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Tional got a reaction from Doombad in UPDATE: MERCURY (0.30) - discussion thread
Please give us some dates. For anything. Even providing the month involved in any of the above would be of great benefit to so many people.
Tional reacted to NQ-Ligo in UPDATE: MERCURY (0.30) - discussion thread
It seems that this information has not been detailed, but the panel overview contains two pages, home (home icon) and skins.
So if it can reassure you, the home page will contain general information like :
- Current balance
- Current owned constructs (with the maximum based on your talents)
- Current territories count (with the X/5 HQ reserved)
- Linked container range
- Current calibration charges (with maximum based on your talents)
- Charge regeneration time (based on your talents)
Don't worry about values, developer accounts have super-powerful talents.😁
Tional reacted to fridaywitch in Ask Aphelia Episode #4 - Discussion Thread
So just wanted to provide some feedback.
1). The Atmo XL questions... The dev who responded said they think ailerons and wings go up to L, but they don't. Ailerons and wings only go up to M and people are putting 200+ wings on their ship because the Stabilizer L is extremely inefficient on both size and drag.
2). You showed off all of that awesome voxelwork but didn't give any credit to the artist in the description. Makes me very sad.
3). If you foresee a bunch of exploity bugs around the player market... shouldn't you be trying to implement prior to release so all bugs and exploits are ironed out prior to release/wipe?
Tional reacted to Rokkur in A LETTER FROM OUR CREATIVE DIRECTOR - discussion thread
Translating Cyrille's Post:
#0 Cyrille: I’m Cyrille Fontaine, Creative Director here at Novaquark.
Translation: This is who I am, <insert credible title> Believe me when I say the following...
#1 Cyrille: A game like Dual Universe is a never ending labor of love and ongoing development, but there is a point when you just need to assess if it is ready for a release.
Translation: We promised way beyond our capability to deliver, and have decided to shove a broken game out for release cause we need revenue.
#2 Cyrille: Development of Dual Universe continues at full speed, and we’re spending the lion’s share of our focus right now on fixing bugs, stabilizing the game.
Translation: We 100% know our game is broken, expect months before you get new content.
#3 Cyrille: We’re close to deploying a brand new feature that we expect will be a hub for creators and merchants.
Translation: We are going to reskin the auction house terminals, and make them a player craftable asset you can place on your tile.
#4 Cyrille: We’re also working hard to deliver our promises to our Kickstarter backers that supported us from the beginning.
Translation: Thanks for the money, we are obviously 4 years behind our delivery date.
#5 Cyrille: Our team continues to analyze game data and read your feedback to focus our efforts on where we can be most effective
Translation: We are reading your feedback and ignoring you, this will continue.
#6 Cyrille: Another gameplay feature we’re looking to add is recycling, which would enable ... turning parts of broken or unwanted elements back into components.
Translation: Our economy is broken, elements are worth less than their raw resources, here is a bandaid.
#7 Cyrille: The mission system is one area of focus for this goal in developing more complex, interconnected, and lore-oriented objectives.
Translation: Our answer for PVE is more boring mission types which poorly reward players for their time.
#8 Cyrille: We’re also developing a power management system.... Players must decide how to specialize each ship
Translation: We are breaking your ships again, forcing major redesigns.... LULZ.
#9 Cyrille: We want to increase the quantity of discovered planets and moons... to produce planetoids the size of big asteroids,
Translation: Player population has fallen too much for multiple star systems as JC proposed, yet players are still too close for servers to handle the resource strain.
#10 Cyrille: One of the most resource-intensive features that we have to tackle is planetary warfare. It brings significant change to the game and, before we can achieve it, we have to bring PvP in general to a more mature state.
Translation: We Know PVP sucks, Planet Warfare in 2030
Tional reacted to spacecat in A LETTER FROM OUR CREATIVE DIRECTOR - discussion thread
AND what day would that be when you could give us "more concrete" news on a reset???? Could you perhaps tell us that??? Yall are trying to address the problem without addressing the problem, and every time you release a statement that is not an answer to the wipe but another "we are still discussing it" you prove that point. Once again you have released a statement that is no statement. I have been a subscriber since the first beta weekend and have never been more frustrated. I know there are plenty of people who have supported this game longer but I think most of us want to know that answer to only one question more than any other. You are looking to things that will release when? after launch? before launch? that wasn't answered. I finally canceled auto renewal on all three of my accounts because there IS NO POINT IN PLAYING when we don't know the future or even about when these plans will be in place. I would love to play this game with my friends when we have a goal. but as long as the "reset" (wipe) is uncertain there is no goal I can think of that may or may not be wiped.
