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Posted (edited)

Last updated July 13th  2022

As reporting a bug usually is a process with no feedback and as picking talents usually means hoping they actually work, here is a public bug list. If you want anything added, please describe them clearly. No need to be salty towards me, I am just the salty guy who wants them fixed or at least known, too.

Do not spread exploits. There are plenty of exploits, I would love to make them all public for a level playing field, but it is against the TOS. So as I want to keep my list, please no exploit talk at all!




Talent related:



-plenty of text is wrong, like exceptional parts manufacturer claiming to decrease crafting time for functional parts, it works however. 
-[tier] product refining description is for honeycomb, but works . 




-increasing foil lift via piloting talents (not handling) do not change sustentation speed(with full talents your true sust speed is therefore 82% of what is displayed)



Gameplay related





-So many more unknown server errors leading to random machine stops, especially after maintenance

-HC nanocrafter inconsistencies, like galvanized black iron can not be nanocrafted
-t2+ Hovers and Boosters have the schematic price|craft duration|assembler need|materials needed of the of the one bigger version. In other words, while basic verts and hovers L cost as much as an M engine, t2+hovers and boosters L cost as much as an L engine of the same tier. Likely caused by the mixed naming conventions for all elements




-Diagonal (as seen from the front) elements add crosssection based on their max coordinates they cover. As in, the game checks the difference between their highest and lowest X value, highest and lowest Z value, multiplies them, and that is the cross section of the element. In simpler terms: If you place a wing diagonally, in order to get a little lift and a little stabilization, it has as much cross section as an upright, rectangular box that covers it. 

-Elements also have different cross section depending on where exactly they are, a horizontal Wing S does not add to cross section if placed on a z coordinate ending on .5   
-configuring pilot seat resets connections and autoconnects different parts. Sadly never my gyro. 

-When the default configuring has too many possible links, it states it skips autoconnection, but instead just connects as much as it can and then continues. I wish it actually did skip auto connect.

-Airbrakes produce a down (relative to craft) force when active. To repro, just glide down while holding brakes and pitch down about 45° (brakeland, while facing downwards).

-Cruise control can hold retro brake active at close to zero speed, compared to holding breakes manually (test by comparing normal brake holding, 6km over Alioth, vs cruise control set to zero). 

-Collisions with environment are checked client side, same for mass of construct, position etc.

-As long as you are above 3420meter (space engine can activate) and 6270 meters (space engine generally can be active at 100%) your space engines only generate as much power, as your atmo engines facing the same direction have max power. Cruise control does not have the issue. (numbers used for Alioth)

-G-values in build helper do not factor in docked constructs

-the build helper function that shows blind passengers can be bypassed

-Landing with a tilted core craft which has a docked construct often leads to fun explosions.





-Notifications do not include size of item (can be found in the log though, press "O"). 

-"View market page" only works for items in the market container


Other UI

-Setting something as destination while in VR often gives wrong position once out of VR.

-opening a notification log with more than 10k entries freezes the game for seconds, it re-freezes every time a new notifaction pops up while notifications still open, until you finally manage to set it to "last 24h" or similar.

Update, notifications now get auto deleted regulary.

-Bookmarks, pffff. Somebody ping me if they properly work, I will stop checking.

-trying to put something into a full container displays message "not enough space in active container"





-using a LUA parameter with a decimal comma instead of decimal point (damn Germans) will ignore the comma and the numbers behind it, run normal otherwise but the LUA parameter will not be displayed anymore to be edited, as the the whole export part is skipped, too. (LUA issue, not DU specific, DU should still throw an error). 

-canopy windshield triangle M and L have wrong mass and volume. 

-"brick product" is called "brick honeycomb"

-VR Stations, gunner or pilot seats, get stuck on "in use" and can not be used anymore. Ask a GM in the help channel or try this: place a fresh seat, enter it, alt+f4, log in again.

-Not being allowed to board a construct may keep you from coming close enough to rightclick-report it.
-Linked container fluctuates out of range if you have no talents (or in vr), even well within the 250 meters, if you are on the same construct as the container. Workaround: Have a dynamic core with a container to link to, at your base.

-Nanopack volume talent works in VR
-Some ships in the flight challenge have full buffs, not sure if intended.
-Elements deactivated for supposed clipping often re-"clip" after maintencance, or if a copy is made via blueprint.





-Multiple people mining the same spot causes errors


Technical issues




-revoked keys and gametime run out show error 106 on log in




Game hugs all RAM sooner or later, client has to wait for server info to be allowed to show frames, aka, framerate stutters at idle GPU.



-Borderless can not be stretched to cover a full screen with game resolution set smaller than screen resolution. Workaround: Set screen to reolution you want to run DU at.

Edited by Gottchar
8 hours ago, Gottchar said:


-Large-ish amounts of machinery (>4000)  lead to crashes, freezes when entering pilot seats, sound bugs (game tries to load FX of all machines)


Wasn't the schematic change all about stopping people from having mega-factories?  So that went well.  


-Daily quanta is never given since day one

-on the org page the orgs do not swipe from left to right or reversed resulting in hidden orgs beyond your reach

-Running harder as rendering speed gets you trapped in buildings as you can effectively run through walls

-mining at the same spot generates calculation errors, same for landscaping/terraforming

4 hours ago, XKentX said:

adv/rare/exotic Precision Laser L - has the damage numbers of the M model

Is this a pure typo in the description or do they really deal that much (little) damage?


