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How does war work?


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He said there will be a define for certain governments, so I believe there will be declarations of war. However pirates and other orgs probably won't declare war but just attack.

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He said there will be a define for certain governments, so I believe there will be declarations of war. However pirates and other orgs probably won't declare war but just attack.

Actually, no.

You just beat anyone senselessly, the only constraints is the aftermath.

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Since there are no defined sectors as in eve, you can just freely attack anyone and steamroll any base not built in the ark zone ofc.


A gentleman would surely write a declaration of war and would start the war 24h later.

"Yo, Kuritho, should we warn them that we are about to basically destroy everything they own?"

"No, Kefir, that is a horrible idea. They'll just pack-up and go."

"But its nice-"

"This is why you're a janitor, Kefir."

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I would say in order to command respect, a large organization would let another org know they are going to attack before they actually do it. If they don't, since they are a large organization everyone will see it and know what happened. Lots of other smaller orgs will see that and may wonder if they are next... That large org will become unpopular and probably make enemies just by treating everyone else with arrogance. So in the best interests of the longevity of a large and powerful organization, I think it would be a smart move and we could probably expect to see that. On the other hand, smaller orgs might not care so much about things like that, and indeed they wouldn't really need to.


So yes, I think we could expect to see declarations of war, but more commonly with famously large orgs.

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Anyone can attack anyone else they want without warning, but there's a reason declarations and rules of war were established for international conflicts. You'll see groups that care about their reputations going through such channels and others that don't completely ignoring it. Pirates don't declare war. Smugglers don't care for your taxes or trade laws. Countries do.

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With the sandbox nature of the game I don't think actual in game mechanisms to declare war really fit. Most likely you'll know or won't be surprised if a guild or Org attacks you, meaning they'll likely start posts on the game forums,  send warnings and ultimatums etc. Politics and such will hopefully happen organically as they should in sandbox type games.

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Just throwing in my two cents here.


In Eve the main reason you war dec someone is to get the appropriate tags to show up on your overview, and so you can attack a group in high security space without having space cops all over you.


It's what made undocking in Jita such a pain if you were in a large corporation, as you always had someone war dec'd against you sitting on the undock waiting to insta-kill you.



I think it would be useful in DU if an in-game war declaration mechanic had similar effects in pve-zones. Wherein you could attack a player that was part of an organization you were at war with within a pve zone (The Ark PVE Zone Excluded) 


I would even extend that mechanic to bounty hunting, so that you could take out a player who had a bounty against them if they were hiding in a pve zone. Although I can see how that particular mechanic would be used. 

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Vikings: "Oh my! Hello, there, Sir. May we be so kind as to rape and pillage this wonderful city you call pæris?" [declares war]

Franks: "Why, of course, Sir. Step right in. We enjoy a bit of pleasantries, just like the Saxons." [accepts declaration of war]

Vikings: [pulls out white glove]
Franks: [pulls out white glove]



What a terribly convenient system. Just, don't accept any declaration to reap all the rewards!

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Is a good place to refill your veil of tears. Everyone knows FTL drives are powered by tears xD

"Cry, goddamnit!"

"Kuritho, stahp."

"Kefir, we will make you cry. We will."

"Can't we just mine actual fuel?"


*pokes stick at Kefir*

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It could be possible that the devs add a system to where you can declare war on other organizations and it would announce the declaration in like an announcement ( it is an MMO after all) I wouldn't be surprised but it wouldn't do anything except be a formal declaration. Meaning you would still be able to attack someone without using the deceleration. It's simply just there for organization reputation.

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A respectable organisation would Declare it. If they don't they risk Destroying the Innocent, Usually a war will end with the Territory of the defeated being claimed or Annihilated. I would see organisations claiming as they get something for the Effort so a Declaration to prepare the Civilians on the Other side would normally be done in the case of a Respectable organisation looking to claim and not Destroy. 

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I hope you sorta have to declare war. It would be way more fair.

Nope,not gonna happen since there are no zones like in eve (high, low, null, wh). You don't need to warn someone of an attack if your in unlawful space (which DU is as a whole - no, the declared policed zones of orgs don't count)

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