You may not care but you will get no more money from me until you answer those questions.
I have never spent more time on a game than I have with DU and this is so frustrating and upsetting. I am not yelling as I type, just sad.
Tional reacted to blazemonger in ASK APHELIA EPISODE #1- Discussion thread
The coment about the wipe..
Please stop pretending and just say it.. You are mere months away from release and while the details may be not entirely set, you will have made the decision on whether to wipe or not. I will not buy that this is not he case as that would mean you, as NQ really are on the wrong trajectory entirely. Just a quick comment to circumvent the issue is really not good enough. having a generic statement which just rehashes what you said previsouly, which is increasingly unrealistic, is rather sus..
Build box
do not really see the relevance overall, this, at best, shoudl actually be a very low priority and setting expectations as "it can be done" really is not the right answer
DSAT tutorial
The answer should be yes.. DSAT is really pretty simple UI based "minigame" a tutorial should not take that much time.
It feels like NQ doe snot really understand the concept or what it requires and talks about stuff in the periphery of the topic, which is concerning
Small weapon ranges
This answer felt like NQ is moving even further away from space combat and is trying to gamify it even further to the point where it is going to be entirely unrealistic or immersive..
Overall, this was a very underwhelming podcast which follows the general NQ line of being vague, missing the point, exposing hte disconnect with the ciopmmunity and avoiding the tough questions for fairly generic ones.
Please, do better.
Tional reacted to FatRillos in ASK APHELIA EPISODE #1- Discussion thread
Not sure why we are even talking about the build mode grid. It has always been an issue, anyone who has ever built a ship knows what a pain this is. Just DU it and get to something important.
While you're at it can I get some of my screen back from my hand and the popcorn FX obstructing my view in build mode. Just as much of an issue.
The only question everyone wants answered is if the wipe is coming. But I'm pretty sure you don't want to announce because you are scared we all will piss off. Then who will test your game for you.
Tional reacted to Emma Roid in DEVBLOG: VFX UPGRADES IN ATHENA - discussion thread
How about a decision about that possible wipe?. Does not make much sense to play, or post updates while we are in the dark
Tional reacted to Taelessael in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
Right... Where to start with this train wreck...
Talk about curing a head-cold with decapitation... People didn't like schematics when they were released because you just suddenly stuffed them in to the game after people had already established themselves and effectively kicked a lot of dedicated factory players just about back to square one with the only way to continue their chosen style being "go buy something only aphelia sells".
Advanced warning that you were going to do that would have taken some of the edge off, adding the schematics but not requiring them for a few months would have helped take the edge off, adding a research system that lets people make the schematics themselves (even if spending the same amount of wealth via material-costs) would still make them annoy people less...
Schematics were added in to cut down on the server and connection loading produced by everyone having their own private mega-factory. If you want to cut out the schematics for all the t1 stuff (since we already make that in our nano-packs) then go for it, but if you drop them all without a system to replace it then you'll be regretting it again later.
Its' called a roll-back. You keep a copy of how things are right before a patch, and if someone finds an exploit in short order then you get rid of it and re-load that un-abused copy with a patch to fix the exploit. People generally don't mind losing a few hours of play too much if you have a good reason such as fixing an exploit that would destroy the economy.
Or if you kept a log somewhere, you could just quickly close the server down for a bit while you went through it and deleted the the resources produced by the exploit.
Or you could have gone after people for abusing the exploit and kicked them from the game.
Or you could do another partial-wallet-wipe like you did back near the start of beta (without any forewarning to ensure people don't just move assets around to avoid it).
This whole fighting chance for new players thing is absurd, and if we're being honest here repeating it is a bit insulting to the people that have thought that one through and explained it a dozen times now.
-Someone will always have more money than someone else.