2 hours ago, Aaron Cain said:

-Daily quanta is never given since day one

So this is only for certain players? just saw you in another thread. Will add. May I take your name as an example? Same spelling as here in the forums?


2 hours ago, Aaron Cain said:

-on the org page the orgs do not swipe from left to right or reversed resulting in hidden orgs beyond your reach

will add


2 hours ago, Aaron Cain said:

-Running harder as rendering speed gets you trapped in buildings as you can effectively run through walls

will add

2 hours ago, Aaron Cain said:

-mining at the same spot generates calculation errors, same for landscaping/terraforming

you mean multiple people?

8 minutes ago, Gottchar said:

Is this a pure typo in the description or do they really deal that much (little) damage?


So this is only for certain players? just saw you in another thread. Will add. May I take your name as an example? Same spelling as here in the forums?  Yes


will add


will add

you mean multiple people? Yes, already noticed it with 2


25 minutes ago, Gottchar said:

Is this a pure typo in the description or do they really deal that much (little) damage?

Don't know as I don't want to throw money away but I think they will do less damage as in their description.

  • 3 weeks later...

-ore extraction bonus skills and some honeycomb crafting skills are not working 

-various misspellings for skill descriptions

-planet type says planet 2 times unnecessarily

-mass reduction exploit still works in the form of putting ore in nanocrafter and player mass not affecting ship weight

-pasting coords into a bookmark overwrites the coords to the last set destination, workaround is to clear destination

-radar lua function of fetching target world pos returns to 0.0 coords

-large amount of ships fighting in one area causes significant gun misses while firing

-when departing a ship, any linked containers will disconnect and reconnect in the span of 10 seconds

-monthly subs are reported to not end on end date.

-sharing constructs sometimes doesnt work

-sharing org constructs never works even as a super legate, work around is to put share-ee in said org

-res nodes cannot be remote deactivated, i thought this was implemented?


will report more as they come up :D, love this thread idea





Also: The daily quanta login screen blocks the "back to the surface ..." event from triggering. This means that if you fall through the surface on login, and the daily quanta screen is up, you will continue to fall until you click "ok". The effects of this can be interesting: if you continue falling, then by inspecting the altimeter and speed you can see that you will eventually oscillate around the centre of the planet (no interaction with the planet "core" that is in the game proper). When you finally get bored and click "ok" on the daily quanta screen, you'll be teleported to the surface of the tile that you are in. Of course, if you've oscillated to the other side of the centre of the planet you'll appear exactly on the other side of the planet to the one you started on. Free teleporting!

On 2/23/2021 at 8:12 AM, Sawafa said:

Old and new Scanner results have different spell: "Scanner result" vs "Scanner Result".

I think this is below my threshold of importance. I already have one of those mini bugs as a joke.

As a sidenote, the loading screen loading bar loops incorrectly.

On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-ore extraction bonus skills and some honeycomb crafting skills are not working

already in the list

On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-various misspellings for skill descriptions

too minor to be mentioned, see post above. You are 100% right, but I dont want to add too much purely cosmetic stuff.

On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-mass reduction exploit still works in the form of putting ore in nanocrafter and player mass not affecting ship weight

will check, lets stop talking about it here for obvious reasons.

On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-pasting coords into a bookmark overwrites the coords to the last set destination, workaround is to clear destination

will add, tested


On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-large amount of ships fighting in one area causes significant gun misses while firing

to be expected, even large factories dont work

On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-radar lua function of fetching target world pos returns to 0.0 coords

will add, unable to test


On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-when departing a ship, any linked containers will disconnect and reconnect in the span of 10 seconds

to be expected, as the game re-checks where you are. It is a tech restriction, not a bug. I sound like an ass, sorry.


On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-monthly subs are reported to not end on end date.

Correct, tested, confirmed, but again, I dont want to list exploits, lets not talk about it.


On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-sharing constructs sometimes doesnt work

so far it always worked after some amount of time and relogs, even when just "refresh construct rights" didnt initially did it.


On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-sharing org constructs never works even as a super legate, work around is to put share-ee in said org

is that only for "share with nearby player"?


On 2/23/2021 at 3:11 PM, ELX987 said:

-res nodes cannot be remote deactivated, i thought this was implemented?

never seen talk about it, unaware of it being intended. guess they dont want to do it, as it would allow for free teleporting

18 hours ago, Knight-Sevy said:

Engineering skills applied to elements do not remain on the blueprint. Lots of talents in some cases or just one at random

this is intended, whoever uses a blueprint applies his skills, well, most of them.


thank you for acknowledging my contribution, i complied them from what friends have told me and what ive seen, some like the radar one might be outdated, some were exploits and i apologize for listing them here, the 2nd to last one is for nearby player yes, and i saw the res node thing added as a fix, might not be remote though

20 minutes ago, ELX987 said:

thank you for acknowledging my contribution, i complied them from what friends have told me and what ive seen, some like the radar one might be outdated, some were exploits and i apologize for listing them here, the 2nd to last one is for nearby player yes, and i saw the res node thing added as a fix, might not be remote though

Thx for listing anything you heard of. The more the merrier.

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