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  1. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to Gandur in Mining Units / Ore Pools   
    Yeah, but the evolution line is complete broken:
    You start on moon with T1 You build the first industry of it Then you want to build next ship size  T2 required You pack all in the small ship and go to Alioth now it breaks No T2 here. The only Planet with that material Now you neet a T4 ship (Plus XL Asteroid Scanner) or need T3 for the Terrain Scanner -> Ok, lets trade some for a Medium ship is fine and build a Terrain Scanner, fair hard but maintainable No ore! Now I need a big ship size to put the Asteroid scanner on it.  The next 3 month you are still grinding... only! That isn fun
    I love the Voxel bulding, the trading (of course), the industry idea ... even with the schematics, the single shard, and so on.

    I play maybe 2-3hours per Weekday. And only do grind, is not the idea of a after work gameplay ... I save my 21 DAC for 2024... lets see whats changed then  
  2. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to YesmanDu974 in Luminosité des lampes à 1000% ??   
    Il faut mettre les valeurs rgb de la lampe à 5,5,5 ce qui correspondrait à 500% blanc
    une lampe éteinte est à 0,0,0
    et une lampe à 100% est à 1,1,1
    une lampe rouge à 100% 1,0,0
    une lampe verte à 100% 0,1,0
    une lampe bleue à 100% 0,0,1
    en mixant le rouge et le bleu on obtient :
    violet 1,0,1
    le rouge et le vert :
    jaune 1,1,0
    vert et bleu :
    cyan 0,1,1
    etc ...
  3. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Nyota in THE JINGLE BELL HOP SLEIGH RIDE TOUR!   
    The Jingle Bell Hop Sleigh Ride Tour!

    We know that many Noveans have been very busy since launch, so we've decided to do a special Jingle Bell Hop Sleigh Ride Tour in which we’ll be visiting many places around Helios to see all of the amazing creations!
    With (Saint) NQ-Nicodemus at the reigns and NQ-Nyota as your guide, we invite you to join us as we visit as many places across Dual Universe as we can. We will be hopping on/off the sleigh at different locations. The expected duration of these tours will be approximately one hour in duration for the sleigh voyage. 
    Each of the 10 Jingle Bell Hop tours will be different, where will we go? Well, that's partly up to you!
    We need you to suggest to us the best places to visit (even if it's your build/place) via this form. All places we will visit will receive a special Jingle Hop Sleigh gift, so make sure to submit your favorite ones!

    Here is the Jingle Hop Sleigh Ride Schedule:
    Thursday December 15th 20:00 UTC (3:00PM New York/Toronto time)
    Friday December 16th 20:00 UTC (3:00 PM New York/Toronto time)
    Saturday December 17th 18:00 UTC (1:00PM New York/Toronto time)
    Sunday December 18th 18:00 UTC (1:00PM New York/Toronto time)
    Monday December 19th 20:00 UTC (3:00PM New York/Toronto time)
    Tuesday December 20th 20:00 UTC (3:00PM New York/Toronto time)
    Wednesday December 21st 20:00 UTC (3:00PM New York/Toronto time)
    Thursday December 22nd 20:00 UTC (3:00PM New York/Toronto time)
    Friday December 23rd 13:00 UTC (8:00 AM New York/Toronto time) & 20:00 UTC (3:00 PM New York/Toronto time)
    These tours will all begin and end at The Institutes (which you can find on the Point of Interests) and will be available via VR when the tours start.
    We’ll do our best to make sure these journeys are safe and secure, but we must tell you that we cannot be responsible for any lost items in case of emergency (especially if Nyota has the reigns)! So, we advise you to please arrive with empty inventories on your characters and make sure to leave your valuables in your containers if you plan on hopping on the sleigh with us! There will be a rez node available, just in case.
  4. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Rubicon in Clôture du portail communautaire   
    Comme vous le savez peut-être, le portail communautaire a été créé avec l'idée d'être un outil complémentaire aux fonctionnalités disponibles dans le jeu. Cependant, avec l'évolution du jeu au cours de ces deux dernières années, il est devenu de plus en plus déconnecté de son objectif initial et du jeu lui-même (liste des organisations, etc.). C'est pourquoi nous allons le fermer demain. Nous travaillons sur une version plus adéquate du portail communautaire, afin qu'il soit plus aligné avec les besoins actuels. Nous ne pouvons pas encore vous fournir de date, mais l'objectif principal restera le même: vous donner les moyens d'étendre l'expérience Dual Universe en dehors du jeu.