-If you wipe the server clean then the returning players will still have more money than any new ones you somehow attract five minutes after the server opens just because they will know how to get it faster (you point this out in your post),
-The power-players will still have more money than the casuals because they will be putting more time in to it,
-The people running mission-alts or playing cooperatively will still have more money because this is an mmo, and conservation of ninjutsu must not apply,
-Everyone will still have a lot more than any brand-new player, because they will have had any time at all to get it while the new player will not.
The only thing this gives to new players (and only the competitive ones that don't think too hard about the existence of beta-players) is the sense that if they want to compete then they wont start far behind anyone else for that first week or two. For all the rest of the new players all you are really doing is clearing the universe of anyone that is willing to give them a head start with free stuff, pay them to run jobs or perform tasks, or inspire them with grand and epic constructs that show them "players can design and build this themselves".
You left out the pro of keeping people's trust, and if you don't wipe and just drop schematics you probably wont lose as many players as you will by wiping the universe clean. If you want to be really nice about it you could even make Aphelia willing to buy the schematics back, (and before someone complains about the exploiters getting money by selling schematics they picked up during the exploit-sale, please consider whether or not that would constitute a significant gain for an exploiter's wallet, and the possibility that she could buy them back at a reduced price for the happy middle-ground between refunding lawful factory-wizards and throwing a few more quanta at people that already have exploit-cash).
That said, I still don't think you should drop most schematics from the game, I don't want to have to pick my tile claims based on how many mega-factories other people have deployed close enough to lag my game out when I'm just trying to build, fly, or work my mining units.
You left out the pro of keeping people's trust, again.
You forgot the con of the loss of non-factory-players ability to use an established market to advance.
Also, you've done resets of planets before with things like magic prints and admin-construct excavation. so I must ask that you please refrain from inferring people now need to choose between keeping their stuff or having good looking planets.
This will annoy the market-players, and the factory players, and the ship-sellers, and the wipe-monkies because someone somewhere may still have more stuff than they do, and a lot of other players because they'd be losing some of their stuff. In short, this will probably annoy the most people, but you'll still be able to claim that you didn't negate the whole "beta is soft-release" claim made way back when beta was starting, and people will be willing to see it as a reasonable compromise.
As for old bugged constructs, try opening a thread and listing the specific bugs, I'm sure players would gladly offer input on potential fixes (could always add an "old" tag in the code of old constructs and prints that prevents operation/docking/BPO creation until all elements are moved with the move element tool or picked up with the deploy element tool).
Just be sure to not warn anyone if you decide this, otherwise people will just shift their assets around to try and avoid it, and don't forget to make sure people have something to keep their taxes paid and their fuel tanks full for a bit while they get the economy running again.
On one hand, if you simply didn't apply any new patches to the legacy server then most people would probably eventually migrate over to the new stuff on their own as you enticed them with cool new features (assuming you come up with said features).
On the other hand, such division of population would initially be potentially quite substantial, and would risk making the game seem "too empty", and you'd need to re-run procedural generation of ore distribution so that people don't just pull ore-coordinates from one server to be used in the other.
Of course you could probably take the 3rd option people have presented here where by the two eventually become linked as the previously promised extra solar-systems, but that would probably entail eventually allowing old resources in to the new system, at which point we'd be on the same track as having never wiped, so you'd probably be better off just not wiping if you did this so that old players could still help uplift new ones.
I've already been over the schematic and planet points in this post, but until you make missions have a random start and end location for each and ever person each and every time they take them, I'm going to say this wont fix that particular "economic loophole".
As far as cons go you forgot:
-Loss of the trust of a lot of people that believed NQ wasn't going to full wipe after beta-launch unless it was absolutely nessicarily for the integrity of the game,
-Bad pr along the lines of NQ being willing to nuke the entire universe to make their job easier in dealing with a few exploiters and/or patch implementation,
-Temporary loss of old players' ability to uplift or inspire new players,
-Loss of established-market use by non-factory players to advance in to doing what they want to do without waiting for factories,
-Temporary loss of established player's ability to identify/test mid/late-game loopholes and exploits in a time-frame that would still allow rollbacks or "targeted maintenance" to limit the damage they could cause.
So, what's it going to be NQ? The longer this debate goes on, the more people are just going to get frustrated at it all and question whether or not they should just go else-ware, and the worse DU will look for it. Time to make final call quickly and stick to it, you don't want the pr from all this fence-sitting on something as major as a universe wipe still hanging around when you get to full release.
