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Vyz Ejstu

Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Vyz Ejstu

  1. "The lore bible makes reference to the change in the importance of money as a currency and object as wealth. Instead, it implies:

    On ‎16‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 6:26 AM, NQ-Nyzaltar said:

    Work as we know it has long disappeared, and social influence has replaced money as the currency of value. People do not “work” anymore, they have “activities” that can get them socially recognized. Money is still used, via a Universal Revenue, mainly as a way to control the scarcity in production, and balance the availability of goods against their rarity.


    I know the lore is changing behind the scenes, but this is quite in contrast to the characteristic of money. Money is used to control the market forces, thus determining in part supply and demand. According to the lore, some form of 'social currency/influence' dictates the value of the person and thus his influence.

    Can units of the Universal Revenue be used to purchase units of social influence and vice-versa?


    If not, how do both co-exist?

    What is the name of this social 'currency'?


    What kind of activities increase the social influence (the currency of value) and what impact does it have on the value of the U2?


    When does the name change from U2 to Quanta exactly? 


    Is there a way to monopolise these forms of social influence?  


    If the lore bible simply infers that social influence is more important than money, it's not very much different than the case today. If, however, social influence is gained by activities different from what exists presently, and possesses a separate value on its own; I'd like to know more about the activities, the social influence and its limits.




  2. 1 hour ago, dualism said:

    A related question might be whether created bps might have some kind of brand protection in their name, so that you know that various different items come from the same company. That's starting to be rather specific, however ;)




    That will largely depend on the 'signature & permissions' mechanics of the game. With the Rights, Duties & Management System however, you should be able to see the entity granting permissions listed at the top of the hierarchy. Granted, it would be more aesthetic to see the logo and name of an organisation centred at the top of the blueprint, possibly with the organisation's slogan. You can put in a request for that, if you wish.


    In essence, you will be able to able to buy and sell, as Lethys and Croomar pointed out. I think it's only logical that blueprints be treated as commodities either through direct purchase and sale within a market bubble or contracts that can be accepted and retrieved.


    Below are two links you can read at your leisure about the RDMS and organisation permissions. 





  3. "What a pleasant surprise! I was in the mood for writing just yesterday evening, and decided to pick up the Novawrimo story I thought about last year. Work's ramping up and rather than spend time on Eve, trying to defuse stress with more stress, writing seemed the right option. 


    I'll change it up a bit, anyway. The setting was to take place in the year AI was banned: 2150, but there are other ideas I could write on, rather than AI. 


    I hope to read more of your stories in the future.




  4. 3 hours ago, Forodrim said:


    But exactly because of this, PVP is a touchy topic. All Sandboxes I have played so far are torn between the two player bases. The non-PVP people (miners,crafters etc, often dismissivly called "Carebears") and the PVP crowd. If you don't get the balance right, and make both sides welcome, feel like they have a place in the game and their playstyle is viable this can tore the game apart. I think more then one sandbox failed because of this. 


    but they created the environment which makes this possible and even encourages it. You mentioned killboards before and those are a perfect example of this. There are players who only want to boost their killboard, they do not care if their target is worth it, has good loot etc.. They just want the kill to boost their killboard-ego



    Hello, Forodrim. 


    I agree with your views, but I fear I disagree with what you are implying here. Would you rather that all elements of PvP be removed from Dual Universe and replaced with NPCs? I don't mean that is what you are asking for, but it lies along the lines more than you know. Perhaps, you would prefer if the game was tilted towards those who did not want to PvP, and mechanics were put in place to hinder - however slightly - the possibility of conflict? No, you don't want that: you said it yourself that the game should be balanced for both sides. However, seeing as you support a balance in both PvP and non-PvP activities, I must be missing something here - because I fail to understand exactly what makes PvP a touchy topic, as you said. Could you offer a little more explanation on this? 


    There can be an NPC element in the game - I am not against this. What I do find to be distasteful are games that: 

    1. Are advertised as fair and balanced, while being biased towards one side. 
    2. Promise something and don't deliver. 