    Les fonctionnalités du portail communautaire liées à la gestion des comptes ont déjà été migrées vers le site web principal du jeu.
    Nous avons hâte de vous donner un aperçu de ce que nous projetons à l’avenir.
    L’équipe Novaquark
  5. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Nyota in Dual Universe: Reset News Announcement   
    Noveans, it’s finally time. We have answers about whether there will be a reset of Dual Universe at launch.
    In this video, NQ-Entropy and NQ-Deckard, hosted by NQ-Nyota, present the details of our decision.
    NQ-Kyrios will also soon present the details in a letter to the community, so that you have them in writing.
    Please share your thoughts and feedback with us in this forum thread.
    We’ll also have a special edition of Ask Aphelia, where we will answer your questions about the reset. You can submit your questions for that episode here.
    We’re excited to share this news with you, Noveans. Thank you all for your patience.
  6. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Nyota in RESET NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT - Discussion thread   
    Please use this thread to discuss the Reset News Announcement. Thanks!
  7. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Nyota in Magic Bus Tour Discussion & Screenshot thread!   
    Please let us know how you liked the Magic Bus Tour and share your screenshots too!
  8. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Wanderer in AMMO MADNESS   
    Brace yourselves for impact, Noveans.
    To celebrate the final week of beta, we’re providing unlimited ammunition for all Noveans to enjoy. Let’s set Helios ablaze, one last time!
    The ammo is stored in dispensers located at the Aegis Market. Hurry, as these dispensers are only available from Friday 16th of September at 14:00 UTC to Monday 19th of September at 14:00 UTC.
    POS Locations of the four Aegis Landing Sanctuaries:

