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Posts posted by Hachiro

  1. 3 hours ago, Vizeroy said:


    Why thank you for taking the time to posting the most condescending reply i've ever received on an online forum. Why you would feel the need to "explain" anything to me is beyond my comprehension. You dont know me or anything about me, so please refrain from posting such garbage in the future.


    On another note, my goal with posting on the forum was ultimately achieved and i finally got a reply of sorts from NQ.



    Well, I don't know why you call a normal explanation "condescending". You were angry about the way your ticket seemed to be ignored. And I can understand this.
    I just told you that its probably not ignored and normal - and just explained why its normal.


    If you don't want information about this, then why posting this issue in a forum?^^

  2. NQ hat ja schon öfters bemängelt, dass wir als Spieler zu wenig offenlegen was wir genau wollen. Gerade mit ihrem recht kleinen Community-Team ist es für die Entwickler oft schwer einzuschätzen ob ein Thema grad nur das laute Gemecker von wenigen ist, oder die Meinung der breiten Masse und welche Änderungen gut oder schlecht ankommen. Dem wollen wir hier mal Abhilfe schaffen. 🙂


    Ziel: NQ eine möglichst einfach auswertbare Übersicht geben, was den Spielern der deutschsprachigen DU-Community gefällt und was nicht.


    - Bitte haltet euch an die Vorlage, damit alles dem gleichen Schema entspricht und schnell und einfach auszuwerten ist.
    - Bitte Keine Diskussionen. Auch wenn euch die Meinung eines anderen nicht passt, lasst sie einfach stehen und gebt stattdessen euer eigenes Feedback.
    - Schreibt zu jeder Überschrift gern 2-3 Themen in wenigen Worten (nur eure wichtigsten Themen). Dahinter könnt ihr das ganze etwas genauer ausführen.

    - schreibt eure Anliegen bitte auch wenn diese schon mehrmals genannt wurden. Je öfter diese auftauchen desto höher können diese dann in der Endauswertung priorisiert werden.






    Meine Meinung zu DU:
    Diese Änderungen gefallen mir:


    Diese Dinge gefallen mir an DU generell:


    Die Grundidee dieser Dinge gefällt mir, jedoch nicht ganz wie es umgesetzt wurde:


    Diese Dinge gefallen mir aktuell nicht:


    Diese Dinge wünsche ich mir noch:




    Als Beispiel wie das dann aussehen kann mache ich einfach gleich mal den Anfang:

    Meine Meinung zu DU:
    Diese Änderungen gefallen mir:

    - neue Voxel (hinzufügen von lila Voxeln + farbigen Leuchtvoxeln)
    - weiterentwicklung von Lua (bin zwar ein ziemlicher Anfänger im Scripting, aber mit den Erweiterungen werden mittlerweile echt interessante Dinge für Screens etc. möglich)

    - das Vertex-Precision-Tool (ist zwar schon etwas her, aber Gott, was war das für ein Segen. Endlich war Voxelmancy für jedermann machbar, man braucht nur genug Zeit)

    Diese Dinge gefallen mir an DU generell:

    - die Möglichkeit mit allen Spielern in einer einzigen komplett editierbaren Spielwelt zusammenzuarbeiten

    - das Voxelsystem (klar gibt es hier und da noch Probleme und Glitches, aber zum großen Teil ist es einfach wunderbar wie kreativ man sich austoben kann)

    - das Scripting (ich bin wie gesagt Anfänger in dem Gebiet, aber allein schon die Möglichkeit, eigene Dinge im Spiel zu programmieren ist genial)

    Die Grundidee dieser Dinge gefällt mir, jedoch nicht ganz wie es umgesetzt wurde:

    - Schematics (Ich mag, dass die Spieler dadurch quasi gezwungen werden mehr zusammenzuarbeiten um großes zu erreichen und es kaum noch 1-Mann-Megafabriken gibt. Aber die Art und Weise wie es funktioniert finde ich sehr umständlich und eher nervig. Da ist noch Nacharbeit nötig)