    Dual Universe promised freedom to shape our own stories. That's why I am here. It would seem I have misled most people here into believing I am a PvPer for life. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I do PvP, because I enjoy it. Others avoid it because they don't. I love trading, and I love creating - however, I know that my wealth or creativity is irrelevant without protection, hence, preparation for PvP. My organisation isn't PvP only, either. Trade is the other of our two main points of interest. But, we know that no matter how many fully-laden vessels we send in convoys, all wealth is lost without adequate protection. So, we prepared for PvP, one by getting members interested in it, and two, by joining a larger alliance. If by any chance, you think it's impossible for PvP and non-PvP players to live in harmony there are several organisations that would change your opinion on that, mine being one of them. 


    I am fully aware of my killboard status - and believe me, it's not an impressive sight. But, the losses don't stop me from seeking out fights, or putting myself in situations where I know I will be in danger (in a team or when I'm roaming solo). The losses are okay, as long as I'm learning something, and that's the endgame of all PvP occurrences in Eve: learn something about yourself, about your enemy, about the mechanics of the game, about strategy...learn and enjoy. It's important because no matter how much you enjoy doing PvP, if you don't learn from it, you'll keep losing - and we as humans, don't like losing. 


    Industry? Learn something. Trading...? Learn. It is possible for a player to produce tonnes of finished products and end up making devastating losses due to ignorance or laziness. Real gamers - not just PvPers - learn, and most of the people that abandon complex games leave because they failed to learn. Of course, there are cases in which games are severely troubled by design and balance issues. DU is not one of those games and the level of involvement NQ has had with the community and other developers show that DU will not be one of those games. 


    A game is about fun. If I decide to have fun learning to PvP, why should the developers bias the game towards non-PvP actions? Seeing as they promised a balanced way to shape our stories? If I love trading, why should the developers tilt the mechanics towards PvP when they promised to give us the keys to our future? What I and most other players interested in PvP are arguing for is a balance. Don't skew the game against us, don't skew the game towards us: let everyone be free to do what they want. Should players decide to make an API for the most constructs/blueprints sold by players, they should be able to; without complaining that PvPers are addicted to their own version of Zkillboard. 




  5. 1 hour ago, Felonu said:



    Yes, a lot of people from Eve are looking at this game for how it can be a better Eve, but a lot of people that have hated there experiences or never wanted to play Eve are also into the idea of this game.  


    This game can and hopefully will appeal to those of us who won't even consider games that are balanced toward PVP because of our experiences with Eve.  If this game has the same player atmosphere of Eve, then a lot of the interested players will move on.  Those of us who don't like Eve want this game to be more than we believe that game could ever be.  We want it to be oriented toward building and growing a society together.  We don't want the entire game to be about war and destruction.  


    You seem to misunderstand me. 


    I am not looking for a better Eve. If I was looking for a better Eve, I would be talking to CCP's developers and CSM, not posting on Dual Universe Forums. My level of involvement with Dual Universe is many times greater than Eve: I'm not an active member of the general Eve community, and I have not made any posts on the Eve Forums either. I play Eve with my corporation in Eve to learn more about MMOs and prepare myself for a similar environment in Dual Universe. 


    As Hades noted, it isn't going to be a bed of roses. I believe JC knows this, whether or not he talks about it. What DU provides is an option to make it a bed of roses for yourself...with effort as a prerequisite. It is not against the game's terms and conditions to create a garden of flowers, we are just advising you to fence it round with thorns. Conflict is natural and its cause may vary from territorial reasons to things as ridiculous as cosmetic content. We are not forcing you to PvP, no. We are warning you to be prepared for it. NQ has planned for mechanics that will lessen the effect of conflict. But, what they will not, and should not provide, is a means of invincibility. As players the world over have proved repeatedly, provide a loophole or something that can be used as an exploit, and it will be found and abused. At this point, I don't know how a 'godmode' in building will turn out, given that the game isn't out yet, but it might just provide a means for some player to bot industry while being untouchable. You wouldn't like that. I wouldn't like that. NQ wouldn't like that either, as it will negatively impact the value of creativity and industry. Even if Dual Universe turns out to be what every builder wished it to be, builders will still leave when they get bored. Players moving on from games is normal. Sometimes, they move on to other games and realise that the new fantasy is worse than what they left behind. What do they do then?