    If you’re looking for a more peaceful way to spend the last week of beta, NQ-Nyota will take you for a jolly ride to the most spectacular places of Dual Universe. Last chance to see the best creations of the community before the server closure!
    Reminder: our game server and store will be closed from the 22nd to the 27th of September.
    If you have any questions, concerns or just want to share your war stories, rendezvous on this forum thread.
    Peace out Good luck surviving the fires of Helios, Noveans.
  9. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to Walter in DEVBLOG: PVP COMMUNIQUÉ - Discussion Thread   
    An L ship is supposed to be Endgame not the underdog. Balance the game needs more than just make current Meta class the worst performer. 
  10. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Deckard in DEVBLOG: PVP COMMUNIQUÉ - Discussion Thread   
    Hello Noveans!
    We really want to hear your feedback and concerns on the upcoming PvP changes, please give us constructive feedback on both what you like and dislike.
  11. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Pann in Farewell, for now....   
    All the best to you, Rhotan. Thank you for your service to the DU community. 
  12. Like
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    Bacabab_ reacted to Eternal in Wheeled Landing Gears   
    Btw, aircraft's landing gear in real-life is called an "oleo strut". "Oleo" means it is pneumatic (it uses air). So what you have is something like an actuator (an outer cylinder and a piston called an inner cylinder that fits inside it. both are held together by the scissor-link). The cylinder is divided by the orifice into 2 sections: upper chamber which is serviced with nitrogen (because it is the least corrosive) and lower chamber which is serviced with petroleum-based hydraulic fluid called mil-h-5606 which is the standard (when you have to lube that piston, you must use 5606 as well, nothing else). This is what they use to cushion the impact of landing (pressurized air, not a spring coil like in a car). A spring coil bounces, dampening the air slowly from the compression of the actuator from landing does not cause bouncing and it absorbs the energy of landing.
  14. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to Azenko in a propos de ces foutus schémas....   
    salut je suis 100 % d'accord avec les poste ici présent ! les schémas on mis le jeux  un pied dans la tombe ( je vais de ce pas expliquer  mon cas pour info j'ai jouer depuis l'ouverture de la bêta jusqu’à l’implantation  des schémas , après j'ai piquer une grosse gueulantes )
    j'étais dans une petite organisation avant la sortie du schémas ( 4 joueur ! petite certes mais en groupe quand même , alors que je suis plutôt du genre solo joueurs dans les jeux style bac a sables mais bon .... j'ai voulus faire un effort car le jeux en lui même ma beaucoup plus ) on été partie sur Siméon donc a + ou - 4 h de route pour faire une base au calme et pouvoir farmer les matériaux de base ( hématite , carbone quartz et bauxite ..... vue que pour avoir une parcelle avec une bonne quantité de matière première faut aller la cherché  très loin ( oui .... les grosses organisation sont déjà passé par là et on déjà acheter les parcelle avec de gros gisement donc les 3 planète de base et leur lune , clairement .... bas on oublie ) jusque là sa passe encore .... on arrive sur Siméon on prend une parcelle ou il n'y a personne autours a plusieurs parcelles a la ronde on créer la base avec quand même + ou - 200 machine qui craft des composants sans comptais les ligne d'assemblages on se dit bon on va enfin pouvoirs se faire un vrais vaisseau en prenant notre temps .....
    la mise a jours arrive . Et là c'est le drame ... faut des schémas pour faire tourné les industrie qu'on a eu tant de mâle a farmer bien-sur faut pas en faire la recherche comme dans n'importe quelle jeux de construction mais allez les acheter dans le shop déjà la les veines ressorte .... après 3 heurs pour me désalée ( oui j ai crisé comme pas deux ! ) , je me dit bon on va relancer le jeux et prendre ces foutue schémas pour au moins faire tourner les machine vue qu'on avez encore prés 150 KL de chaque ressource basique ......
    En voyant combien couté un schémas de base ..... je me suis pris pour un loups-garou en hurlant à la rages , me mords la queue et me grattant les puces en me roulant par terre .... !
    Après avoir refait surface le lendemain histoire de ne pas jeter mon ordi par la fenêtre je me reconnecte au jeux même si je sais que je ne pourrai pas faire tournée ne serai-ce qu'une seul ligne de production car même en cumulant la somme totale de mais 3 autres compagnon de jeux on n'arrivais tout juste a 2.5 M de quantas .....
    bon ... on se motive entre nous et on vas au marché le plus proche pour acheter des schémas pour les fonderie ( on l'aime quand même le jeux .... vue la claque qu'on sais pris par les dév ... 
    Mais au moment de l’achat de ses foutue schémas je tourne de l’œil ....
    Pour pouvoirs acheter un schémas basique a 43 000 quantas faut aller le chercher sur l'une des 3 planète de base , soit 4 h de route allé et 4 h retours .... et pour une ligne de production  qui ne serais par fonctionnelle et n'ayant pas de vaisseau pouvant servir a déplacé une base à disposition ... le désabonnement fut instantané ..... si au moins les schémas été disponible en recherche dans les talent je dit pas , mais la ! ...... mais la ! ....
    je me suis transformer en petit moustachue et j'ai fait tourner la gazinière ...  ( pour ceux qui connaisse un peut l'histoire ..... )
    bref .... à moins d'un nouveau départ massif ( parcelle , talent , organisation et argents remis a 0 ) .
    Je ne m'investirai plus autant dans ce jeux car seul les plus grosses organisations ont réussi à continuer de faire tourner leurs industries et faire par la même occasion un énorme profit , à se demander si c’était pas du favoritisme envers les grosses organisation voulue par les dév ....  )
    bref je vais continuer de voir l’évolution du jeux en espérant un peut d’espoirs pour les solo player car met compagnons de jeux  considère ce jeux comme mort-née et on déserter ...
    je souhaite quand même la meilleur réussite possible à DU .
  15. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Naerais in THE FUTURE OF DU: COMMUNITY FEEDBACK Q&A   
    We’ve seen a lot of positive feedback following the release of our devblog series on the future of DU. We’re  thankful to our community for the great feedback and encouragement. We’ve collected what seem to be the most burning questions following the publication of the blogs and wanted to do a follow-up to address them the best we can. Not all questions have an answer at this point, and we’ll try to fill in the gaps as we’re able in future communications. 
    Are you going to launch the game in 2021? 
    Realistically speaking, we have too much to do with the time that’s left  this year to get to a state where we feel the game is ready for launch. Our current plan is “at some point in 2022”, and we’re targeting mid-year. That projection is tentative, depending largely on our progress and  the feedback we get from our community, so please don’t hold this as a commitment. It could be sooner, it could be a bit later. The state of the game will dictate the date.
    Why is the game not working on Shadow (cloud gaming platform) and do you plan to support it?
