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  1. These are all very interesting questions! I highly recommend sending them through to 'Ask Aphelia'!
  2. Dear Community, Section III of the forum rules have been updated regarding the use of alternate accounts. Best regards, NQ-Rubicon
  3. Hello @INGRAY You may find that some things may not be updating as they should be. Logging the character out, and then back in should help resolve this. To remove a container, you will first need to empty it. Then you can use the "Place Element Tool" while in Build Mode and hold ALT to pick it up. Likewise, to remove the cores, you will first need to ensure their build zones are empty of voxel honeycomb, and elements (such as containers). Once they have been removed, you can use the "Deploy Ground Element" tool when not in Build Mode, and again hold ALT to pick them up. Should you have any further trouble, you can use our in-game help channel and start a message with "@GM" to have a Live Support agent assist you. Additionally you can contact our Customer Support HERE to request assistance or to request having your account restarted.
  4. I would like to provide a caution to everyone that it is perfectly fine to ask for different and valid ways to subscribe to Dual Universe. However, any comments and statements regarding Real-World Politics, Ideology or Religion is in violation of our Forum Terms & Conditions, and will be actioned upon. Please ensure you are fully aware of these rules, which are provided here: https://www.dualuniverse.game/legal/code-of-conduct#article-2 Best regards, NQ-Rubicon
  5. @Gottchar If you have examples to give already, could I encourage you to create a new thread in Ideas Box on what recipes you feel need a balancing review? As always, I cannot make any promises to anything raised, except for that it will be passed onto the team for consideration. These are some really interesting ideas, and raises an interesting point regarding the decorative elements. Keep the ideas flowing!
  6. Hello everyone! Thank you for your ideas and suggestions. I will now be locking this thread due to this being an old thread, which discussions are largely already implemented within Dual Universe. I encourage anyone to start a new thread on any system they feel we can improve on, or if they have new ideas. Many thanks!
  7. Comme vous le savez peut-être, le portail communautaire a été créé avec l'idée d'être un outil complémentaire aux fonctionnalités disponibles dans le jeu. Cependant, avec l'évolution du jeu au cours de ces deux dernières années, il est devenu de plus en plus déconnecté de son objectif initial et du jeu lui-même (liste des organisations, etc.). C'est pourquoi nous allons le fermer demain. Nous travaillons sur une version plus adéquate du portail communautaire, afin qu'il soit plus aligné avec les besoins actuels. Nous ne pouvons pas encore vous fournir de date, mais l'objectif principal restera le même: vous donner les moyens d'étendre l'expérience Dual Universe en dehors du jeu. Les fonctionnalités du portail communautaire liées à la gestion des comptes ont déjà été migrées vers le site web principal du jeu. Nous avons hâte de vous donner un aperçu de ce que nous projetons à l’avenir. L’équipe Novaquark
  8. Hallo Noveaner, wie ihr vielleicht wisst, wurde das Community Portal mit der Idee ins Leben gerufen ein ergänzendes Werkzeug zu den Features, die im Spiel verfügbar sind zu sein. Allerdings hat es sich mit der Entwicklung des Spiels über die letzten zwei Jahre immer weiter von diesem Zweck und dem Spiel selbst entfernt (gelistete Organisationen, etc.). Daher schließen wir das Portal morgen. Wir arbeiten an einer überarbeiteten Version, die unseren Zielen besser entspricht. Wir können hierzu noch keine Zeitangaben machen, aber das Hauptziel bleibt das Gleiche: euch die Mittel zu geben, Dual Universe Erfahrungen über das Spiel hinaus auszuweiten. Denkt daran, dass die Funktionen des Community Portals die mit der Kontoverwaltung zusammenhängen, bereits auf die Hauptwebseite des Spiels migriert wurden. Wir können es nicht erwarten, euch zu zeigen, was wir uns ausgedacht haben. Euer Novaquark Team.
  9. As you may know the Community Portal was created with the idea in mind to be a complementary tool to the features available in-game. However, with the evolution of the game during the last two years of beta, it has become more and more disconnected from its original purpose and from the game itself (list of organizations, etc.). That’s why we are going to be closing it tomorrow. We're working on an updated version of the portal, so that it is more aligned with current needs. We can’t provide you with an ETA yet, but the main goal will remain the same: to provide you with the means to extend the Dual Universe experience outside the game. Keep in mind that the functionalities of the Community Portal related to account management have already been migrated to the main game website. We can’t wait to show you what we have in mind. The Novaquark Team.
  10. Hello everyone! We thank you for your feedback and we understand the frustrations you feel, and are sharing it with the team. This thread has now run its course and we're going to close it. Please continue to respond to already existing threads about these many topics. Many thanks!
  11. This is indeed the case. With the Mercury Update, players will be able to open up their Novean Overview. This will show certain statistics, such as how many constructs you personally own, along with any Element Skins currently unlocked. As @Mncdk1 has shown, you can filter your Constructs list to view those under a certain Organization membership etc. If you believe or feel that there are changes needed, or have suggestions for improvements, please continue to discuss them here. Please bare in mind that the Novean Overview is in its first iteration, and as such, will undergo further development in due time.
  12. Hello Noveans, Due to the unconstructive nature of this thread, we've decided to close it. Thanks for your input everyone.
  13. Hello Noveans, We have a scheduled Forum maintenance for tomorrow on Wednesday, June 8th at 11:00 UTC. Expected downtime is one hour. During this time, the forums will be unaccessable for use. Thank you for your support!
  14. Hello Spainchaud, Please read the following link for information on our In Game help service: https://www.dualuniverse.game/news/devblog-live-support-initiative This will provide you with information on how to contact GMs in game to assist with any gameplay block issues. Please be advised that we cannot provide 24/7 coverage, so if no response is received within 15 minutes, or play outside of the EU main peak times, we recommend submitting a Support Ticket at this following location: https://support.dualthegame.com/ Best regards, NQ-Rubicon
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