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- tutorials still sometimes broken, trapping new players until they figure out how to skip steps. 


You'd think NQ would care about the some of the first things players experience in the game, but still can't figure out how to make functioning tutorials...


Edit: more details -- 


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8 hours ago, ShippyLongstalking said:

- tutorials still sometimes broken, trapping new players until they figure out how to skip steps. 

will add, got any more details? Will try to remember to do all tutorials with a toon.

sidenote, added space engines not starting on VTOLs, see bottommost entry in "piloting" on list

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1 hour ago, DontPanic said:

When I mine with linked containers, the container optimization talent does not reduce their mass.

so just any way stuff can get into a container that isnt manually dragging and dropping from another container

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Send me bugs in a readable format 


General Area: For example UI/Element/Construct/Skill

Specific Area: eg. Wallet, Dynamic Cores, Primary Container Skill

Description: Description of the issue/bug


I will add them to this trello:




This way we can keep track of the progress much better instead of having them reposted and spread all over the place.

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While I’m having some lunch a few I’m very aware of , number 1 is adjusters not firing on startup of ships/dynamic constructs also the landing gear up and down animation bug has been around for a while , also a recent issue for me not sure how wide spread this is at all but manuever tool crashes my game to desktop pretty much 100 percent of the time seems to be more when the pc is under load but for me pretty much 100 percent repeatable. Oh and also transparent screens not showing its content.

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20 minutes ago, Poljack said:

number 1 is adjusters not firing on startup of ships/dynamic constructs

ships first want to fall and ignore any input in general, after half a second they now take input, but ignore any keys that are already held down. Will add to list.


22 minutes ago, Poljack said:

the landing gear up and down animation bug has been around for a while

just wrote my own LUA to get rid of it, which broke with the patch of course. will add to list


22 minutes ago, Poljack said:

manuever tool crashes my game to desktop pretty much 100 percent

used to be an issue with detection zones, but that was fixed for me like a month ago or more. Is it still in for you or have you not used the tool forever because you are so used to crashing if you do?


23 minutes ago, Poljack said:

transparent screens not showing its content.

white screens, never added them, will do

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Interesting never knew detection zones had an effect on it , regarding crashing no I don’t crash a lot xD but I’ve noticed it since the patch I’ve also added some new detection zones to a ship I’ll try removing them and see if it has any effect and report it back here, also new wallet log doesn’t seem to hold its info for very long not sure if that is intended or a bug 

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I was in VR at the BSC block display. My game crashed, probably GPU ram crash. When I reloaded the game, my avatar was actually at BSC - nanopack inventory and all - not VR anymore. It’s like I swapped places. Too many cells and scrap to force respawn. 

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