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  1. You just have to pay a lot of money to get 13 months of sub time, and you get ingame advantages, fair and simple
  2. Too many limits and restrictions, for most stuff I wouldn’t or couldn’t use them even if people wanted to do them for free.
  3. You have pvp, you can, shoot other people. Shittily, with bugs, no proper way of organizing and whatever issue, I don’t do pvp, but I am sure there is a giant amount of reasons why people don’t pvp more actively. You can shoot though. It is, in general, in place. Same thing for pve. While pve saw more things removed, and pvp more things added, they are both missing major features and instead get pointless things nobody asked for, or people even specifically asked to please not add. So this is not an issue of "the game need more pvp", it is an issue of "the game needs a lot of things, pve and pvp". And many of the active gameplay loops and tools people suggested would help both alike anyway.
  4. Just aks any of the industry players, we spent a lot of time on our spreadsheets and know our shit. Also, in regards to production cost at least, a lot of items are pretty much in fixed groups already, due the way the material cost were set up. intermediary part+complex parts+structural+fuctional is pretty much all elements, (with very few exceptions, which mostly will not require schematics in the future anymore (like encampment chairs or steel panels) The amount are always (with N being the size of the assembler) complex parts needed = 5^(n-1) Intermediary parts needed= 6^(n-1) 1 structural part which needs 2*7^(n-1) liters of ore (more precisely, take the 3602L for xl, and divide by 7 and round, to get smaller size) and one functional which needs as many intermediary parts as the element, and 2/3 of the metal of the frame. and all of the parts have similary formulars So, erm, and if ore prices within a tier are the same, you end up with similar numbers for a reason which you should now understand. Exception, plastic is still cheaper, so anything with more plastic (injectors or casings) will be lower then stuff without, like space engines. If, for example t1 is 25 quanta, t2 the same, and t3 40: space engine S: 2709 atmo engine s: 2315 fuel tank S: 2341 adjustor m: 2315 wing s: 2709 stab s: 2709 container xs: 2302 sliding door s: 2709 airbrake m: 2709 etc. Especially items of a similar "field" often have very similar schematics, so yes, easy to do. They pretty much only have to think of what percentage they roughly want, and then spit out the fixed schematic price. Space fuel is an equalizer for t2 ores, but it adapts slow. Without any other changes though, after some months, they all cost the same. Only "issue" is sulfur, which is not only a byproduct of some ore, especially silver. But also not used as much as other things, unless rocket engines (and their massive sulfur fuel tanks) get far more usage, which I guess NQ had planned originally. The bigger issue is, that the schematics add a flat fee in general, even stronger than the old ones did. Meaning there is a massive input by the devs for any price developement. Which really shouldn’t be a thing for the player driven ecomony they still want to reach some day, and even often claim to already have. With ore prices "clamped" due to bots, and schematic costs also being clamped, and no long term quanta investment needed, and switching out your production line even easier, prices will be more homogenous, in a dev directed way.
  5. You are comparing S, M and L elements which just all have M in the name. Replace for example the container M with container S, and the adjustor M with adjustor L, to have a proper comparison. (all t1 items made in an M assembler with size M parts) In DU, all items which only exist in a single size have the size name of the parts and assembler they need, like warp drive L, but all parts which exist in multple sizes, like gates, containers and adjustors, just have the size letters to differentiate between them, regardless of actual size. Sometimes, like with engines, it coincides. Edit: even to that there are exceptions, like territory units.