    Forgive the Eve-Dual Universe comparisons, if you will. But, you should understand that there will always be PvP in Dual Universe. It works as a good counter to illegal automation at the same time, increasing the importance of builders who know their trade well. We would like all the players we can get. At the same time, developers have learnt the hard way not to listen to every suggestion. Many players don't know what they want and place the blame squarely on the developers when the result of their demands turn out to be sour grapes. There's a solution to protection from PvP. Find it and use it. 




  6. On 1/24/2018 at 8:05 PM, ToTOJA said:

    for this lesson, Aetherios.
    Even DualUniverse will become evil!



    Dual Universe doesn't need to become evil. A game is always what you make it. There will be times when people decide to help an aggressed player because they pity him. There will be times when they decide to deal with the aggressors because there are scores to be settled. And, yet, there will be times when they leave both sides to fight and capitalise on that to finish off the victor. If new members to the game can't see the forest for the trees, it may not be entirely their fault. At the same time, it could be their fault alone. As said in my previous post, when people lose a lot, they often decide to fight back or make others pay. That's called displacement in Psychology. It's completely natural. Others choose to repress, but sooner or later, they quit because they can't keep up with the losses, or become exhausted with constantly feeling threatened. 


    PvP is not a touchy topic. Please let's not make it one. This game is about more than just fighting, just the same way it is about more than just building. Both are important, both are necessary. There is fun to be had in tactics, excitement in adrenaline...and plenty of spreadsheets in industry to supply the materials for that. No one is a PvPer from the moment he starts a game till the day he logs off for the final time. Believe me, no one - not even in Eve. If you see such a character, it's probably an alt: the main character is doing something else to finance the losses: trading, PvEing...or even mining in the corporation controlled territory. Once the losses become too much to sustain, every sensible player takes a pause to refill the coffers. That's DU. Find what you like doing, and find something to support it. If what you like doing sustains itself, it's win-win for you. Be happy.


    @Captain Jack 

    Like Eve, like Eve, like Eve...Both are MMOs, both have content, and both refrain from forcing a player to follow a linear storyline. I understand if you don't like Eve, or the tactics in Eve: many have left, many are leaving and many more will leave. At the same time: many have joined, many are joining and many will still join. For all the prophecies of doom and declining statistics, the game has survived, even more so as they had 6000 players in a single system two days ago. Of course, time dilation made the battle a horror, but that draws the next topic for you. How DU is not like Eve. 


    Eve doesn't give you the ability to build whatever you want, however you want. DU doesn't give you a blank slate with a ship and the freedom to turn into a thorn in the side for bigger ships or an exploration frigate. Because DU doesn't give you a ship. DU tells you to create one. People in Eve are interested in DU, and they keep marvelling at the potential for creativity that DU holds. 


    Eve doesn't give you an infinite universe like DU, and DU doesn't limit your interaction with planets to collecting resources, like Eve. Eve does not provide you with a completely safe environment once you undock. Even in high-sec, you can and will be attacked if there is sufficient reason. DU does, even if it's only one planet. Make no mistake, I do not support glorifying the ego of players in Eve who want CCP to push out all the new players from high sec so that they can populate their killboards. The players who fly the most expensive ships know what activity is involved in building them: mining. 


    Don't blame DU for having humans play it. Should you want a completely automated environment, DU cannot and will not provide that for you. CCP did not create bumping, or griefing, or killing sprees. These things were there before Eve because there were gamers and people before Eve - even as there were people and gamers before DU. People are not senseless robots. Unlike NPCs, they will not attack without reason once you enter their reaction zone. Find out why they attack you, or why they look for you and take the right measures to protect yourself. Make yourself happy and make the gankers sad. There are ways to do that...and most of the time, you don't even have to do it yourself: someone else is always willing - for the fun or for the right price. Be a human, and unlike an NPC, find that person, if you are incapable of defending yourself against aggressors. Who knows? Your aggressors may just turn out to be friends in disguise.


    There is so much more, but you have to find it. It won't come to you by itself. 





  7. 8 hours ago, Hades said:

    If you’re in a protected area, yes.  Many people will say if you aren’t into PvP, this game isn’t for you.  It’s come up in countless threads prior, but I honestly disagree.  Major cities/installations will HAVE to be protected... stay within those limits, and do what you want... build new designs to sell, create fancy scripts... whatever.


