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Posts posted by NQ-Naunet

  1. Hello Noveans,

    The upcoming 0.24 Update includes a plethora of enhancements to elevate the look and playability of Dual Universe. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at two of these: biomes improvements and new voxel features.

    In this first phase of a significant, ongoing graphics update, we are improving the biomes of our planets to make them more visually diversified. Combining Speedtree, a procedural generation software, with the Quixel Megascans assets library for the textures and meshes, we now have many new tree models!


    The Quixel Megascans library also provided many new rock models, which our artist team has then reworked.


    Moreover, to achieve maximum realism, our ground textures now utilize scans of authentic terrestrial soils. In addition, we have improved the rendering to increase the textures’ visual quality and performances even further.





    Rendered models from our Engine Editor.


    These new rock assets will replace all the previous ones and add variety to the environments.



    We have a new night lighting! To offer a better visual by nighttime, the tree models have been calibrated in order to fit the new night lighting.




    All tree and rock assets are placed in the game world using procedural generation spawning.



    These scans ground textures are the materials from Quixel Megascans used to replace previous ground textures.

    One of the most compelling aspects of Dual Universe is its fully editable world. Through the art of manipulating voxel structures known as voxelmancy, the possibilities for channeling your creativity are endless. Our goal is to provide the players with as many tools as possible to edit voxel shapes, and we want these tools to be user-friendly and efficient.



    The suite of voxel tool shapes is now even sweeter with the addition of the cone shape. Using it is similar to making cylinders. Use the mousewheel to increase the size of the base, and drag up or down to increase or decrease the height.



    The new line tool allows you to select an area using any of the available voxel shapes and then hit the Alt key to delete them. Hopefully, you will now find it less tedious to remove voxels than with the previous system!



    Are you looking forward to being surrounded by the luscious new sights and textures of the graphics update? How will the new voxel tools compliment your constructs? Let us know in this discussion thread. ?



  2. 1_1open.jpg


    Good day Noveans,


    The Dual Universe Public Test Server (PTS) is online again. We anticipate that PTS will be up for approximately one week, from February 23 through March 2, but we may take it offline or leave it up longer as necessary


    PTS is available for all active DU subscribers. Your account login information is the same for both the Live server and PTS; however, access to PTS requires downloading, installing and running a separate client

    Please note that PTS is solely for testing purposes. We’d like to manage expectations that PTS updates may include feature prototypes and gameplay changes that might not ever come to the Live server. That being said, the client currently featured on PTS includes some additional Mission System features that you’ll want to check out... ?


    By participating on PTS, you will not only have a chance to see content that’s in development before it’s released on the Live server, but you’ll also be helping to shape DU through sharing your insights and constructive criticism earlier in the development process. Feedback and bug reports related to PTS should be posted in this designated forum, which we monitor closely as part of our commitment to improve the quality of the game and its performance.

    Happy testing!! ?

  3. Hey there. :)

    "Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations..."

    Star Wars-esque constructs and/or events fall within "fair use" (not sure what it's called in Canada/France, so forgive the US terminology).


    We appreciate the concern, however. It's always good to surface subjects like this to ensure we continue to be compliant. ?

  4. I'm winding this thread down and locking it, because I think everyone has made their respective points. I'll keep it up for posterity.


    The reason for yesterday's moderation is not a question to be debated. The post technically breached the forum rules we have about naming and shaming *and* doxxing. In an attempt to demonstrate a moment of grace and understanding in light of the valid frustration I witnessed, I did not take full moderation action (ie. issuing a ban). Next time, there will be no leniency. Do not doxx, do not 'light doxx', do not even 'doxx adjacent'. No doxxing, period.


    As for questions of toxicity, let's review the rules together right now to clear up any misunderstandings that might exist about our expectations of how people should behave in order to participate in this community.

