personality_matrix Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 Mickey Mouse can't pay the energy bill at Epcot because of you lot. SMH
JohnnyTazer Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 There is a Star Wars Galaxy Emulator still out there, that has servers still up I believe. Seems like that would be a good environment to roleplay out your star wars fantasies.
MadmanMac Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 what is it now, 2 days later ? and they are still crying about it. I reckon in that time they coulda goten the mats together, made a new ship, slapped some guns on it and just gone out armed for bear n lookin for BOO, well, that or paid Atom (again) to try n stop BOO. Man up biatchs n stop your whingeing, there is a PVP zone, its there for PVP, dont be surprised when PVP happens there. At least BOO ships do not proudly use nasty exploits on their ships.. HYP, noice job guys, now that is really sad, anyhow.... .... BOO will be waiting for you
ELX987 Posted February 22, 2021 Author Posted February 22, 2021 2 minutes ago, SneakySnake said: good watch, i recommend it Demlock 1
JohnnyTazer Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 3 minutes ago, SneakySnake said: NQ should tweet that video. A good video, and good watch.
SirJohn85 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 I totally forgot this existed... How ironic.. [BOO] Sylva, Demlock, MadmanMac and 1 other 4
blundertwink Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 17 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said: Yes, its the SW people who are using the homophobic slurs. If you wanna really go with the civilization building thing, every single civilization there has been in real life, is a result of pvp. Did you even pay attention in history class? that's an absurd distraction to the fact that everyone in here trash talking is acting like 10-year-olds. just because people were misogynists, bigots, and slavers in real life history doesn't mean it is okay to act like a complete jerk in a modern video game -- that's not RP, that's just being an ass. my point is that this level of name calling is boring, has nothing to do with DU, and has nothing to do with PvP. People need to keep their conflicts in-game and relevant to in-game things -- not personal attacks that have jack-all to do with the game. Derpzila 1
smurfenq Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 2 hours ago, Devian said: @ BOO pilots stop trying to explain yourself or justify your actions with nonsense about its a pvp zone or the ships should have been meta or whatever other nonsense. The event was organised as a non meta pvp event fully knowing it could be trolled. It really wasn't, I was in DU Creators discord helping rebels out. Deravi specifically told me this was a very serious pvp event, otherwise BOO wouldn't even have considered to take part as rebels in the first place. We were trying to instruct him, and the other rebels for 2 weeks straight, all while asking if this still was a serious PVP session and him reassuring us it was very very serious. This was supposed to be a fight til the end and nobody can prove me wrong. When I started sourcing material and evidence to prove him wrong in an argument in DU disc, he swiftly removed a lot of our chatlog along with suspending me from various channels so that I couldn't fetch more exposing material. However, this was never something I saw you say, and I wasn't in contact with you so there is a possiblity that even the main organizers of the event didn't agree on what they wanted. It just shows that some ppl are weak and has to come up with a bunch of excuses when they get their ass whooped because they weren't listening to the advice given. It doesn't mean BOO are inocent, we WANT to be bad guys, but blaming us for other ppls ignorance and stupidity is just sad. MadmanMac 1
MukkBarovian Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 1 hour ago, Olmeca_Gold said: Some people in this thread seem to just want a voxel building game where you can also sometimes get together in the same server with 50 other people to show off ships or for arranged fights. If DU was such a game then there would be no reason for NQ to bear the costs of a single shard seamless MMO. The playerbase doesn't seem to understand what an open world PVP game is. But on the other hand, NQ don't really seem to understand what an open world PVP game is, what an MMO is, or how to make an engaging game. So we have a grindy building simulator with a FFA PVP zone. Its really not surprising that people are confused. I'm really hoping that NQ start figuring things out. I kind of doubt it though. JohnnyTazer 1
Noddles Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 Nice to see we're back to the classic story of "BOO won because they have more players." Either get more friends or come up with a new reason. DU is pretty meh and BOO can still put up numbers what is everyone else's excuse?
