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- Element recycling ismantling elements back into a portion of their components.

There's a typo in this bit.


Also. Will the amount of components returned change based on how many element lives remain?


So, that was the "Exciting News" we were supposed to look forward to?

Two things that by all rights should have been in during beta, and a whole bunch of fluff (emotes, suit skins and pets?)

And this will happen in 2 months?


One has to wonder just how dull things are around the NQ office when this is considered "Exciting" :D 

But hey, good on you for the grid snapping and the scrap thing. Better late than never and all that.


Guess I'll try again in another year. 

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Shredder said:

No word on missing planets? 

This is also my issue. The planets are NOT mentioned at all in the patch notes for 1.1 an 1.2, that is extremely concerning when the time between 'release' and 1.1 is 2-3 months, at this rate the phase 2 planets would only show up around April to June 2023 at the earliest... And that is just Phase 2 planets...


The stuff for 1.1 is extremely disappointing as well. I absolutely understand that KS backers should get priority after 6 years (I'm not a backer), but you've got 2-3 months for the patch...


I like the Element recycling, wondering on the exact implementation. Schematic skills are a bit Meh! What exactly will those do?


Repair units being able to use scrap sounds glorious!


Again, the speed of 'feature' updates, bug fixing and support speed is very worrisome!

Edited by Cergorach

I'm honestly a bit sad.  I REALLY am rooting for you here NQ but the presentation of this very important stream was dire.  This was an opportunity to show case 'and upcoming in DU' with showing glimmers of the new content by actually showing it in game on your test bed or through a video.  We need that WOW factor, we need that excitement.  Stream turned into looking at IC's starport and random talk.  Now if this stream was just a random one without tied to how important it was it would be fine.


Anyway good luck :) some of the new stuff looks interesting and quality of life changes. I guess I'm used to other MMO's too much and how they get people onboard.



Leader of the Dominion


Early Founders from 2016 with Sapphire (~200 €) looking jealously to Patrons (Latest Supporters, 180€) 



Why you do this NQ? This shows how much you guys don't give a crap about the early backers (Kickstarter / Founders)! Where is the sense to equate a package with a value of over 400 € with a package of 180 €?


I mean i don't get a pet but hey at least i got a Facepalm emote like the Patrons who got a pet too.


It really is disheartening; the game is moribund to be honest. I've wanted to keep my foot in the door and I've hung around for a while. I was surprised when I was told the game went to full launch. To what fanfare? I keep my expectations low having been disappointed by other titles in the genre (not naming names) but nothing here is going to make me want to continue. The game today is in a worse state than two years ago, I don't like the direction taken and I don't like what's ahead. Never say never but it's going to take a lot - and probably a long time - to bring me back.

5 minutes ago, DecoyGoatBomb said:

For once I am just happy about all of this. These sound like amazing additions and new ways to play. WP NQ!


Many apparently are not.  Just read of a major LUA developer of a very popular auto-pilot giving up on NQ after this latest "Announcement".  30 minutes of "Hello xyz"?  Really.  Felt bad for the twitch guy for not being given more material.

8 minutes ago, Pleione said:

Many apparently are not.  Just read of a major LUA developer of a very popular auto-pilot giving up on NQ after this latest "Announcement".  30 minutes of "Hello xyz"?  Really.  Felt bad for the twitch guy for not being given more material.

What happened with LUA? Was there some major change with LUA that screws up people's current scripts? 


Lame stream without any real announcement, you continue to brake all time all our hope in this game NQ. Please reconsider how you manage this game and what players really want.

3 months before the first patch, 3 months with a Beta wipe into another beta with the exact same bugs but with less support and no help ingame anymore (Thx to Ligo who spend hours of his time for solve some of our problem, without him all my ticket go 0 reply in months), 3+ months without change the wrecks, the ore dispatch, roids... All this topic was oppened months before, we warned you and YOU NEVER LISTENNED YOUR COMMUNITY except your biggest carebears who just think about themself and their [filtered]ing pets.

Your priorities are bad, as usual, and you never learn from your mistake... We don't work for this game but some of us paid years of subscription for support you when you need money, but personally I didn't pay 3 accounts for years for let this game die because of your choice.

We are still here, stop [filtered]ing ignore us.


Awesome work NQ...
Would have been even more awesome if those backer rewards would have been ready at the games release...
But hey it takes longer than expected, like allways and you are not a real Novean without some pacience right ^^

36 minutes ago, DecoyGoatBomb said:

What happened with LUA? Was there some major change with LUA that screws up people's current scripts? 


Nothing with LUA, just one major LUA script developer that freely delivered great code quitting today.

3 hours ago, Pleione said:

Tell us more about the schematic talents?  

there will be talents for schematics, probably something else to break horrible or upset the scales of balance...

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