    Additionally, I personally begin to consider behavior toxic when it's repetitive, malicious and can't be reasoned with. Some of the posting patterns I see here fall under that personal definition for me, but I digress. Copied directly from this post


    "We want this forum to be a place where everyone feels empowered to have an open and friendly discussion with us (the Novaquark team) as well as other community members. To help make this possible we have created rules we feel will keep things positive and ensure that proper netiquette is observed.

    By posting on this forum, either publicly or through private message or other means, you explicitly agree to follow the rules and guidelines posted here. If you do not agree with these rules – in whole or in any part – then do not post. All members will be treated as if they have read and understood these rules and guidelines.
    (I) Be respectful and courteous.

    The Dual Universe forums and community site are provided for Dual Universe players and those interested in discussing topics directly related to Dual Universe. We understand that community members may disagree with each other, and even with us, but we expect opinions to be expressed in a reasonable and polite manner.  It is important to maintain an atmosphere of civility and respect, so that all voices may be heard.
    (II) Communicate constructively.

    All communication, whether between players, moderators or Dual Universe staff, must be constructive. Posts without constructive commentary can distract from the topic at hand, reduce the visibility of valuable communication, and discourage others from participating in the conversation.
    (III) Following actions are prohibited:

    • Posting off-topic replies or replies that are likely to drag the discussion off topic.
    • Necroposting on old threads (unpinned threads in which the last reply is older than 2 months).
    • Spamming on a specific topic. This includes creating multiple discussions on the same topic in the same or multiple forums.
    • Cross-posting a specific reply. This is also a form of spamming.
    • Posting an image without a meaningful text. A meme is not a response to a discussion. They are usually disruptive and can be easily misinterpreted. The same is true for animated GIFs.
    • Calling out other players or community members by name to shame them for actions or opinions you may disagree with. Naming and shaming is not tolerated.
    • Posting in any manner that disrupts an official thread. Official threads are topics created by the Novaquark team for the purpose of collecting feedback and opinions.
    • Threatening legal action. Unfortunately, this kills all conversation immediately as we must refer all further discussion to our legal team. To preserve the conversation intact and unaltered these types of responses may be immediately archived.
    • Trolling (provoking) people.
    • Flaming (insulting, attacking) people. Picking fights isn’t a good way to make your point. It usually means you don’t have one and are just trying to cause trouble.
    • Using profanity. Including creative spelling or character substitution to bypass word filters.
    • Using the report system in an abusive manner. This is a form of harassment and a tremendous waste of time for both staff and moderators.
    • Discussions and comments involving real life politics, ideology or religion. These can be incendiary topics and will usually lead to inappropriate behavior and uncomfortable situations.
    • Publicly posting any private discussions, conversations, or other material between a user and a Novaquark employee (confidentiality policy).

    Violating these guidelines may trigger a warning, followed by either a temporary or permanent suspension of forum privileges depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.
    (IV) The following actions may result in the immediate suspension of forum privileges:

    There are some actions severe enough to result in immediate temporary or permanent suspension of posting privileges without prior notification. Serious or sustained offenses may result in suspension of not only the user's forum account but game account as well.

    • Threatening other members or Novaquark staff. No, “just joking’ is not a defense. We take this very seriously.
    • Publicly revealing account or personal information of any person, community member or Novaquark staff.
    • Posting harmful links pointing to viruses, malware, worms or trojans.
    • Posting sexually explicit content. Including posting links to such content.
    • Hate speech is not tolerated in any form.
    • Attacking any ethnic group, religion, gender or sexual preference/identity.
    • Promoting exploits, cheating programs, piracy or any sort of illegal activity.
    • Attempt to impersonate Novaquark staff or another member of the community.

    Violations of these rules may result in further steps taken with outside authorities or agencies. This may include your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and local or national Law Enforcement agencies.
    (V) Abide by moderators and Novaquark employee’s instructions.
    If you disagree with a moderator or employee's actions, do not discuss or challenge the matter in forum posts. Send an e-mail to forum@novaquark.com, and be sure to include your forum handle (name displayed on the forum), but NOT your password, and clearly state your concerns.
    IMPORTANT: Forum content is moderated at Novaquark's sole discretion, and content may be modified, removed, or otherwise restricted by Novaquark employees and/or moderators.
    Best Regards,
    The Novaquark Team."

