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    _Kiwi_ reacted to Shulace in Adding Gameplay Loops   
    How about five then?
  2. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from Redrick in This is Dual Universe   
    It was likely an exploit that they used, and you are not meant to disclose exploits on the forums, which is why they threatened you. However, as you were not the one that used it, I’m not sure how you would get in trouble for showing a video of a ship disappearing, and I hope Hyperion gets in big trouble for this
  3. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to Saedow in Thanks NQ   
    No, not getting paid, I just think if you really enjoy DU in its current state, the devs would like to hear about it bruh. And again.... I'm totally hyped because of this game although I'm still missing a lot of helpful features which I will address in other topics. So... thnx devs, you're doing a great job! ?
  4. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to NQ-Naerais in Website & Program Updates   
    Dear Noveans,
    When we set out to launch our beta this summer, we also envisioned a series of major changes and improvements outside of the game. A major one was the complete redesign of the game’s website, as well as the migration to a brand new tech stack for the site’s front and back ends. We were also planning to launch several programs, such as a Content Creator program and a Recruit-a-Friend program, which relied on a new, versatile code system. That code system is also being used to grant our backers the beta invitations which are part of their Kickstarter or Alpha packs.
    Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned, as you’ve been witnessing over the past few days (2020 strikes again...). We had to revert part of our tech migration, and postpone the move to a new authentication platform, among other things in our backend. So for the past few weeks we have been struggling to try and reconcile the new site and the code system with our legacy backend. This task has honestly been way more difficult than we had imagined. 
    We already missed the boat when it came down to allowing you to invite your friends a week earlier, and we’ve come to announce more delays, sadly. As we approach the launch of the beta, we have to be realistic about what we’ll be able to deliver, as we had to make tough choices:

    We will launch the new Dual Universe website tomorrow; it will have the most essential content and features, with some visual and quality of life improvements missing. We’ll add more content after beta.
    The Content Creator program will be ready, using the above code system (see potential limitation below). You should be able to get the invitations included in your beta packs on day 1, though the system may not be as easy to use as we wanted. Making sure you have these codes ready is one of our top priorities (see potential limitations below). You should be able to go to the website and upload images for publishing in Dual Universe, which will go through an internal review process to ensure that they follow the game’s Code of Conduct.  
    The Recruit-a-Friend program didn’t make the cut… and that sucks. We worked hard on it and we were really excited about it. The in-game content is ready, but the entitlement system isn’t. Unfortunately, we couldn’t work on all the entitlements in the limited time that we had these past few weeks.

    There is a potential limitation with the code system, for both content creators and beta keys: in the next few days the codes may not be redeemable with existing accounts - only with new ones (like for the load test). We are trying to lift that limitation as soon as possible, as we know it’s not ideal. 
    So what’s next? All these new systems, the new website, and these new programs will be constantly improved in the days and weeks to come. Our priority will be to lift the code limitation and to launch the Recruit-a-Friend program as soon as possible. We don’t want to give you a date that we may not be able to hold, but know that we are doing everything we can to make it as early as possible. 
    Finally let’s tackle the question of “Why did we announce the Recruit-a-Friend program if it wasn’t going to be ready?” Well, that’s the point; we really thought it was going to be ready, just as when we announced the ability to invite your friends a week prior to beta. It’s disappointing, for you and for us. But we believe these programs are worth it, so we want to make them right.
    We hope you’ll bear with us, and that you’ll be able to enjoy the Dual Universe beta in the meantime.
    The Novaquark Team
    *Note: we unfortunately won’t be able to retrofit any recruitment that you may do between now and the official launch of the program. Recruitment will only count from the day of the launch of the program, when we can track who’s recruiting who properly.
  5. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from Lethys in Concerns About PVP   
    There is no story if you don’t have PVP. PVP is what makes a game interesting and dynamic, it doesn’t destroy it. PVP allows players to compete against something that is always going to be smarter than an AI that the devs code into an npc, which will let the game always be changing and interesting 
  6. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to vertex in COPYCAT - Free code and design!   
