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How long will it be before we can't catch up?


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How long will it be before those of us who are unable to login can no longer catch up to the rest of the player base who are already in-game?

I paid for this game a week ago and I am still unable to play.  If this delay continues much longer I don't see it being possible to catch up without investing a large amount of time.

Just in terms of daily login rewards we are behind.


To begin with I wasn't too worried because I figured there would be a server wipe before the game's final release but I have since heard that there will be no more wipes. 


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Not being able to catch up is not something you should be worried about at this time. Here are a couple of reasons why:

  • Most people are still setting up their first starting industries/bases (I still haven't left Sanctuary Moon yet)
  • Not everyone can play all day long every day, and with the average age of the people in this game, I would suppose the majority are this way as we are working adults.
  • Having a bunch of talent points stocked up for things you aren't going to use right away is either useless or by your design/build for your avatar.
  • This game is a marathon not a sprint at all. Enjoy it, take it at your own pace, do not have FOMO or a bad case of Keeping up with the Jones'
  • When you are able to start, join an organization, most likely they will have industry set up and ready for people to use that come into the game. 
  • Money will come, and it will go. 
    • I have spent my 100k each day to help accelerate the building of starting organization factory, I would assume most people are doing this or something like this, which means new members/new people to the game can very well still benefit from the daily stipend from the NQ overlords.

Just a few of my thoughts about this because there have been plenty of times I felt this way when I couldn't play much during the 1 week closed beta. Really though once I took a step back and thought about it, what another person is doing right now in game really has no bearing on what I am doing because this game is so vast.

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I just purchased the game today. After installing I was able to create my character and log in but almost instantly crashed. I have tried 4 times all with the same results.  Are you all having log in issues because of an update? Any suggestions on how to play are appreciated?

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2 hours ago, Rippah said:

2,000,000.00l points


2 million what points now? Credits or skill? I'd like to check that for myself - if that's really the case I should be able to find that on their streams. Could you provide a link to one of those streamers please? :)


Even if that is true however, it doesn't matter that much either. 2 million credits are nothing and 2 million skill points are worth about 2 weeks.


Apart from this the question about "catching up" is pretty much irrelevant for a game like DU. There will always be people leaving the game or take some time off, while new people get in and start at nothing.


Regarding skill: of course you'll have veterans that specialized in many branches - but they'll only be able to execute a few of them at any given time. New players can specialize in certain branches too, which doesn't take forever and they are up to par with those veterans on their chosen field - until some day they accumulate so many points they can consider themselves veterans as well. EVE got a similar skill system and I didn't join at launch there, but still had a feeling of progression and could specialize to take it up with older players.


Regarding money and assets: this is a "civilization building mmo" - there will always be people much more powerful and wealthy than a new or even a seasoned player. Catching up isn't a thing here - at least not through grinding the game mechanics. And if we're not talking about the grind, catching up can come very suddenly by moving into a new position, taking something over or by gathering people around you. There are so many ways to wealth and glory in a game like this - it's not a train that you can miss and then be late to the party forever. You get in the next train and join the community, get to know a few people and maybe climb the ranks.


Tho the last statement doesn't go well with lone wolves - but that doesn't matter, because those players accepted a path of slow progression and are behind by definition compared to those who teamed up to achieve the same things faster as a group.



What I'm trying to say is this: Don't bother too much with the question of catching up and just try not do envy those who might be farther down the road than you. On the contrary: let yourself be inspired by them and appreciate what the game has to offer and what you can actually achieve too, if you invest the time and/or effort that they did. No matter where they are or how they got there - enjoy the game and enjoy your own progression - because that is part of the experience and fun of DU :)

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@vertex nailed it pretty good, but I want to add little bit of my angle.


If you playing alone, duo or in small friend company you never trully planning to expand, than it doesn't matter at all-- you will eventualy hit same "soft" celling as everyone started before. In some areas it will be even easier/faster, because more things are readly available to buy for cheaper/more people willing to enter some sort of deals. Only real difficulty you can encounter with time progression in game world -- relativly less ore and more dangerous trips to it (more pvp ships). 


If you playing it org style with real ambition to grow into something, then it (while may sound counter-intuitive) MATTERS EVEN LESS. Here its all about your ability to organize people, keep em, expand and develop human recource, buiding connections. Sure, orgs with "old wealth" still have potential edge, but real question, are they capable to use it? Some, with competent leadership surely invest it right, but many others probably just idly sit on proverbial chests until its irrelevent (by their quiting of game or inflation eaten up "riches").


So, while I'm not always agree how NQ balances game for new/old/harcore/casual/different styles players, overall its still (as trend tracable to future) quite open field to join, without too much of concerns of  "I will never catch up". And its obviously so in just 2 weeks of game start!



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Gifted skill points to affiliates has been a talking point on some streams & YT videos.


If your an affiliate, you have to apply for it, you obviously are unaware of it.


You dont need to take my word for it, just look at the skill points of many of the affiliates.

Affiliates will have about 3mil current points, while those that have grinded the same time are around 800k.


I'm not sure why you see it as an "issue" really.

