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For a game that's losing players because lack of content, you sure do keep wasting time on useless stuff. People are literally screaming at you to make more things to do, other than building and mining, and you're just like "hmmmmmm lets make it prettier!" Stop wasting time on this stuff!! Do this AFTER the game is fun and engaging!

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Awesome update, the screens are really getting powerful


I'm most excited about the Item API, but I hope it gets a few extra things; notably, a field to indicate the blueprint ID for a given item, and a function to retrieve an Item ID from a core Element ID; i.e., a way to see what size that fuel tank is, without linking to it and without having to use its HP to estimate

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32 minutes ago, Belorion said:

Wasn't there something else on the PTS with times (UTC offset etc)?


Yes this is currently in Athena as well.


Gameplay Changes

[Lua] getTime() is now deprecated, because it depends on the time zone. You can use instead : [

Lua] [float] getArkTime() : returns the current time since the arrival of the Arkship on September 30th, 2017

[Lua] [float] getUtcTime(): Return the current time since January 1st, 1970.

[Lua] [int] getUtcOffset(): Return the time offset between local timezone and UTC


I am very happy they finally did this. I have been asking for this for a couple of years now.

all sorts of things like good encryption, and intercore communication  are now much easier to achieve.


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How to properly scale, translate, and rotate screen content were very common questions from new players and coupling that with the obscure offsets often led to a lot of confusion. You made the whole process so much easier and I really appreciate it. Thank you NQ-Ligo and team for all your hard work on Athena and beyond.

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"With this update, we’re making a fundamental change in text rendering technology." Had me in tears... You guys are jokers.... text rendering technology hahahahaha. Please stop tinkering with screens etc and create some game play loops... Thanks.

Edited by LeeFall
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2 hours ago, RockSlaughter said:

For a game that's losing players because lack of content, you sure do keep wasting time on useless stuff. People are literally screaming at you to make more things to do, other than building and mining, and you're just like "hmmmmmm lets make it prettier!" Stop wasting time on this stuff!! Do this AFTER the game is fun and engaging!


TRUE!!!! I honestly think they are just incompetent at this point.

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Honestly I'm still waiting for the relevant Lua for my field in this game: Industry. We've been having issues since the very beginning of Beta with figuring out the amount of product certain batches create. An example is basic pipes. With no talents, 10 pipes are created per batch. Not counting the productivity talent, the efficiency talent actually changes it at a certain point so that instead of making 10 pipes quicker, it actually jumps up to just making 20 pipes in the same amount of time to account for efficiency. Smaller elements like buttons also see this effect with efficiency talents where it will go from making say 2 buttons per batch to 4 which screws up the required input material.


TLDR: We need a Lua function that queries what the machine is making and how much is needed/outputting in a single batch.

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when will the json disapear for good for a better formal table returned?


how about slots removal too?



feels like when ever there are 3 functions added in the game, dev feels completely free of any current lua problematics


when will this game start to be refined instead of adding more incomplete content????????????


when are we going to see lua exchange and copyright integrated in the game?


when does lua will really allow us to communicate between players/constructs, instead of beeing nerfed for personal use where you have to explicitly press F on a control unit?


why the hell adding a MU api when ppl in VR cannot start a programming board? feels like dev really think 100% of players are owning 30 territories and moving personally to them for calibration???????????????????


When is GD team going to really play their game for god sake?????????




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3 hours ago, Tordan said:

>>   addBezier([int]

>> layer movement!!

>> more font sizes!!




why are you so enthusiastic Tordan, they announced a release before the end of the year!!! of a game in alpha stage we ve been playing for 6 years, ending with a wipe including all the hard work of all creators that made 100% of the content for the game advertisements till now

They havent discussed or listened to anything, any ideas we ve been developing here in this same forum


but just building a game for screens

thats what lua in DU is about today, looking at your computer screen to watch an other ingame screen, and for yourself, because they arent able to give us an acceptable synchronisation for everyone see the same thing at same time on those screens




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4 hours ago, Endstar said:

Hopefully we see more core-to-core data exchange abilities or an increase in emitter receiver ranges. 

agreed. even 1km instead of 100 range would make a HUGE difference.

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21 minutes ago, Jeronimo said:

why are you so enthusiastic Tordan


I certainly spend plenty of time and effort enumerating the things that happen that I disagree with, sometimes strenuously. I know that many times I have hounded devs to the point that they yell at me. It is only fair that I thank then for changes that are solid improvements.


It is my nature.

and I want the game to succeed. 

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29 minutes ago, Tordan said:

agreed. even 1km instead of 100 range would make a HUGE difference.


100 is not even what it is in reality, small elements despawn after 25m, including databanks, receptors, emitters, buttons, screens etc... no matter there is someone else standing beside it

lua is 100% dealt by your own computer and elements that are rendered by your client


its not 1km what we need, now they adding MU api, we need cross universe communication api, so we could centralize datas for our screens!


MU api is totaly useless if we cant trigger a programming board while using VR, or cant gather its data with a real communication api

Edited by Jeronimo
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4 hours ago, CoyoteNZ said:

We need Lua for Dispensers!


set contents, set price, and events transaction made, or transaction failed. 


Was really hoping this time when the post said new Lua functions 😩

  Especially an event "transaction made". This alone can push the potential of dispensern.
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