  5. 1 hour ago, le_souriceau said:

    Ok, I wanted to alopogize too for my exessive detective-tin-foil-cap issues and fury.

    And do a bit of clarification.


    I contacted Philipp (author of publication in question) and he was kind enough to provide me with some additional comments.


    1) He confirmed, that wrote this article on his own initiative, without contact/premediation with NQ (borrowing some official NQ media images to illustrate it).

    2) Acticle based solely on his personal/buddies group gameplay experience (several hundred hours).

    3) Most important part. Philipp explained, that arcticle, by his idea (and nature of his media), made for more broad and casual (external) audience, so he adapted info and presentation for them. While we, being more hardcore players can have different perception on game mechanics (0.23 patch) and priorities.


    Personaly I strongly disagree with such approch to coverage, but still its great, that Philipp bothered with reply. 

    Thanks for validating the information I brought back from the team, le_souriceau. :) It's nice to be able to close that loop.


    21 hours ago, DecoyGoatBomb said:

    If you don't know NQ Devs are forced to play DU solo and are discouraged to play with the community. This is virtually unheard of in the Games Industry. In fact companies are usually doing everything they can to make sure the devs are playing the game. It is no surprise that these Devs end up just not playing the game at all. The result is they have no clue how people are actually playing the game and continue to develop the game in a vaccum. If the worry is that devs will cheat and use insider knowledge to get ahead then maybe be more transparent with your development so they will have very minimal advantage. The game is suffering exponentially more for having a dev team that is completely divested from the live game and community. All I ask is that NQ change their policy about devs playing the game as it is doing nothing but harm to the development. 


    With much warmth, the phrasing in this post is a tad sensationalized. Nobody is being forced to do anything. :P Yes, we have rules about how to conduct ourselves while using our NQ Dual Universe accounts, but the rules are not all that surprising, unique or scandalous. They're also public, as I see some forumers have already quoted our official communications about 'em here. 


    We are encouraged to interact with the community in-game. We just can't participate in certain aspects of gameplay like, for example, joining a player Organization under our NQ names. Doing so would absolutely cause negative ripples re: favoritism. I can imagine it now... players coming to me with things like:

    "Why did you join their Org and not ours? What do they have that we don't? I'm sus."
    - "NQ is signaling support for one Org over another, officially, and that's not fair - look at how much recognition they're getting! Why can't my Org receive official backing!!?? What's really going on here?"
    - "Omg, what special advantages is NQ giving that Org that we won't get?! I bet they'll be fed insider knowledge about the next patch!!1 They must have friends in high places...
    " etc.

    Please also consider that our accounts are "fully loaded"/have "God Mode" abilities, which would give staff an unfair advantage (within the context of regular play) no matter how you slice it. It makes sense to me that we'd want to maintain a firm boundary between staff and player accounts to avoid any conflicts of interest or cries of unjust behavior.


    Someone, somewhere will find a way to take issue with whatever any game dev staff choose to do or not do in-game. It's just how the cookie crumbles in MMO-land. We have personal accounts we play on to experience the game as you all do. I personally paid for a subscription, because I strongly agree with the point that products must be thoroughly explored and understood by the employees that touch them. :) (Edited to add this note: employees are not obligated to pay for subscriptions to personal accounts! I chose to prior to being hired because of my interest in Dual Universe.)

    PS - This was a valid and interesting subject to bring up, and I appreciate that you have all remained civil about it. Disagreeing with the rules we lay out is fine, and I hope my two cents provided some clarity. Keep those critical thinking caps on!





  7. Hey man, it's all good. :) Thank you for the heartfelt apology and explanation of your intentions.

    It's important to me that we all remember to balance our passions and concerns with empathy and a pro-social mindset. That's all.


    21 minutes ago, Zarcata said:

    Wouldn't it have been enough to leave the post open and just remove the link? The topic itself was interesting.