    - Overlap-Protection (Der Schutzbereich um deine Gebäude, damit ein anderer der ggf. auch Baurechte im Gebiet hat nicht zu nah an deinem Gebäude baut. An sich gut, bringt aber viele Probleme wenn man gemeinsam eine Stadt bauen will, da es nur EINEN Spieler braucht der auf seinem Haus die Overlap-Protection nicht deaktiviert und man hat einen riesigen Bereich wo niemand mehr bauen kann. Es sollte eine Policy geben, die dem Tileowner erlaubt die Overlap-Protection für sein Gebiet komplett zu deaktivieren)

    Diese Dinge gefallen mir aktuell nicht:

    - Übersichtlichkeit (Vieles versteckt sich hinter zu vielen Menüs die man gerade als Anfänger nicht immer auf dem Schirm hat. Außerdem ist die Gebiets- und Konstruktübersicht in der Map ein Chaos, wenn man Legat einer größeren Org ist)

    Diese Dinge wünsche ich mir noch:

    - ordentliche Kommunikationstools (nicht nur Chat, sondern richtiges "Postfach" wo einem andere auch in Abwesenheit schreiben können, man Leute blockieren kann etc.)
    - Organisationsbenachrichtigungen (Nachrichten der Org die ingame als Popup angezeigt werden, ähnlich den Server-Wartungs-Ankündigungen)

    - vereinfachte Kernmodelle, LOD (momentan ist es bei static cores ja so: über 10km: Kern ist unsichtbar, ab 10km ploppt er dann plötzlich auf mit einem zwar etwas vereinfachten, aber schon recht detaillierten Modell. Zu detailliert. Ich wünsche mir, dass beim Verlassen des Baumodus ein stark vereinfachtes Modell in der vorrangigen Voxelfarbe generiert wird (und sei es einfach nur ein grauer Würfel) das dann auch bei über 10km angezeigt wird. Und Regler in den Grafiksettings auf wie viel km static cores angezeigt werden sollen und ab wie viel km vom vereinfachten zum "echten" modell gewechselt wird. Denn aktuell ist es sinnlos wenn ich mit 1000km/h fliege und erst ab 10km ploppen plötzlich überall die Gebäude aus dem Boden, haben aber dann sofort schon mehr Details als ich auf die Distanz überhaupt erkennen kann - und wenn ich am Boden in der Stadt stehe, brauche ich nur die ersten 1-2km genau zu sehen, bei allem weiter entfernten würden sehr grobe Modelle reichen - was die Performance massiv verbessern und richtige dicht bebaute Städte überhaupt erst ermöglichen würde)

    So und nun zu euch. Was findet ihr gut, was fehlt euch noch?
    Wie gesagt bitte keine Diskussionen und haltet euch an die Vorlage oben, damit von möglichst vielen Leuten der Input recht einfach zusammengetragen und an NQ weitergegeben werden kann

  3. Well, it seems I should tell you something about technical customer support. At first because I reported several bugs in the past to NQ and know how they were handled, second, because I worked in IT-support for a big chemicals company in the past. 



    Not every ticket gets an answer. There are several "big" issues that affect many people. Tickets that are connected to the same issue are attached to the ticket for the major issue and are closed. So the support does not have thousands of open tickets, but one Priority-Ticket and just sees the number of attached (closed) tickets that is attached to this one. 

    This is because of the handling of most ticket-software. 


    They normally send general answers that are automatically sent to all people with tickets, if their ticket is already attached to the main issue. I reported the same already at day one and got the info reply a few days later. Maybe your ticket was attached to the major ticket after they have sent the information. So you don't get a direct answer. But be assured, they are working on the issue. Especially if the problem affects hundreds of people, like your issue. 