  6. Hey there, I took my time, so sadly this will now get a bit longer, but I try to structure this. Actual gameplay with the new system and a few questions about it: Assuming this is meant for orgs with multiple actual people in it (not alts accounts). IndyDude is the guy with all the talents for the machines, unless other orgmembers also have those talents (and rights) he is the guy checking any machines at intervalls to see which schematics are low and needed. He then has to communicate what is missing via discord or other outside of the game tools, as neither jobs/missions, nor the D in RDMS, not in game social tools works properly for this. Org members then make the schematics, what is still missing is bought. Hopefully the org wallet can be used for the fees. IndyDude takes thses schematics for his next check walk and refills what is needed. With current mechanics he would have to stop any running machines (even running but idle due to missing schematic) to place these. Just as a reminder for people who do little industry, this means walking up to every machine, activate it; click schematics (to check); click production again; stop machine; click schematics again; insert new schematics, click production again; click start, exit UI (escape); If you wonder why I used semi colons most times in that sentence, at those points the user has to wait for the server response, this can take some time. Anyway, all of this, you do for every single machine that needs a schematic in the future. Every few days. Dear @NQ-Nyota , did I get that right? I am sorry, but this is hard to put into an aphelia question. Is this really helpful, more fun and engaging? Also, anybody wondering how it will hit me, I have alts. So while I still have the annoying job of IndyDude above, the organising is a lot easier for me. Almost like the guy creating it was thinking "but at least it should give an advantage to people with alt-accounts. Yet another per account time gate mechanic You want to limit what a single character can do, yet when you limit things, you limit them as per account time gated. I will use this so often now, I shorten it to PATG. Talents are PATG, which is kinda alright, we got used to it. And while eve does it, mane other games don’t. The "default system" is to get talents by actually doing something. Here it is passive. Just need an account, it gets talents, passively, PATG. In other games you play a different character to experience another aspect of the game, like a different class. In DU, you just have an alt to get more passive gain, since there is little active gameplay needed. Mining was made PATG, I used to not mine my own ore, but now that it is PATG, I do it (I still buy, but I get my own, too). It is a once per week annoying tedium while I watch a movie to calibrate, but compared to how much time I needed to actively actually do something in the past, it is easy money. Almost like PATG and less active gameplay leads to more people doing everything a little on the side. Now you make industry another PATG. What is next, missions? Wait, they are already PATG. Were right from the start. Fun thing is the player missions are PATG, too. I would have to use alt accounts to make better use of the player mission system. It is still defunct for most purposes though. Which leaves, piloting, pvp, lua. Will we need limited charges for them soon, too? Big factories need server resources! No, shush. People, even when given an easier way to have a bigger factory, Hell if I sold tokens of my factory for 1 quanta, do not lead to more server stress for a simple reason, people do not produce more than needed. Even with all talents, why would my machines making, for example, container L run, if the ore is worth more than the container? The amount of things produced is the amount of things wanted/bought by players. Limit factories to a size that only goes through up to 1000kl of ore per day? Any factory currently needing 5 times that will be reduced in size, and new factories will be built by other players to meet demand. Unless you try to tell me that if there are less big factories, people will magically say "well, I could make profit with thing X, because prices increased, but then I would offset the amount of server cost saved by having closed the big factories!". Limit of machines per account, per core? All just cause more tedium without "solving" anything. Why do people dislike large factories? Mine is out in the empty desert where it doesn’t hurt you. You would save more server costs by stopping to park your ships at market 6 and the exchange to "showcase" them. Increase of player interaction Is checking the market interface to buy and sell items anonymously really player interaction? People will specialize! Even if, what about it? Current system: John, Jim, Bob all do industry, all make adjustors, wings and engines, bring them to the market and people sell them anonymously. New system, John makes Adjustors, Jim makes wings, Bob makes engines. They bring their goods to the market, sell them anonymously. Buyers don’t even notice. If something becomes more profitable, like engines. John lets schematics run out and invests in engines. Swapping "specialisation" gets easier with the new schematics, and specialisation is pointless anyway, I mean all buying and selling is done via a dry UI anyway. Some good points though To be fair, the new system is nicer for new players. It will also enable again the core group of people who left with .23, small pre-existing groups who set up a base someplace. Because even in an MMO, a group of 10 people should be able to have a mostly automous base, without needing to "interact" with the anonymous market all the time. So what do I suggest? If you already have to implement this feature, can you at least reduce the tedium and implement it with some QoL and maybe even fun right from the start? -central schematic element per building, a "schematic registry" which was already asked for when .23 was announced. A single place to check which schematics are missing, what numbers are available etc. And from which machines can draw a schematic if needed. That means orgs can just ask members to check it from time to time when their queue is empty, produce what is needed and refill the schematics that are low. No talents required. Just RDMS for that element to "view contents" and "put item into container". No daily "check each machine manually, stop and start them to refill" -Now that schematics are not a "lasts forever" item, you could make them occasionally be found. For: *finished missions (aphelia or public player made) *asteroid mining *even a tiny chance when calibrating *in nq spawned space wrecks etc -redo broken/inconsistent crafting material needs, tiers etc, I made a post about it. -Instead of heavily timegating schematic creation, combine them with activites. Speed up the queue, give "copy credits" for certain types of schematic etc, for things you track anyway, via the achievement system. space engines for high altitude flight (thin air), higher/bigger atmo engines for atmo flights (Daisy cutter), AGG for having a big ship (shipyard master), cosmetics for using a lot of cosmetics (green house). Or of course, any other form of active gameplay you can think of. And about the player interaction: Despite Entropy, the man who plays so much he doesn’t know what elements are in the game thinking that player markets are only a niche thing (a niche thing with all the top spots in the VR most visited list), player markets would actually mean that players go to other players. Crazy concept, I know, in a game where every player makes his own base anyway, there would be a reason for players to visit such other bases, and not just fly to the same old NPC building and interact with a bloody terminal and stare at the same green UI.
