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When the game was first pushed out to the public, it was everything that No Man's Sky wasn't and more.

However, with how is the game has been developing over the course of 2020 the picture of DU that was painted is completely opposite from the reality of the game in it's current state.


As a result, those who've walked away from the game are either gone due to overwhelming burnout, resentment from disappointment, or are simply waiting for Novaquark to get this game back on track.

While this game provides "Unprecedented Freedom" (per the latest youtube commercial) the path to getting there and the grind feels ... nearly fruitless. 


While most content is player created, Novaquark seriously needs to consider taking a more active role in making NPC content, bots to help bolster activity on both PVE and PVP front and create more for a burned out community to engage in.


Sure, there's still people who play the game and use the markets and enjoy the game for where it's at. However, the .23 patch rubbed a sizable portion of the populous the wrong way. Now, you have bad word of mouth and a larger sullied populous of people unhappy with what's been done to the game.


Asteroids are a great start, however it is similar to giving a hungry 12 year old kid a lolly pop expecting the child to not be hungry for real food later.


The real food resides in creating:

  •   Frequently Randomly generated NPC PVP ships and haulers that people can attack
    • Activity is low and the remaining PVPers are beginning to fade out the door because the fullfillment and drive just isn't there. Giving us constant food will keep us around longer than Randomly generated asteroids ever could
    • It will be the first legitimate source of continuous content for the community and something worth playing the game for
    • It will be something worth advertising as you will see more and more battles take place in space on much larger scales than ever before
    • People will begin to believe you're turning the game around for the better and the Positive word of mouth will begin to spread
  • Frequent and plentiful NPC Generated Missions for the Mission System
    • Again, another source of content to engage in because the community is too burnt out to create the content on a continuous basis. In addition there's not enough activity, drive or even sources of income to support making missions all the time
    • It will be yet another legitimate source of content for people to get immersion in
    • better word of mouth
    • More stuff to advertise
  • Asteroids Regularly patrolled by NPCs
    • Players are burning themselves out by having to mine more than they PVP. As a result they get pissed and walk away. Break the vicious cycle by auto-generating NPC ships that keep people busy and that way we can salvage them instead of eachother.
    • Again more content for us to engage in
    • more to advertise about
    • People will definitely come back to the game
  • New system Event
    • Make events that will allow us to discover parts to construct a galactic probe for probing new systems and even parts to construct a Stargate.
    • Don't do like you've normally done and lean so extreme to one side and make it next to impossible for people to engage in or have fun. If you start any feature on holy $#!7 mode then only 10 out of 1000 people will try it. Too hard or too tedious = not fun = not profitable = no money for NQ and no subscribers.
    • Starbase and many other games do not use it. Lock and fire method of PVP was fun for ships at first but then just became excessively boring. Seeing the same crap for AVA will only stand to piss people off and drive them away. This WILL hurt your notoriety and eventually your $$$. Find a way to make a real 1st person shooter possible and this game will have more activity than NQ knows what to deal with. It may even lead to another round of investing because of the increase level of activity NQ has to deal with. Please please please get away from Lock-n-Fire for AvA for the Love of all things holy DON'T DO IT.


18 minutes ago, Demlock said:


  • Starbase and many other games do not use it. Lock and fire method of PVP was fun for ships at first but then just became excessively boring. Seeing the same crap for AVA will only stand to piss people off and drive them away. This WILL hurt your notoriety and eventually your $$$. Find a way to make a real 1st person shooter possible and this game will have more activity than NQ knows what to deal with. It may even lead to another round of investing because of the increase level of activity NQ has to deal with. Please please please get away from Lock-n-Fire for AvA for the Love of all things holy DON'T DO IT.


I agree that it will drive ppl away but in reality there's no other way to do it.


Starbase (never played it, just info from googling) splits ppl apart, there are never more than 100 ppl in your instance. that's why they can actually do a twitch based / simulated bullets approach.


servers in DU on the other hand are lagging right now when there are ppl around you doing stuff, flying stuff, mine, craft, build,.... they simply can't simulate bullets in that environment because it would lag everything.

