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Outpost Zebra  




It has been a labour of love, it has. For weeks, a dedicated team worked tirelessly to achieve a goal. A goal not driven by the reward of money or the promise of fame; a goal unaltered by difficulties and undimmed by rumours. That goal, my friends, is Outpost Zebra.


This humble Outpost has no other purpose, but to spread the news of Dual Universe far and wide, to provide a platform for interaction between organisations and players alike. Consider it a home away from home, the figurative middle ground where parties on both sides of the spectrum meet to discuss events, share ideas, express opinions, promote their interests, find new friends…recruit new members.


In the words of Falstaf:


“Outpost Zebra is something I always wanted to do.”



Today, that idea has finally taken form. Aided by the ever ready help of ATMLVE, the skill of Epidemic, the expertise of Kael and the knowledge of Anonymous, and the quiet support from members of this Community, Falstaf’s dream of the platform for ideas and opinions to be shared has come true.


“Oz”, as we affectionately call it, is still in its infancy. It will mature in due time, and grow greater than many believe it can. However, for that to happen, Oz will need your patronage and your help.

Its goal is not to replace the Dual Universe Forums. No. That is neither our plan nor its purpose. Its goal is to complement the Forums, reach a wider audience, provide a place where conflicts are set aside and new ideas are birthed over jokes, galleries, articles, stories and media.


Outpost Zebra is a vantage point, looking over Dual Universe and bringing its best to you without the need to login and play.


Hopefully, it will convince thousands that Dual Universe is a life worth living.


It’s online now – the Outpost is active.










Twitter: https://twitter.com/Outpost_Zebra 


Website: http://www.outpostzebra.com/

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Truly impressive, bookmarked and on the checklist. I think Oz will flourish, the idea and progress so far are strong indicators of that. 


I know very well how punctual your writing is (beats mine for sure), but this sentence at the beginning of your post bugs me. Minor typo at the end?

"A goal not driven by the reward of money or the promise a fame"


Thanks to you and the team for creating another quality DU community tool. 

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Truly impressive, bookmarked and on the checklist. I think Oz will flourish, the idea and progress so far are strong indicators of that. 


I know very well how punctual your writing is (beats mine for sure), but this sentence at the beginning of your post bugs me. Minor typo at the end?

"A goal not driven by the reward of money or the promise a fame"


Thanks to you and the team for creating another quality DU community tool. 


Thank you very much for spotting that. Falstaf did note that mistake in the original piece. Looks like this one slipped away. 


Thanks very much for the support and the sharp eye. 




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Hello there,


Nice and clean website, good job.


I'm just going to report a little bug: when you haver the menu, the text goes black and so has no contrast with the background.tmp.png

(tested on Chrome, last version)




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Hello there,


Nice and clean website, good job.


I'm just going to report a little bug: when you haver the menu, the text goes black and so has no contrast with the background.tmp.png

(tested on Chrome, last version)







Thanks for the feedback, Shadow. OZ seems to be going through an "Alpha" phase of its own. We've noticed it and will report back here once the bug is fixed. 




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Hello there,


Nice and clean website, good job.


I'm just going to report a little bug: when you haver the menu, the text goes black and so has no contrast with the background.tmp.png

(tested on Chrome, last version)





Hi there Shadow.

Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention. 

It turns out to be a surprisingly tricky situation. 


For now there is not a fancy animation when you hover over the button, its a bit old skool but at least we can read the text 

But I can assure you the best computers at NASA are crunching away at the problem. :D

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We'd like to let all members of Dual Universe know that writing and submitting fan content and articles on Outpost Zebra is very much allowed - encouraged, even. For the time being, we will not restrict posts and submissions - as long as they are about Dual Universe, Dual Universe events or Dual Universe content. What that means, is that you are free to write articles and submit them. 


A friendly warning in advance: 


To preserve the integrity and positive status of Outpost Zebra, questionable content will be out-rightly rejected. Some articles that we deem unfit for the public or harmful to the image of Outpost Zebra will also be refused publicity. We are more than willing to discuss with aspiring writers and interested contributors about what to submit and what not to share. An explanation via message will follow every hindered article and we will be in constant contact with contributors. 


Some of you have noticed the Advertisement place holders. Yes, they are for you to use. However, with over 1500 organisations registered on Dual Universe, it could take a while for any request to be granted. It's more on a "first come, first served" basis. Nonetheless, feel free to send in your requests in here or through our Twitter account. 


Till then, 




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Outpost Zebra has two new articles up on its site and we will continue to add new content to the website. So far, so good: we are very grateful for your continued support and kind words. 


However, we are still lacking in a broader base of an audience. We would be pleased with some members of the Dual Universe Community adding some content of their own whenever they feel the urge to do so. 


Our Twitter account is till taking baby's steps, but it will grow at its own pace. 


We wish you all the best. 




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I guess you guys...  B) See the world in black and white.


Contrary to popular culture, Zebras are believed to see in colour. 


It's an interesting fact - one I just discovered today. However, whether or not these Zebras see in monochrome or not, is a mystery. What we can say is that we are definitely not rainbow coloured. 




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Actually that is part of the zebra idea.

If you give everyone an opportunity to voice their thoughts a lot of opposing opinions would show up. Like on this forum for example.


Just enough opposing ideas to make it fun.

But, aren't Zebras just honeybadger horses?

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Band Of Outlaws gave us their recruitment poster and I'm very proud putting it up on the wall...or should that be up against the wall? Being a poster of BOO and all...


I must say its a pretty sweet poster with a lot of character, you should check it out. Feel free to contact us if you want to advertise your Dual Universe cause. ????

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I wish you all a wonderful day. 


All the advert spaces for Outpost Zebra have been taken. They went quite quick, I dare say! Circa the next two weeks, BOO, the Blue Moon Crew and the Dual Universe Historical Society will have their adverts on the site. Thanks to a retweet from Dual Universe, page visits have been up. In the coming days, a few more articles will definitely be posted...perhaps one on how to grow an organisation? Who knows?

For adverts after the current ones have expired, kindly contact Falstaf, Epidemic, Kael, Adamantine or me. We'll keep everything in the cycle: free and fair. We won't be accepting payment or cash for the adverts: it's a free perk for the time being. Who does not love free things? 


We wish you all the best. 




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  • 2 weeks later...




Outpost Zebra is still active, and spaces for adverts are still open. For the next batch, we have two more ad spaces free and we're currently taking requests. Despite the silence, there is no shortage of content: the brains behind the site needed to update and patch certain aspects of the sites for a smoother user experience - little bugs here and there. As a matter of fact, there is a new article up today - not by me, or Falstaf, or ATMLVE, but by BenFargo: a notable member of the Community that I'm very sure you have heard of at least once. 


Feel free to read and comment here




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Hello, everyone. 


We currently have two free advert spaces on Outpost Zebra. The previous ones have exhausted their two week validity and have been taken down today. The owners of the advert spaces were contacted approximately 24 hours prior to their advert expiration. 


Kindly get in contact with the usual group (Falstaf, Epidemic, Kael, Adamantine or me) to advertise your organisation on Outpost Zebra. We are still open and very alive: user articles, news and content are much welcome to the Outpost. 




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