  7. @NQ-Rubiconplease also check the new hover and booster recipes, they need materials of a one larger size compared to basics. basic boosters and hovers L are essentially M items, with an M price, made in an M assembly, with a schematic that has an M price, and need an M typical time. t2+ boosters and hovers L are L in all the regards in above sentence.
  8. kannst aufhören mit gespannt sein. Da passiert nichts
  9. are ALL the nearby ships also owned by that org?
  10. Plenty of players have created things like this. It is just hard to advertise them. And even if advertised them, any prize money would have to come from the player himself. And even if we handed out free money for people who do their things, you can not prevent people from just taking the stuff. Instead of giving us the tools to do it, you now ask for ideas for NQ impemented, NQ advertised events, which you have to tools to reward? Sure, do a riddle ship, like the one I made, with a little story and set up, like mine, and little riddles, like in an escape room. Like mine. Use the in game elements, like operators and pressure plates so that codes and clues can be input and checked, like I did. Or just exactly copy any of the other sweet riddles and escape rooms that other player made, but could not advertise, reward or make abuse-proof.
  11. Space only, VTOL. A ship that can take of and land vertically, but space only. The moment it is space only the VTOL part has little relevance, and in space you can move any mass with little engine power anyway. Not that much gravity to fight. Anyway, given how so far nobody really understood what the issue is, can you explain it again, but with more full sentences. What exactly is the issue?
  12. So, wie montiert man das jetzt? Wir machen die gleiche Reihenfolge wie oben, aber der Einfachheit halber kommt erstmal Schritt null: 0: Voxel. Nachdem du einen Kern (dynamisch XS oder S) gesetzt hast, setz einfach mal eine flache Schicht Voxel. Schau dass es symmetrisch ist, aber ansonsten einfach nur ein "Brett" in der Mitte, wo man alles andere ansetzen kann. 1: Space engines. Die kommen ans Heck. Im Inventar doppelklicken zum Auswählen, grob dahin zielen wo du sie setzen magst, und dann mit "R" tippen grob die Orientierung hinbekommen "R" halten und mausrad zum drehen Pfeiltasten und Bildauf und Bildab zum präzise bewegen. Mit Maustaste setzen oder Mit Entertaste setzen, dann hast du direkt die Vorlage für die nächste Engine. Das hilft massiv wenn man mehrere Elemente exact in Reihe setzen will. 2. Atmo engines, auch hinten, genau wie space engines. 3. Hover, unters Brett, oder sonstwie seitlich, hauptsache nach unten ist Platz. 4. Flügel. Am einfachsten ist hinten, einfach neben die Engines. die Flügel brauchen keinen Platz nach oben oder unten, nur nach hinten. Es ist völlig normal das man am Heck so aussieht, als hätte man seitlich einen Kamm montiert 5. Bremsen, irgendwo hinklatschen. Die Atmobremsen müssen wirklich einfachnur irgendwie dabei sein, die Spacebremsen brauchen nach "oben", da wo die Pfeile sind, noch platz. Falls du mit Voxeln Wände oder eine Decke gebaut hast, dann einfach da außen dran. 6. Adjustors, siehe im Originaltext. Simpel ist es mit 8 Stück. Einen unter der Nase, einen oben drauf. Einen rechts einen links an die Nase. Einen unter die rechte und linke Flügelspitze, einen auf die rechte und linke Flügelspitze. Ich kann, problemlos, ein paar DinA4 Seiten über Adjustor schreiben. Oder einen einstündigen Stegreifvortrag halten. Spiel einfach damit rum, und frag wenn was nicht passt 7. Tanks sollten irgendwo in die Mitte weil sie schwer sind. Falls das nicht mehr geht, dann wenigstens entlang der mittellinie, nicht rechts und links. space ist auch schwerer als atmo. 8. Sitz, wo er halt passt. Mit der Einfügentaste kommst die in die Außenansicht. Es ist ziemlich unüblich in der Egoperspektive zu fliegen. Beispielbilder: Zusätzliche Elemente und warum ich sie verbaut habe: Gyro: Sorgt dafür dass man im Flug eine Anzeige hat, für Pitch und Roll, also welchen Winkel man fliegt. Ist mehr so fürs Gefühl. VR Station: Erlaubt dir auch wenn du grad unterwegs bist mal kurz wo was zu kucken. zB Du bist am Markt und willst Stühle oder Fenster oder so kaufen und weißt nicht wie die Aussehn oder wie groß sie sind? VR zu "Gate library" und schau sie kurz an. Nav Chair, einfach Beifahrerstühle. Dann kann ich wen mitnehmen, Du wirst aber erst Rechte einstellen müssen damit die auch jemand benutzen darf. Radar. damit ich andere Konstrukte von weiter weg sehn kann. Diese Symbole die man mit "V" ein und aus stellen kann. Falls du das periskop und die Kontaktliste nicht haben magst, einfach den Radar erst einbauen (und selber verbinden) nachdem der Sitz schon konfiguriert ist. Ress node. Damit ich am Schiff rauskommen kann wenn ich sterbe. Denk dran du kannst so viele aktiv haben wie du magst. und wenn dein Inventar leer ist, dann ist die "force respawn" option im Menü eine tolle Abkürzung. Hub verbindet alle container zu einem großen container. Die Masse der Cargo wird berechnet, also befindet sich alle in der Hub, nicht im Container.