Just look at EVE (yes yes I know...): some time ago there was a huge battle (think it was B-R) with 6500 ppl involved and server shat themselves. This year there was the battle of M2 which saw 12.000 participants - but servers broke.

Now you can say all you want like "eve is old. Eve uses another server tech. eve has TIDI...." and so on and you would be right. But at least eve actually HAD such huge battles and NONE of what DU achieved so far comes even remotely close of that.

DU and NQ first have to even demonstrate that they can have 5000 ppl in close proximity without major lag before they can even think of going further - as some feverntly put it "It's a CIVILIZATION BUILDING game after all!"


We are getting tired of the only real content in the game being pretty vanity constructs which aren't functionally superior. The much-promoted space elevators are functionally inferior to element elevators. There is not much reason at all to hold and maintain space stations. Twitter, twitch, reddit and forums are all full with pretty looking ships that aren't being put to use for the lack of a greater purpose. We can't attack the much-advertised freeports and the big cities. There is no reason at all to get together, introduce bureaucracy, get organized. The only group of people who are constantly rewarded and marketed are those who are willing to put in hundreds of hours to make a few construct pretty. This game has no room for greatness for empire builders, pirates, mercenaries, warlords,, explorers, and most others who don't want to be patient architects. Just a look at the official twitter would confirm this.


Sandboxes are grounded on ecosystems where there is a risk/reward balance. Rewards are positioned in a way that you get more if you risk more; and the risk is typically conflict with other players. NQ seem to be inexperienced with this kind of game design but they need to focus on ecosystem-building and now. They need to make hires with ecosystem-building as the greater purpose. Entire teams need to be allocated to this. This should be prioritized over less important quality of life things like mining bots, voxel editors and such. Even mechanical PvP improvements are inferior to a functioning ecosystem. The current early implementation of PvP would keep us playing it if only we had people to shoot at thanks to a well-functioning ecosystem which makes them take risks.


The game needs rewards to fight over. Ore (especially high tier) should have been way sparser, more permanent in tiles, and we should have been able to fight over it (over tiles). Even if they introduced territory warfare today, there will be nothing to fight over with this implementation of mining. A meganode expires in a day, and that is the timeframe in which a hex is valuable. If asteroids will give us things to fight over, we need them today. But they need to be implemented in just the right window, so they are not too abundant which leads to zero conflict, and they are not too sparse which creates monopolies. 


We need things to discover, explore. The JC's "Ready Player One" approach to puzzles leads to bad implementation and waste of dev effort. The game doesn't need one major headline-making puzzle chased by only a minority of people. It needs puzzles, events, exploration rewards that are constantly respawning, that are inclusive to many players, and that don't expire; so people log in everyday and have something to do besides mining, factories and building. The rewards should be abundant and persistent enough for many others to participate. Even WoW in beta in 2003 managed to put some herbs here, some surface ore there, a treasure chest behind the waterfall to make people look for things on the map. There is no such activity in DU except mass territory scanning, which is mostly an unengaging afk activity. Wrecks didn't cut it. Again, NQ needs to get the sparse/abundant ratio right with these things.


We also need things to shoot at besides consenting PvP'ers. New ways to get caught while doing valued work (eg hauling) needs to be introduced. NPCs would have been a great source for this as well.  Just keep respawning a few NPCs between planetary routes and that would create content.


The game has so many rewards to distribute in the aforementioned activities. Blueprints and quanta could have come from exploration activities instead of inorganic daily login rewards or the bot orders.

Industry update failed to create the interaction and specialization it was supposed to create. People are mostly back to their gigafactories and t1 elements are again being sold at a loss. The update just made people go mine some meganode to raise initial capital, visit some planets for blueprints, and build some higher tier industry machines. In a functioning ecosystem such as Eve Online, trade comes from the scarcity and uneven distribution of source material (such as ore, blueprints); not from capital requirements to go into industry.


We should have been forced to make machines to do proper mining (or even building) too. The nanosuit does too many jobs which could have been done by interesting constructs. Making dynamic constructs for underground mines or to build our static constructs would have been an entire area to excel at.


