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Tell NQ your game loop (non-PvP)


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I'm in an org with another guy - 4 accounts between us - and this is how I play DU.


I log in before work to calibrate MUs.  My org has a spreadsheet for this. Once the MUs are calibrated i check the status of the warp cell factory, and add resources as necessary. I check for any territories that need their taxes paid.

We have MUs on two different planets. Once a week per planet, we go get the ore and take it to market. I call this "Space Trucker." This is my favorite part of DU because i get to fly spaceships. As a terrible pilot, this is exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Landing 7000 tons on Alioth may be easy for you fancy people but for me it's hard, and fun, and scary in equal measure. My crash rate has declined, but it's not zero.


And that's it. I'm not good at PvP. I'm not good at building. I log in every day because i love the game, but i log out because there's nothing to do unless i'm hauling ore.


Reply to this post and tell NQ your game play loop. 

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It used to be warp to Lacobus, calibrate miners and pick up ore, warp back to Alioth then sell the ore to afford parts for my main hobby, ship building. Spend remaining time building and testing ships.


Now I have abandoned doing any calibrating or automining because in the event of anything being wiped quanta is for sure getting wiped. I have no reason to keep trying to earn money. I occasionally pop on to do some ship building in the hopes that we get to keep blueprints. But I no longer work on my base or large projects like another race track  because its likely to get wiped. 


My current gameplay loop is not so much a loop as a time killer until the wipe happens or we get some real good news about the wipe.

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I moved in First Line Vertex From Corner to Corner, to created ships, Base ..   

Calibrate MUs, Pickup ores and moved to Base

Try to learn lua for graphicial needs

Enjoy to speak with people or need help


Edited by McXerXes
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My gameplay loop was to gradually build up my factory and ore stockpile, so that come launch, I could actually focus on playing the game rather than playing grind-the-resources. Now with the fantastic news that this has very likely been a colossal waste of time (wipe), I am not really playing at all as there is no point. The question as to whether there's a point to repeating my previous grind post launch is also a good one. 😞

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pretty much same as OP.. "calibrate" MUs (actually just start, then escape to get back to 100%, do not care for th ebonus ore) and once a week fly around collecting and sell


As I am past 1B quanta now, have several large containers filled iwth warpcells and the same for all T1 and T2 ores, I quite all that and just set all chracters to train whatever for the next year or so.. 


As I expect the wipe will erase it all, I only care for the Takent  point s to accrue at max, in case NQ decides to not wipe, I have more than enough stock and cash to start up again if I feel like it..


And with that I pretty much stopped loggin in until NQ provies some actual updates on release and what the wipe will look like as ther is no point.

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Right now it is just LUA and monitoring territories so we don't lose them and waiting for NQ to let us know if it is worth putting effort into the game.


We used to:

* Lots of space trucking from several planets

* Run the SVEA shop (still open, but much less effort going into it)

* Helping other players


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I’m building ships for sale post launch. Nothing else has any meaning now.


Once launch happens, and assuming a fullish wipe, I look forward to:


Building an industry

Runs to the market to sell stuff

Calibrating MUs

Weekly hauling runs to sell ore

Running missions in between the above

Mining asteroids

PVP above all else 


I hope that keeps my org going for 6 months, by which time NQ need to introduce territory warfare.

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Before I spent a lot of time building ships, hoping that the game would be creative so we could fly and PvP in all sorts of cool sci-fi ships.
It looks like I lost to the Cross section lobbying, so now I watch them all also stop playing one after the other as a result of their active participation in destroying my fun in the the game.

Now I'm waiting for PTS and content updates to see if it's worth investing or not in PvP content again
I also continue despite everything to write multi-page feedback to explain the problems that will occur BEFORE the release of each patch.

Of course as soon as possible I connect in games to raise moms in PvP and continue to see that this one is always destroyed and rendered soulless thanks to the lobbying of the cross section.

Definitely I mainly play other games now and for the few of our activities on DU we live on our stocks (while waiting for the wipe).


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I tinker around slowly building out my factory. Then I take things to market and realise that there's no way in hell I can compete with the prices from the massive producers, and get depressed.