    Alternatively, fly to some obscene expanse of space and do your own thing.  The only truly contested areas will be between organizations over major resource veins and whatnot.  Yes, someone can come up on you by chance... but the universe will be vast.


    PvP is a major component of the game, but it is not the end all be all.

    "I completely agree with this. If you don't want to PvP at all, that's fine. No one will force you out of the safe zones unless you bring something out of there. Bumping ships is something common in Eve, and I'd like to see how possible it is to get something bumped out of safe space. It should be possible after all. I mean, if someone destroyed your valuable construct for the fun of it and happens to leave his shiny hovercraft out in the open while AFK, you should be permitted to have some revenge of your own. That should give players a good reason to employ whatever 'anchor' or 'docking' mechanics Dual Universe will have in the future, and not leave children unattended in public places. Getting a cup of tea in a 'jiffy' is plenty enough time for some content-makers or disgruntled players to populate DU's version of Zkillboard (NQ, we need APIs for this.)."

    8 hours ago, Alethion said:

    Sure it possible.....probable.....maybe not....its all part of the game.

    If they are flying over head and you're on their side/neutral then you gotta a good chance of not being killed.

    However.....just remember, where  privateers come from.....




    "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest.

    Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

    Drink and the Devil's done for the rest.

    Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!


    It is wonderful the way you put it: you have a 'good chance' of not being killed. 'Good chance' in this case is similar to the fate of late General John Sedgewick whose reported last words were along the lines of: "Why are you dodging like this? They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance".  Before being shot by Confederate sharpshooters.


    May his soul rest in peace. 


    If you see a passing craft in open space, you will likely be fired upon, unless the owners of said craft are nice people, in a serious hurry, or they don't deem you worth the effort (which could be either of two things: you will likely cause them too much trouble to handle alone, or you simply don't have anything worth offering. In Eve, we generally don't waste shots on shooting stuff that costs way less than every salvo of expensive ammo. Yup, counting salvos is a thing, at times. You'll understand why if Dual Universe gets to that level.) 


    Best defence: stay safe with other people, defences or build up a reputation of someone who doesn't mind ruining the game for someone else who ruins his day (pro-tip: you might want to keep an eye out for bounties, although if NQ follows the Eve way of bounty loss being equal to the ship destroyed, bounties will be a lot less attractive or effective than we would like...Be that as it may, HTX is here if you need help with swift vengeance.) 


    Carry a big stick. You will know peace. 


    Be an ant, you will get stepped on. 



    7 hours ago, Atmosph3rik said:

    What's different about PVP in Dual Universe is that the game won't be pitting us against each other.  In terms of creating teams, and arming us, and spawning us on opposite sides of a map and saying GO.


    If that ship is going to come down and kill you,  you'll probably have to give them a reason to do it.


    And if they decide to come after you, it's going to cost them.  Maybe just some ammo, or maybe a few of your friends show up and they loose their ship.


    But unlike a lot of pvp games there won't really be an incentive for them to kill you just for the sake of it.  Unless you have something they want.  Or you did something they didn't like. 


    But killing you isn't the point of the game.  It's just one of many options.


    Personally i plan on spending most of my time hiding in a safe zone building stuff. 


    "Hehe. If I feel in the mood for killing people on a certain day, you'd better hope that I meet people way out of my league. Generally, we don't need good reasons to destroy things. Once you lose enough stuff to people who make it a point to provide non-consensual PvP, you begin to look at things in a different light. Rampaging will be a thing and it will teach people to be circumspect (in Eve-speak: watch local, check corp, keep an eye on intel channel, D-scan, keep an eye out for probes, and all those kinds of security measures). I don't know how much self-restraint people exercise on a daily basis, but vets will generally think it their duty to show new players how it is not done in an MMO. How they go about that matter is different. Some blow you up and refund the cost (I love doing this), giving you tips along the way. Others blow you up and explain what you did wrong and leave. Yet others, ruin you and leave without saying a word, or sometimes they rub it in your face.


    Like someone said: "Get over it. We can't all be nice people." 