There are plans for further mistakes such as taking contracts from Eve and misleadingly calling them "player-made missions". A "mission" implies there is a backstory, a unique purpose, some new experience and unraveling for people who go through it. "Put X amount of ore in my container Y" is a contract. It's a shallower activity. It might be an alternative way of making money. It's not a mission. It's not an "experience".


Another mistake will be invalidating miner work and opening up great fields to RMT'ers by introducing passive income via mining bots.


Meanwhile, everyday I see JC tweet another pretty-looking vanity design and say "possibilities are endless". And I ask myself if I should keep trusting this game's future. If he wanted a cooler-looking Minecraft then why spend so much money to design it as a single shard persistent universe at all?

24 minutes ago, Lethys said:

I agree that it will drive ppl away but in reality there's no other way to do it.


Starbase (never played it, just info from googling) splits ppl apart, there are never more than 100 ppl in your instance. that's why they can actually do a twitch based / simulated bullets approach.


servers in DU on the other hand are lagging right now when there are ppl around you doing stuff, flying stuff, mine, craft, build,.... they simply can't simulate bullets in that environment because it would lag everything.

Just look at EVE (yes yes I know...): some time ago there was a huge battle (think it was B-R) with 6500 ppl involved and server shat themselves. This year there was the battle of M2 which saw 12.000 participants - but servers broke.

Now you can say all you want like "eve is old. Eve uses another server tech. eve has TIDI...." and so on and you would be right. But at least eve actually HAD such huge battles and NONE of what DU achieved so far comes even remotely close of that.

DU and NQ first have to even demonstrate that they can have 5000 ppl in close proximity without major lag before they can even think of going further - as some feverntly put it "It's a CIVILIZATION BUILDING game after all!"

The below image was a statement I made in the "Whatcha making post" along with images of hallways I worked on



So to what you're saying ... I reluctantly agree but hope they find a better way. The current Lock-n-fire crap is now becoming a cringe thing to engage in rather than something that people are eager to enjoy.

The need to at least make the whole system be as close as possible to a 1st person shooter and not some overengineered crap that will make people want to put their head in a furnace.

42 minutes ago, Demlock said:

The need to at least make the whole system be as close as possible to a 1st person shooter and not some overengineered crap that will make people want to put their head in a furnace.

Agreed. But lock and fire can be hidde  quite well, mass effect being one example. If done well, ppl barely notice a difference. But since ava is at least 2 years away, lets hope they do a bit of research and implement it well. 


Gotta say, I'm currently the most active member of my group by a long way, and all I'm doing is logging in daily to buy raw mats on the market, and sell a refined product to make sure i;ve got the cash to buy schematics, on the off chance that the game becomes something worth playing again in the future.


That's literally it.

I was actively recruiting and recommending the game to people, right up until the Beta launch. While the game was in Alpha, the community was much more active, and I reckon that was down to the fact that we all knew that our assets weren't permanent. We knew there would eventually be a wipe, maybe more than 1, so going out and doing organised fights was something people were up for. After all, if we lost stuff, so what? Not like it was something we'd be keeping in live, so we could afford to have a bit of a laugh with it and have some fun.

Now that the game is in Beta, we're ostensibly in the live environment. Losses affect the live game, and without a scheduled wipe, those losses are long term.

With no reason to fight, why should I risk it? There's nothing to gain in real terms by going and fighting, so why should I risk my assets to do it? It's not even as if the combat gameplay is even that enjoyable, and it's certainly not worth all the grinding you'd need to put a fleet back together afterwards.




Tonns of good points. About headline: I doubt marketing team have any meaningful say in important decisions. 


Yet, with all this I more and more suspect that NQ secretly planning wipe (at least as plan <B>), sort of all-in "fresh start". Because current one to large extent failed (sure, it in eye of observer, but for me its quite obvious).


I see some particular signals.


Per example, technicaly they can't fix website and refferal program for damn half of year. Or they do not want already? Because it makes sense to save this impulse for more active/positive moment of release, then waste it now, in aura of serious negativity.