    Check for the announcements. If major issues are solved, or if they are working on them, this is often showed in a public post. In case of DU, the announcements in their Discord. 



    Be patient. They got probably thousands of bug reports and DU is developed by a more or less small team with an even smaller customer support team. After they managed the flood of tickets from launch-month things will become faster, but currently there are too much tickets and it will take a few weeks until this gets better. 


    Yes, NQ could do a bit better in showing some info and give insights so we understand their information a bit better. But on the other hand it's not a giant AAA-Game studio, but a more or less "small" company, so I will be patient and I give them the time they need. 

  4. Hui, und ich dachte schon ich wär der Einzige der mit jeder Nachricht halbe Romane schreibt. Aber sehr schöner Text. 


    Ich sehe es auch so: das Spiel hat definitiv noch viele Ecken und Kanten (z. B. mal ein gescheites Postfach ingame wäre nett^^) aber ich raff auch nicht warum so viele immer nur von den Problemen reden und dabei völlig außer Acht lassen, dass DU halt ein Pionier ist. Es ist das erste Spiel seiner Art und Pioniere habens immer schwer. Denn es gibt einfach niemanden von dem man lernen kann, weil einfach noch niemand dort war, wo man als Entwickler von DU jetzt ist. Kann man sich von Giganten wie WoW oder LoL was abschauen? Nein, weil DU in eine völlig andere Richtung geht. Es mag Games geben, die ähnliche Ziele und einen ähnlichen Start hatten (wenn auch in viel kleinerem Rahmen) aber alle Games davon die ich kenne sind "gescheitert". DU hingegen ist viel weiter als jedes andere dieser Projekte und lebt, eben auch deshalb weil es so einzigartig ist. Das Projekt wird wahrscheinlich auch immer wieder straucheln  und "nen Griff ins Klo" machen wie beim ersten Konzept der Schematics. Aber an NQs Stelle kann man nur von sich selbst - und den eigenen Fehlern lernen.


    Ich bin seit Alpha3 dabei und muss mich bei manchen Problemen auch immer wieder mal selbst erinnern, wie das Game damals noch war. Ich freue mich sehr auf den Release und mit mir etliche andere. 


    Denn entgegen all der Schwarzmalerei von manchen, ist das Interesse an DU heute mindestens genauso groß wie zu Beginn der Beta. In unserem Discord-Voicechannel sind bei jedem Meeting mehr Leute dabei und das obwohl der Releasetag noch nichtmal da ist.


    Ich freue mich darauf zu sehen, wie es mit Dual Universe in den nächsten Jahren weitergeht und werde gern meinen Teil dazu beitragen dieses wunderbare Projekt mit Leben zu füllen. Just DU it! 

  5. Thank you very much.
    With this change, the Patch will be a small, but real improvement instead of a downgrade for our org.

    But a few things we really need when the patch comes:

    • folders for the construct list on the map (so you can finally organize the constructs, will be increasing map-performance, if the construct list of a folder is only loaded when the folder is opened)
    • a counter for your own personal constructs (so you can see how close you are to the limit)
    • a counter for the org constructs (can be only seen by legates/superlegates)
    • constructs are not abandoned when the limit is not high enough. You just can't place new ones (otherwise many constructs will be abandoned long before the players will have leveled the skills for that)
  6. 9 minutes ago, VandelayIndustries said:

    They should nerf it a lot more.  Still too high people dont need all those cores.  we are suppose to build civilization and that means people living together.  Need to get rid of this solo universe they have created and make it a true MMO.  


    But therefore we need a more advanced org system, real advantages of building close together, better performance to be able to build close together in a large org and and and...


    Until then it will be a long road. And currently for many players who reached the lategame, building is the only reason why they still play this game. And when its limited this drastically, this will fck up many people.

  7. After all the shitstorm (and my quite frustrated post earlier) I wan't to say:

    It's nice to see that the "problem" is engaged, but it's from the totally wrong angle.