MukkBarovian Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 Nobody "won." Less than 20 L cores fought at the edge of the safe zone. Every L core that was in distress made it back into the safezone. No significant ships were destroyed. Nobody can do a tally of "economic damage inflicted on the other party" because the game tools do not support that. Nobody can prove "I didn't destroy their ship but I blew up 50 mil credits worth of armor." The final score is 0 kills to 0 kills. There is something to be said about the cancerous game design of the safezone itself. There is something to be said about the lack of interdiction maneuvers, and the inability to force fights to happen. There is something to be said about the total lack of information with regard to what has happened in combat. There is very little transparency. There is something to be said about the lack of PVP objectives in deep space far enough away from the safety of the safezone for real risk to happen. But both fleets that took to the field on Saturday performed quite well. They fought bravely. Hats off. Salute to the other side. We'll see you on the field of battle again sometime. JohnnyTazer, Noddles and [BOO] Sylva 3
Physics Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 4 hours ago, Devian said: In terms of what actually happened. We didn't need better guards and the only mistake made yesterday was mine. I assumed BOO wasn't coming based on discussions with Deravi and I assumed Blitz would bring some star wars ships to have fun. Deravi has a lose connection with BOO uses their beacon etc so I advised Mulligan that Atom pilots could take part in the event and we didn't need all of AC to guard the Star Wars ships. It was a casual miscalculation and opened the door to be trolled. We were unsure right up until end and we had some intel that BOO might come but I dismissed it. Had AC formed properly BOO probably wouldn't have the numbers to do much even with a few Havoc ships. Given the state of game and the armor on the SD wasn't made to deal with meta L cores it still would have died. I could have also just not taken the SD out but content is better than no content as I've stated for all public fleets. That's what actually happened. Demlock formed BOO for this because for the last major event they didn't get any numbers so he effectively rage pinged because BOO wants to stay 'relevant' in DU because they don't pvp and when they do they hide behind rivers of gold and it takes them weeks to recover and they can't actually stand up to the AC who had most of its pilots in the event or not online because we assumed they weren't coming. If all of Atom had its ships there with Hyperion, Shield, STC, and the rest of AC formed they probably wouldn't have even bothered trying to come get a cheap star destroyer kill. So spin away but that's what actually happened. @ Johnny calm your farm boy and stop being so toxic you don't even log in anymore bro. No need to swear and hurf blurf so much. Everyone loves star wars and your comments about it being bad were proven completely false I've had numerous groups thank me for organizing it and they had fun. @ BOO pilots stop trying to explain yourself or justify your actions with nonsense about its a pvp zone or the ships should have been meta or whatever other nonsense. The event was organised as a non meta pvp event fully knowing it could be trolled. You came to the event to troll and crash the event that's legit. Own it. Just be chill and classy about it instead of being a bunch of toxic keyboard warriors attacking people for enjoying the game they want to play it. Swearing, calling the event 'Gay' or "Sh#ting on Role players. There just isn't any need for it. Be classy about it. You can still play big bad wolf without sounding like a redneck bigot. Lastly the behavior of some people on here and on the event discord channels is probably the only thing that disappoints me. Save it for the meme server if you have to behave like that to feel good about yourself. See you at the next public fleet. Devian, BlackBriar Mercenary Inc Why lie? Almost as bad as AC using exploits to match BOO at the event.... At least BOO can hold their head high and play legit. Demlock, Derpzila and Noddles 3
iNFiDeL Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 9 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said: Maybe you arent in the meme discord server. Someone who was in the SW event, came in and started cursing at BOO. They even started repeatedly hurling homophobic slurs at BOO and even me, just because I said it was "cool BOO showed up to get content". And more of the same in this form. BTW if you wanna know it was that InFiDel guy. Repeatedly was calling people homophobic slurs. So you got a bigot amongst you guys in that SW event. Maybe should think about excluding him for future stuff. Quit acting like I said anything with homophobic intent, you sound like Fox New and CNN rolled together in a fat blunt. No one gives a shit what your sexual preferences are now a days its 2021 grow tf up guy everyone can be whatever they want to be, why the hell would that bother me? Now your just being a rat though guy and its way not cool, about as cool as shitting on a RP event cause your bored, "cough cough" BOO. No one here is crying, its over this shit already happened, they are calling BOO out for being trashy about it and ruining at least some peoples experience in the event, yes not everyone got shot some just didn't even get to participate. You don't spend your day planning to ruins someone else day unless you are a POS pretty simple concept, quite certain a psychologist or psychiatrist would agree their something going on if that's your goals. In game out of game doesn't matter. At least I admit my mental instabilities which is more than I can say for all these goons jerking off to salt in chat. The reason I went on my little rampage of shit talk was simple. I missed my chance at some pew pew, so now why now pew pew the jerk off's who ruined it, but in chat, not like I'm going to waste my time learning to pvp in a game I have no interest pvping in, I was only at the event because it was star wars. I'd rather stick to my building here and pew pew on a game that has some actual depth to pvp. My real issue here is you got involved JohnnyTazer and are all butt hurt when you had absolutely nothing to do with any of it you wern't even there. I called you some names in a server that was literally made for shit talking, get tf over it. You were the one in chat joining in with the salt meme spams, the "cry about its" and the "snowflake/carebears" comments but now you want everyone to feel sorry for you because I called you a name that has zero merit, purpose or basis it was just shit talk. I don't know who tf you are so quit getting offended like I pissed in your cornflakes kid.