All sorts of leaks and economic blunders  -- NQ dealing with them quite... unenthusiasticly, if at all, likely not waste energey on temporary problems (why to bother, if it all be wiped). Sure, our "feedback" not pleasant, sometimes seriously (like 0.23 outrage produced some backpedaling), yet overall their tactics seems to just waiting game, until everything calm down with people loosing stamina and interest to make trouble (some reminiscence with Alpha).


Return to communication of "just messenger" style, despite growth of CMs numbers. What they all doing is mystery for me, but my tin foil theory: they pulled to some long-term projects, may be even outside game itself, that will be preparation for actual release in some mysterious form. Day-to-day communication with rioting peasants likely set to lowest priority (signature way of comms here).





58 minutes ago, le_souriceau said:

Tonns of good points. About about headline: I doubt marketing team have any meaningful say in important decisions.


You make a very solid point on hitting at the marketing team.


The person in charge of marketing @NQ-Sesch of marketing DM'd inquiring about it, of which I'm writing up a lengthy response in:

  • Marketing in DU from a player's perspective
  • How it has negatively affected the people on the ground.. in general... because my exposure is limited
  • Possible ways to improve on that front so people don't feel lied to.. because that's what I'm hearing from people
  • The various content that is either mis-marketed or not marketed at all
  • The possible marketing points listed in this forum post and exactly how they connect
  • How they could possibly NOT do what No Man's Sky did.
    • Where in the game mechanics didn't match the promises made through marketing/announcements
    • People were pissed off because of the dichotomy created and they became more frustrated as time grew on. Eventually they didn't bother paying attention until it was corrected.
58 minutes ago, le_souriceau said:

Return to communication of "just messenger style", despite growth of CMs numbers. What they all doing is mystery for me, but my tin foil theory: they pulled to some long-term projects, may be even outside game itself, that will be preparation for actual release in some mysterious form. Day-to-day communication with rioting peasants likely set to lowest priority (signature style of comms here).


This aspect here only steers their community away even more.

I've inquired about the lack of communication from their more public facing people like @NQ-Naerais and @NQ-Naunet.


If there's life issues going on then that's understandable.

When I've made post after post about various questionable aspects of DU and get no response, I simply sit and be patient. (giving it the benefit of the doubt)

Yet, when a Silver Founder/ATV person says something that echos what my posts are about then there's a response a few hours later.

This sends a clear message to people in general.. and not a very good one.


I praised @TheBlacklist and @NQ-Pann for taking the time to speak with me over a stream, about a week or so later. Very cordial and professional regarding my posts in a very public way.


Because of last year's questionable approach to say #Market15 bann and a number of individual bans that further pushed the public's view of NQ into the dark people are a bit more afraid of:

  • even bothering to ask questions,
  • challenge NQ dev's stance on mechanics
  • inquire to marketing teams about why something was marketed as so
  • Poke and probe the game's broken or bugged mechanics in hopes of getting NQ to quickly fix things
  • Challenge their GMs, Admins, PR, Devs and even JC himself.

All because someone, somewhere is afraid of getting banned, suspended, silenced, censored, or even fired. It creates this cancel culture in the DU community that turns people off and adds a crate of WD-40 to a bonfire.


You cannot just "ghost" your community


NQ's actions last year were identical to a... certain person's response (whose name begins with a D) when she began to block virtually everyone who had a response to her statements. Even Du helpers who had positive yet, small critics about her forum posts.


Don't get me wrong, some people are rather cancerous with their statements and cause themselves to get banned but there's people on the DU Memes server who've outright said they don't bother asking questions on DU discord anymore, others just simply quit.


In the end, approaches to their community like this only echo out into the greater gaming community and generates bad word of mouth for the company. Thus also negatively affects marketing. When people see an ad from NQ and then hear "They are ban happy or they don't respond to your questions" or their customer service is sub-par. (limited resources aside... because yes, it's important to acknowledge that they're not swimming in cash).



1 hour ago, le_souriceau said:



Yet, with all this I more and more suspect that NQ secretly planning wipe (at least as plan <B>), sort of all-in "fresh start". Because current one to large extent failed (sure, it in eye of observer, but for me its quite obvious).