Tional reacted to Atmosph3rik in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
It seems to me that NQ is trying to monetize a persistent world game, and a fresh start, at the same time.
They are making promises to both sides that they can't keep. And everyone is going to lose.
I don't even know where to go from here. Ideally, they shouldn't have sold the "final wipe" the first time, if it was a promise they couldn't keep.
And i fail to see how making that promise again to a whole new (entirely theoretical) group of players, is going to benefit the game.
Tional reacted to CyberDay in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
Jesus man, the enter key, do you know what it is? Holy wall of text.
Tional reacted to spacecat in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
Please dont take the talent points. I agree that this is the reason for the paid subscription. I dont mind a wipe on everything else, and in talks with my org have even gotten a little excited at the prospect (and would thank you for tearing down some of the old constructs and that would have taken hours) but the talent points are ALWAYS the breaking point for me. We should absolutely keep those.
What has been most annoying about the last month with the game is absolutely the uncertainty. Take the feed back set a date where you will have the final conclusion.... GIVE US THAT DATE.... and we will wait to hear but not knowing is becoming more frustrating every time another post about this comes up.
Also please clarify on "removing schematics" because it sound like you mean doing away with the schematic mechanic entirely but I think you meant removing existing schematics that players have already purchased... Definitely want some clarification on that
Tional reacted to DekkarTV in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
As the only real voxel game on the market, Dual Universe has a tight grasp on voxel builders. As a voxelmancer prior to the new addition of voxel tools, I'll be here wipe or not. As someone who comes from the survival genre game background where wipes are common I am used to regular wipes. While I don't approve of regular wipes after release, I do feel that so much of DU has changed between when I started and today and will again at release. I'm honestly tired of rebuilding to fit new rule sets. (wing stacking, brakes, gun sizes, etc.). That said I feel if there is a wipe I would be happy to continue playing with the following concessions;
1. Element sizing and hitboxes are set to their final size and placement rules (no more adjusting physical size, only tweaking balance)
2. NQ sets the "Launch" or "after wipe" the final rules they want for the game. No more "financial adjustments" (ie: core slot changes)
3. ANY player that logged into DU and paid for time DURING the beta be provided 3 months free time at launch and an increase from 90 talents/minute to 240/minute for the first 3 months. (This would both financially appease the 2 years of loss for me, and help to restore the game talents to a point where content can appear quickly)
4. Minimum price SELL ORDERs are implemented in the game. This will stabilize pricing and allow people from miners to industrialists to make profit along the way (unless they are silly about it)
As a builder with hundreds of constructs spread across several organizations, I don't care about constructs, I will just build a new place, with new ideas and new growth. (personal opinions)
The largest pool of people that will be upset will be the industrialists, these people spent so much time managing their factories to get them operational that there is literally a hard sell for them to reset. In order for them to re-establish themselves up to the tier they currently have reached in 2 years will take a shorter time without schematics due to the need to earn additional quanta and this overall is a positive, provided their profit margins are safe through "minimum sell order prices"
To the nay-sayers "If you wipe I'll quit" well it was a pleasure knowing many of you. But lets be honest here, many people threatened to quit at literally every beta update NQ has had since launching the beta multiple years ago and yes many good friends of ours have moved on already. With so many planned changes, and yes a big change in initial development plans, NQ has adjusted the game in good and bad ways. They followed their general goal and realized that they over-reached on some of them in a way that many people will not be satisfied with, but there was no point during the beta that NQ could wipe even if they wanted to and sustain a significant enough volume of beta testers to get to where we are today.
Final thoughts
I'm PRO-full wipe, and have always been. I have billions of quanta in assets and I'm sitting on hundreds of millions of ore. My voxel box alone is worth at least a billion in the current economy. I currently have more elements and voxel than I could ever hope to use on my own, and that is the primary reason I have orgmates. Yes we are a small group that is dedicated to just having fun, but we have made connections and friendships in DU that we could not find elsewhere. I'm sure many many of you are the same. DU is about "community" and once you realize this as a player you start to enjoy yourself more. From IC's fly ins to the DU-creator website, most of us just love being creative and showing stuff off to each other. That is where the true magic of DU is. This magic will NOT disappear with a wipe. For those that remain after the wipe, you will get to see a new magical world evolve. For those that choose to depart, you will find something missing in your gaming life and wish/hope/pray for something to fill that niche. This is what most EQ Next: Landmark players have felt, articulated and searched endlessly for, until DU arrived.
