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  • 2 weeks later...

For the last two months now we've been growing a strong player base for the MMORPG Albion Online. Why not come join BOO and play it with us?


We're also preparing some more meme shenanigans for the DU community, who doesn't love memes? Join in the fun. :)




Hi there !


Some news from the memes factory :


  • Heimera Trade Exchange [HTX]  (ex-Aether) has joined BOO a Special Interest Group (SIG). Welcome to them !
    You are welcome to join BOO as a SIG anytime, please contact @Lord_Void or @Lethys for more information.

  • Look at the last Outpost Zebra's article about Band of Outlaws !
    Outpost Zebra is fan-run blog about Dual Universe and its various facets. 
  • BOO has joined the ARCH Alliance in Albion Online.

That's all for today,


Fly safe ! (or not... idc...)


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


All right, the three pages that revolved into a flame war have been archived.


@Paul Nicolas:
As you are new on the forum, this is a first (but also the last) warning.


Your posts have broken several forum and/or EULA rules, among which:
- starting a flame war when nobody has agressed you.
- being particularly rude by calling people dicks and using some inappropriate text emoticons.
- suggesting to sell your account to someone else.


Being a gold backer gives you rights, but absolutely not those stated above.
If you continue with this behavior, your account can be banned with no refund possible (as you break the rules you explicitly accepted first when you created a Dual Universe account, to post on the forum and play the game). 


When you see something that is obviously the beginning of a flame war, just report it and don't respond to this kind of provocation.


Thank you for your understanding.


Best Regards,

41 minutes ago, NQ-Nyzaltar said:

Hi everyone,


All right, the three pages that revolved into a flame war have been archived.


@Paul Nicolas:
As you are new on the forum, this is a first (but also the last) warning.


Your posts have broken several forum and/or EULA rules, among which:
- starting a flame war when nobody has agressed you.
- being particularly rude by calling people dicks and using some inappropriate text emoticons.
- suggesting to sell your account to someone else.


Being a gold backer gives you rights, but absolutely not those stated above.
If you continue with this behavior, your account can be banned with no refund possible (as you break the rules you explicitly accepted first when you created a Dual Universe account, to post on the forum and play the game). 


When you see something that is obviously the beginning of a flame war, just report it and don't respond to this kind of provocation.


Thank you for your understanding.


Best Regards,




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