I really, REALLY hope they are, to be done in line with new content.

Yes, it will piss a lot of people off, but at the moment, people already are, and aren't playing the game. With a wipe (preferably a scheduled one we know about well in advance) I'd hope to see a return to some of the fun "It's all going anyway, so lets go shoot stuff!" attitude that led to people actually doing things in game.

Obviously, without the core gameplay loops becoming something entertaining in their own right, it's not a fix, but it would at least be a step in the right direction, and a very, very necessary one.

To any at NQ reading this - if you are considering a wipe, and keeping it quiet, don't be shy! A wipe would be a great thing for the game in it's current state IMO.

45 minutes ago, Demlock said:

I've inquired about the lack of communication from their more public facing people like @NQ-Naerais and @NQ-Naunet.

Most abyssmal part of this situation will live, transperent communucation -- wasted opportunity.


While there is some (incurably) woodenheaded individuals, most of forum/discord dwelling critics (even of more... radical variety) are overall reasonable and not stupid people and, if approched somewhat, SOMEWHAT correctly, can be totaly useful, feedbacking and feedforwarding fans of game. They can even potentialy help NQ in some thing far beyond just discussions, if organzed, because we again --- talking about very mature playerbase with lost of IRL professionals in different spheres of life. By my experience -- everytime we seen CM at least attempted to communicate with proverbial masses, most of "agression" evaporated, being generated not by spite, but alienation and frustration. And in place constructive (or at leas -- reasonably friendly) talks appeared.


Yet for most part all this opportunites are wasted, or reserved for select few in much more closed manner.

1 hour ago, Sparktacus said:

To any at NQ reading this - if you are considering a wipe, and keeping it quiet, don't be shy! A wipe would be a great thing for the game in it's current state IMO.

Haha, still no wipe as far as I know.

To Demlock - we've seen your post. It's being discussed internally. :)

2 hours ago, Sparktacus said:

I really, REALLY hope they are, to be done in line with new content.

Yes, it will piss a lot of people off, but at the moment, people already are, and aren't playing the game. With a wipe (preferably a scheduled one we know about well in advance) I'd hope to see a return to some of the fun "It's all going anyway, so lets go shoot stuff!" attitude that led to people actually doing things in game.

Obviously, without the core gameplay loops becoming something entertaining in their own right, it's not a fix, but it would at least be a step in the right direction, and a very, very necessary one.

To any at NQ reading this - if you are considering a wipe, and keeping it quiet, don't be shy! A wipe would be a great thing for the game in it's current state IMO.

The only way I see a wipe working is if they manage to successfully activate the "magic blueprints" and reserve everyone's talent points and quantas that were built up over this beta.


As JC mentioned we are able to play this game as if it is a "Soft release"

if they did a hard wipe, then it would do a serious disservice to the people who've subscribed or those who spent the extra money to play this game and actually stuck around.


The soft-wipe approach would be to allow everyone, new and old to have a chance to claim territory and grow. Setting everyone back to zero would do far more than piss off people, but kill the game entirely I feel when you have people paying to keep the stuff they've built in the game.


If this were Rust, where it were easier to regain all that hard work and such, then sure, I'd say hard wipe it all.

But since everything takes soo much time and if they added in more faucets to offset how many sinks their are in the game then I think it'll all be ok.

44 minutes ago, NQ-Naunet said:

Haha, still no wipe as far as I know.

To Demlock - we've seen your post. It's being discussed internally. :)

Thank you very very much for your response Naunet!


@Demlock  Thanks for replying to my message. To be honest it would help if you were a little more specific with your statements. For instance, what exactly do you think was wrongly marketed? I understand that there's frustration, and I'd love to be able to help with it, but a list of statements regarding NQ in general doesn't help me address what you might consider the most pressing issues.

That being said, as much as we'd like to, we can't answer everyone all the time. We just don't have the bandwidth to do so. We try to have moments where we answer questions directly (like when we do Q&A livestreams on Twitch), but answering every single question from all platforms is not feasible. I don't think any developer does that, and Novaquark surely doesn't have the structure to do so. 

