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  1. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Code24 in DU Memes   
  2. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Neza in Creative mode?   
    Hi everyone,
    another question from a newbie:
    The ship editor in Dual Universe is by far the most capable I have seen in any game and it offers nearly unlimited possibilities in terms of creativity (that´s the very thing that convinced me to support this game).
    Now my question: Will we players be able to try and experiment with blueprints without imminent resources consumption?
    What I have in mind is a creative mode for creation of blueprints so that resources are only required if I actually want to build the blueprint and turn it into a flyable ship.
    The alternative would be days of resources gathering before you can even properly try out the ship editor (Most people I know would not be in for that because of the limited free time a working person has).
    In my book, this would work out nicely for large projects that require a lot of resources (and hence players) to complete:
    You could simply post a picture of the blueprint on e.g. the forum of you guild as a preview of what is being constructed.
    Additionally, this would aid the construction process assuming that everybody helping with the construction can see the blueprint and hence the shape of the final construct.
    Best regards,
  3. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Peregrin in Dual Universe Lexikon   
    The Slaxx and Ardour's falldown was an interesting lesson in stepping-over-the-line, but ultimately, a sorry waste: waste of time, of energy, of actors and of ties. A pinch of maturity would have kept this ecosystem of love and hate mostly intact and flourishing, for the benefit of all.
    ... And it would seem we're not even completly through this nonsense yet.
  4. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Lord_Void in WAR, what is it good for?   
    How can I get by with 10 when I see so many great posts?
  5. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Omfgreenhair in WAR, what is it good for?   
    ...and there in lies one of the less honourable trades: plundering and scrapping battlefields. Also known as "Junking". It's a concept I learned from Freelancer game.

    There's a Dutch saying: "De een zijn dood is de ander zijn brood." which would translate to "One's death is another's bread and butter."
    Almost sounds like a player driven ecology, building things, the death of things and corporial remains recycled to it's base components to begin again. Maybe player's corpses could be recycled too? Soylent Green anyone?
    Ehm, I think we're too deep. I guess we can conclude this thread?
  6. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Lethys in WAR, what is it good for?   
    RL comparison again
  7. Like
    huschhusch got a reaction from Thokan in WAR, what is it good for?   
    English (Translator used)
    I just want to share my opinion. Maybe others see it as the same way.
    German (orginal)
    Ich möchte nur meine Meinung dazu kund tun. Vielleicht sehen es andere auch so.
    mfG Die Waldfee
  8. Like
    huschhusch reacted to DevisDevine in Question about logging out/in   
    In response to those with scinerios where you log back in at the ark, this is a bad idea. 
    Unless it acts as if you died and cleared your inventory in the same manner as death, this would be abused.  
    Say Im off in another system and need to trade at the ark.  I just have somone delete the construct Im on after I log and appear there. Cuts my travel time in half. 
    And having people kicked from a construct when ownership changes, logged off or not, is immersion breaking.  Remove their access, sure. but whatever happens to your physical body shouldnt care how permissions change.  
  9. Like
    huschhusch reacted to MinerMax555 in The Intergalactic Trade Federation   
    "Yes boss?"
    "Take a look at this room. Do you see anything wrong with it?"
    "It seems like a normal stockpile to me, nothing wrong with it."
    "Nothing wrong with it?!?! We started selling these products weeks ago. This should be empty by now"
    "Boss, we *wanted to sell* these products weeks ago. We didn't sell a single piece."
    "WHY?! What went wrong?"
    "Tell me!"
    "No one wants to buy them."
    "And why the hell does no one want to buy them?"
    "Because others are selling the same items cheaper."
    "Wait, what?! We are the only producer in the whole system!"
    "That's true, but all of our competitors are part of the Intergalactic Trade Federation and..."
    "Actually, a lot. Look, they can sell at much lower prices because they have a lot of benefits from the Federation. For example, they can use the ITF Star Network for free. They don't have to pay for traveling at all."
    "Ok, that sounds very useful indeed, but how can they do business here. I paid the pirates in this sector a small fortune to work here in peace..."
    "And that is causing our high prices. ITF members can use cheap military protection supplied by the ITF fleets and the fleets of the military-focused member organizations, which give them their fleets and manpower instead of paying taxes. The pirates don't dare to attack them"
    "I get why they have so large success now, but where do they sell their products?"
    "At their own trade hubs of course, which also can be used by members for free! Also, the Federation offers delivery services."
    "Is there anything we can do to compete with them?"
    "Well, I have one idea...."
    "I am listening"
    "We could join them to gain the advantages I mentioned."
    "But that destroys our independence!!! Also, I don't want to pay taxes."
    "They are trying to give us as much independence as possible. And the taxes are much lower than what we have to pay right now to pirates and Stargate owners."
    "But do they even want such a small business like ours?"
    "From what I have heard, they are looking for orgs of every size."
    "But how do we join?"
    "We just have to head over to their discord server and talk to the founders, KittyKhatt and MinerMax555 (https://discord.gg/CDa6FJ5)"
    "MinerMax? The guy from Vortrex Mining and Science Inc.? They got VMS into this?"
    "Maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all. But I have more questions. Where can I find the answers?"
    "You can read through their community portal description (https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/intergalactic-trade-federation#tab-description) or ask them on their discord server. They are happy to help everyone."
    "Wait a second, how do you know all of this?"
    Gary stops counting money
    "Oh, ahem, I am well informed."
    "What are you counting there? Where did you get all this money?"
    slightly panicked  "a good friend gave it to me."
    "Did they pay you to lure me into the ITF?!"
    Gary hides the money behind his back
    "Noooo, that is absolutely ridiculous! What do you suspect next? That we are only fictional characters only created for the purpose to advertise the ITF?"
    both laugh
    "You are right. That would be silly. I am going to join them now."
    He walks out of the room
    Gary turns towards camera
    You heard it guys, waste no more time, join ITF today!
    "Gary, who are you talking to?"
    "To no one, I am just talking to myself"
    Current Partners:
    Khatt Mining Co.
    Vortrex Mining and Science Inc.