    Some aspects that need to be considered for future planning of this issue:

    • People who are ship designers need many cores
      (even if you create a new and better ship you often dont want to destroy the old one)
    • Especially ship showrooms need many cores
    • Players who reached lategame and find mainly entertainment in building will build larger projects than just 1-2 L-Cores
    • You can be in a large organisation (that needs cores) and in a small team that works more or less independent too (needs cores too). Many larger orgs have main bases and several semi-independent squads.
    • Event areas (Racing Nights, Expo...) need many many cores
    • Nearly every large project needs preparation before the project really starts. Often you will use this project to attract new players to you org. But if you don't have the players before the project starts, you can't start it because less players means not enough cores.
    • And most important: Never make random cores abandon if the limit somehow drops. Just don't allow to place any more new cores, but let the old ones remain. No one want's to loose creations that they worked for weeks or even months just because of a game mechanic.


    Maybe a system where you can achieve some type of rank with your org would be nice (like milestones). So the core amount is more or less stable and does not go up and down with every single player. You will stay at the current core limitation for some time and when the milestone is reached, the limit expands by a huge amount. Then it's stable again until you reach the next milestone.

    Issue just is: how to get the milestones. Currently there are not much opportunities for this (ores, specific elements, quanta, player amount). Maybe a combination of all of them.

  8. I welcome the try to scale the org constructs in some way. the core limitation of 275 was really not bearable for larger organisations. We had to split up in several sub-orgs for all our constructs and the managing of this was a nightmare, because of the 5 orgs per player limit.



    If I have with all talents just 25 org construct slots, this is quite an issue.

    I mean, you have just a few personal construct slots.

    - Most of them are already occupied with the cores for the mining units.

    - So if you want to build a fancy building and more than 1 single ship, you already need several of your org construct slots for yourself

    - Preparations on a larger scale will be nearly impossible

    In my case I currently build a city layout so that other players and I can build a realistic (still small) city later. A project like this needs a layout and a structure before it really starts, or it ends in chaos. Currently I have already ~150 cores placed and filled. But projects like this, that need a massive amount of cores for preparation before others can benefit from it, will be nearly impossible. Because everyone have to be in your org (remember the 5 org limit) and has to give you some of their org construct slots before they get anything in return (and be honest: how many will do this?). And even if I get enough slots from people beforehand and I spend massive ressources and time - it can be all lost if just a few players leave the org/ reassign their slots/ cancel their payment. Then the core limit drops and the already placed cores will be abandoned...


    This will really kill many larger projects.

    With this system, you can only start big projects, if you are already big. Big projects from small groups that form a larger organization later will be nearly impossible. So this may be okay for large orgs, but will make it way more difficult for smaller orgs to rise even if they are really active.
    Better invent some milestones.

    For example: You start with 50 Cores for your org, and with achieving several goals (spend massive ressources/quanta) you can scale up this limit and it remains permanent. So even a small group can get to a decent amount of org cores with the time if they are active (this idea is absolutely not perfect, it shall show just another direction).


    A system like the announced one that is so fragile that a few leaving/reassigning/inactive members can destroy your organization with the reduced core limit - that is not really thought to the end.


    I understand the reason and I appreciate that you are try so solving this.

    But this is the wrong way NQ.

  9. Quote

    However, we will see with the team if a better solution is possible, there is no perfect solutions currently.


    I really hope there will be a good solution for data export.

    Several projects in the community depend on that.


    We in our org built in months of work a whole own economy system.

    Members can store their ores in our ore deposit, they get "HC" (our own currency) in exchange, and can use these HC in the fully automated shopping center to buy nearly any item for a cheap and steady price (what is important especially for new players). Our players can transfer their HC to other members, or can use them to order something from our industry department (if its not in the shopping center, or a really large order). This system works well and is a great addition and an advanced community creation. (If you are interested, check this video: Hyperion Warehouse and HC-System it's German and not 100% up to date, but you can understand most of the content just with the visuals)


    And there are many more complex systems like this from other orgs and players, that rely on sync with external databases, because the DBs in the game are too small to handle this.