Please understand where we are in the development cycle of the game. We had a plan for what we wanted to launch for beta and post-beta. After beta we've focused our full attention on bug fixing, server stability and scalability, and balancing. Yes, there's still a lot to do on these fronts, and we’re trying to reevaluate what's the best course of action. These decisions are based on what players are doing in-game, the feedback we're getting on the forum and through the Upvote page. It’s a lot to digest. Rather than rigidly sticking to the original plan, we are trying to figure out what our next moves should be to continue to improve the game as well as doing what's best for the community. After being so focused on the post-beta fix-and-balance phase, we're taking a bit of time to make sure we're doing the right things. Knowing that there was going to be a communication gap around the holidays, and not wanting to keep the community in the dark for an extended period of time, we did a video in December to give the community some insight to what our plans are for upcoming features. When the team returned in early January, we hit the ground running. New information is on the way as we’re on the verge of publishing several new devblogs and opening the public test server (PTS). This should give players plenty to do and to talk about, and we’ll be standing by to observe and discuss.

28 minutes ago, NQ-Sesch said:

That being said, as much as we'd like to, we can't answer everyone all the time. We just don't have the bandwidth to do so.


No one is nor has been asking NQ to do that. The fact that NQ keeps using this excuse pretty much makes the point we are actually making which is that  NQ does not actually understand their community concerns and interest and have no real grasp on the basic concept of communicating with us as a community.


The point is NQ makes inconsistent and frankly damaging decisions for the game which put into question their ability to actually understand and manage it. Repeatedly NQ has now allows spoils from mistakes, loopholes and exploits to remain with the players that took advantage. This started on day one of pre beta, the same day the server was wiped and has not stopped since. The problem here is that there is  no confidence in the community that NQ will actually protect and nourish the in game economy and clearly signal that taking advantage of mistakes (which always can happen) is fruitless and the results will be undone.


The fact your ask for clarification tells me that NQ does not actually read, or worse understand, the message hey are being sent by the community on these forums. If NQ does not get it yet, we have a problem to be honest.


Players have been posting really good suggestions about game functionality and features for years now and there really is only one instance I know of where this actually led to anything in game, which is the container hub. NQ does not answer questions at all really, they just talk around the matter mostly and with regards to power/energy the big questions would be why is this added as a bolt on and not as a fundamental function of the game. As described HERE (which is a report of the same suggestion made several times prior) it is quite possible to have a power system that not only add to the immediate options for (strategic) gameplay, it also provides solutions to a number of other issues, not in the least how deterioration of constructs could potentially work.

What you are post here, with all due respect, we have seen several times prior. It leads into a post from the CM lead about how NQ heard the community concern on communication and wil do better and that there wil be more new soon. That news then just turns out to be the ramp up to a new major patch and from there communication just falls back to being pretty much noon existent. We started to see an increase in activity by NQ here by CMs actively showing interest in threads and  posting responses responses. We were told on several occasions that ideas were forwarded but that is where it all ended and as of the 0.23 patch last year we're pretty much back to nothing again.


The CM team is now what 6 staff strong? And you are saying that leaves no room for at least one of them to have an active and engaging presence here? That makes me wonder what the actual role is the CMs have as it seems like Community Management is not one of them. The DU community is small.. and fragile.. The attitude NQ is showing us is not one of being willing and able to nurture the community, it is one that shows the community is regarded as a nuisance, distracting NQ from what they are doing.

