagging. Sorry for the double post.

Edited by Tional
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Was me and like 10 other folks in X-Wings from CVA the only people that were shooting event ships and kinda trying to play the event ?


We were waiting for that thing to start in rebel chat. I did see BOO going in and starting the shit show with AC etc. Imperials were outside the safezone so we decided to roll out and started shooting everything with imperial in it's name.

We did kill like 20 or so ships, most XS, some M/S. lost 10 X-Wings give or take. Was fun. I didn't see any rebel cap ships tho. 

Some L core imperials arrived and starting shooting us. We took our L core(we couldn't make it to look like a rebel ship so it was like that alien living ship race) and instantly got focused by 6 or so L-core AC ships... 6 AC + 1 imperial vs 1 our ship was not the fight I want to take so we pulled back.


We did have fun tho. The X-Wings vs Imperials shooting went on for like an hour.

It seemed like the tie fighters and deathstars were losing pilots from like first shot as they were just sitting still after couple of shots.

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1 hour ago, blazemonger said:

BOO is just your average version of what PIRAT was in EVE. They do not really care for the game itself and are mostly here because they had a chance to get in early and establish a foothold. In the bigger picture of DU they will mean very little even when their choices in gameplay can be disruptive and a nuisance.


It's just one of those things you have to consider  when setting up events.. They're the kind that would disrupt the Daymar rally in SC, not because it makes sense or because it has a purpose but for the simple reason they can. It's an unfortunate consequence of the way games like DU are set up.


It's orgs like BOO that forced the safezone triangle into the game and it's orgs like BOO that will potentially force a PVP flag to become a thing in at least part of the game world.

This coming from the same guy who said BOO would be dissolved by Beta. 


As far as we are concerned it was a success. It generated content and we got to have fun in DU. The appropriate response would now be to put an opposing group together who can actually stand against BOO. We just want fights.

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All of this reminds me of the scarface scene him drunk in the restaurant where rants "you need me, so you can point the finger and say that's the bad guy".  In the end tho this game isnt star wars.  But some good did come of the event, non star wars ships came out and had some fun and pew pewd.   The more pressing issue tho, is after 5 years of game development is NQ has been unable to have any size fleet fight actually "work". One of the streams I watched had the worst bugs and desync through out the whole fight. It just doesn't bode well. And even more alarming is I also experienced these bugs even in 1v1 scenarios. The servers cant even support a 1v1 without multiple bugs and fuckups, and desync.  Sad days.

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So that I can summarise whether I have understood this correctly:

People are planning a battle event in the PvP zone with a Star Wars theme so that they do PvP, although it is only RP and not PvP. (However that is supposed to work. Do they miss on purpose or what is different in RP than in PvP?)
All of a sudden a band of pirates comes along who have made it their business to do PvP and get involved. Now the players complain that they were disturbed by another group because they could not do their RP battle in a PVP zone that is accessible to everyone.


Please tell me this is a bad joke.


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14 minutes ago, Noddles said:

The appropriate response would now be to put an opposing group together who can actually stand against BOO. We just want fights.

This is question, that torments me for long time. 


Who will lead forces of light and order in our little space opera? Who is worthy of proverbial sword in stone?


I think target audience so starved for some competent "lawful good" leadership, that dozens will flock to fight under banner of such champion, if he/she trully arisen in our midst. Yet, so far most pretenders not succeed and I won't even start on all buffoonery we sadly suffered from this corner.







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3 minutes ago, Lethys said:

Sadly no because obviously you did" a dick move" when you play by the rules according to @joaocordeiro

Yes, following the rules and not doing dick moves are to separate things. 


Laws do not forbid you from eating pizza in front of homeless ppl and their kids while saying "its soo good, i wish you were not so poor so you could buy one of those" 

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Hmm... After wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes, here's what I suggest: Play for the place.


It's like kindergarten or the younger years. You play on the field and suddenly a new group of children comes to claim that field. The children agree to play for the field.

So where is the declaration of war? 

Here you go, I've just given you more PvP.

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24 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said:

The more pressing issue tho, is after 5 years of game development is NQ has been unable to have any size fleet fight actually "work". One of the streams I watched had the worst bugs and desync through out the whole fight.

We had almost the same at that telemai blockade fight :-(. Only 1 of 7 gunners got hits, rest were all misses with hit bar showing 100% hit. It seems it randomly affects people or something and due to not having that much opportunities to check this we are yet to find a solution.


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8 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

Yes, following the rules and not doing dick moves are to separate things. 


Laws do not forbid you from eating pizza in front of homeless ppl and their kids while saying "its soo good, i wish you were not so poor so you could buy one of those" 

One thing you forget is real world analogies dont work  at all In these situations.  Because in your little scenario the homeless person did chose to be poor (bring a RP ship into pvp zone that would ne out matched).  And further more its rather disgusting you would make light of real world issues (homelessness and hunger) and equate them to a video game which is truly a luxury to sit down in a home, with electricity, internet, and free time and a good computer to voluntarily play a game as a hobbie.   You need to take a long hard look inward my friend.



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5 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said:

One thing you forget is real world analogies dont work  at all In these situations

I know you wish to disconnect RL moral values from your actions. 

But thats not something you can decide alone. 

"Being a dick" is a RL expression. RL examples are allowed. 