Whatever NQ's choice is, I will remain a player. For those that leave. We will miss you.
Tional reacted to Underhand Aerial in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
I agree with most people here, so I will just add to some points instead of writing everything in detail...
A very important question: What becomes of the thoramine? The Thoramin should not disappear under any circumstances. That there will be other ways to get to it later is okay, but the current one must not be disbanded. (Is that already discussed @NQ-Wanderer?)
Talent Points: These should be saved or if necessary reduced by the same percentage for all. It should not be the case that all players start with the same points. That would be more than unfair.
The beta was intended as a soft release and only partial wipes should take place if absolutely necessary. That was YOUR PROMISE, so if you break that promise and do a full reset, many will demand refunds. You cannot afford that financially.
Including blueprints from Alpha/Beta in the finished game was a promise from the beginning, so this should be fulfilled too.
I wonder what happened to my missing blueprints from the PreAlpha? There was the first space station built by players...
So my conclusion:
A partial wipe is possible. A full wipe is not. (Unless you want to kill DU)
Furthermore, I fully agree with Kurock.
Tional reacted to Physics in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
Apologies for the caps but the tone is intended. LEAVE TALENT POINTS OFF ANY WIPE DECISION JUST LIKE BLUEPRINTS.
As for my opinion. If you must weigh pro and con list make it so Voxel only constructs survive the wipe. Make a warning pre-wipe if the construct will fail the check just like you did with element stacking.
Pro - Builders can keep their hard voxel work and only have to replace the elements on the other side of the wipe.
Pro - Far less Back Lash.
Pro - Closes nearly all Loopholes apart from Voxel but Voxel will be the most easy to reproduce post wipe anyway so economic effect is very limited.
Pro - Newbies can be instantly inspired by the veterans creations of the Beta period.
Con - Some veterans will have to dig out ther buildings again.
Con - Nq will have to add a small bit of effort to save the 1,000's of hours of work created by the community.
Tional reacted to Kurock in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread
I have never read a bigger pile of one-sided bullsh*t basically advocating for full wipe in order to easily do away with schematics. Just announce the decision and get it over with.
At beginning of beta it was announced "no more wipes except as required for updates" (like the mining update that was done). So if NQ do decide to wipe, it would be yet another promise broken. This also completely ignores that people have been paying monthly to play...
As for "removing unfair advantage" and "level playing field". These are fallacies to help people sleep better at night. The players with the know how will return to the positions of abundance they have now in short order. There will always be "haves" and "have nots". All a wipe does is a slap in the face of the people that put time into the game after being told a wipe would not happen.
Make a system that creates schematics rather than remove them. The problem with schematics, like the markets, is that they do not give player agency. A player cannot make a schematic at all, they have to be bought. Make science research a thing.
Cons for wipe have already been mentioned: As I said, the "NQ thoughts" are heavily aligned to a wipe disregarding promises and small details like leaving an empty world, avid supporters of the game just leave, and paying customers just get their stuff removed.
What a wipe also does is remove the history of DU such as it is... like Thoramine. Deleting a piece of DU history like that is unforgivable.
Tional reacted to NQ-Wanderer in ATHENA ON PTS: SESSION EXTENSION
We would like to thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to visit our Public Test Server (PTS) and that tried our new Athena update. A special thanks to those who were able to attend our Fools Defense PvP event on April 1st, we hope you enjoyed it!
We recognize a good number of players were unable to attend the PTS event due to other engagements. As with any test, we had to make sure that our development teams were able to actively monitor and be present as the event took place. Thanks to your participation though, we have been able to identify some areas in need of improvements or adjustments - and thanks to your feedback, we will be working on improving them.
In addition, we are excited to announce that we will be bringing the PTS up for a couple of additional days, before heading into the next portion of our PTS test for Athena.