    All of these advanced scripted community creations would be lost if there is no proper and easy way to export the data anymore.

    If we are restricted to just the ingame DBs, this will kill massive creativity in scripting because of the limitations.


  10. Another idea for the microvoxel issue would be an option, where you can choose to delete all the remaining stuff in the construct.


    So you still have to disassemble it by yourself if you don't want to loose all the stuff (which is okay I think). But when you are mostly finished with disassembling it would be nice to have this option.


    Could work like this: In build mode, activate the core -> Scrap remaining parts -> a pop-up appears with a warning that the scrapped stuff will be lost together with a list of the remaining elements+voxels (like the list you have for blueprints)


    So you can check this list and decide "just two adjustors and <1m³ voxels, that's okay to loose" and delete it.


    Automatic disassembling with getting the resources back would be nice, but I think this would make all this too easy.

  11. The latest patches were needed steps for the game, but are no final solution. Because they brought good changes, but reduced the reasons to build and play together with others more and more.



    Mining Units

    I like this change all in all. But this resulted in every player having his own tile (or several tiles). So this makes it harder for multiple people to build and play together, because the more players are in the group, the larger the area becomes they need for their ressources. So if they build a city or their base together in the center, several players have to fly long distances to get to there MUs.


    Yes, this is not completely a new issue. Even before you had to fly to the next unclaimed territory to mine there. Even before you had to fly to other planets to get rare ores. So it's not like the system with the mining units caused this issue. But it amplifies it. Especially new players who nearly just want T1-ores for their projects get quite separated. You can build an Industry Line together, but aside from that there is no real benefit in playing and building close together. It's currently more that if you want to build together, you have to overcome the difficulties that come with that (PvP is another topic). And I think, if this "isolation" can be broken it would give DU a huge boost.


    To be honest, I don't have a real balanced idea on how to solve this issue. To make it more attractive to build together, to connect and build large bases and cities instead of every player having his own tile with a single building on it. But maybe you have some ideas for this?

  12. Especially if you have built fancy ships with voxelmancy that took days of work to be finished. There is not an option like "just move every element 0.5 voxels away from each other". because then the whole design gets visually broken.


    Like I've said: I like the fact that they are working on this problem. Strict in-game rules are better than just to say "Don't do that". I don't want NQ to revert this change completely. But they really have to work on the hitboxes in detail again. If so many fancy ships that were built the legal way are broken now because of messy hitboxes, this is really an issue.

  13. Well, I appreciate the try to change the mechanics so glitching Elements together is not just forbidden, but not really possible anymore. 


    But however, this is too much.

    At first I thought it is only a problem for me, because I like to build small ships and shuttles where all elements are close together to get a nice look. 


    But now I hear from nearly every player I know that there is massive obstruction on their ships, even when they made sure to build without glitching or stuff like this.

    So even if you followed the rules and build your ship the "correct" way, many players get punished now.


    Please check on this again, NQ

  14. This is no flame, even if some words may sound harsh. I love the game, even if the progress is quite slow sometimes.



    Aside from the markets, the world feels quite dead. There are some Industries with animated parts and you can create animations on a screen. But thats it.

    Even if you build with several players together, to create a city or a large base - often just a few are online and at the location at the same time. Everything else is static.

    Its only an asthetic issue, but this keeps the immersion of the world at a quite low level.


    Some ideas for a solution:

    - animated elements:

    rotating gears, elements that move up and down and other stuff like this

    - particle elements:

    elements that create smoke, fire, dust, sparks, water sprinkling effects and other

    - sound elements:

    elements that play a specific sound in a loop or with a timer, when you get close

    - "NPCs":

    a major thing would be NPCs. To distinguish between Players and NPCs, the NPCs could be simple Robots. They dont have to be too fancy. For example:

    1. An animated robot for just decoration. You place the robot like an element and it performs a simple animation.

    2. An animated robot as a "shop keeper", that works like the current dispenser.

    To prevent exaggerated robot use, there could be high costs and a limitation per core.