    Solar Empire:

    Axius Empire:
    Tainia Prospecting and Exploration Company

    Unity of Ignis


  10. Like
    huschhusch reacted to devu in WAR, what is it good for?   
    In short, for profit. Losses stimulates economy. Everyone is throwing more resources and money to build a war machine.
    But as many like about DU being a PVP game and simply it's fun for many to blow things up. There is group of people who love the idea of single shard MMO when you can simulate large scale social and economical mechanics. Sure war can be one of it. But not for society that is trying to build cashless economy. 
    I'm not delusional, it will be hard with bunch of trigger happy people but that very fact would approximate difficulties of creating such society in RL. 
  11. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Rafiki in Sammelbecken   
    Das ist natürlich ein gutes Argument mit den Zeitzonen. Aber vielleicht findet sich an den pazifischen Küsten ein Land, dass ähnliche Probleme hat und somit Top Partner wäre.
    Letztlich kann man auch Vorteile aus dem Zeitzoneneffekt ziehen, denn man kann konzentrierter zu schlagen.
    Timezones doesnt matter if we ate enough Panzerschokolade. If that doesnt work, we can ask Japan for help.
  12. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Rafiki in Sammelbecken   
    Out of Roleplay
    Natürlich wird der deutschsprachige Teil nur eine Nische in diesem Universum bilden, dennoch würde ich es begrüßen wenn dieser Teil sich gemeinsam organisiert und in den selben Regionen des Universums tätig ist, unabhängig davon wer in welcher deutschsprachigen Orga ist. Gerade meine Organisation kommt von der deutschen Arma 3 Life Rollenspiel Community, wir würden sehr viel im Spiel mit den Leuten reden und eigentlich sprechen die wenigsten fehlerfrei Englisch, auch wenn jeder etwas kann. Dabei geht es nicht um Nationalismus sondern einfach um eine flüssige Kommunikation und ein weiterer Vorteil ist. Hier geht es nicht darum den nächsten Blitzkrieg zu organisieren und das Universum zu germanisieren. Bei einem "Sammelbecken" oder wie man den Verbund auch nennen möchte, geht es eher um Kooperation und Zusammenarbeit in den Punkten in denen man einen Konsens findet. Es geht nur darum einen gemeinsamen Konsens zu finden, da wo es keinen gibt, gibt es auch keine Verpflichtungen.
    (english, tl;tr):
    Foreigners! Don't be afraid! There will come NO intergalactic blitzkrieg.
  13. Like
    huschhusch got a reaction from Lord_Void in Sammelbecken   
    Hi Lord_Void,
    its all ok.
    Regards Die Waldfee
  14. Like
    huschhusch reacted to yamamushi in Interview de Jean-Christophe Baillie (New French DU Interview)   
    Came across this interview posted on JC's Twitter this morning:
    Currently working on getting a transcription/translation together, but it won't be ready for a day or so. 
  15. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Hextaku in Sammelbecken   
    Hey huschhusch/Die Waldfee,

    das ist nicht persönlich gemeint, ich kenne viele andere Deutsche die diesen Fehler machen.
    Die Abkürzung MFG macht bei Nachrichten im Englischen keinen Sinn, da sie für Mit freundlichen Grüßen steht.
    Im Englischen würde ich eher "Regards, ..." nutzen(So weit zu mindest meine Englisch kenntnisse).
    Hoffe du siehst das auf Grund deiner Diskussion mit Lethys nicht als Angriff. Ich habe nur Freunde die diesen Fehler schon in Business Mails gemacht haben xD

