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  1. I would like to propose a solution that most that I've talked to agree is a workable solution. Problem Statement: Too many cores as a result of unlimited nested orgs. Players previously rejected the idea of removing nested orgs due to limited RDMS. NQ proposed solution is flawed for several reasons. Loaning cores to orgs has too much potential for abuse and turns managing org shared infrastructure into a nightmare to manage long term. 25 cores per player is simply too little especially after the Demeter update requiring cores for mining. Before I get into my proposed solution, it's important for NQ to understand how most players use orgs. Due to the limited RDMS capabilities, players create their own personal/small group org for players they trust 100%. They then join a larger org for the community and larger shared resources. The larger org typically maintains org member store, factory, space stations, etc. The primary org relying on "loaned cores" is an unnecessary problem for the legates to manage. The "personal" core slots are rarely used by players due to the RDMS mess. When my two friends and I started playing, the first thing we did was to create our own org so that we can easily share constructs without having to deal with RDMS hell, so until RDMS becomes much more robust, continuing to use the 17 personal cores to boost the total cores is pointless, hardly anyone other than solo players who don't do much beyond a very limited set of game features uses them. Short term: My proposed solution is to remove nested orgs from having cores slots and create a two-tier organization model. Orgs with less than 10 players would have a hard limit of 150 cores while orgs with more than 10 members retain the current 275 core limit. This would allow the larger primary org to maintain the necessary infrastructure without having to worry about what they will need to delete when a handful of players decide to leave. This also allows the solo/small group org to have enough cores to maintain their own constructs. Long term: There still needs to be a more robust system for alliances and networks such as the Utopia network. I believe using the nested org feature is not the right mechanism for this to work properly. There needs to be a separate system to manage alliances for future capabilities. The current RDMS is sorely lacking in features to properly manage an organization and could potentially reduce the need for players to join more than two orgs.
  2. After the dev Discord Q&A a few days ago, it's clear the devs don't even play this game. They are completely out of touch of how much this update has turned this "GAME" into a 2nd job. The taxes are too high for the effort required. NQ admitted they set the tax to be 50% of what you could mine at 100% efficiency. No society flourishes when everything is taxed at a 50% rate. On top of this, many of the miners we put down are bugged and will not pull at the rate they are suppose to. It's like other miners are already pulling the vast majority of the available pool, but there are no other miners on the territory.
  3. I agree an element like this is needed, but I don't think it should completely replace wings, engines, and Ailerons. Those elements should stay in for smaller ships and an AGG brake generator can be a more expensive option for larger ships. NQ will need to address the element lag at some point in the near future, so one element like this replacing hundreds of wings and brakes could drastically reduce element lag.
  4. They're not going to stop players from adding the elements. It will only drive people to make even more ridiculous looking ships. If this goes live, the next meta will be a giant box with atmo brakes on three sides. If they find a happy medium, then people will continue to make visually appealing ships.
  5. In addition to the excellent points made by LordVlad, this change as it's currently on PTS will not only render a vast majority of ships useless, but it unfairly punishes those that created their ships with the proper obstruction placement as currently on the live server. Please see the image below that demonstrates the radical change in the airflow from front-to-back to sides-top. Even the DU shipbuilders are confused about the intended airflow obstruction changes. Several of the MK2 editions have the top of the atmospheric brake blocked. Please see the four examples below.
  6. The L/hr seem too low even with talent and adjacency bonus for the 1 mil/week tax. Either the rate needs to go up or the tax drastically reduced. The brake change is horrible. I know the current implementation was temporary, but requiring the entire brake to be exposed is going to usher in the golden age of freaking ugly ships. Please change the requirement to be only the front surface to be exposed.
  7. This is my last reply to you since you are just pissy and not actually reading my response. The problem is the amount of tunnels dug out, not how much ore there is to mine. They had no way of knowing that people would have dug near the amount of tunnels they have.
  8. Servers don't always scale linearly and if you saw the video with the massive amounts of tunnels, they didn't predict how nuts players would have went with mining.
  9. Because they have built something no other game studio has created before. They also were not able to predict how players would exploit the game. Almost all traditional MMOs take 5+ years to develop, so 7+ for a groundbreaking game like DU is not surprising. Would you have preferred that they just keep an unsustainable system in or fix it like they have. I for one think this system is a good solution. The only change I would have made would be to make the ore resources shift once a month like SWG did.
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