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Greetings, fellow explorers, builders and settlers !





Dual Universe Sleepers is a fansite presenting daily infos on your favorite game, along with (soon to come) fan productions such as an illustrated timeline and themed wallpapers.






When the game goes live, D.U.S. will also form an informal network of observers within the galaxy, bent on collecting and recording knowledge and history. You can even join it right away without leaving any organization you already belong to.






This is all in the "humble beginnings" stage, but will flesh out over time; any advice and participation is welcome !






You'll find a weekly roundup on this thread every sunday, feel free to comment and suggest, as all of this is just taking shape.






"As we go forward without hope of return, we sleep. And we dream."



First roundup here, after a week dedicated to getting in touch with and introducing some of the most prolific organizations of our community. More will come ! The website is slowly shaping up, a Timeline has been posted and you'll find a short presentation of Alain Damasio, our lore introducer.


This is still just in the beginning, all opinions and advices are welcome !


"Nice. Good work. I have to compliment your effort on this brave task. This might just be the foundation for a Dual Universe wiki or News update!"

This might just be the foundation for a Dual Universe wiki or News update!



Though the site does mention IRL events, such as the server test video or Novaquark's GamesCom attendance, or "ingame" happenstances, like C.O.P.S. disbanding, Sleepers are not news reporters. However, we'll gladly help fill and maintain the wiki, as it will prove an invaluable tool for everyone once the game goes live.
too bad most of what we do at the current time is "classified"



They're not spies either, although stealth and eavesdropping will definitely be options.
Sleepers are observers, compiling outgame/ingame-related events and testimonies. See them as the quiet kid sitting in the corner, taking lots of notes. 
This said, you'll find this week more organizations highlight and a topic on the server test video, so please enjoy and share !
Interesting week ! More organizations are spawning and more are jointing, in this peculiar Dual Universe free-flowing name-saving non-rooster-merging way. With multiple access to all organizations (for now), belonging to a group does not depend on the flag colors you're wearing or some name with brackets above your avatar, but on participation to activities, reputation-making and ties between pioneers: a sound system, supple and pragmatic even if a bit grey-area'd... Lifelike.


Keep checking on the Sleepers ! All our dreams are getting stronger everyday.

An eventful week: we got the crafting demo video AND the PAX Kickstarter announcement !


Both are major tools: the former is a gameplay public demonstration with much more impact than the teaser, the latter will be a way for NQ to attract new intestors' attention while remaining free from their demands.


Please go fund that Kickstarter: the Sleepers still dream, but their dreams are getting more and more vivid.

Dual Universe's Kickstarter is on and we cannot stress enough its importance for our future game: please share and fund !


Sleepers have a few topics for you this week, including a cautionary word on banks and some thoughts about one of Novaquark's strong points: their transparent and persistent communication.


The DU Kickstarter is going strong with Novaquark's constant efforts at maintaining a crystal-clear communication, as well as the quite unexpected endorsement from Chris Roberts.


Visit the DU Sleepers website for daily topics and highlights on the most prolific organizations of our community.


Hi Peregrin.  Nice work and best wishes with your project.  It's great to see more news sites!


The DU Kickstarter is going strong with Novaquark's constant efforts at maintaining a crystal-clear communication, as well as the quite unexpected endorsement from Chris Roberts.

Unexpected? Chris Roberts is a top bloke, he's spotlighted other space games before. He wants there to be more, more variety and more choice. I would have been dissappinted had he not taken this time to share it and help it get funded (wouldn't be at all surprised if he backed it to a large amount)

Though discreet, the Sleepers' work is not confidential and with this forum's ever-quicker pace of posting - more and more members, an excellent thing ! -, I'd rather keep it a little more in the limelight: this thread will now be updated every 4 days.





Find daily topics and highlights on the Dual Universe Sleepers website.



Come and check on two more organizations highlights.


Your comments and suggestions are still welcome !

Still up for comments and suggestions !


Also go listen to B.O.O.'s Brethren Court Meeting, it's quite interesting.


Loving the concept and  the website you have created, simple and informative. Definitely going to keep checking this out. 




As events recorders and note-takers, Sleepers were dubbed "historians" by someone; funnily enough, I had never considered the term, but yes: that's what they aspire to be.


Still have a long way to go.


Reminder: everything you find on the Dual Universe Sleepers website is free to use, copy, translate or else. A Sleeper's work is for the benefit of all Pioneers.


Two months have passed since the first highlights on Dual Universe's main organizations, so Sleepers are having a second round of topics. Some legates even get involved in the writing !

As the game's communal activity quiets down from the Kickstarter hype to the slower road to alpha, organizations are still evolving and fleshing out; while some do it very publicly, others remain quite secretive.





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