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5 minutes ago, XKentX said:

We had almost the same at that telemai blockade fight :-(. Only 1 of 7 gunners got hits, rest were all misses with hit bar showing 100% hit. It seems it randomly affects people or something and due to not having that much opportunities to check this we are yet to find a solution.


Yup I had the same thing in talamai fight too. My ship only had 2 gunners, and despite both having 100% probably of hitting. Only 1 gunner would land shots,  while the other had 100% misses. And ive constantly experienced this in 1v1 situations so its not isolated to "big events". And that is what is truly worrisome. We all hope NQ has a trick up their sleeve for 0.24....but the reality is we get a dev blog about how now you have to push a button to activate your jet pack. Wonderful.

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Just now, joaocordeiro said:

I know you wish to disconnect RL moral values from your actions. 

But thats not something you can decide alone. 

"Being a dick" is a RL expression. RL examples are allowed. 

The fact you cant tell the difference between a video game and real life is alarming.  BOO was just playing the game as intended. I hope you get the help you need my friend. 

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2 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said:

Yup I had the same thing in talamai fight too. My ship only had 2 gunners, and despite both having 100% probably of hitting. Only 1 gunner would land shots,  while the other had 100% misses. And ive constantly experienced this in 1v1 situations so its not isolated to "big events". And that is what is truly worrisome. We all hope NQ has a trick up their sleeve for 0.24....but the reality is we get a dev blog about how now you have to push a button to activate your jet pack. Wonderful.

yea, and the RoF skills in 0.24 still work opposite direction ?

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1 minute ago, JohnnyTazer said:

The fact you cant tell the difference between a video game and real life is alarming.  BOO was just playing the game as intended. I hope you get the help you need my friend. 

The fact you hide behind "its just a game" to justify your lack of remorseful for destroying the work, dedication and love that some one invested in months of playing the game is alarming. 


Sure pvp is allways destruction. 

But ppl dedicated themselfs to make Starwars ships, to have fun and promote DU as creative tool. 

Those ppl were expecting comments, reactions to their ships, were expecting funny stories like the T fighter took down the X wing. Not a massacre. 


And you have ZERO empathy with those ppl. 

There is a word for ppl that cant feel empathy. 

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27 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

Yes, following the rules and not doing dick moves are to separate things. 


Laws do not forbid you from eating pizza in front of homeless ppl and their kids while saying "its soo good, i wish you were not so poor so you could buy one of those" 

Bad analogy lmao that doesnt work here at all


14 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

know you wish to disconnect RL moral values from your actions. 

Doesnt work either. Its a game. No rl moral involved. Get over it

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3 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

Sure pvp is allways destruction. 

But ppl dedicated themselfs to make Starwars ships, to have fun and promote DU as creative tool. 

Those ppl were expecting comments, reactions to their ships, were expecting funny stories like the T fighter took down the X wing. Not a massacre. 

If they go to the pvp zone they automatically acknowledge that there may be a massacre. Still dont see a problem 

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6 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

The fact you hide behind "its just a game" to justify your lack of remorseful for destroying the work, dedication and love that some one invested in months of playing the game is alarming. 


Sure pvp is allways destruction. 

But ppl dedicated themselfs to make Starwars ships, to have fun and promote DU as creative tool. 

Those ppl were expecting comments, reactions to their ships, were expecting funny stories like the T fighter took down the X wing. Not a massacre. 


And you have ZERO empathy with those ppl. 

There is a word for ppl that cant feel empathy. 

Are you somehow new to PvP in general?


Otherwise, read the golden rules of Eve Online, a game from 2004. DU wanted to attract the Eve players according to JC.



And drawing an analogy with a homeless person to a game is somewhat... questionable.


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11 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:



And you have ZERO empathy with those ppl. 

There is a word for ppl that cant feel empathy. 

I do have empathy for people in real life.  I can only make assumptions, but mine are these people doing the star wars thing are using free time to engage in a hobbie.  Further more, they are also bound by the rules, and entering pvp zone,  anything can happen. And after the "fight" regardless of how it goes, I take it as they are still alive and well in real life and that also makes me happy. And for their to be winners in a game someone has to lose. Part of healthy competition.  So I really have no idea what you are talking about.  

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5 minutes ago, SirJohn85 said:

Are you somehow new to PvP in general?

Nope, im one of the guys waiting 3 hours behind a bush in dayz to just take the shot and move away without even looting. 


But in dayz we are all there for the end of the world. 


Here, some ppl will be here to create stuff and show it on this events. 

And they are forced to do this in open pvp area because there is no mechanism in place for certain consented pvp duels in the safezone. 


You guys decided to go kill ship designers, to make sure they would suffer for their dream. 


Was it a tactical decision, nope. 

Was it a economical decision, nope. 

Would it bring any glory, nope. 

Was it good for DU in general, nope. 


What was it good for? Your ego. 

The cost? Other ppl's deep sadness and desapointment. 

Probably some youtubers advising creators to not buy DU. 


And now you want us to acknowledge your excuses?... 

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4 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

Nope, im one of the guys waiting 3 hours behind a bush in dayz to just take the shot and move away without even looting. 

Oh so you ruined someones life there too, destroying hours of looting on their part. Did you make sure that the same Person picked up his loot again? Or die you not care? Wow this is so hypocritical considering this

23 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

The fact you hide behind "its just a game" to justify your lack of remorseful for destroying the work, dedication and love that some one invested in months of playing the game is alarming. 

And now you want us to acknowledge your excuses?.


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