  7. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to NAMECAPS in Open letter to NQ   
    I wanted to thank Novaquark, I think the whole team has managed to create something truly unique. Challenging to describe to my friends, difficult to even categorize for all it's ambition. In an ever-growing sea of independant sandbox/survival games, anybody who gives it a fair shot will see it stands on it's own. Is it lacking in some areas compared to other titles? Sure, but it's still in development, with a lot of the foundation not even mixed up yet, much less cemented - and the plot they've chosen for the whole place is in a different world anyways.
    That foundation is what I wanted to talk about. What I feel sets DU apart from every other title is it's ability to balance on the fine line between quality and quantity, and how every feature of the game focuses on player freedoms.
    I see a lot of cynicism directed at NQ and cries for "more, more!" in the NDA forums, and while I'm guilty too of being  impatient or impulsive about stuff I'm passionate about, I want NQ to see this and know that even now, as a skeletal test-bed, the canvas they've woven for all of us to leave a brushstroke on (or tear in ) is monumental.
    Anybody who plays games as a hobby has come across one or two games that featured some mechanic that enthralled them, a unique and unforgettable facet that outshines ANY competitors for the time. Half-Life 2's gravity gun and facial animations. Shadow of Colossus' climbing of monolithic, LIVE monsters. Saint's Row 3's "Streets of Rage" parody level where your comically busty and topless protagonist has suddenly become every 80s kid's bouncy, pixelated dream game, no cheat code or microtransaction necessary. Enthralling ideas made manifest by visionary producers and driven, talented developers.
    For me, the ability to manually mold a shape, color it, fill it, hollow it, refine it, equip it, animate it, tune it, adapt it to different roles, change it up in an instant, make it mine and actually climb inside and pilot the damn thing, then choose my own adventures with friends in real time (and soon lay waste to anybody who thinks they're BETTA THAN US) is the blinding light that, while surely catering to some smaller, possibly niche tastes and demographics, is just so f#$*@n' brilliant that I haven't even finished Red Dead Redemption yet. Whack, right? 
    A lot of us know what it's like to be drawn to original, ambitious products only to be let down when they fail to live up to their own expectations. Doom 3, No Man's Sky, Duke Nukem Forever...that time your younger sister offered to make tacos for dinner but didn't say it'd be with tofu-based beef substitute seared in a hot pan of water instead of oil...DU is not one of those stinky fermented waterlogged tacos. It is a steaming hot, well-seasoned pile of deliciousness towering in a fresh, crisp shell, just missing all the veggies, sour cream and cheese on top. One might think that, "what's the point of eating it if it's only half-done? You can't compare the two."
    Oh, but I can, because through a haze of carnival fumes I smell what NQ's cooking and it's drawn me by the nose like a cartoon. I dip a finger in that simmering sauce and lick it so homoerotically  clean that China censors me across the continent. Even incomplete, I know that mofo is tastier than anything else for miles - because of the time, care and refusal to compromise for lesser ingredients all bringing out the best in the foundations of that tac--er, product.
    Do y'all want another Ark? I don't think so. There's a perfect example of quantity over quality. New content always available, but the infrastructure (virtual AND physical) is worse than games made a decade before it and the devs refuse to work on anything but new dinos and maps. It makes me appreciate the fact that while DU lacks any tameable wildlife or stuff trying to eat me whole, what it does have works well, and with lots more customization, ample room for personal touches and flair to set yourself apart with more than just clan numbers and force multipliers.
    For all the involvement that NQ wants - and needs - from us, I feel sometimes that all our criticisms, while aiming to be constructive, can end up being so pervasive and numerous that it becomes a burden. I may just be another basement-dwelling dork with delusions of being a space cowboy, but from my perspective I can see that for every hour any backer or sponsor or grizzled, platinum-tiered Kickstarter donor has spent waiting for the next update, the next test, the next phase, Novaquark has spent three times as many hours and as much effort pouring their livelihoods into making imagination reality. For that, We thank you.
    For all the freedoms you endeavor to give us, I think some of us can forget about them when voicing our thoughts & oppositions to what's been implemented (or is intended to be) and try to impose our own limitations on what should be. It seems like a raw deal to put real work, gruelling long hours into building such an open medium so many other people can freely create upon with such depth and jolly cooperation, while enduring endless opinion pieces you gotta wade through that only seem to impose barriers and boundaries or cry out for more features, more toys, more purpose when a player's found themselves floundering for something to do because somehow all of it still isn't enough.