    These are just a few ideas on how the world could get more alive. Of course we would need more graphic options for this, so everyone can set the visibility range for the animations. Another topic connected with this is low poly models - even of already existing elements. Its quite annoying that a giant wing of a spaceship just plops in and out when you get closer/ farther away. Or that Industry Elements are either invisible, or rendered with all the details and animation.If there are low poly models of the larger elements that are shown at higher distance, we could get better looking far away constructs without extreme performance drops.


    So what are your ideas to fill the world with some life?

  15. My opinion about the update:

    I like the idea, but not exactly how it's done.


    The main issue I have with this: The Taxes are far too high for people who are more interested in planetary building. The average Tile on Alioth gives you about ~500l/h, so ~84kl/week and most of this is T1

    Even with talents it may be 150kl/week (not exactly, but just for demonstration). This is an amount you can currently get in 1h mining. And you have to sell at least ~1/2 to pay the taxes. The amount you'll receive in the end is way less than what you can get now if you are ready to invest some time.


    If you are someone who likes to fly to other planets and build a base there this may be okay. I've heard about tiles with 300l/h T3 ore and more, so the taxes would not be an issue. But players who like the planetary building on alioth and not space travelling, will be extremely slowed down and I think this will cause more frustration in the playerbase.

  16. Well, the problem is not that there are no benefits in building close together.

    The current problem is: The game is still not ready for this.

    We tried it in "Hyperion City", and the game causes so many issues if you want to build close together.


    Advantages of a City:

    - Feeling:

    Its much nicer building close together and see others buildings grow bigger and bigger

    - Industry:

    Everyone can specialize on some parts and build a perfect optimized industry line. And your Neighbor can specialize on other parts

    - Shopping:

    In Hyperion, we have a fully automated ore deposit and shopping center that works very nice and is more comfortable and immersive than flying to the markets everytime

    - We even experimented with street systems where hovercars can drive with ease (yeah, not absolutely necessary, but adds feeling too)

    - Building together on large projects


    Issues with a City in DU:

    - Performance:

    The industry city is a nice idea, but the game cannot handle it currently. Just a few cores filled with industry are causing massive FPS drops. Imagine what it is with dozens of buildings. Thats the main issue and thats the reason why the real use of a city is not achievable.

    - Overlap-Protection:

    DU has an overlap-Protection that does not allow to build too close to others buildings (not even the tileowner can disable this). But the range of this is way too far. So EVERY player with a house in the city has to manually disable this overlap-protection for every core. But this is extremely bugged and there has to be just one inactive player who has not disabled this protection, to make a whole 300x300m area unusable. Several players reached out to NQ because of this. The protection does not need to be removed, but at least give the tileowner the option to disable this protection for his tile. Issue would be solved. But nothing changed so far and this for already more than 1 year.

    - Organization Core limits:

    The only other way to avoid this overlap-protection is if all the building cores belong to the organization (and the player just gets all the rights for his own buildings). But NQ decided to reduce the max. amount of cores for every org massively (doesnt matter if its a org with 5 Members, or with 500). So this does not work too. Many players reached out to NQ with ideas like "scaling the core limit according to the player amount" / "add some missions to expand the org core limits" and others. But so far nothing changed, and this already for ~ 4 months.

  17. I just want you to know, that the "Legion" isn't something completely new.


    At the beginning there was the AC (Ascendancy) and some other orgs and alliances that stood against the AC.

    Most of the counterparts to the AC vanished with the time, so the AC became the most dominant alliance in the game.

