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Alpha Team Vanguard
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    Tenter de conquérir le monde...

    la programmation aussi...
  • backer_title
    Gold Founder
  • Alpha

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  1. lua options: adding function to get the user game language, like getUserLanguage() , return a code like fr en gr etc, or a int code and you give us a usable list of all languages adding a market api, not to sell automaticaly, but just to get a list of everything for sale/sale orders. so we could look faster through the whole market. can be restricted to 1x per minute for the user. better weapon api too... anyway add more lua, we will use it...
  2. So... is it going to happen or not? Almost there... just sayin...
  3. will be there but just to be sure, do you know if the place is fully accessible by weelchair?
  4. I'd like to attend the Alioth Aerospace Expo

  5. PenroseLabs:5A2E8FA787C82A05790A470387264034 

  6. Salut,  je suis québecois.  Tu sais si il y a un regroupement de quebecois?   Je suis actuellement dans une guilde francaise.

  7. discordauth:sztYg7AA4JSFn_7MpUugJQVjl8Rt_FZ8gwQgLUf-Lbs=

  8. next project


    1. kirito


      I heard some people made a labyrinth, but I am not sure, because I don't know who and where.

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