    We believe cloud gaming platforms are a great way to enjoy DU if you want to play the game but don’t meet the proper PC specs or want to benefit from the latest hardware improvements without investing in upgrades for your gaming rig; however, we need to clarify that we are not yet officially supporting cloud gaming platforms, including Shadow. Our releases are not tested on these platforms or Windows emulations on Mac and Linux, and we can’t guarantee compatibility at this point. The game is still in beta, and we are focusing our efforts on native Windows PC support.
    We plan to officially support these platforms at some point, and would like to ensure that when we do we are able to offer ongoing compatibility with adequate testing and collaboration with the platform holders to make a long-term commitment. 
    We recently started working with a cloud gaming platform in an official manner, and we are hopeful to announce our official support of that platform soon. In the meantime, compatibility with cloud gaming platforms can’t be guaranteed. We log bugs and look at potential quick wins, but we can’t commit to a timeframe for fixing them. Please also note that there is a waiting list of one year to have access to one of the machines of Shadow, which makes debugging all the more difficult.
    Will there be an updated roadmap?
    At the moment, there is no plan to release an official roadmap with dates. We tried to explain why in the three devblogs. We’re changing many things in the way we develop DU, and it’s hard right now to have a clear idea of our future velocity. We don’t want to give you dates that we might not hold. We think it’s more important to have the freedom to adapt to your feedback rather than trying to hit the dates on a public roadmap. We hope you will see this as a sign that things are changing for the better and that we’re being more realistic in our approach.
    Why don’t we have more frequent releases?
    Dual Universe is an extremely complex game to develop. Many of the systems we have already in place are interdependent, and changing or adding a feature has ripple effects on other features and systems both in terms of code and in terms of feature design. For example, RDMS has to be carefully considered in many things we do, as does  the role of organizations in the introduction of new features, etc. Most of the tech we use is custom and not off-the-shelf. It’s one of the secret sauces of the game, and it also makes features much more difficult to work on because we develop the tech AND the features at the same time.
    Now, with the introduction of the PTS, we hope to make more frequent releases, including releases of prototypes, such as the Lua technology for screen units. How frequently will depend on what goes in these releases and how much work needs to be done after we receive feedback from the PTS. We estimate that you can expect three to four additional major releases in 2021, and smaller releases in-between, but that’s only a ballpark estimate for now.
    What’s going on with long-standing beta bugs? Are you going to fix them?
    Yes we will fix them as quickly as possible although we aren’t able to pinpoint an exact date. Some bugs are easier to squash than others, and some even require a rework of an entire complete backend system to resolve. These processes need to be scheduled accordingly, also taking into account that we want to avoid reworking the same thing multiple times if we suspect that the development of an upcoming feature will force us to rework the same system again. The more critical the bug, the higher the priority. When we’re focused on fixing bugs,  that means we’re not working on the plan we presented to you, so it’s a balancing act. We wish we could give you a list of bugs and a timeframe for each one, but that would be highly unrealistic. These bugs are not being forgotten, that’s the best we can tell you right now.
    Can we expect a more frequent communication from Novaquark?
    We’d love to, just understand that the frequency of our communications really depends on the cadence of the game releases. The way it works is that as soon as the content of a new release is established (at least a content draft), we sit down and make a plan for how and when we’re going to talk about these features/this content. Often we have to wait until a feature is stable enough in terms of game design and/or coding to be able to talk about it or show it, as a feature can evolve a lot along the development process and the unfolding of our sprints. We simply want to ensure that the information we give you isn't misleading, as early communication means the end result may differ significantly once development is complete and the feature is released.
    So between releases, there is indeed a communication gap. 
    There are different general topics we could discuss between releases, but they wouldn’t really bring anything concrete to the table and that communication could be seen as shallow and vague. It’s actually an interesting topic we’d like to explore with you: what is it exactly that you expect in terms of communication? How can we balance having meaningful content to present with what seems to be the need of our players to see ongoing communication? Based on reactions we’ve seen in the past, we  believe that communicating simply for the sake of it when we have nothing really new to talk about is never well-received.
    What about PvE? Are you planning to add PvE features to make the game more varied?
    Our current focus is on enabling emergent content between players. PvE is not one of our priorities at the moment. This doesn’t mean that it won’t ever come to the game, but it is not going to be added before the official release of the game. That said, one could potentially consider the challenges that we’re currently working on as some form of PvE, though not in the sense that you’ll be shooting NPCs or wildlife.
    Will we see a return of NQ employee Interviews and AMAs?
    We would love to do things like livestreams and AMAs again when the time is right. We feel like these formats are better suited when there is a clearly defined topic to focus the discussion, such as a major release for instance. It is duly noted that these interactions with the community are appreciated, and we will include them whenever possible.
    You mentioned the changes in the industry gameplay, but it wasn’t clear if schematics will stay or go?
    The honest answer is that we don’t know yet. When we introduced schematics, it was a major disturbance in the forc… in the economy of the game.  We don’t want to rush into more changes after that, especially given that players invested a lot of hard-earned quanta in buying them. Removing schematics is ONE of the options we’re looking at, as well as changing their prices or adding more recipes. Reverting to the way it was before the introduction of schematics is also on the table. We know we want to do something with the current state of the industry to add back some of the fun that was taken away with 0.23, but how exactly we’ll do it is yet to be decided.  
    Is there going to be a wipe?
    We see that the debate on the topic has been pretty hot in the community for a while, and it’s about the same at Novaquark. We’re uncertain if the changes we are planning to introduce will require a wipe or not, and we’ve started (intense) internal discussions on the topic. Our priority is to try to preserve the time and effort that our players have put in the game since the beta started. Once we’ve got a better idea of how much the changes we discussed in the third  “Future of DU” devblog will impact the game’s economy, we’ll make a decision. If there is a wipe (and it’s a big IF), it may be a partial one only affecting certain aspects of the universe. Our  priority will be to mitigate the impact for long-time players.