    I guess I just wanted to say that despite the long road ahead, you've already accomplished what no other studio of men and women have even conceived. My first exposure to DU, I just wasn't interested. Coming from primarily playing AAA competetive shooters, RPGs and the occasional racer or roguelike, minecraft in space didn't interest me, especially not a $60 alpha build with zero NPCs, zero guns and zero quests...but I DID think that building my own spaceship could be pretty cool, so I actually did a little research and what stuck out for me was the proof that the whole team was capable of putting their money where there mouth was, of aiming high AND hitting your marks with consistency. I didn't believe the single-shard system would work, much less in sync with everything else planned, but after nosing up and getting the starter craft over the treetops with some light modifications I felt accomplished, even more so after learning to land without busting my nose. Knowing that almost any of those blobs out on the horizon were exclusively player-built bases, and those shapes hovering miles over my head were their cruisers and carriers, and those billboards at the giant space banana were their outstretched hands, beckoning:
    "Come build a new world with us" 
    It's been enthralling, and while I can't wait for what's next, I respect the path NQ is taking and the pace at which they lead. Here's to you, the greatest thing to come out of France since Camembert or Gojira (the band, not the beast)!
  8. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from Lethys in Should automated static defences be added to duel universe?   
    No, you are right, the second timer is set by the defender like EVE, It can be attacked the first time at any time of day @Lethys
  9. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to Project_Icarus in Packing Up Constructs   
    Quick Idea here; a nanopack tool that allows you to 'pack up' a construct and place it in a linked container, store it all as a single unit (not separated into component elements, voxels, and etc), and then 'unpack' and deploy the construct when needed. NO fussing about dismantling it bit by bit. No messing with LUA configs and scripts when re-deploying it. Just a simple way to pick up, store, and place constructs with little effort.
    (Also, until docking works reliably this would be pretty useful)
  10. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to blazemonger in DevBlog - r015 Udpate (part 4): Talent System!   
    The basics for the skill system seem pretty solid to me. After the inevitable balance rounds over the next few months this should come out fine.
  11. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from blazemonger in DevBlog - r015 Udpate (part 4): Talent System!   
    The system is exactly the same as EVE. The only differences are that you passively gain free sp while nothing is in the queue, and there are no skill injectors 
  12. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to MaltoSigma in Standardizing construction   
    Sorry, I meant Shrink-Rays of course. ^^
  13. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from Eternal in Micro-credit Loans   
    That won't be causing the deflation, what will be producing it is players leaving the game with lots of quanta, therefore taking it out of circulation, players joining the game, thus needing more quanta, and more mats entering the game, lowering the price of minerals.
  14. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from Eternal in Micro-credit Loans   
    They will have the quanta from when there were no buy orders lower than not price. With permanent market bots, the price for ore will fluctuate just above the bots buy price on average, because when you just have the bot buying stuff you will have inflation, but when you have the players buy orders you will have deflation
  15. Like
    _Kiwi_ reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Recent Bans: Clarifications   
    Dear Community Members,
    As some of the Novaquark recent moderation and sanction actions haven’t been clearly understood by some, here are some explanations and clarifications. We are aware that members from “Dark Star Imperium” (DSI) and “New Genesis” think that the decisions taken by Novaquark have been unfair and/or feel like a punishment. It’s not a punishment and we limited the inconvenience to the minimum possible by just resetting the member list of the Organization. This has been done to remove all ghost accounts and make the involved Organizations restart on a healthier basis.
    We also made sure that at least one person in each of the involved Organizations can re-invite real members in the Organization:
    - CN_Firestorm for “Dark Star Imperium”
    - Chipfromearth/SpaceKitty for “New Genesis” (until the end of TMA’s ban)
    You are more than welcome to contact them to join theses Orgs again if you wish to do so.
    Keeping in mind that besides the cleaning of ghost accounts, nothing else has been removed. All community work/content related to these Organizations have been left untouched. We are also going to send an email to all ex-members to inform about the member list reset and offer them to join their former organization again.