  13. Das hier ist der Guide zum Schiff bauen, leider auf Denglish, weil ich kenn die deutschen Namen nicht. Der Guide ist für neue Spieler, die ihr ersten Schiff selber bauen wollen um Sanctuary/Haven zu verlassen, was ich auch stark empfehlen kann, weil es viel Spaß macht, auch wenn es frustrierend sein kann. Sich ein Schiff einfach kaufen kann jeder. Des weiteren kann ich wirklich hart, hart mehr ins Detail gehen, aber um es kurz und einfach zu halten, sag ich einfach ein paar Sachen eher grob, oder sogar technisch gesehn falsch. Ich schreib dann gern nochmal die Detailversion, die wird aber Kopfweh bereiten: 1. Entscheid dich für eine Größe (und Anzahl) für die Space Engines. Ich werde in diesem Guide alles andere darauf beziehen. Größer bedeutet primär es dauert länger alles zu beschaffen. Du wirst dieses Schiff sowieso sehr zeitnah ersetzen, also fang einfach an. Ohne Gepäck reicht eine S. Falls du Gepäck hast, fang mit einer M an und rechne mit grob 1M =25 Tonnen Cargo. Alle in der gleichen Größe Ab 4 gleichgroße Elementen nimm bitte eine der größeren Größe. Allgemein merken: 6 kleine = 1 mittlere, 6 mittlere = 1 große und so weiter. Das gilt für den Rest vom Guide, wir nennen es mal die "sechsmal Regel" 2. Atmo engines, einfach doppelt so viel wie Space. (zb Hast du 3 space S, dann willst du 6 atmo S. Aber weil du 6 hast, nimmst du die größere Größe, also 1 M) 3: Hover, einfach doppelt so viel wie atmo engines. (falls du zB 4 atmo engine M hast, dann wären das 8 hover M, also entweder 1L+2M, oder scheiß drauf, einfach 2L) Immenoch dran denken, wenn die Zahl zu groß wird, größere Elemente nehmen, ich sags net nochmal. 4. Flügel: So viele wie Atmo engines. Magst du das Gefühl wie du wie ein Flugzeug fliegen und landen kannst? dann gleichviele, wenn nicht, dann reicht ein halb so viel, aber dann mag ich dich nicht. Flügel = wing. Nicht Stabilizer oder Aileron, die stinken. (du hast 3 M Atmo engines? Dann sind das 3 M flügel, sieht doof aus, also machen wir die "mal sechs" Regel, und nehmen 9 S Flügel. Sieht auch doof aus, also nehmen wir 10, fünf pro Seite). Und nochmal so grob ein Drittel davon hochkant, das hilft beim Lenken. Alle Flügel immer und ausnahmslos entweder hochkant oder zur Seite, nie schräg. 5. Bremsen: dreimal so viel Atmo-Bremsen wie Atmo engines zweimal so viel Space-Bremsen wie space engines 6. Adjustors: Doppelt so viele wie Atmo engines. Aber bitte mit der "mal sechs"-Regel in kleinere aufsplitten und verteilen. Du willst: Nase runter, rauf, rechts, links bewegen können, rechte Flügel rauf und runter, links auch. Also "Rollen" Hier kann man am meisten rumspielen. 7. Tanks: so viele wie nötig, aber nicht mehr. Wie groß ist deine größte Atmo engine? Dann eine Größe kleiner für den Tank. Das gleiche für space. Und dann beim Fliegen mal kucken ob du nicht mehr oder weniger nehmen willst. Die Dinger sind schwer, und Anfänger nehmen meist zu viele oder zu große. Du musst nichts selber verbinden, manche verkacken dabei sogar. Finger weg. Einfach nicht machen, das macht das Spiel selber sobald du in den Sitz einsteigst. Alle Hover und Atmo engines wollen an einen Atmo tank, und der kann 10 Dinger nehmen Alle Vertical booster (nimmst du nicht) und space engines wollen an den space tank, und der kann bis zu 10 dinger nehmen 8. Sitz; Hoversitz. Frag nicht. Immer Hoversitz nehmen. Und vorm ersten Flug rechtsklicken und als Fliegersitz konfigurieren. Und wir montierst du das? Entweder selber fummeln, oder Kommentar unten lesen. Oder fummel erstmal selber, und lies dann den Kommentar danach.
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