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The resistance against the oppression.



Welcome to the Unity League. The empire of freedom. In our ranks we will grant the players the freedom they demand while being tight-knit enough to form a formidable power. Our goal is to stand apart from groups like Cinderfall and provide a safe place for the freedom the player demands.
Formed out of necessity, the Unity League was created from 2 empires that bonded together to stand grounds against ruthless groups that threaten the liberty of the common player.

Step into your destiny and become a honorable member of our growing group.

Our system is based on our main 4 branches.








Step into a land of opportunity today!

Learn more/join: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/unity-league


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Minecraftlazerproduc








This official post is approved by @TheSlaxx  and   @Ardour






-- The Unity League End of Broadcast --





















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Why are you painting Cinderfall bad? What is wrong with it?

Is this group a meme about real-life where oppression exists when it's profitable?*


*Yeah, most of the new oppression is sadly made by marketing teams, and the real oppression is usually hidden by anybody not directly affected by it.

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Interesting to see these two competing alliances of UL and Cinderfall.


Curious, at the bottom of the post I see Slaxx's name and someone new named Ardour (welcome). Where is MatchMaker, erm... mm in all of this?

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1 hour ago, DarkHorizon said:

Interesting to see these two competing alliances of UL and Cinderfall.


Curious, at the bottom of the post I see Slaxx's name and someone new named Ardour (welcome). Where is MatchMaker, erm... mm in all of this?


Ardour is MM, he changed his name

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-digs around for dusty villain mask-

Muahahah it is I NEO!, Alioth will be under the oppressive clutches of the cinderfall phoenix, all will cower in fear of its flames. The world will burn and everyone will work for me to gather all the raw ore so i can turn it in for money. MUAHAHAA

As the warlord of Alioth all the noobs will be forced to mine so they can leave through the small gate we create after we build a massive wall around the arkship safe zone. If they dare escape we'll surround the planet with a huge building lined with defensive turrets thus denying them space entry. kekeke~!


The shadow council will tell guild leaders to tell everyone where to put their skill points. Any dissenters will face BOO, CC, and any other pirates. Yes its all being controlled by the masterminds of tyranny.  Ohhh ohhh I cant hold all of this evil, good thing i built a swimming pool out of gold mined by all my indentured workers, I feel so dastardly, oooh!


@Lord_Void  dark blessings upon you I'll be waiting for the orders from the dark lords in the shadows, just hit me up, oh great one.

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4 minutes ago, MrStarWars said:

***solar empire creeps in with some destroyers*** I heard there was a party up in here.


A little party never killed nobody. Until now.

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