    MFG Jen aka Jenonator

    Ps. Du hast bei deinem letzten post glaub ich das "d" in deinem Namen vergessen ^^
  16. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Lord_Void in Sammelbecken   
    I was not criticising you for it. It's a topic for German speakers so it makes sense to talk in German 
  17. Like
    huschhusch reacted to MinerMax555 in Why I am quiting Dual Universe   
    You got a lot of hate by the community. Part of it was just the normal "Oh, someone gets beaten up, let's punch him too" internet attitude, but a big chunk of it was reasonable. You did a lot of things wrong, got really angry really fast, weren't able to accept a defeat and ignore any advice. I will not miss you, you will not miss me. But it's always sad to see someone leave the community.
  18. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Zamarus in Sammelbecken   
    I really like point B
  19. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Hextaku in Sammelbecken   
    Schön dich bei uns zu wissen ^^
    Ja, die Trennung von Forum und Community Portal ist hier und da leicht verwirrend xD
    Geht wahrscheinlich ein paar Leuten so :/
  20. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Croomar in Sammelbecken   
    Ja, damit kann ich mich auch identifizieren. Als ich in der Community aktiv geworden bin und meine Firma gegründet habe, habe ich auch alle meine Freunde angeschrieben, denen ich davor von DU erzählt habe. Immer mit dem Argument "Wenn du beitrittst landen wir auf Seite 6,5,4 etc." 
    Ist aber auch schön das zu sehen, denke auch dass das jeder nachvollziehen kann.
  21. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Rafiki in Dual Universe Community/Organizations API   
    API for trading and other economic things were also nice.
  22. Like
    huschhusch reacted to Hextaku in Sammelbecken   
    Because of this being a German topic I will continue in German, if there is any Problem with, please just simply say it.
    Ich finde die Idee wirklich super, da ich denke, dass sie eine super Verknüpfung für alle Deutschsprachigen Arker zur Verfügung stellt.
    Ich selbst leite einen MultiGamingClan und sehe es als super Möglichkeit evtl. eine Große Deutschsprachige Organisation zu finden, der man sich evtl stammt unserer eigen Strukturen beitreten könnte ^^
    Ich habe dir auch schon die Bewerbung für das Sammelbecken geschickt.
    MFG Jen aka Jenonator
  23. Like
    huschhusch got a reaction from Hextaku in Sammelbecken   
    English (Translator used)
    Actually, this TOPIC only affects players who speak the German language. I had the first POST translated into English to show the other one that there is no secret here. I hope that everyone who does not speak German understands that we will only talk in German here. Thanks.
    Hi Guys,
    It is about "Sammelbecken".
    I have kontakt some of you (in which I assume they speak German) in the Comunity portal. Unfortunately, I received very few feedbacks.
    Since the transmission protocol does not show whether the message was read (a TOPIC "Comunity Forum read-flag" I had opened and it was already clarified by NQ), I would like you to ask me here in the forum briefly indicate if you have no interresse (Ideal with justification) or you did not reach the request.
    Thank you.

    German (orginal)
    Hallo Leute,
    es geht um "Sammelbecken".
    Ich habe ein paar von euch (bei denen ich annehme das sie deutsch sprechen) im Comunity-Portal angeschrieben. Leider habe ich nur wenige Rückmeldungen erhalten.
    Da im Sendeprotokoll nicht ersichtlich ist ob die Nachricht gelesen wurde (ein TOPIC "Comunity-Forum read-flag" hatte ich eröffnet und es wurde von NQ auch schon geklärt), möchte ich euch bitten mir hier im Forum kurz anzuzeigen ob ihr kein Interresse habt (idealerweise mit Begründung) oder euch die Anfrage nicht erreicht hat.
    mfG Die Waldfee
  24. Like
    huschhusch got a reaction from elDunco in DU Memes   
    English (Translator used)
    Because actually people want to win a war with cardboard. I would have seen it.
    German (orginal)
    Da wollen doch tatsächlich Leute mit Pappkameraden einen Krieg gewinnen. Ich hätte das so gerne gesehen. Schade.
    mfG Die Waldfee
  25. Like
    huschhusch got a reaction from The_War_Doctor in DU Memes   
    English (Translator used)
    Because actually people want to win a war with cardboard. I would have seen it.
    German (orginal)
    Da wollen doch tatsächlich Leute mit Pappkameraden einen Krieg gewinnen. Ich hätte das so gerne gesehen. Schade.
    mfG Die Waldfee
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