    What the aggressed usually forget is that it's a game What the aggressors generally know is that it will happen to them, or has happened to them. It will be a game, and it was made to be a game. By the time you have emos showing up - wailing, whining and issuing death threats, you know someone's about to get banned...in most cases, the aggressor gets off with a few hours of hate and life resumes as usual - with one player less, of course. I've lost expensive ships because I was too lazy to switch to an alt and move them to corp controlled territory that way. If you're hauling stuff and you have someone 'yellow-boxing' (targeting) you, generally dock-up fast and log-out (this happened to me quite recently. I logged off, came back, switched ships to something small and fast and made the safe delivery of expensive implants). Come back when the 'gankers' (think kamikaze) are mostly offline. It's mostly advised to fly covert ops ships in the first place, that way you're only seen when undocking and never again.

    You'd want to avoid this kind of loss:  https://zkillboard.com/kill/67196585/ . 500 PLEX (One month of Omega subscription) is about 1.6 billion ISK. $20 == 500 PLEX. That freighter lost 84 billion. You may do the math at your leisure. Despite popular opinion, it's quite hard to imagine the pilot's face when that ship was down to 25% hull and there was no help in sight (assuming he was not AFK, or his client didn't close unexpectedly). 

    Whether or not the pilot took it with a grain of salt, learnt something from it or cried himself to sleep, I have no idea. What I know is: it happened in an unprotected area of space where killing is legal: i.e Low-sec. Even in high-sec (protected space), gankers fly ships fitted to dish out massive DPS and laugh at your pain. You are free to hunt gankers down, but they generally use alts. Don't think me to be a horrible person: I'm firmly against ganking innocent traders and newbros, but that doesn't mean everyone is.


    Others have lost it. Be smart. Be safe. Don't do it unprotected.


    2 hours ago, 0something0 said:

    I disagree with the whole notion of


    "Its a big universe"


    Because while the universe is big, most of it is empty space you can't  do much with. I also learned that its a good assumption that someone WILL find you from Minecraft factions because sooner or later, I would find my base wrecked. I also don't think relying on  cities for protection  is a good idea as they would be hot targets for people looking to get quick loot.


    I also disagree with the notiom that war NEEDS to be an essential part of the economy as there are other sources of demand for constructs like habitation and civilisn transportation. 


    Yes, the Universe is big, but investment (effort, resources, dedication) make any new home small. There's a reason why most people live on the coast or in heavily populated areas. 95% of humanity lives on just 10% of the land, anyway. But, there are always safer places to move to - it makes me wonder whether wormholes will be a thing, but I digress. This is DU not Eve, although a lot of Eve veterans and sandbox players, in general, will have a headstart in knowing how to secure and manage land. 


    Oh, yes. Someone will find you. Most of the time, it won't be your average friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.  


    Yes, and no. Cities are generally safe if you're talking about war declarations by small bands. There are enough people who care about making the game conducive enough for new players or themselves and they will swiftly show misguided gangs that you don't fight a city with standard rank and file army tactics. On the other hand, you might want to get your things in order if Zerg alliance decides it's annoyed your city exists. Zergs are very touchy people, you see. The reason being that the loot in a city is worth the Zerg's time and effort. They don't mind swarming your city like zombies and losing 300billion Quanta if they know the loot and property in that city is worth 600-900billion.


    Oh, no. War needs to be essential for the economy. And you just mentioned why: occupied space will be small, right? For example, if the occupied space is small, and people refuse to move out, and resources are ever abundant (just a skip away to planet X, while the collective hive mind expands at 8 hex tiles a minute), tell me how you plan on getting rich from mining? War makes things scarce, war makes things unpredictable. That's why people are willing to pay more for items found only in dangerous environments. If everyone knows where to find something:


    "Just go get it and come back chap. I'll pay you five Quanta per 100m3. What? Too low? Well, anyone can do it. I'll find someone else. Cheers."

    And he will find someone else, because there is always someone more desperate than you or with a bigger ore hold than you.


    But, if they know Sector F-911 is inhabited by dangerous content makers and the only other choice is to wait four weeks for Care Bear Hauling Services to get enough orders to make the trip to System S-112 worth their while, they will be willing to pay you many times the standard price. We as humans, generally want things done fast...besides, subscription won't pause while JDHS waits to ship several thousand tonnes of raw material. Time's a running. War makes you rich, and I'm not talking about BAE, Northrop Grumman or Lockheed Martin here, I'm talking about the average Novean.


