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Everything posted by Luukullus

  1. Ich denke Paysafecard ist so beliebt, da es so einfach ist sich eine zu besorgen... Auch ohne Konto Geht es nicht mehr via Paysafecard?! Xsolla bietet das normalerweise mit an. Mein Sponsorkram habe ich ebenfalls mit PSC gezahlt. LG Luuk
  2. Nice! Sind die Farben LSD-geschuldet? xD Geil geschrieben, hast aber Recht ^^
  3. Kein Problem, das kriegen wir hin. Sag einfach bescheid und dann bauen wir dir ein Schiff ?
  4. Du hast aber immer die Standardkonfiguration geladen oder? Also die Konfiguration für Ground oder Flying vehicle? Wir können uns gern ingame mal treffen und ich gucke mir das auch mal an, bzw. du steigst mal in meins und testest es mal aus
  5. Huhu, ihr solltet den Planeten auch ohne Skill verlassen können. Allgemein gesagt. Ich habe zummindest keinen Skill und komme dennoch in den Orbit (ja ich weiß... der Satz ist echt nicht gut formuliert xD). Wenn ihr Probleme habt, das Schiffe driften, liegt das meistens daran, das es leicht schräg in der Luft "liegt". Entweder die Winkel anpassen oder STRG (Bremse) gedrück halten :). Ich arbeite zusätzlich noch an einem Script, welches Schiffe ausbalanciert und auf einer Stelle hält. Sobald ich damit fertig bin, schicke ich es gern rum. LG Luukullus
  6. In my opinion DU is a PVP game if you want to do PvP. If you want to do PvE only, it is a PvE game for you. If you want to do both, it is an PvPvE game. It is up to you how you want to play Dual Universe. Just because someone claims that this is a PvP game doesn't mean that everyone have to build ships to be shot down only (it acts like a simple black and white thinking). Players with PvP intent shouldn't complain about missing targets or hiding players (like a cat complaining that mice stay in the wall) and PvE players shouldn't complain about being attacked. Everything is possible ... At some point there are sure to be organizations that ensure security. Make laws or whatever. Because if we only fix ourselves on the fact that PvP is possible and everyone should behave like that, then it is no longer Dual Universe but another shooter that is in development. I can understand both sides and I can understand that with the currently limited possibilities, frustration and boredom occur when it is not possible to fight a number of players. But we must not forget that there are limited possibilities. We will soon have more opportunities to be busy .... I hope ... Until then, the cats among you shouldn't ask to tear down the walls just to be able to kill more mice (this will probably only lead to even more frustration because at some point nobody wants to do anything at all) and the PvE players should be aware of that outside of the safe zones, violence awaits (there really aren't any other things to do so very likely you will be shot at ...). Thank you very much! Luukullus
  7. No Problem Sure you are allowed to smash the hearth button xD... Good Luck finding an Organisation for you ?
  8. Maybe this is caused by Brainlag.. But can you please tell me what AGG stands for? Main brain is working until in know the truth: - Automated Gravity Generator - Anti Good Game - Artillery Gunning Guy - uhhhhhhm, anyone? Please xD
  9. Super Info! Danke dir. Verstehe ich es also richtig: - Warpen in eine bestimmte Richtung/für bestimmte Zeit geht nicht? - Nur ich selber sehe den Beacon? Oder auch random Spieler?
  10. Jap, der allzubekannte und oft in den Threads erwähnte Kumpel von mir hatte ebenfalls RAM Probleme. Da ich hier keine Grundsatzdiskussion lostreten will, lasse ich den Hersteller mal wech: Ausgangslage - 16GB Ram (2x8) = Ab und zu einen Bluescreen, aber nicht häufig -> 32GB Ram (4x8) = Bluescreen -> 24GB Ram (3x8) = Bluescreen -> 16GB Ram (2x8 nur die neuen) keine Bluescreens mehr -> 24GB Ram (3x8 nur die neuen, es wurde noch einer dazu besorgt) = Alles fein! Allerdings ist ein Bluescreen höchstwahrscheinlich nicht auf DU rückzuführen, sondern liegt allgemein an der RAM konfiguration bzw. an den Riegeln selbst. Viel Erfolg
  11. Nice! Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, hat sich vertex gerade dazu bereit erklärt, tutorials zu schreiben xD. Mit dem Text hätte ich mir zwei der einschläfernden Videos sparen können .
  12. Dann hat die Reperaturzeit seine Arbeit getan . Wenn ich mich nicht täusche, geht die Reperatur mit Scrap aus höherwertigen Erzen weitaus schneller?! Da bin ich mir aber nicht sicher, ich habe nur mit Kolenstoff Scrap hantiert. Eventuell kann das jemand anderes bestätigen oder widerlegen?
  13. Daaaamn ZeeRohSum, you made exactly the same, i directly wanted to do when i read it
  14. Heyo Halfroommate, welcome to the game and i wish alot of fun and good luck. When you are looking for an Organisation, just juse the LFO Thread in the top of this section ;). There is also a German Version made by @Mod-Mondlicht in the German Org section. Simply check out the Rules in this thread, copy the formular and you are ready to go . English Thread: Click here. German Thread: Click here.
  15. Luukullus


    Uhhhhhhh Ship - Park Distance Control incomiiiiing xD. I love this idea ?
  16. Well, thats i alittle bit boring.. Maybe they will add some things when the priority comes to features like that. ATM i thing they have enough other hard problems.... BTW. Thank you for all your work =). Are your GitHub files updated? I love to sniff through serving code and keep tinkering with it.
  17. Well.. Thats a bit thought too simple i guess... Whats up when you get an error ingame and cant reconnect because of any crash bug? The your ship and your stuff is gone.... Caused by bugs... The idea with auto removal is very nice... But shrink the time down to 15 Minutes and like said before... send it in a virtual garage... Star Citizen made it a bit like that too.
  18. Relaxed guys. I think regardless of what would be the best way, it will still be a long and rocky road to balance the game in all areas. Not only trading or mining needs revisions, but also pvp itself. Strictly speaking, everything still has to be adjusted or balanced. If the economy is not yet working properly in any area, there isn't really much you can do except wait until the individual points are further tinkered with. Trading, mining, piracy, building and everything else that is possible is all still under development. At the moment there is frustration with PVP for a number of reasons. If you make the change recklessly and remove the SafeZone, then the dealers will be frustrated .... So there is still a lot of work to do. Furthermore, it sounds to me that PVP can only consist of two fronts. Hunters and Traders ... If a lot of PVP horny hunters are waiting outside the safe zone, why don't they fight each other? Sounds for me only merchants get busted xD
  19. Generally i think the idea is okay. But at first they have to get in line with the performance =). Maybe also get the existing devices to life. (3D Printer is really working with an animation or something like this ? )
  20. My first thought was the same xD... But anyway. It is very cool that you offer a ship to buy here :). Thank you and i wish a lot more of this
  21. What is wrong with the Linking Tool? ...Apart from the optics? Sounds a bit like you want to have Dual Satisfactory Universe
  22. Is it not possible to read it out? Are there no functions for it? I haven't looked at the variables and functions available so far, because I assumed that the containers definitely have something like that...
  23. As a frighter i hope i will never get into this situation -.-
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