    Regarding the ban of the leaders of these Organizations:

    We understand that seeing your leader banned might be frustrating. However, we want to make it clear that being at the head of a big Org does not give a free pass on toxic behavior and/or bad practices that could damage the Community as a whole. Being passionate, being young, creating quality content is no free pass for such things either. That’s why all the permanent bans decided recently are final. We are not giving such heavy sanctions with a light heart or on a whim. In more than four years, the number of community members who have been banned permanently from the community can still be counted on the fingers of one hand. We think it speaks volume... Some recent rumors say that the bans may be reversed or canceled. There is no ground to such rumor. It’s just disinformation. The fact that a banned member will “not tolerate that” has no weight either. It’s the Novaquark team’s call and the Novaquark team alone.
    Now, we want to give a fair warning to anyone wanting to challenge Novaquark’s decisions openly, directly or indirectly. If a community member has been permanently banned from the Community, he’s excluded from the game, which means he shouldn’t be in any Organization anymore. Reinviting or keeping a community member banned permanently could have serious consequences (such as Organization disbanding but not limited to that, as this could trigger other sanctions for those actively supporting banned members).

    Now to address some specific questions/rumors:

    We exceptionally give some details to the Community to show that we are not banning randomly or without a serious reason. We do it only because some banned members try to take advantage of the confidentiality policy to enforce their own narrative and play the victim, and attempt to misinform other players. Don’t expect the Novaquark team to give anymore information on this case or the possible future ones.
    “Banning Sakej99 was a mistake. He’s a different person from FullSend/Lime”.
    The Novaquark team is aware that Sakej99 and FullSend/Lime are different persons. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the permanent ban affects FullSend/Lime will also affect accounts he may have access to (by account sharing, which is forbidden in our EULA). This is one of the main reasons why we are so serious about forbidding account sharing. If someone sanctioned got access to your account, the sanction can be extended to the said account even if you haven’t done anything wrong.
    “FullSend/Lime has been unfairly banned, with no prior warning.”
    First, for the infraction this community member has committed, there will never be a warning as it was obviously utterly wrong: if a false report is sent to the Customer Support in an attempt to make another community member banned, the one getting the ban is the one who sent the false report. And in this case, indeed, there is no prior warning.

    Second, FullSend/Lime is probably the person in the community who would deserve multiple permanent bans (if it was possible), due to previous infractions in addition to the most recent one. Playing the card “no prior warning” is just complete dishonesty and denial of assuming the consequences of his actions during the past couple of years. Here is a short list of the infractions he has done in the past:
    - Asking members of one of his former organization to give login and password of their accounts to him.
    - Using accounts of other players.
    - Creating ghost accounts.
    - Using a loophole in the organization management system on the Community Portal in an attempt to sabotage/destroy an organization by using the account of another player.
    - Participating in a doxxing attempt.
    - Always denying the facts or trying to minimize them, to the point of reaching self-absolving, to avoid dealing with the consequences (a practice reiterated with his last infraction).
    Due to the history of this community member, there was no reason for “prior warning” with his last infraction. He has been warned too many times already. Mistakes are not erased just because it happened “long ago”.
    By default, Organisations where FullSend was the founder have their ownership transmitted to the oldest member with the ability to create an organization, which gave the following results:
    - CN_Firestorm becomes the new owner of “Dual Insider”.
    - Gravetender becomes the new owner of “Project Azimuth”.
    If you are a member of one of these organisations and you want to discuss these changes, please contact the new owner of the Organization.
    (About DSI) “There has been a total wipe of the parties to kill the conflict”     
    Wrong. If that was the case, we would have dismantled “DSI” directly and ban both DSI leaders, which would have included CN_Firestorm. You can assume that if it’s not the case, this is precisely because there is a difference between CN_Firestorm and Primarch. This sanction wasn’t against DSI. The sanction was against Primarch.
    Some of the banned members may say “They will be back”.
    It’s up to them. However, if we catch them, they will be banned without further notice.
    Best regards,
    The Novaquark team.
  16. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from Kuritho in DU, is it playable effective solo/in small groups?   
    It is always possible for a small group to compete with a larger group. Case in point the siege of c-j6 in eve online https://www.polygon.com/2016/4/5/11346848/the-true-history-of-eve-online-empires-of-eve-andrew-groen
  17. Like
    _Kiwi_ got a reaction from Atmosph3rik in What can we build?   
    I think the real question is, what can't we build
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