JohnnyTazer Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 4 minutes ago, iNFiDeL said: Quit acting like I said anything with homophobic intent, you sound like Fox New and CNN rolled together in a fat blunt. No one gives a shit what your sexual preferences are now a days its 2021 grow tf up guy everyone can be whatever they want to be, why the hell would that bother me? Now your just being a rat though guy and its way not cool, about as cool as shitting on a RP event cause your bored, "cough cough" BOO. No one here is crying, its over this shit already happened, they are calling BOO out for being trashy about it and ruining at least some peoples experience in the event, yes not everyone got shot some just didn't even get to participate. You don't spend your day planning to ruins someone else day unless you are a POS pretty simple concept, quite certain a psychologist or psychiatrist would agree their something going on if that's your goals. In game out of game doesn't matter. At least I admit my mental instabilities which is more than I can say for all these goons jerking off to salt in chat. The reason I went on my little rampage of shit talk was simple. I missed my chance at some pew pew, so now why now pew pew the jerk off's who ruined it, but in chat, not like I'm going to waste my time learning to pvp in a game I have no interest pvping in, I was only at the event because it was star wars. I'd rather stick to my building here and pew pew on a game that has some actual depth to pvp. My real issue here is you got involved JohnnyTazer and are all butt hurt when you had absolutely nothing to do with any of it you wern't even there. I called you some names in a server that was literally made for shit talking, get tf over it. You were the one in chat joining in with the salt meme spams, the "cry about its" and the "snowflake/carebears" comments but now you want everyone to feel sorry for you because I called you a name that has zero merit, purpose or basis it was just shit talk. I don't know who tf you are so quit getting offended like I pissed in your cornflakes kid. Cant quite hack it in open world pvp games can you?
iNFiDeL Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 5 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said: Cant quite hack it in open world pvp games can you? XD open world pvp entails their is a lack of boundaries, there is a massive safe zone around all the planets, so its not an open world pvp game thank you. I've done hard core pvp in many games, just because I didn't come to DU for hardcore pvp doesn't mean I don't do pvp (4800 hours Ark small tribes PVP, Scar Gang, sit down boi). I just find it lame in DU, maybe it will improve but I'm quite certain I'm not the only one that agrees considering almost all youtube/streamer content for this game is not in any way related to pvp. I mean Sylva's comment about BOO diversifying says its all. I enjoy the game for what it is now, a building/community game of which I've participated plenty in, about to release publicly the Atlas Museum where I have personally spent over 700 Million with several hundred million more in donations to display tons of creators works from the community showing support to a good portion of the population with plans to continue as long as this game doesn't die on me. Take your weak taunts about pvp to someone who cares. Avoiding the meat of my previous comment because you know I am right, so stop making me out to be some homophobic lowlife bigot.
JohnnyTazer Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 3 minutes ago, iNFiDeL said: so stop making me out to be some homophobic lowlife bigot. You do that quite well yourself. You got a lot of pent up rage. So much so that you sling homophobic slurs and curse crying to someone (BOO) who is just logging in to play dual universe. Ya you dont sound like someone unhinged at all.
JohnnyTazer Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 41 minutes ago, iNFiDeL said: I called you some names in a server that was literally made for shit talking, get tf over it. What names did you call me? Surely you can repeat them here.
iNFiDeL Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 5 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said: What names did you call me? Surely you can repeat them here. You already know what I called you guy, and I explained to you exactly what it was, shit talk nothing more nothing less. If you want a dm'd personal apology cause it offended you honestly, then so be it but I highly doubt that is the case so move along.
JohnnyTazer Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 10 minutes ago, iNFiDeL said: You already know what I called you guy, and I explained to you exactly what it was, shit talk nothing more nothing less. If you want a dm'd personal apology cause it offended you honestly, then so be it but I highly doubt that is the case so move along. I mean shit talking is one thing. But raging over a video game (where the party you yelled at truly did nothing wrong) and using certain slurs doesnt paint a good image for you. But no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. But if you make a meaningful apology here (for the slur, the shit talking was ok) then I will consider it all water near a bridge, and we can move on.
MukkBarovian Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 In a PVP video game you shoot each other and things are ok. That's how it works. Nobodies mother dies. Nobody's life is ruined. Nobody loses their job and gets fired. When you get so mad that you're shouting slurs that embarrass you, trying to lie about what happened, and trying to paint your opponent as the devil incarnate; That's a you problem. You can't handle the game.
iNFiDeL Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 5 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said: I mean shit talking is one thing. But raging over a video game (where the party you yelled at truly did nothing wrong) and using certain slurs doesnt paint a good image for you. But no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. But if you make a meaningful apology here (for the slur, the shit talking was ok) then I will consider it all water near a bridge, and we can move on. Fine, sorry JohnnyTazer for calling you something offensive, I didn't mean it to be anything more than sh*t talk. done... also I didn't rage, I got riled up and talk some smack plain and simple. Nothing to rage over, I didn't even get to participate. I wanted to talk sh*t so I fueled the fire. I meant what I said about BOO though, it wasn't cool guys, ruining someone else plans because you want the spotlight is sociopathic af. The rest is just fun.
iNFiDeL Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 5 hours ago, MukkBarovian said: In a PVP video game you shoot each other and things are ok. That's how it works. Nobodies mother dies. Nobody's life is ruined. Nobody loses their job and gets fired. When you get so mad that you're shouting slurs that embarrass you, trying to lie about what happened, and trying to paint your opponent as the devil incarnate; That's a you problem. You can't handle the game. I didn't lie about anything, I said what I said, didn't mean what that guy thought and painted BOO as what they are troll trash. I handle this game just fine.
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