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  1. We have received multiple applications and the spot for Head of Exploration has been reserved until we have interviewed all applicants. The OP has been updated accordingly. Additionally, thanks to everyone who has sent in their supportive messages on the forums and Discord. We were pleasantly surprised to see this kind of encouragement from members of every corner of the DU community. ??
  2. We have a new position available for recruitment. The OP has been updated accordingly. Objective Dynamics: Head of Exploration Description Objective Driveyards is very interested in the field of exploration in different aspects. The Head of Exploration organizes the exploration missions by overseeing ship construction, selecting crew members, planning destinations, stops and routes, setting goals and managing resources. During longer exploration missions, ones to the outer planets of the system or completely new systems for example, the Head of Exploration is also tasked with establishing first outposts and becoming largely self-sufficient until the industrial fleet arrives to set up. But exploration doesn't happen just long-range, sometimes you want to know what's right in front of your door. During "social exploration" you scout for player hotspots, such as cities, markets, space stations and player bases, establish contact, revisit the locations regularly and track changes and progress of these hotspots so the corporate-state knows where economically advances areas are located. Responsibilities - Overseeing construction of exploration vessels - Planning of exploration missions to other celestial bodies - Setting up completely new bases and reaching a self-sustainable status - Coordinating regular scouting of known locations - Documenting and archiving progress of infrastructure on the ODY Management Board - Getting into contact with other organizations and territory owners Your profile - You have interest in extensive planning and long-tem management - You are a social person and have no problems engaging with strangers - You like thinking systematically - You have no problems working isolated and independent from a larger group - You enjoy the thought of being around the majr group you belong to only a limited amount of time
  3. Objective Driveyards [ODY] has a particular management structure that forsees to regularly replace members in management and leadership roles to keep up a quality standard, lessen stress on individuals selected for these roles and ensure the corresponding activites to be handled sufficiently and regularly developed further. In an evolving world and community like Dual Universe, you need to stay dynamic and adapt to situations at hand. Due to the restrictions with real life and the natural process of varying interest and motivation in a single game for most players, the vast majority of leadership roles in ODY are temporary. The active line-up of ODY members can't always fill these management roles to a satisfactory degree. For this reason, we are opening the positions in question up to people from outside our corporate-state. This means that you can be recruited into ODY and put into a leadership position right away - for many people, exactly what they want and for us an opportunity to expand our roster of talented and dedicated individuals. What you should know about Objective Driveyards What requirements do we have for leadership recruitment? What we offer you Currently available positions You can apply to the following positions: Objective Dynamics: Head of the Design Academy How to apply As you need to be recruited into ODY first, the regular recruitment process applies. Send us a written application on our website and join our Discord server and we'll move from there. Naturally, you can contact us at any point before that. Ask your questions in the topic, as personal message on the forums or on Discord. We'd love to have a chat with you. This post is updated regularly Last update: 14th February 2019
  4. Welcome to the forums nonetheless ?
  5. Only after reading this I realized it said Australia and not Austria. Welcome from my side as well ?
  6. There will be a subscription fee for every supporter. The only exception to this rule are the people who backed the game with a Ruby pledge or higher very early on (kickstarter phase and a later pledges) and received a lifetime subscription for the price of 480€ (Which equals around 40 months or 3.3 years in subscription prices) However, for the price of 180€, you will be getting instant pre-alpha access and access beyond, so about 2 more years of free gameplay time until subscriptions are actually implemented. And even then, the Patron Pack will give you 12 DACs, which equal one year of gameplay time for no further cost, not to mention the huge list of additional stuff you get from the pack, including beta keys, territory units and vanity items. And let's also not forget that within that one year of gameplay time, you should definitely be able to earn enough money in-game to buy a DAC or two or build a business with which you can finance those subscriptions further on. And I usually assume that people who will actually still be around in three years, when you'd need to pay for subscriptions, are interested and active enough in the game to earn that amount of money. If I were you, I wouldn't think about it too much. Three years is a long time and you never know what your life might look like by then. Let's also not forget yet again that using the DACs, you can choose when to use them. "Posessing" the game doesn't cost anything. If within those five years, you were to play and pay for a subscription every single month, then yes, you'd pay about that much. Although then again, you'd probably also have enough in-game money in that case to just buy them off other players. But seeing the average gamer, I doubt the vast majority of people are interested and motivated enough to actually play the game every month. You might play for two or three months, then get interested in other games for a while until those become less interesting as well. Then you might find yourself returning to DU every now and then, but within 5 years, realistically you're more than likely to pay far less. *joins Kuritho in giggling*
  7. Welcome. Sounds you lived through the ususal EVE drama and escape with the usual EVE trauma? I wish you best of luck in DU. May your future environment be a relaxed one.