    At the end some members and organizations in the AC were uncomfortable with the "government" of the alliance, especially because several of the major orgs became nearly completely inactive. As a result, they founded the "Legion".


    So in fact the Legion is just something like the more active part of the former AC with just a few new members. It's nothing new.


    But to be honest, even as a player of one of the Legion orgs I'm not completely happy with the monopolism that established. But thats a general issue of the game and its players, not just of the Legion itself. Several other active PvP-Factions that could've been a real threat to the Legion became more and more inactive, split up or moved to other games. But this game is dynamic. Sure, the playerbase got much smaller in the last months. But there are still more than enough active players who could stand up against the Legion. It's a matter of organisation and effort.


    If everyone stays in his small 10-man organization, its clear that they don't have a chance to fight Legion. But in fact, most of them would even struggle against a single org of the Legion. If you want to play PvP in DU very active, you have to organize yourself in bigger groups. But yes, NQ could do something about this, so that even smaller groups could be more annoying to large alliances. If there would be some ways for smaller orgs to still get the needed ressources and rise up faster, or something like "hit and run" - so you can attack single ships of large orgs and withdraw fast enough before reinforcements appear - this would give the PvP in the game much more depth (like the pirates or rebels in most sci-fi movies). But currently nearly all this features that would make PvP more balanced are missing.

  18. NQ maybe should not intervene in a single issue like removing some core.

    they should finally solve the major issue after half a year

    they could:

    • disable overlap protection completely for cores on the planet surface (for space core this feature is still useful)


    • reduce the size for the overlap protection zone to the actual size of the build zone


    • allow the tileowner to ignore the overlap protection


    • allow the tileowner to remove cores from his territory (so they are compacted into the core owners inventory)


    • add a RDMS policy for TCU that disables the overlap protection


    JUST ONE of this workarounds would solve the issue for most players/ orgs.
    They just have to pick the one thats the easiest to do.

    But since 6 months we are talking to a wall.


    2/3 of our city territory is still unusable for already 6 months because of this.

  19. Yeah, I mean a L-core with an actual building area of 128x128m can even block other cores more than 300m away.

    Even if you are the tileowner you can't do anything if just one inactive player of the org placed his core there months ago.

    Even if you are the tileowner...
    ... you cannot remove the core of an inactive player

    ... you cannot deactivate the overlap protection

    ... even you as the owner are fucked up by the overlap protection


    The only "workaround" (to completely deactivate the overlap protection for every single core) is ab buggy mess. And EVERY player with a core there has to be active to set the policy, or this does not work at all. And even if he sets the policy correctly in about 10-20% it still does not work. And even if it works more or less, you are still blocked quite often because it needs sometimes up to 30min to load all the policies from the cores that are "nearby" (in a 350m radius).
    And if the only way to work with this, is to completely disable the overlap protection - this feature has no use at all (in space yes, but not on ground).


    Just 4 M-cores of inactive players are blocking nearly 2/3 of our current city area (3 Tiles) for already 6 months!

  20. The big issue is:


    NQ stated to NOT exploit bugs to get an unfair advantage to the others who play within the rules.

    Or it will have consequences.


    We all know it still happened here and there. NQ cannot overwatch everything. Okay.


    But now a whole organization abused a bug in more than 300 (!) cases to steal other players ships.

    They did not do it here and there, they massively focused exactly on the bug abuse. Exactly on the thing NQ prohibited.

    They even allowed it in their org rules.

    And most of the cases were well documented. Every day NQ got a buch of reports from the victims about this.


    And yet there are no consequences.



    The problem is:

    Why should players now follow the rules?

    When they know it won't have any consequences to break the rules and use exploits wherever you can?

    If even a case that is so extreme and so precisely documented had no consequences?

    If you use ingame features to play like a pirate/ mercenary org - okay. Thats your playstyle. If the other orgs don't like it, its in their responsibility to do sth. about.

    But a massive bug abuse like this is clearly NQs scope.

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