- Wednesday 6th April 13:00 UTC to Friday 8th 09:00 UTC
We have finished adding more of the late stage game items, such as the schematics for the new Relic Plasma Harvester and Space Mining Unit, along with the variants of elements that have been introduced. We have also applied some fixes for added performance and stability for players to test out.
- Friday 8th April 11:00 UTC to Monday 11st April 09:00 UTC
Moving into the second part of our planned PTS testing for Athena, we’ll be focusing on the First Time User Experience (FTUE) beginner introduction guide. More information on this will be released very soon, so keep your eyes open for the upcoming devblog with all the details!
In order to fully test the new FTUE, the PTS will be completely reset on Friday, April 8th (hence the two hours maintenance between the two sessions). Please note that said maintenance might be a bit longer. But once it is done, everyone that connects to the PTS will be able to experience the new FTUE in detail. Of course, there will still be dispenser towers providing many in-game items for free, so players are able to continue to test other features that they are interested in as well.
Regarding the FTUE itself, brace yourselves for an upcoming devblog on this topic! The FTUE devblog will be available by the end of this week, so keep on the lookout for it. There will be many details to help you get ready for the FTUE PTS session!
As always, we would like to remind players that this is a Public Test Server and as such, many unforeseen issues can arise; this can include performance and stability issues. In the event that issues do arise, we will do our best to remedy them as soon as possible.
Get out to the PTS and test when the time comes! We look forward to reading your feedback for our Athena update in our Forum thread here.
Tional reacted to Taelessael in DEVBLOG: PVP IN ATHENA - discussion thread
I'd suspect the pvp issue is less with disjointed stuff (nobody will much care if you go protoss and build the golden armada), and more that people are using disjointed element-needles with battle-ship-shields and interceptor-speed. In all likeliness, this patch will just make it worse, as now people will want to cut weight even more. If their vision for combat is to have epic-looking battle-ships slugging it out in big slow broadsides while swarms of smaller craft dogfight in the middle, then they will need to come up with a reason to have skin on a ship, a reason to not just fly a needle for cross-section tank, a reason to not have the biggest defensive element in the game on anything and everything smaller than a battleship that still has the build-volume to accommodate it, and a reason once they have all of that to mix in more resource efficient fighter-craft without negating battleships entirely (again).
I suspect what we need isn't a quick change-the-numbers fix for pvp, but rather the inclusion of more complexity.
-Solar-panels to generate power or radiators to dissipate waste-heat can take up a good bit of space on a ship's exterior, potentially requiring designs to simply include additional geometry/cross-section to allow for the needed greater surface area.
-Power generation/storage equipment tends to be big, heavy, or both, and the added mass would help cut in to the acceleration of super-high-twr constructs.
-If they changed voxel so that instead of affecting your CCS it affected your shield (more voxel toughens your shield, still with the falloff curve) then people would use some voxel if they wanted more defense. If they put the falloff at different points for different core sizes then they could manipulate how much mass was optimal for defense and thus encourage different core-sizes to mean actual different ship sizes.
-Shield-modification elements (stuff that trades max hp for resistances for vent-time for vent-recovery-speed for e-war resistance) could add additional mass or space requirements that would slow and enlarge more defensively oriented ships.
-Shields eating in to the the top speed of the ship they are attached to would make people chose between heavy defense and high speed.
-E-war equipment, much like guns and armor, take up space and add mass.
So essentially, they want people to pvp with a variety of ships that look like actual ships. The problem is that we are gamers, and if you give us a simple problem with one right answer, we are going to go for that one right answer. To fix it the pvp game needs to be more complex, to make sure there isn't just one right answer. The stasis-gun is a step in the right direction, and the speed-alterations are an extra variable to account for (albeit likely a poorly thought out one), but odds are quite high that we will need more.
Tional reacted to space_man in DEVBLOG: PVP IN ATHENA - discussion thread
At least they didn't mention a wipe this time. 😃
Tional reacted to m0rrtson in DEVBLOG: PVP IN ATHENA - discussion thread
Can you increate the max speed from thirty thousands to say 60k or 100k km/h?
I am really bored to settle a ship to 30k, and go clean my house, wash car, have a dinner and shower, and 5 hours later arrive to a planet to earn 8.5 mln quanta, for BEING AFK!!!
That is one of the boring parts of the game.
