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I want to turn an asteroid into a moveable space station


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That depends. Short answer: Either it will be impractical, or you don't.


Longer answer: Moons have so much mass that every sci-fi trope of turning rocks into spaceships is complete science fiction, because of just how much mass they have compared to something purpose-built.

It also depends on what kind of voxels the asteroids will be made of. The static planet type, or the movable player construct type. If it is the former, then asteroids will be completely static.

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It would definitely depend on the nature of asteroid voxels. I'm not sure if asteroids will be movable, because in order to move voxels need to be attached to a Dynamic Core Unit.


Now, if NQ makes it so that you can place a dynamic core on an asteroid, thus attaching all it's voxels to that core and making them dynamic, then yes, I'd say you could move it (assuming ofc that the entire asteroid fit into the build zone of the core). That would take a lot of engines and fuel, and you'd probably want to hollow a bunch of it out to reduce the mass as much as possible, but it could be done. 


But I wouldn't rest my hopes on that. Right now I'd say it's possible but not likely. However, you could always mine an asteroid and then re-place all of it's material into the shape of an asteroid around a dynamic core. It would take much longer, and it wouldn't necessarily look the same, but it could be done with enough time, effort, and patience. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

From what I can tell it will be totally feasible, in theory.


Asteroids per se are movable objects. On the other hand, as the moon was shown to be editable then there is no reason to think that asteroids won't.


These two things in mind, I see two approaches. You build your base/station at the asteroid and let the asteroid's orbit be the force behind your movable base. I suppose though that you want to have some control over the direction, speed etc. In that case all you need to do is place engines at the asteroid.


A controllable and movable asteroid base is something that science fiction has explored and pioneers at astro-engineering (real scientists) have approached in theory. In practice though you need strong enough engines, that will be able to function in the vacuum of space etc etc. Although these engines don't exist in real life, DU is a science fiction MMO (allowing even stargates in future expansions), as such these engines probably will exist. So the next thing that remains to be done, is experiment in order to find the correct way and place to put these engines.


But from what I can tell, totally feasible.

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On 9/2/2017 at 4:18 PM, Vorengard said:

in order to move voxels need to be attached to a Dynamic Core Unit



I think, whatever the quantity/mass on the asteroids, even 1 "raw" voxel unit of asteroid and you will break on it, whatever the thruster you have. Raw voxel from planet/asteroid/moon cannot be moved, they can later on be in perpetual movement, but they won't be movable by something. Even if you create a ship 3 times bigger than your asteroid and ram on it, your ship will suffer damage and the asteroid will absolutely not react.

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This is also my main focus in the game, I'm hoping it will be possible even if its not a large asteroid. This also gave me the idea of attaching small engines to smaller masses of rock and firing them at stuff. I don't know a lot about how I'd do this but it was an amusing thought.

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Unfortunately, it won't work. I asked about this at PAX and I was told that Celestial Objects are special types of objects in the game that are not able to be moved (except planets rotation on their own).


So no, you cannot attach engines and a dynamic core to an asteroid to move it. 


However, that doesn't stop you from making your own asteroid ;) 

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6 hours ago, Lethys said:

which would only bump into a ship. doing 0 dmg

that is, assuming that there is no collision damage mechanic in-place. Not sure that collision damage y/n was a settled matter yet (though for a game like this, its probably for the best that construct-on-construct collision damage is not a thing).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I, personally, am more interested in building on the asteroids. preferably hidden bases on multiple asteroids that can trap players that come into the belt to mine. mwuahaha.


movable asteroids cause a lot of issues in starmade. I remember they didn't do impact damage, but I was bulldozing them around with a special ship. Eventually though they would glitch out as we got out of the chunk they originated in. The server couldn't handle keeping track of it, I think. I remember I even did a tug boat one. I drilled a hole in the asteroid, built a hook on the back of my ship, linked them up and flew off. It was then I learned how much thrust and power is needed to move something that big, my little tugboat didn't go anywhere. eventually I got the power needed, but then when I tried to slow the ship down the asteroid hit the butt of my ship and things started to glitch, clip and blow up. I am pretty sure movable asteroids in dual universe would cause similar issues. 


however it would be nice if they drifted and spun and orbited a little bit. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2.9.2017 at 4:18 PM, Vorengard said:


But I wouldn't rest my hopes on that. Right now I'd say it's possible but not likely. However, you could always mine an asteroid and then re-place all of it's material into the shape of an asteroid around a dynamic core. It would take much longer, and it wouldn't necessarily look the same, but it could be done with enough time, effort, and patience. 

That gives me the idea of being an ambush pirate, pretending to be a valuable asteroid for miners until its too late for them. :P

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From what I read in this thread, you guys seem to be talkin g about asteriods that are kilometers long or wide. But what about asteroids a couple dozen meters long in radius? I don't think such small asteroida shouldn't couny as celestial bodies.

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  • 1 month later...

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