I make ships, for the hell of it, even though my voxelmancy skills are negligible. I enjoy the process, but get frustrated by the lack of fidelity in the physics model (how the hell is it that I can put an aileron there, where there is no airflow?!). I'd like to experiment with some bigger ships, anti-grav, pvp stuff, but don't have the funds in-game, and have no interest in grinding them through mining.


I used to write lua, and made some nice factory reporting scripts and my own flight HUD. This was the most fun, in some ways, but ultimately frustrating due to the limitations of the scripting API and the (lack of) tooling.


I used to enjoy hanging out and doing things with a few friends, but they've all stopped playing.


Recently, I've built myself a massive land-based hauler, and have been travelling the planet scavenging resources from abandoned constructs. This has left me richer than I've ever been in-game, but it makes me kinda sad, dismantling other people's stuff.



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10 minutes ago, Yoarii said:

Thankfully we can. If not our "space ships" would all look like regular aircrafts. We need more Sci-Fi elements!


I hear you. Some of it's just about terminology, and that might be partly due to some confusing translations. I welcome the sci-fi side of it, but currently we have a confused model with very incoherent lore and little internal consistency. Not the biggest problem, just one of many minor irritations :).

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Right now... check forums for wipe info. End. 


Before... been playing with my son. Loop was basically set up a cell/ship component factory and keep it running so we can visit every planet and build something there. When some resources went low we first traveled the planets to refill and later is was more asteroids mining. 


When there was nothing to mine we built ships in hope for more exploration stuff coming. 

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Calibrate , pick up ore, tinker with factory, check markets. Work on multiple ship projects, new ship build, base build. 


-I don’t see the logic in not building when the worst case wipe scenario NQ presented includes core blueprints of player owned constructs being saved.


 Lately my loop has also had a big hiccup where I spend most of my time breaking down abandoned factories and retrieving ships.

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Log in. 



1.) 15 minutes to check on running status of the factory machines through industry HUD.

2.) 10 minutes Scrape daily market data. Tha place/adjust market buy/sell orders

3.)  60-120 minutes daily to play around with voxels on my current build in progress 

4.)  Troll discord in between playing/working the rest of the day.


Every 3-4 days.

5.) 120 minutes to collect all filled orders and collect ores and deliver cells in my usual 5 stops (troll discord while dropping down from orbit) 


Every 7 days

6.) about 2-3 hours to calibrate all mining units, collect ore from containers + bonus ore from tile and haul it back to the factory. 3 planet hops total ( troll discord in between calibrations)


Every 21 days

7.) about 20 minutes to load up tiles with 3 weeks worth of tax quanta.



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30 minutes ago, Endstar said:

All these posts about what people are doing in game... Most all of it sounds like work, chores, and grind. Anyone playing DU for fun or just out of the fear of loss if you did not play? 

some of it was indeed a chore. But it was also a break from the chores of real life where you have to deliver your best all day. The LUA I'm doing now is fun, it's just lots to figure out.

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43 minutes ago, Endstar said:

All these posts about what people are doing in game... Most all of it sounds like work, chores, and grind. Anyone playing DU for fun or just out of the fear of loss if you did not play? 


None of what's posted here is gameplay that will bring enough people in for NQ to not go under.  The people still playing are in some trap thinking the ingame assets are meaningful, but where is the fun?  Only a matter of time now until servers go offline.

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1 hour ago, Endstar said:

All these posts about what people are doing in game... Most all of it sounds like work, chores, and grind. Anyone playing DU for fun or just out of the fear of loss if you did not play? 


I would, if there were any fun to be had.  For flying and killing stuff, there are much better games out there,  feel no desire to sodomize myself with DU's take on PVP 

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I’m playing for fun. I enjoy the puzzle aspect of industry, don’t care about profits really. Mu tending is a chore but it gets me the ore I need to make elements and voxels, and keep my tiles active, so it’s worthwhile. Building is for the indulgence of my creative muse, not something I can explain to someone who is hung up on the “value” of things. 


I’m piling up industry subcombines not out of hoarding instinct, but so I can build whatever I want in the short term with a minimum of fuss. If I come up with some good voxelwork or what have you now, I will BP it for re-creation on live. If the game doesn’t survive, I’ll move on. 


what baffles me: people who are convinced there’s no point playing and the game is over, but haven’t moved on.

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