    Join us in our feedback thread here!
  16. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to SpiceRub in EVENT - TOTAL PARTICIPATION - PVP - END OF THE WORLD   
    Clean the tubes, dust off your seats, and warm up your engines!

    Your presence has been demanded by the powers that may be, to participate in the END OF THE WORLD, PVP BONANZA!

    This is a call to EVERY NOVEAN with a weapon. Soon the update will arrive, the time to leave the womb is upon us!
    Only the strongest Noveans will birth into a new age of Dual Universe, so sharpen your resolve and under Helios you shall Triumph or PERISH.

    Before the update arrives, we shall battle under the sun on the 6th of December, 4PM EST.

    This is a PUBLIC event! Open to anyone willing to send off with one last triumphant Hurrah!

    Come one, come all, and witness the Greatness and fall of our Empires!

    Event details.
    Time: 4 PM EST
    Date: 6th december
    Location: in PVP space, few SU out of the Edge of the Alioth safezone, toward ION.

    The original idea was to do this while JC's live AMA was on, however it will likely be on a weekday, so it's been decided that a Sunday will allow for greater participation.
    The reason for this whole debacle is due to a rumoured update, that could come like a thief in the night at any time very soon and clip our wings due to a rumoured massive overhaul of DU's mechanics. So we shall pull everyone out for some fun and MASS PVP action while we can! 
    It's very possible that the servers will break, but I'm certain 98% of DU's population haven't participated in a mass fleet battle, so this shall be an exciting experience for everyone to look forward to.

    Considering people may not wish to join the event, wanting to save their assets for the great update, Band of Outlaws will relinquish ANY ships that may be captured by Band of Outlaws in the event, thus alleviating any pains of loss, without taking away from the core experience of the event. 

    Apologies for coming up with this event fairly close to its date, there is no announced date to the new update which could come as soon as early next week (Official notice is quite likely to be a few days at most). Looking forward to seeing everyone out in force, lets burn down the Amazon servers together! ?

