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    Gaming, Programming, Fencing
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  1. I always saw VMS more in the position of Switzerland. Wealthy and neutral. But the map is indeed quite interesting.
  2. discordauth:t6vtROOHIXUGJkjmsuvD1-tVJu870aI58fUlJjz-M0c=

  3. Ich möchte hier anmerken dass die Safezone, die, man erlaube mir den Begriff, "demilitarisierte Zone", im Vergleich zur massiven Größe von Alioth nur recht klein ist. Ich halte Neu-Berlin als einen der ersten ernst zu nehmenden Stadtpläne von DU, in denen nicht mehr oder weniger alles von einer zentralisierten Regierung genau definiert wird. Auch erscheint mir die Struktur sinnvoll. Mir kommen nur zwei Fragen auf: -Wo sollen die öffentlichen Gebäude und Verwaltungszentren stehen -Wo kommt der Flughafen hin? Spaß beiseite, ich bin mir sehr sicher, dass es für größere Frachter oder Spaceliner einen sicheren Landeplatz geben werden muss. Außerdem wäre ich mit meiner Firma, Vortrex Mining and Science bereit, den Bau von Neu-Berlin aktiv sowohl mit Material als auch mit Arbeitskraft zu unterstützen und für Tiefpreise den Bau des zweiten Berliner Spaceports voranzutreiben. Immerhin könnten wir es immerhin diesmal in 2 1/2 Jahren schaffen MfG, MinerMax555, CEO of VMS
  4. https://twitter.com/jcbaillie/status/914130505284636673 Guys, we are getting there.
  5. Well, I don't think we will get a download in the next 15 minutes. Of course, NQ should take all the time they need, but I'd like to hear some specific information
  6. So what exactly is happening? Can we get specific information why it is delayed, and how long do we have to wait?
  7. English: Well, at this point it would only show the same things like the community page does. Don't create your org there any you would be hidden Deutsch: Naja, im Moment würde es ja nur die gleichen Dinge wie die Community Page zeigen. Eine dort nicht angezeigte Org wäre ja schon versteckt.
  8. limited inventory volume. Just make the BPs use 0.0 m³ and you're good.
  9. why would you have a limited amount in the first place? From what we can assume, you can make unlimited blueprints. I don't see anything against that.
  10. Speaking as CEO of Vortrex (yes, actually with an R behind the t): While 50% of the seats in our company council are given to CEO and Sector Managers, the other 50% will be given to elected "Worker-Representatives". The Managers are in the council as long as they are in their function, the representatives have a fixed period of office. The promotions to higher ranks and the elections of representatives are strictly separated We want to be as fair to our members as possible, and in my opinion, you can only do that if you give them power as well. I would not call this a democracy, but we have at least some democratic elements.
  11. Signaller/Radio Operator A crew member that communicates and coordinates with the rest of the fleet, manages docking procedures and incoming transmissions. If you ever played a multiplayer game you know that communication is the key to victory. You have to keep active planning and execution of orders with the fleet commander. Assigning that job to another crew member could relax the captain in a combat situation and could manage diplomacy and trade outside of combat better. can be done by the logistician as mentioned by @Croomaron smaller ships.
  12. First of all, there is no merging of constructs (I am unsure if we can lock fighters in a carrier the way you think) in release. It is planned for one of the expansions tho. We have no confirmation yet that constructs can communicate with each other, although as players can remotely control them it will probably be possible. Also, I think we saw an antenna once. Scripting automated flight behavior will be possible, but extremely limited. You could assign small ships to get into position so the pilots get into them easier. Scripting and the RDMS, the permission system, is strongly connected with each other. Additional layers of security will not be needed as the RDMS is unbreakable (from what we know at this point). As long as you don't assign the wrong roles to the wrong people of course. I hope I was able to help P.S. to the normal forum junkies, if I made a mistake, go on and let twerk kill me correct me
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