1 hour ago, blazemonger said:

The CM team is now what 6 staff strong? And you are saying that leaves no room for at least one of them to have an active and engaging presence here? That makes me wonder what the actual role is the CMs have as it seems like Community Management is not one of them. The DU community is small.. and fragile.. The attitude NQ is showing us is not one of being willing and able to nurture the community, it is one that shows the community is regarded as a nuisance, distracting NQ from what they are doing

Especially when considering that there are ppl like you commenting and elaborating on many of those ideas. So gg blaze, you actually do better than NQ with 6 ppl obviously xD 


That Argument from NQ is just a cheap cop out when considering that 


NQ might either be blatantly ignorant towards the community issues and not care at all inherently or can actually afford this due to having numbers that support their approach and make them reasonably confident to keep on doing what theyre doing. Since they dont want to release any actual numbers, even tho most of our assumptions, deductions and external analysis have been proven to be quite accurate over time concerning the playerbase, I guess the doubt is on their side until they dare to openly communicate about the actual state of the game and its health. But while all this talk about the diminishing player base might sound like a lot of whine we generally base this on our collective observation. I dont think its smart to take us for fools on the long run and trying to outlast us is simply the wrong approach if you want a healthy community in my honest opinion.

Having realized a couple of projects myself I know sometimes you just need to stick through critical voices and do your thing and follow your vision no matter what, but I dont think completely ignoring concerns that are voiced on every channel by different kind of player groups which might even have completely different mindsets in general but agree on these things isn't a good approach when the game is still on fragile legs. When there is consesus that some things aren't working out I personally would at least pay close attention to these topics and try to be diplomatic and communicate with the whole community about that on the regular. That doesnt have to be in a personal talk, but brushing everyone off with a one liner isnt helping anyone either as we see.


I agree with what @carijay766 is saying here. If NQ is absolutely secure and certain in their position that they are on the right track and we are all wrong then sure. Facts however are not supporting that notion at all and in that, the conclusion that one can draw may be that NQ is painfully oblivious to the issues and concerns staring them in the face.


If NQ delivers us a well rounded, balanced, stable and complete release version in about 10 months, with all the yet to be seen components they say will be there in a fully implemented state I will gladly eat my words and admit I was wrong. As it stands, I am happy in my position I am not.


Once more.. this is what NQ says will be in the release end of this year. And as this is a release version, I feel I can expect these features to be complete and done in their entirety.



Mission system
New textures/assets
More graphic improvements
Org Wallets
PVP revamp
Power/Energy management
Asteroid mining
Territory Warfare
Mining units
Vertex editor
New solar system
Improved biomes


Character customisation

Player Markets

Additionally the game will be  bugfixed, optimised, polished and all of this ready and done for "release".




4 hours ago, NQ-Sesch said:

 For instance, what exactly do you think was wrongly marketed? 

Where is recruit a friend program, why its stucked for half of year, while game obviosuly failing demographicly?


@le_souriceau It's stuck because of our web production capacity, though we've recruited more employees to help on the front. As you may remember the website wasn't exactly in a good state back at beta launch o_O and we've had to redo/refactor a lot of stuff web-wise since then. Pretty much the whole "new" website has been redone, as well as our backend infrastructure for a lot of important features like codes (for beta invitations etc.). Latest plan is that it should come out in Frebruary but don't hold that for a firm date as other priorities may come in the way.

On 1/28/2021 at 4:25 AM, NQ-Sesch said:

@Demlock  Thanks for replying to my message. To be honest it would help if you were a little more specific with your statements. For instance, what exactly do you think was wrongly marketed? I understand that there's frustration, and I'd love to be able to help with it, but a list of statements regarding NQ in general doesn't help me address what you might consider the most pressing issues.

@NQ-Sesch After a number of days I finally found a moment to respond to your inquiry about my post regarding marketing.

In it I hopefully provided a bit more context behind the statements mentioned in this forum post.


Many aspects, I believe delved into how most of the bullets above correlate to marketing and how what the marketing team puts out, depending on the community's view of the game can lead to good or bad word of mouth times X.


I did not post it here because I wanted to spare people the wall of text lol


I also inquired about JC directly, regarding the table talk because the marketing team was a major influence in certain events that could've but didn't happen... during or after.


The problem is simple. The gameplay has no purpose right now.


Even in a sandbox survival game you have to work to survive and overcome interesting challenges. We don't even have that.


Gimmicks like esoteric puzzles, "wrecks", and mission systems for the handful of people who have money to burn  (from market mishaps) don't fool anyone and are not sustainable for most. That's just more window dressing, no meat there.


Comradery, Accomplishment, and Discovery is what is needed.

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