  17. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to Kuritho in Alioth Map on Website   
    It wastes resources that could be used on more important things, like adding cat people into the game.
  18. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to coyote76340 in Safe Zone   
    en fait, toute la zone  madis, alioth, Thades est safe, ainsi que toutes les planètes, dans la limite d'un rayon de 2,5 su. Tu peux revendiquer une tuile partout: une sur la lune sanctuaire, autant que tu veux sur les autres planètes ou lunes, mais il te faut des territory unit, et pour le poser, le premier est gratuit (un par planete) ensuite tu dois payer des quantas pour cela
  19. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to blazemonger in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Can we get a dislike button?
  20. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to Aiwhisper in Keep BluePrint after VR   
    +1 this would make going to the player built library a Dream since then you could take blueprints with you from VR instead of having to fly to the library.
  21. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to NQ-Nomad in Beta 1 Release Notes. Last updated on September 8th   
    Hi Noveans, 
    This is it! After almost three years of regular live testing in Pre-Alpha, and three different Alpha versions, Dual Universe now enters its first Beta phase!
    This also means that the NDA is finally lifted. 
    The team worked extremely hard for you to discover this new milestone for our crazy dream project! We hope you'll see its potential and will continue helping us fixing, refining, and improving everything. Thanks for your awesome support since the beginning, it means so much to us... But enough of this, please find below the lastest release note: 
    New Feature
    Screen Unit image upload verification In order to see your content displayed on a Screen Unit, you now have to upload your images on our new website. Note that all images uploaded will be 100% public. To do so: 
    Go to dualuniverse.game and after logging in via the upper right corner panel, you will be able to go to the “upload image” page You’ll then be asked to open your Windows explorer and select your file, provided it’s in .jpeg or .png format (that’s right, no gif allowed) and that it’s under 5MB. Please note that drag & drop is not functioning at the moment, contrary to what’s written on the page There’s no feedback yet, but your image should appear after a few seconds in the “Pending Review” section on the page. Refresh it if needed. This review process can take about one week for now but we’re doing our best to proceed as quickly as possible. For now, you have to go back to the page to know its current status (this will be improved after the Beta launch) If rejected, you won’t be able to use your image, obviously If accepted, the image will appear on the dedicated section of the page. A mouse-hover will allow you to click on the link button to copy the link. No feedback will be displayed yet, but it works You now have a link starting with assets.prod.novaquark.com/XXXXX. With this copied link, you’ll then be able to insert it in a Screen Unit Right-click on your Screen Unit and use the “Quick Image” function. Paste the link in the pop-up field, validate, and ta-daaaaa. (You can also use it in any HTML content if you like) You can have 5 images validated at the same time For now, you can’t delete an image. This possibility will be added soon Remember that your content must comply with our EULA and ToS. If, for any reason, you find a way to circumvent the moderation process and display offensive content, you’ll be eligible for a sanction. Be responsible and have fun!  
    Note: On a more general note, that verification applies to all external URL used in HTML content in the game. Any external URL used must be validated or it will not be ever loaded in-game. This includes custom HUD on piloting seats, manifesto and organization logos, info button, and or course, Screen Units. 
    Added a clear warning about death and inventory loss [GUI] Added a confirmation message when using Force Respawn in a Tutorial session [LOC] Updated text for English, German and French languages [GUI] Added a red warning on inventory loss in confirmation popup for respawn, and removed the settings that allowed to skip confirmation [GUI] Improved display of quantas in dispensers (separate thousands with spaces, not commas, to be locale-independent) [Codex] Standardization of the codex font sizes between HUD mode and dashboard and fix of stretched images [Market] Buy/Sell orders are now sorted from lowest price to highest The downloadable package has been shrunk to 5.9 GB and the unzipped assets to 15 GB  
    Gameplay Balancing/Changes
    [Control] Removed reminder about ‘Shift + i’ shortcut to toggle container in the consumable bar [Voxels] It's now forbidden to put planet voxels 100m above the original ground height. There is still no restriction on constructs Temporarily removed wrecks Removed red watermark from the game Updated Beta disclaimers (long and short one) [PvP] Radar identification uses the construct center position [Organization] Removed the possibility for non-legate to deploy in the name of the organization  
    Crash Fixes
    Fixed a crash when sharing Construct [Warp] Fixed a crash when coming out of a warp  
    Bug Fixes