Tional reacted to BlindingBright in DEVBLOG: PVP IN ATHENA - discussion thread
Yes, yes you can wait. Nothing we say matters, we're gonna get this shoved down our collective throats either way so why spend time reading our responses?
'Doesn't meet our vision of Dual Universe' I'd really appreciate anyone within NQ taking 30 minutes to an hour to film a video or write a blog about the vision for Dual Universe going into and after launch...
With launch coming up and little to scant details on over-reaching game design implementations of features promised that won't make it to release. Pair that with features in Athena that were never promised... and it makes sense that the DU Community is at least owed a video explaining the vision of the game going forward... as it's clearly not the one people bought into.
Stop dancing around the elephants in the room NQ brought to the party, you're only harming your own product by staying silent.
Customers are owed an explanation. Rip the bandaid off, clean the wound, and let stuff heal. This festering infection that NQ created isn't gonna heal on its own.
Tional reacted to NQ-Nyota in [CM Team] NQ-Nyota joins the team!
I wondered how quickly someone would catch on. That was fast! Sadly, no direct relation with the Uhura family, I'm just paying tribute to a wonderful communications officer.
Tional reacted to Musclethorpe in NQ I am extremely disappointed with wrecks.
NQ, I had hoped you had taken this to heart.
I had hoped we were being offered an alternative to mining/manufacturing and courier work. A chance to play as a humble scavenger. If this expectation was either misguided or unrealistic, please read no further. However, if this was the goal...
...what exactly were you going for? It's been a week and I have roamed PvP space, both in-between planets, and out in random directions for a couple thousand SU, and have not found so much as an XS wreck. It feels as if you took your implementation of asteroid finding and went in the complete opposite direction to the extreme. Unless the goal was to just have us chance upon a wreck, here are a few reasons scavenging is completely untenable.
- Detection distance: Space, as you know, is very big, and 2 SU is "needle in a haystack" metrics.
- Rate of travel: This problem is two-fold. One, if traveling at maximum speed you are doing about 2.5 SU per minute (forgive my math if I am off). This means that you have less than a two minute window on your hours long search to see a wreck IF it intersects your search sphere right down the middle. The second issue being braking distance. Due to the detection range being so small, even a slight delay in seeing a wreck dead ahead could lead to you losing it in the backtracking process. Sure, we could reduce our cruising speed, but now we are covering less ground in an already astronomical search.
- Spotting the wreck: As I mentioned you have a very small window of opportunity to even see a wreck in the perfect conditions. Are we expected to stare at our screens the entire time we are searching? Sure, some one may (perhaps already have) write some LUA to make an audible alarm if a radar contact pops up, but it hardly seems reasonable to have to rely on that. Slow-boating anywhere is an hours long process and to be expected to sit in your pilot seat staring at space is completely unreasonable.
- Number of wrecks: Only you know how many are truly out there, but I will speak to the type of density needed to reasonably satisfy a scrapper such as myself. Over the course of, say, a four hour play session, I would hope to see roughly 2-3 wrecks. They don't need to be "What a haul!", but I do need to see something for my efforts.
In a game that has all but zero PvE, this is a great opportunity to add some that doesn't require AI, but we need reasonable tools to succeed! Increasing detection distance significantly doesn't meaningfully affect PvP (*ahem* such as it is) due to lock-on distances remaining unchanged, and this would be just the simplest of solutions. If I'm the only one who feels this way go ahead and ignore me, but if there are others out there that feel the same way, please speak up now!
Tional got a reaction from GraXXoR in PANACEA (0.28) UPDATE NOW AVAILABLE - discussion thread
Edit: I had a Legate go rogue and train to 425. Also, math is hard. And we need a way to tell whose legate talents are being applied to things like this. The moment I realized my mistake was when I went into VR (erasing my talents) and my primary org still had 425 max-cores available, but the other two had zero. The other legate I mentioned is only a legate in the primary org, not the other two.
Edit: 5/3 is 350, not 425.
Thank you,
Tional reacted to Frank3 in PANACEA (0.28) UPDATE NOW AVAILABLE - discussion thread
Why do all tools now have sounds that make one consider quitting the game???
And what's up with the LaaaaaaG !!!???
Come on NQ, why does every release have to feel like you break more than you fix??