Affiliate Streamer - discussion of skill point gift @3:09 onwards fyi


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I had my talent queue loaded up but didn't have everything and it topped out at 1300+ days. I did clean it up to a more manageable 66 days simply so I could toss in an occasional skill I need to improve sooner rather than 3-4 months later.


But.... aside from the cores I don't think there is a lot of "catching up" talent wise people need to worry about. I mean even monetarily I don't think that will be an issue as I don't *think* there are NPC traders on the market and the current source of new currency comes from a daily login influx of 100k. I imagine that will get adjusted as currency will work like real world currency - only have value based on how much of it is actually out there.

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Watch the linked video, go to 3h 8min mark.

its in the post you quoted,

apparently its 3million skill points, not 2mil.

Here's the link again for you; Link

A reputable streamer, from his own lips, states he and other streamers were gifted 3mil talent points.

He goes into the details of which i already summarised.


Really, What more proof do you need? or expect?

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2 hours ago, Iorail said:

and left everything that was more than 12hrs you can have  3 million talent points right now

Hmm, I wouldn't take any streamer's word for it either as long as I don't see something official from NQ, but skill point accumulation is a fixed number. You get 6 skill points every minute if you don't train a skill and 90 skill points per second when training. So it shouldn't matter if you go for low tier skills or high tier skills. Sure you'd have more skills in total if you take all the low tier perks, but the total skill points should be exactly the same.


Currently I'm at.... the connection queue :lol: but I think yesterday I was close to 2 million skill points myself. So seeing that 3.8m number in the stream at least adds up to the claim.


But again - that doesn't matter. If you get someone into DU through the refer-a-friend program, they'll be gifted one whole week worth of skill points too - and as you just said, completing objectives grants a skill point bonus too.


However, all of this is pretty much ok, I think. We're talking about one or two weeks worth of skill points here and we are in a context of something that you'll potentially play for years.


Since release on 27th of August it's been roughly 13 479 minutes - so that's 1 213 110 skill points, not counting anything made from achievements. If you started a week early, I think on 20th iirc, it would be 23 559 minutes = 2 120 310 skill points without achievements.


So right now the difference to 3.8m might seem huge being 180% of that which backers might have, but add a year to that, which is 525 600 minutes = 47 304 000 skill points, you end up with 51 104 000 for streamers versus 49 424 310 for backers, so that 180% already dropped down to 108%. Time is relative and catching up, as said before, isn't really based on wealth and/or skill points anyways ;)



I'm in the game now. My character is at 2 101 500 skill points, has 18 957 skill points available and a current accumulation rate of 90/min. It would take any new player 16 days to reach the same - but this is by design - it's the very core of this skill system. It didn't stop other games from succeeding in the past and won't stop DU from being a great game that everyone can enjoy, no matter the date they joined.


To say one can't catch up in DU is the same as saying you can't catch up and get on first place in a race that took place yesterday - but you don't have to, because the same race starts again today and participants will enjoy the ride just as much as those yesterday. Most people take journeys for the journey - not to be there first. In fact all travel guides are based on experience that people made before you and think it was good, so they tell you to take the same trip. Not because they've been the first to make that trip, but because the trip was awesome and everyone can do it too in order to experience it :) 

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Another thing that I always forget to add here: we will be able to trade DACs in-game at some point. While some players will use their in-game assets and grind to finance their subscription, others will go ahead and buy DACs in order to sell them in-game to boost their bank account.


So for instance talk about some rich folk that you can't catch up to "like ever", is pretty much pointless, as everything can flip around quickly. I remember when I joined EVE and another player took a PLEX (similar to DAC) to gift me a nice Rokh and stuff... was nice. Just wanna say there's more to all of this than meets the eye. It's not as simple as "you started sooner or got this or that bonus, so you'll always be ahead". It just doesn't apply ;) 

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dont worry , you cant catch up , that is not the point . You cant compete with bigger corps in terms of production anyway , if they had like 30 miner for example you will not get that amount of ore in probably a week . It all depends on finding a niche you are comfortable with . If you want to play it competitive, then i am afraid you need to join an organised group, where to be honest your individual skills don`t matter anyway because the decisions are taken at the top. 

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It's already too late. Theoretically.


By which I mean that if there was a point at which "catching up" became impossible, it would be past already. Because whenever you get back on, there's someone better than you already ahead, and you both have the same tools. Remember, there's always someone smarter than you.


I believe it's true practically, too. There are ORGs out there with caverns full of Industry, churning out items and cleaning up Meganodes of ore they found with their Territory Scanners.


Unless there's a ceiling, at which point, eventually everyone will be able to catch up. I suspect the "ceiling" in DU will be social, though, not based on game play.


But the game isn't meant to be about "catching up". It's about "being a part" of something.


And people aren't getting much further ahead of you, these last few days; you're missing only the pain of waiting for the servers to catch up.

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To be honest most players wont 'catch up', all vets have a massive head start in terms of experience.  It is not just about 'huge' orgs and people getting rich on T5 ore early game.  Our org, which was basically 3 people, has well over a billion in assets in 7 locations, WITHOUT selling a single piece of ore, because we know the game.  If they wiped now, we would be ahead of the pack within a day.  Not being big headed, we just started playing the game three years ago, I started my plan for this launch about then.

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