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  1. EAC has a setting which will allow it to work under Mime/Proton. Whether NQ would spend the time to make that change is another question.
  2. NQ-Bearclaw did an impromptu Q&A in Discord today, Thought I'd put the Q and A together and share here... Q The big question is will you get ALL the planets back in myDU A I think by default you get a setup similar to current prod, but this is one json file in the right folder away from more planets Q Would being on a LAN make performance much better? Would that solve the issues around ground mining? Faster data access could mean the tunnels wouldn't create as much lag? A If you play LAN pings will be like at least two orders of magnitude lower, that will definitely help. Q Do you know how the MUs work? I had wondered how possible it would be to repurpose them as mining laser for ships. Drawing from a resource pool on an asteroid instead of the planets. That would enable ship based mining lasers? A One will not be able to make so drastic changes with myDU. That would require code change, not just config change. Q Effectively MyDU will be as it is now. Just hosted locally? A You'll get acess to what we call the item bank, which defines all properties of ingame stuff, from talent effets to element HP. Server admins also get our backoffice. Q will it be possible to trade items and BPs with other servers A indirectly through BP exports for admins with access to the backoffice. Q Will we be able to roll a new seed for ore distributions? A You can change the ore distribution, but our seed_based algo will not be released (yet?) Q I assume people will get a blank version of the world to start a fresh? A Yes, you get the state of freetrial just after a weekly reset basically. Q Do you have any idea on the type of rig required to run a server. Are we talking bedroom or DC.? A For a handful of players your decent gaming rig will do. Q Can you give us an idea of what (if any) dev tools will be available? A Our backoffice (BO), it has a lot of features, it's what GMs use. BO can trigger game features on/off, edit talent effects, item properties, teleport/delete stuff, import/export ships and blueprints Q do whe have a timeline when myDU would be avaialble for spining servers? A very soon(tm) Q Sir is it possible to make a new game with planetary mining enabled? Miner friend of mine that quit with MU is asking A Not sure about that one sorry, it would require the previous planets with ore in them, but not sure if this wuld be enough Q Will people be able to export all BPs or just cores. A core only, having a core bp more or less means you own the stuff, so ok to export Q Can you put like effects on talents.....jump 5000% A You can put effect on all declared properties of the player character, not sure if jump height is one of them Q minecraft uses area of effect boost....was looking to see if you can have like an area of a planet where there is like 0 gravity or highgravity....extra jumpspeed.... will see what BO can do A nope, gravity is a property on each planet as a whole Q Just so I'm clear on the ground mining. We can turn that back on? It wasn't removed from the code? A well you can still dig, so I guess code-wise we're good, but I would need to investigate at a later time Q But myDU will be additional, not mandatory, in order to continue playing DualUniverse A It's a totally different things, lights stay on on the regular du MMO server Q Nyota said that NQ would open a dedicated channel for us to submit questions for the myDU FAQ - any update on that? A This will be taken care of asap I guess. Q Can I set the NPCs to spawn anywhere in normal space? To do random combat? A that would require code change...there might be an internal API to trigger PvE NPCs though, will require digging. Q Just so I'm clear on this, we can only export core BP's to myDU....what about current constructs that we have in game at the moment....say my Eye of Ra. I don't have a BP of that so does that mean that I can't export it? A you need to make a core bp of it and have that core bp in your inventory to export (spoiler: it will happen through the meshexporter) Q Do we have to be subbed for each time download a construct? Is myDU one time purchase or how does it work payment wise? A Server will be freely available to anyone. mydu client is a one time purchase per seat. Q So not only have we been paying a subscription, we now need to pay for a single player client. A mydu is a separate thing, and we have a plan for regular du players that want to switch. More on this later. Q how likely is it that we can also trade items with the nq server?? A that sounds complicated, what currncy would you use? admins of a mydu server gets infinite everything Q Can an admin remove someone elses DRM Protected construct on their own server? A By construction your data is actually in the hands of the admin, so yeah they can read your lua and copy your voxels Q Will all in game items be available? What I mean items that haven’t been release on official server but we’ve all seen. Like XL Wings, XL cores, generators, territory weapons? A not all of those realy exist afaik
  3. A lot will depend on what NQ will actually deliver and I disagree running a community server is expensive or requires a lot of resources. I run several of them all the time, including a massive Space Engineers server with 6 nodes and I ran 5x5 ATLAS server as well as a multi-node Myth of Empires one. Frankly, DU already does most of the work client side so I expect the server to actually not be all that complex or demanding resource wise at all. We'll have to wait and see, but especially if there is the possibility of mods and customizing how the server will operate. And if the database is open and easy to query, things may get even more interesting.. It is wait and see for now as the announcement really tells us next to nothing and seems to imply this could not even be a server based setup, but more a P2P system between clients which again would make sense seeing how the clients do most of the work already anyway. Also, if there is any price tag for this, it will have to be $25 or less. But it feels like a final hooray for NQ who will drop this and then shutter the "MMO" server not long after I expect.
  4. OH.. wait.. reading OP again.. This may not actually be a private hosted server setup at all. It feels more like a version of the client which will be able to accept a limited amount of P2P connections with other clients. IF that is the case, and we can't run a 24/7 server unless the client is up all the time somewhere that will mean yo must have a pretty hefty GPU as well on the box running it to just run the client and that kind of kills the whole server idea.. We need more details..
  5. I do wonder about the 3rd party licenses needed to run the server, of which I can imagine there are several. I know Unigine has a free community tier, but what about the others.
  6. @Cremora Pretty sure development of DU has ceased at least a year ago and I'd not expect anything from NQ anymore in that regard. In fact, I take this as a sign NQ will sunset the server on their end this year and just leave whatever happens in the hands of the community. If the privately hosted servers will support modding and still allow for a considerable player count (provided you host on adequate hardware), There may be a good bit of life left in the game. If NQ will try and cash in on this and intends to sell the private server host without any further support or development (basically sell a dead horse) then I'm not sure this will do much, unless they charge maybe a one off $30 once for just the server. And then, that would not yield them much revenue at all.
  7. I can certainly see this be the start of the sunset for the game as being hosted by NQ.. Frankly, it's obvious development ceased a long, long time ago anyway so it makes sense. But yes, While they mention that a subscription will still be needed for the "MMO" server they host, I totally expect that server to not be around for much longer after the private servers arrive.
  8. Not unexpected, I appreciate the idea. Will the private servers have all the functionality of the "MMO" one (server hardware permitting obviously)
  9. I can see the reasons for the changes from the perspective of NQ. However, with so much code in the game and a good chunk of it locked behind DRM while the owner/original coder may no longer be in game, this can potentially break and ground many constructs with no recourse. A question would be is NQ going to accommodate opening up the DRM in these instances to allow for this code to be corrected/fixed or are the owners of the constructs in question pretty much left with a potato. Disruptive changes like this really have no place in a released game where there are very real blockers preventing these issue to be resolved. NQ has a responsibility here and can't just walk away from that as far as I am concerned..
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