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3 hours ago, SneakySnake said:

see you tomorrow (13 jan) at 7 pm utc. Talemai safezone border ::pos{0,0,-13118280.6684,55279819.8670,460716.3214}

We are canceling our little fight tomorrow. We are preparing a pvp event. The date will be announced later. We will destroy your blockade.

Just now, SneakySnake said:

We are canceling our little fight tomorrow. We are preparing a pvp event. The date will be announced later. We will destroy your blockade.

You didn't cancel the fight, you aren't allowed at Talemai because I said so.

On 1/11/2021 at 12:25 PM, JohnnyTazer said:



Regardless of what anyone has heard or thinks they have heard, Talemai falls under the jurisdiction of the OPA (Outer Planet Alliance).  The OPA has give authority to Waste Management to oversee the conditions on Talemai.  After some short review Waste Management has found that following violations to be, but not limited to:  Poor sanitation conditions for the miners, Terrible buy back programs, and Illegal Dumping of waste created by the use of Anti-Grav Generators.  The LOCKDOWN will persist for at least 1 week as Waste Management allows the independent group RockHoppas to take over all mining operations.  Additional Security has also been contracted out to Unexplained Atomics to deal with anyone who is not permitted to be at Talemai.  It is now a NO FLY ZONE for any unauthorized personnel. Any resistance or failure to follow these guidelines will be met with deadly force.  





 Waste Management Consultant 

Aw this is the cutest thing I have seen in DU. Truly adorable. XOXO




Today was an interesting day at Talemai.  But one thing is for sure, Waste Management was wise in contracting out the military operation part of the Blockade to Unexplained Atomics.   Many haulers who live in the Inner planets tried to come in or leave with stolen Talemai ore and were quickly delt with.  On top of that two separate attempts were made to attack the blockade.  This is unacceptable and will be considered an act of war.  Both were easily delt with.  The highlight was one ship looking like a box filled with guns made some sort of Kamikaze attempt and came barreling toward talemai at 29,999 km/h and as it was shot at it finally disappeared into the atmosphere where we presumed it slammed into the planet.  A salvage operation was quickly dispatched.  Make no mistake, Talemai stands firm and is under control.  The LOCKDOWN is and has been 100% successful.   The OPA will not stand for any unethical treatment of its miners, nor allow the Inners to come in and steal ore for themselves.











- JohnnyTazer

  Waste Management Consultant




After a week long LOCKDOWN sanctioned by the OPA at Talemai, things came to a head in a major way today.  Up to this point, all attacks were thwarted, and many haulers trying to smuggle ore in and out were disabled.  A battle of an estimated 30 ships engaged in space above the beautiful planet Talemai.  ATOM stood tall against overwhelming odds.  Damage and losses were taken on both sides, but rest assured propaganda from either side is surely to be broadcast all over the subspace transmissions in the days to come.  


This violent attack against Talemai and the OPA has left the planet in a state of uncertainty.  It also begs the questions how the other planets will respond as the increasing number of people who live in the Inner planets continue to steal ore that rightfully belongs to the OPA.  One can feel it in the the air...a storm is coming.  Already there are reports of scientists of both the Inner and the Outer planets sending deep space probes and getting info sent back that there is an untapped Asteroid belt out in deep space.  Presumably with rich ores that would benefit any planet or faction who is able to set up mining operations. One can only think that this was only the first of many power struggles to come throughout the solar system...




During a trivia conversation with a bartender in the Crooked Vector bar, news spread that Telemai planet has been blockaded by some Greenpeace activists threatening Rum delivery and that supplies may soon run out. As Crooked Vector Alliance operation would be in danger of a complete standstill should Rum deliveries be halted, it was decided to dispatch a Tractor Pobeda(translation: Victory Tractor) class battleship named ANH Monstruoso to investigate.

After numerous failures to start the ship, mechanic Vasili Petrov figured out to pull the reserve potatoes out of the exhaust pipes and applied 3kl of duct tape around the steam engine allowing the tractor to start up. Unexpected arrival of a pair of slippers thrown from the captain compartment accidentally hit the warp drive toggle and the battleship entered warp.

On arrival, crew used last Rum reserves to dehibernate and manned the battle stations.

Captain Ivanov was still busy watching his favorite exhaust-pipehub videos featuring a young lady yelling FRACK while looking at him from the screen.
Unexpected and hard warp exit led to 3.5mm jack of Ivanov's headphones to be ejected from his PC and windows 95 switching sound output. The loud FRACK was broadcast on all ANH Monstruoso internal speakers.

Crew, being less proficient with English, interpreted the word as a command to ATTACK and unleashed a vicious barrage with 42 lasers on everything in the vicinity.

Once Captain Ivanov finally arrived to the bridge, investigation of the blockade could not be continued due to everyone shooting everything as well as presence of another large military force engaging the alleged Greenpeace activists.

Ivanov decided that his mission is a success and he can try squeezing the last drops of the X2 kergon from the fuel tanks as Rum will probably be scarce anyway.

Last information received includes broadcasts of uintepretable messages from the crew involving references to flying space skulls eating Greenpeace activists and lasers missing at point-blank range.

Stay tuned.


Props to ATOM for creating content. We need more folks like you.




Well, my press presence was little bit chaotic and last moment one (special thanks for guys who helped me to get into action -- @IvanGrozniy, @personality_matrix, @SpiceRub). Visuals/action itself covered much better by my more technicaly sophisticated collegues, streamers (special cheers to @Shamsie, great content). But I still want to share some impressions and thoughts about what happened. 


Subjective mode, obviously.




