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  • Location:
    Crimson Citadel: Infernus
  • Interests
    Design, Film, PvP and Storytelling
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  • Alpha

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  1. If anyone is new to DU as it seems like there are starting to be more newcomers of late or you are an existing player looking for an org to play with. Our org still has a presence in DU, message me over discord for an invite to our server and apply to the org in game. - Firestorm
  2. Also remember that player count is only factoring in steam, the player count is indeed low but its probably more or less triple that estimate as most players don't even use steam thanks to poor marketing by NQ and the review bomb on launch by a large number of people over pvp issues and post indy overhal update “the great exodus” from beta that left a sour taste for a lot of people. But yeah majority of the statements are fairly accurate otherwise. Though its def still active, i play every day still with a handful from my org DSI and theres still people in game chat, help channel and the market is still functioning. As for pvp i personally have fought in on average 1-2 fleet battles a week. (Im counting fleet battles as anything more than 3 multi-crewed ships). for me it’s fun still in my own opinion, I’ll likely play until the servers bill isn't paid. I still wish NQ had created the ability to host your own private servers. Would have been neat imo. if you do decide to get back into the game definably more fun with a group.
  3. If anyone wants to know more they are welcome to DM me on discord @thatwasfire
  4. I Completely agree with this posting and also to Starstellars response above. Some of these changes need to be tweaked with the above points in consideration. To add some context my Org Dark Star Imperium's member base is majority active and prior military, those of us that haven't left after .23 have been around since the games initial pre-alpha launch and are pretty much exclusively now on the fence about even staying if no consideration it taken on this. We lost hundreds of players with the .23 changes. .23 is something everyone has experienced, nor can deny that this has the potential to be on par with the previous update armageddon. DSI would be able to survive these changes as an established org of our size and knowledge, Yet we can't say we would enjoy a game that is simply just a grind that will get in the way of any actual enjoyment of the game. NQ, we at DSI implore you to take into consideration the points outlined above by Blinding bright and Starstellar. Thank you.
  5. This dude needs more upvotes!!! This right here needs to get noticed!! I completely agree!
  6. As someone who was in the gaming development business i can tell you its not done that way. The people working on the fixes for the game are not going to be the same individuals creating the 3d models and and other assets most if the time. Lets be specific because everyone is using a broad term to label anyone working on games. In this situation you are referring to the the game designers / programmers who would be involved in that process. For this Topic however, The various artists from the art department would be the ones working on said new assets and the only time the designers or “devs” would need to get involved would be if they introduce items that use new mechanics that change the dynamic if the game. Rn the topic is creating more variety of engines which is an easy thing to accomplish as the mechanics are all in place its just a model swap with different tier version of engines like military vs industrial so they are not all the same model and so on. No need for any coding and changes to the core game. At most maybe some stat values may be changed and thats simply just changing some numbers. id say yeah i think its a good idea, lets get some variety of engines so we dont have the same model for countless engine types. Makes no sense and limits creativity. Do i think it needs to be done now? Eh no im sure they are working on a lot of assets for planetary combat come next phase of the games development. But if they find the time to squeeze a model in here or there yes please!
  7. Leader of DSI here, hes right about DSI tbh and even the AC is complaining a lot which remind you is compromised of the majority of the most active and largest orgs in the game aside from BOO. Ill point out that JC himself made it clear the driving factor for the stance NQ has taken was to encourage players (basically force them) to have to play with mega corporations or (large orgs) and create thriving player driven universe. Well sure i saw that working initially but what i also saw was most of the new players turning away and a lot of the veteran and solo players ive known since pre-alpha as well. Now even entire organizations and communities are! which left unchecked will end up killing off the very thing you wanted to build. How will this be a player driven universe if there are no players?
  8. Blood for the all father! Your brothers stand ready for battle!
  9. Hello Everyone, just a reminder that DSI is openly recruiting for Beta. Anyone looking for an organization with a focus on teamwotk, competative PvP, Unique Design, Industry and more then shoot me a message on Discord or join our server via the link above!
  10. last one was an old concept before i even knew DU existed, yeah you are right though and that can be added in game however considering recent changes to how flight mechanics especially thrust values im gonna wait until they are done changing these things. But the hull and design work will continue.
  11. I've always been the Media/Art guy and plus primarch isn't around anymore so Id rather post something myself and have it be more uniform and up to my standards "Thematically accurate for the RP/Lore and Artistic feel" of the Org.
  12. So lets see this bread? you gonna take me up on that challenge?
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