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Animated Neon GIFs for Orgs & Ships, Signs & Screens


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I've been making some animated & neon signs for the Orgs I'm part of and for friend's ships. Because they are GIFs, they can be displayed on ingame screens/signs. I figured I'd share some and see if anyone want's a free animated neon GIF for their org or ship. Either message me or post your existing logo or graphics here and I'll see what I can do. It helps me pass the time when I'm not playing taxi driver for my kids or being yelled at by my wife. ;) 

















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these are great , What package you using to make them? would love one for Envoy Corps . See Link https://community.dualthegame.com/accounts/profile/mucus or come up with one if you want. Some simple blue neon Signs for text if you like  eg : Envoy Corps , Dystopia City and Dystopia Spaceport , just letters would be great.



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1 hour ago, Mucus said:

these are great , What package you using to make them? would love one for Envoy Corps . See Link https://community.dualthegame.com/accounts/profile/mucus or come up with one if you want. Some simple blue neon Signs for text if you like  eg : Envoy Corps , Dystopia City and Dystopia Spaceport , just letters would be great.



I use Adobe Creative Cloud 2019 ;)

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14 hours ago, Mucus said:

these are great , What package you using to make them? would love one for Envoy Corps . See Link https://community.dualthegame.com/accounts/profile/mucus or come up with one if you want. Some simple blue neon Signs for text if you like  eg : Envoy Corps , Dystopia City and Dystopia Spaceport , just letters would be great.



Here's a Neon Sign for Envoy Corps!





Here's one for Dystopia Spaceport ;)




I think the purple nebula flame turned out nicely. :)




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8 hours ago, Peckem said:

Hi from the State below yours.

I would like a neon sign for my ship. "Peckem's Palace" should help me locate my mother ship in space.

Thanks in advance.

Hey Peckem, Here's an Iconic Font with a nebula horizon.




Here's the HTML to embed the GIF in an ingame screen:


<div align="center"><br /><br /><img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501571239710818335/532702140154642443/Peckems_Palace_Nebula.gif" width="90%"/>
    <br /><p style="font-size: 300%;">Signs by Geo</p></div>



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15 minutes ago, Comrademoco said:

Color me impressed... 


Here's a challenging one; https://www.deviantart.com/comrademoco/art/The-Freelancers-671605292


Can you animate that one ??? ???


Very cool logo. all I need are clean masks of the elements. Do you happen to have a clean image of the skull and gas mask? Also, do you happen to know which font is used?

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Here's some animations I worked on today for the crew in Ministry. It was another fun project:






I really enjoy making these. Some logos are far more difficult than others, but I enjoy the challenge.


I post some of my work on twitter as well. Come say hi at Twitter.com/LandmarkXplorer




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Oh wow amazing work Geo, lol Gravetender showed me your work and I was in awe then I happened to see you again on Twitter, now I'm curious to see what you can do with this. Love your craft so far, I hope you wouldn't mind me picking your brain for some pointers maybe?




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