My take -- its proverbial "tactical victory" for BOO (& Auxilaries) with more kills and control over field. They still probably (and so far) most numerious, organized, well equiped and experienced fighting force of DU. Yet, its surely its not time to relax, because this position now obviously contested. In this regard last battle not a defeat for ATOM & Co. Not at all. Despite more losses, they gained valuable experience, made a statement. And often in history "statement made" much more important, then per se singular victory, because it start long, but very conseqentual chain of events.


Political implications


I think its fair to welcome ATOM into "great powers" club, because fielding and more or less successfuly operating such battle group was not a small feat. Looks like @Mulligan humbly, but very methodicly grown his forces to very respectable level. If we assume, that other factions of AC awake and bring something to table too, balance of powers can change against BOO in favor of AC, if critical numerical superiority will be achieved. Still, options for diplomacy open for both sides and BOO obviously can go more long-term treaties to counter. With space-russians? Who knows.


State of game/PvP balancing


1) Game feels little bit drained on players, because even such big and active org as BOO, by my perception, stuggled to field more crews.

2) I personaly don't like current system favoring exessive voxel armouring, especialy with gold. Its bad both on combat and strategical levels.

3) Game still dangerously bugged, because some participants reported nasty desyncs and crazy things with always missing weapons. I hope NQ are working on this.



We need more of such good fighting. Good for game.





Listening to these people taking themselves seriously while sparring for control over fictional resources in a game hardly anyone plays as if there were real consequences is kinda cute but considering they're grown adults, bordering on sad. I just warped in picked up a full load and warped out a couple of days ago. nothing.
they remind me of the local street lads in my old litter filled, graffiti festooned hometown when I used to unfortunately live in the UK.. They walked and talked as if they owned the place, knifing anyone else who came near them but basically not actually achieving anything of actual value other than acting hard and eventually getting knifed themselves. Ah the UK... a bastion of honour and dignity. 

Shame that this sort of mentality makes its way into games, too... 

"Build a civilisation."

more like

"Build another shitty pigsty for people to fight over and subjugate others in."

1 hour ago, GraXXoR said:

Listening to these people taking themselves seriously while sparring for control over fictional resources in a game hardly anyone plays as if there were real consequences is kinda cute but considering they're grown adults, bordering on sad. I just warped in picked up a full load and warped out a couple of days ago. nothing.
they remind me of the local street lads in my old litter filled, graffiti festooned hometown when I used to unfortunately live in the UK.. They walked and talked as if they owned the place, knifing anyone else who came near them but basically not actually achieving anything of actual value other than acting hard and eventually getting knifed themselves. Ah the UK... a bastion of honour and dignity. 

Shame that this sort of mentality makes its way into games, too... 

"Build a civilisation."

more like

"Build another shitty pigsty for people to fight over and subjugate others in."

From the history, we can clearly see that most of the advances in the modern era were done at the time of war (WW2, cold war). 


There is no peace without war, there is no law without criminals, there is no civilization without villains.



Yea, you can still warp back/forth completely avoiding any pvp using a cheap and NQ provided technique that will most likely drive the last actual content creators away leaving the game with people that are happy to play it in "creative" single player like mode. Definitely a good way to build an MMO lol.


31 minutes ago, XKentX said:



Yea, you can still warp back/forth completely avoiding any pvp using a cheap and NQ provided technique that will most likely drive the last actual content creators away leaving the game with people that are happy to play it in "creative" single player like mode. Definitely a good way to build an MMO lol.


Stop whining. Warping is part of the game and it is expensive with a lot of freight. That whole Talemai claim is nonsense. You do not even to come close to have enough ships. Today I easly made it back to Alioth with 1600kL without using Warp. You are trying to intimidate other players to pay your "Mafia Fee". But in order to do that you should have some more an better ships that it doesnt look like a sandbox play ?

42 minutes ago, XKentX said:

From the history, we can clearly see that most of the advances in the modern era were done at the time of war (WW2, cold war). 


There is no peace without war, there is no law without criminals, there is no civilization without villains.



Yea, you can still warp back/forth completely avoiding any pvp using a cheap and NQ provided technique that will most likely drive the last actual content creators away leaving the game with people that are happy to play it in "creative" single player like mode. Definitely a good way to build an MMO lol.


You are honestly  claiming that WW2 and coldwar were the times of the most advancement? Srsly? This is such an old Hollywood myth used to glorify and justify conflict.

You're completely discounting the 70+ years of relative peace after the war where we have seen unparalleled advances in science and technology, privatised space travel, medical breakthroughs.
So many major mathematical and scientific breakthroughs were made during peace time and only a few were coopted for war (missiles, poisons, biological weapons and nukes)... The vast majority of breakthroughs were made outside of war or even despite war, not because of it. Sure, some projects were funded by the military (GPS) but they are few and specific compared to the general peacetime advancements enabled by allowing adults to go to university and study and not to war to kill.

Art and culture also. Look at the 400 years of Japanese isolation, creating some of the finest woodworking, caligraphy, art, music, tea ceremonies, silk, flower arrangements and yes, karate and katanas, too. The years of European peace that lead to the renaissance in art, music,  literature and philosophy that were unmatched throughout the world.

Civilization leads to breakthroughs in all fields, war just picks up a few bits and bobs and perverts them for destructive uses.  Moreover, war and conflict can just as easily lead to the loss of those advancements; Library of Alexandria, Twin Towers attack, Religious destruction of ancient artifacts... All of this comes from conflict...


But yeah, unbridled conflict.. whoopie.   Competition and challenges are needed, not war and conflict. Nothing good can come out of the latter other than a few people getting an ego massage. People who insist on and glorify open conflict merely lack imagination.

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