  8. Hello High Arbiter Maxim and welcome to the forums. I'd like to give you two answers for your questions, the first being the short one: Yes you can. The second one being the long version. I'd like to tell you how I as legate of a ship building corporation see the game, how the current situation in the community is and what is planned for the game in that aspect. I think that will answer all the concerns that lie beyond your questions. I'm director of the currently second largest third largest by now industrial corporation in the community, focusing in ships and hovercrafts. We have established our own internal 'hierarchy' and structure for the corporation, so there's leadership positions, different roles to fill and multiple branches and divisions. Over the past year, we have expanded this structure a lot and we're still not done. We have thought about a lot of mechanics to pay members / employees and reward them, how we track internal progression and how we delegate tasks and work. The system has become quite thorough by now and we can surely say there's a certain depth behind it. We're one of around 4, maybe 5 larger corporations that are generally known in the community. In order to rise attention, we publish advertising, we post messages on community boards and discord servers and we show presence wherever we can. Naturally, also in order to recruit more members because there's a good amount of competition. When we get applications, we usually receive them from a form on our website. We read through them and sometimes decide to invite these applicants to a voice interview on our Discord server where we explain how the corporation works and what they can do in our corporation. Logistics are one of many possibilities, we have one of three branches dedicated to logistics, production (or assembly in your case) and resources. The other branches are dedicated to military defense and research and development. As there are many organizations in the community, there's also always multiple orgs of the same kind. There are several nations, several corporations, several communities, it's rare for an org to be the only one of its kind. For this reason, it's especially difficult to establish something like a monopoly. There might me a market leader or a nation with the largest military, but there is always competition from many sides, even outside their own category. New organizations and with them new competition are created on a daily basis. Feel free to give it a shot on your own, as long as you are dedicated enough I'm content you can end up among the top few corporations as an early member of DU. The market is completely open and completely fair so far, it's a chance you can take. If you do, I wish you best of fun with it. Ultimately, it is exactly as you say or expect. NQ's vision of the game only supports this.
  9. I'm fascinated and quite relieved to see many particular things on the feature list. Shows that NQ can filter pretty well through all the suggestions and just how many they actually consider.
  10. Croomar

    DU Memes

    @SirJohn85 I REALLY wish I could like that more than once. You know how to satisfy a weeb.
  11. I like the asian guy
  12. As featured on JC's twitter, the ODS Tidepoint made a historical entry today as Objective Driveyard's first completely coordinated project, shown under construction by a large part of our over 35 alpha members. An amazing experience for all participants with lots of laughter and lots of fun.
  13. I know modular elements won't be ingame. It's almost... as if I just wrote that up as an idea for a future update For example as in a future expansion. Many years after launch... when the expansions are planned to happen I have to agree as well though, JC wants DU to be an immersive experience, he said that playable races, being alien or not, would be a step back from his vision for what DU is supposed to be. Then again, if there were enough interest in the future, they may add an alien content update similar to what Elite does. Ancient alien civs have been talked about in the early days of DU though. Sometimes linked to possible safe zones outside Alioth.
  14. All very nice points. I took the liberty to add your posts to the OP and link to your posts. I also expanded the list with another idea I had.
  15. Novaquark and JC have talked about expansions for DU coming after release in regular intervalls. One of these expansion is for example the one with which we'll get stargates and each of then has a theme or topic to it. While each of these ideas could probably fill a topic on their own, I'd like to collect a few brief descriptions of possible updates. Farming & Breeding Something that JC has reacted quite positively to when the topic was brought up during the GDC meetup. He said that if there's interest in the field, they'd seriously consider it. I can imagine growing industrial plants for certain materials like padding, bases for plastics, medicinical herbs and the likes as well. As for breeding, since there's supposed to be both primitive alien life and some kind of pet, both could be breedable. As JC said during one of the more recent interviews, food will be a thing, so harvesting meat from your breedable livestock, maybe even create fuel from fat. Pets could be breeded to sell them to other players. Dynamic elements It's something that a lot of people have been asking for, or that's at least expected by most but very difficult with the voxel and server technology DU is using. Elements that can rotate, and turn, pistons, slides and pumps could help a lot when creativity is limited by ingame possiblities. Post: Water dynamics For the beginning, water is planned to stay a texture. JC has stated numerous times, that they will add proper water dynamics though. Part of this system would then be to make underwater bases, maybe even whole cities. It would enable an ocean biom and maybe even whole ocean planets with its own ecosystem and other kinds of primitive alien life. Post: Intelligent Alien races An update that introduces other races of intelligent life. Alien races that may be native to one of the systems the players discover could become playable as an alternative to the human characters and create factions that can choose to side with each other or wage war. Multiple alien races and factions could be mplemented. Post: Modular elements In order to increase the variety in elements as there are only different sizes of them available, elements could be created out of multiple smaller sub-elements that together form a new, functional element. Turrets could be built out of bases, barrels, muzzels and other parts, fuel tanks can be split into different segments, thrusters into engines, exhausts and a turbine. The final element gets different stats depending on material and number of the sub-elements used. What are some other themes you could imagine?
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