    I chose not to moderate anybody and remove the thread as we usually would, because I agree that it's an interesting and valid topic that should be allowed to stand.


    I'll consider unlocking the thread in time, but for now I need my message enforcing some important boundaries to be loud and clear (and unable to be buried by other commenters).

  8. Additionally, as this thread was shared internally I have received a response regarding the validity of the claims presented here: "I can confirm that we did not pay anything. We're not even in contact with this journalist."


    This publication created a feature without our involvement, and it's clear to anyone reading that they're not up to speed on what's actually happening inside of Dual Universe as of 2021-02-16. ?‍♀️

    Feel free to disregard the article, or just enjoy it for a laugh if you'd like.

  9. This thread has been locked: do not put NQ staff member LinkedIn profiles here! I shouldn't even have to say that. I'm really disappointed.

    You can express your upset with the game and speculate about us all you'd like, but leave windows to our personal lives OUT of this arena. Please.

    I don't want to come to work worried about what I'll see of myself here - some of us may be public facing, but I implore all of you to treat us with respect. Respect our privacy, please.

    Pick apart problems, not people. 

  10. image.png

    Hey Noveans,

    Joining an organization in Dual Universe has many advantages, especially when it comes to pooling and sharing resources. The introduction of org wallets in the upcoming 0.24 update will add a convenient way to transfer money to and from organizations, just as players have been requesting.


    But wallets aren’t limited to organizations alone. Many of these features will be useful to individual players as well. This should be welcome news to everyone who will be raking in the quanta via the new Mission system.

    Let’s take a closer look at all the wonderful things wallets can do.

    WALLETS 101

    Each organization now has a wallet.

    There are two new rights related to organization wallet management in the Right and Duty Management System (RDMS):


    • Consult wallet: Gives the right to members to simply know the current balance of the organization.
    • Edit wallet: Gives the right to do all the wallet operations available to the organization wallet. It includes buying, selling (and paying taxes by doing so), browsing the log and transferring money (see below).


                Giving the right to edit the wallet of Wave Corp to another player.



    Any player with the “edit from wallet” right of an organization can:

    • Sell unclaimed items or items claimed by the organization in the name of the org. Once sold, the money goes to the organization wallets.
    • Buy items in the name of the organization. When doing so, the wallet of the org is used instead of the wallet of the player. Also, the item is then automatically claimed by the org when purchased.
    • Edit and/or delete orders owned by the organization. NOTE: Going to the “My Orders” panel of the market UI, allows the player to see their own orders as well as the orders of all organizations for which they have the appropriate rights.

    Payable dispensers owned by organizations will use the organization wallet, instead of the Superlegate wallet.


    All players can give any amount of quanta to any other player or organization. Players with the necessary wallet rights of an organization can also transfer money from the organization wallet to any other entity. Transfers are tracked in the wallet logs of both the sender and the recipient.


    There are a few rules regarding quanta transfer, mainly intended to protect players from griefing through spamming the recipient’s wallet log :

    • A transfer requires a minimum amount of 1,000 quanta.
    • There is a cooldown period of 10 minutes between two transactions with both the same sender and the same recipient.


                Transfering money to the organization Wave Corp.



    Managing an organization and giving the right for wallet operations to several players requires basic management functions. That is why we are adding the wallet log.

    All entities (players and organizations) have access to a wallet log that reflects all transactions related to their wallets.


    Each entry contains the date of the operation, the type of operation (such as money transfer, market transaction, various fees, etc.), and additional information, such as the name of the player who completed the operation, for instance.


                The wallet log.



    What do you think of the plans so far? Is this a good starting point or are there additional functions you think wallets will need? We look forward to reading your feedback in this forum thread. ?


  11. Hey Noveans,

    Joining an organization in Dual Universe has many advantages, especially when it comes to pooling and sharing resources. The introduction of org wallets in the upcoming 0.24 update will add a convenient way to transfer money to and from organizations, just as players have been requesting.