    [Rendering] Fixed ice moon position that was rendered on top of Sanctuary Moon [Rendering] Reverted voxel material shader to fix colored steels [Rendering] Fixed rendering order of clouds [Physics] Fixed an exploit where indefinite lift is possible when hover pads interact with a child construct Fixed ‘Share Element Publicly’ for all that did not work [Container] Fixed a bug where items from linked container was not added to the consumable bar when double-clicked [Inventory] Fixed sub-menu ‘Tool compatible’ that did not update itself when switching tool [Tuto] Fixed an exploit when dying in Tutorial sessions [PvP] Fixed a weapon exploit [Art] Fixed asset textures for Radar Atmo S and Radar Space Medium [Build] Fixed offset when placing Commander Seat [SFX] Fixed fireworks that did not explode in the sky Fixed some bugs with Sell orders from active container to distant market [Market] Fixed confusing message when player doesn’t have enough inventory space to retrieve an item from the market [Market] Fixed current scroll being lost on market update [LOC] Fixed typo in an error notification (inventory full on dispenser) [Sound] Fixed multiple audio cues that were triggered when selecting Exit on the Main menu [FTUE] Fixed the green marker that was larger than the window in the Codex sequence Fixed an issue that allowed to use items from the active container to create a sell order on a distance market [Market] Displayed average price and best offers were confused in Buy/Sell order windows (not instant one), Sell order windows displayed the prices of Buy orders, and vice-versa  
    Known Issues
    Windows certificate is not up to date. This issue will be fixed soon. This may prompt a warning message for new players in the first install. It can safely be ignored Beta keys system to distribute codes to your friends doesn't work for existing account yet. This will be fixed in the coming days Language selection from the game is not saved on exit Numerous French and German localization issues have already been spotted and we’ll fix them as time goes by In the previous Beta Release Candidate version of the game, ore veins were absent in the Sanctuary Moon. This has been fixed. However, any previous territory scan is now obsolete In some situations, you may not be able to place a Static Core Unit on your claimed Sanctuary Territory. An error message saying that it's too close to another construct is even displayed. It may be due to being too close to a District. Trying again from a bigger distance should solve the issue for now A random rendering crash can occur in many places because of some exhaustion of GPU/driver resource Voxel crash about disk/memory exhaustion [PvP] Slight difference between radar and 3D marker distance displays because radar uses the construct center as origin while 3D markers use the player position [SFX] Only blue fireworks may work for the moment If the game is set in German, Aphelia sometimes mixes German and English languages while speaking. A fix is coming for this very soon [Image upload] Regarding the new image upload feature on the new website, when clicking the copy link icon on the validated image section, there is no feedback to say that the link has been copied (it’s copied nonetheless) [Image upload] Drag & drop is not functioning at the moment, contrary to what’s written on the dedicated web page [Image upload] For now, you can’t delete an image. This possibility will be added soon [Image upload] Delay to display uploaded images in the pending review section can be long. Refresh the page after 10 seconds if needed [Image upload] There’s no feedback saying if an image is properly uploaded, nor rejected or accepted after review. You have to check directly by yourself on the dedicated page Uninstalling the game directly from Windows will leave the game’s files on the disk anyway. Please use the game's dedicated unins000.exe uninstaller in the game's directory for that. This will be fixed soon!  
  22. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to FR_Boris in Les moteurs de fret ?   
    La différence c'est le temps de réponse qui sera plus "sec" sur un moteur de manœuvre, et plus "smooth" sur un moteur de fret.
    Les moteur de manœuvre consommeront plus qu'un moteur standard ( mais leur utilisation est courte)
    Les moteur de fret convienne pour de la longue distance et seront plus économe mais auront moin de pousser au départ.
  23. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to Sarogahtyp in Transfer skill advantages to factory devices   
    my following suggestions are related to skills with the "...when put down ..." note. I'm referring me to factory related skills but it could be useful for every skill with that note.
    One could decide to learn factory related skills as much as one can and then offer to sell the skill advantages for factory machines to other players by just putting down his machines.
    In a big factory with hundreds of linked devices this could be frustrating because that player would have to build the whole factory again just to set up those skill advantages to the machines.
    My suggestion is to get a menu entry by right clicking a device to set those advantages without to have to put down that machine again. Maybe there could be a cooldown timer for that action to get a delay between those skill advantage transfers but I think those menu entry is needed to get those gameplay working...
    What do you guys think about?
  24. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to carlmessy in Using Default Element/Material Images on a Screen   
    I always wished that my industry units would show a picture of what was currently being made - perhaps on an external screen (so I didn’t have to keep opening it up to check).
    I was so happy when I figured out I can build screens and put images on them. Only problem is the images need to be uploaded to the website and certified by NQ (which can take days) before you can use them in game.
    It would be nice if we had access to a library of default images already used in game for each element, material etc.
    It would even be more awesome if the screens could automatically update the image being displayed based on the item being crafted! 

  25. Like
    Bacabab_ reacted to Ater Omen in Scripting capabilities: read container contents and set industry recipie   
    1. Everybody waits that, I don't know if it's on the track at the moment.
    2. It would be too powerful, we could automate the crafting of everything with a simple setup
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