    But wallets aren’t limited to organizations alone. Many of these features will be useful to individual players as well. This should be welcome news to everyone who will be raking in the quanta via the new Mission system.

    Let’s take a closer look at all the wonderful things wallets can do.

    WALLETS 101

    Each organization now has a wallet.

    There are two new rights related to organization wallet management in the Right and Duty Management System (RDMS):


    • Consult wallet: Gives the right to members to simply know the current balance of the organization.
    • Edit wallet: Gives the right to do all the wallet operations available to the organization wallet. It includes buying, selling (and paying taxes by doing so), browsing the log and transferring money (see below).

    Giving the right to edit the wallet of Wave Corp to another player.



    Any player with the “edit from wallet” right of an organization can:

    • Sell unclaimed items or items claimed by the organization in the name of the org. Once sold, the money goes to the organization wallets.
    • Buy items in the name of the organization. When doing so, the wallet of the org is used instead of the wallet of the player. Also, the item is then automatically claimed by the org when purchased.
    • Edit and/or delete orders owned by the organization. NOTE: Going to the “My Orders” panel of the market UI, allows the player to see their own orders as well as the orders of all organizations for which they have the appropriate rights.

    Payable dispensers owned by organizations will use the organization wallet, instead of the Superlegate wallet.
    All players can give any amount of quanta to any other player or organization. Players with the necessary wallet rights of an organization can also transfer money from the organization wallet to any other entity. Transfers are tracked in the wallet logs of both the sender and the recipient.

    There are a few rules regarding quanta transfer, mainly intended to protect players from griefing through spamming the recipient’s wallet log :

    A transfer requires a minimum amount of 1,000 quanta.
    There is a cooldown period of 10 minutes between two transactions with both the same sender and the same recipient.

    Transfering money to the organization Wave Corp.

    Managing an organization and giving the right for wallet operations to several players requires basic management functions. That is why we are adding the wallet log.

    All entities (players and organizations) have access to a wallet log that reflects all transactions related to their wallets.

    Each entry contains the date of the operation, the type of operation (such as money transfer, market transaction, various fees, etc.), and additional information, such as the name of the player who completed the operation, for instance.

    The wallet log.

    What do you think of the plans so far? Is this a good starting point or are there additional functions you think wallets will need? We look forward to reading your feedback in this forum thread.

  12. LoveContest-1_1.jpg


    Hey there, Noveans!

    It’s February, the “month of love”, the perfect time to share some tokens of our affection for the Dual Universe community by offering the chance to win some great prizes in the “Share the Love” contest.

    We are constantly amazed by the things you build, and we want to shine a spotlight on all the crazy, cool voxel voodoo you do so well. For the “Share the Love” contest, we’re calling on the most innovative creators to tap into their limitless ingenuity to build something love-themed. (We don’t want to stifle your talent by putting too fine a point on it.)

    The winner will receive a DU mug, t-shirt and stickers along with three months of game time. 

    To enter, post the following to the social media of your choice: Facebook, Instagram or Twitter:


    • Four screenshots of your love-themed creation
    • Your in-game name
    • The name of your construct
    • Location coordinates
    • The hashtags #DualUniverse and #DUShareTheLove

    Entries must be in accordance with our Code of Conduct and End User License Agreement

    Entries must be submitted by 17:00 UTC on Friday, March 1, 2021.
    The winner will be announced on Friday, March 5th, 2021


    Good luck! We’re looking forward to seeing your entries!


    Due to shipping restrictions/embargoes, only residents of Canada, the US, the UK, France and Germany are eligible to receive the “Share the Love” contest prize package. Winner is responsible for any customs charges or local taxes. 

    By submitting an entry, you are agreeing to and accepting this limitation. Novaquark reserves the right to receive and vet all submissions, and to disqualify any entries that fall outside of the rules specified in this post. Novaquark’s Community, Social Media and Marketing teams will be responsible for the judging of all entries. Please contact community@novaquark.com with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.

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