    1 hour ago, Lethys said:

    if nothing gets destroyed then the market will be saturated one day - so yeah, CVC/AVA is a big part of the economy.


    to put it with terms of eve: "the best ship you can have is friendship". Cities won't help you much when attacked, nor some hidden base. Only your org and friends.


    You may encounter ppl who shoot you on sight. You may encounter helpful ones. Some will ignore you. Some will kill you on day 20 and ask you for help on day 21. The fun part is to know who you can trust









  8. 4ePpSan.png

    "The third poster from the HTX.

    The food chain is an eternal truth. What happens when the predator's world of balance is altered? What happens when an anomaly becomes the new reality? We won't stop you from running, because you can't outrun the supernatural. The dead ride fast, indeed. 


    So, dear traveller, what will be your choice when the Wraiths and Factors come a-calling?



    Spirits, Lavender or Onyx


    Take that Step."



  9. 2 minutes ago, Armedwithwings said:

    Binary message translation:

    2 minutes ago, Armedwithwings said:

    My algorithms predict that the more users access Twitter,

    the more they will keep up with the Dual Universe news,

    and the faster their organisations will grow.

    Tell them.



    "You, good sir, are worth your weight in gold.
     I thought it would take a while for anyone to figure out the text meant something.

  10. "

    Outpost Zebra would like to remind everyone of her Twitter account. She's been quite active in the last few days and would love to beam the Dual Universe news to you. To hear her say it: 



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    Be that as it may, the Dual Universe Historical Society has granted 'Oz' the permission to use data from their servers. We have fixed the protocols to ensure constant two-way communication. The first test was a short piece of news concerning the Sovereign Society, featured on Twitter.  


    Ark Central also has a Twitter account that you can follow here to get high-quality news from Dual Universe. 


    Oz sends her greetings in the form of digital cats. 


    Outpost Zebra signing out.


    Cheers, all.


  11. "

    As part of the many steps this organisation has taken since its inception more than a year ago, we have finally narrowed our goals and vision to suit realism. Many of you are already aware of a few of the recent changes: the first of them was the rebranding from The Aether to the Heimera Trade Xchange. The name itself was not easy to come by, and the amount of stress the search for a single unique name can birth is not something a select few are willing to go through again...for the foreseeable future.


    Secondly, the decision to join the Band of Outlaws (BOO) as a Special Interest Group (SIG) was more of a strategic decision than one made out of pure emotion. For a very long while, BOO has proven itself to be a stable and dynamic group. We have seen the recent changes in organisations, and drama - as always - has never been in short supply. Troublesome as they may be, we have known a substantial number of their members on an individual level - and they have proven themselves capable of quietly handling as much trouble as they loudly cause. In recent months, BOO has taken a more 'mature' turn even as they touch up their image as a gaming community, not mere pirates. We are immensely proud of our decision to join BOO and look towards a future of great gameplay, not only within the alliance but with the rest of Dual Universe. 


    Thirdly, we have changed our logo. We are very fond of the hexagons, that for a long while, were synonymous with the Aether via artworks and lore, but we have found that it is not fitting with the new image and aligned goals of the organisation. The hexagons are expected to surface from time to time in artworks and future lore. We might no longer be Aether purely in name, but we are still Aether within. 


    Certain members of the Dual Universe Community have expressed their concerns about the impact of our 'supposed' neutrality within an alliance like BOO. To be clear once and for all, 'neutrality' will do no one any good when their lands and houses are being ransacked by the enemy. We have seen Dual Universe mature with time and with that, the concept of neutrality without a big stick has become quite laughable. For us, we will operate by our means, and avoid trouble wherever we see it. At the same time, we will give our all to having a capable and true deterrent - with or without BOO. 


    TRANCE will remain neutral, as long as we can keep it so. We have received various expressions of good gesture and support from various organisations, all of which we are thankful for. However, stargates are still a long way off from being a major concern for any organisation keeping its internal capability and strategic environment in view. While we continue to add a little bit here and there to our concept of the stargates, we are open to working with credible and mature organisations to make TRANCE what it what meant to be: a tool for the Community. 


    Heimera Trade Xchange (HTX) is also on very friendly terms with ODY, and we hope to make an announcement by the weekend. 



    Cheers, all.


  12. 53 minutes ago, Eternal said:

    Exactly, and definitely not myself! If I'm not PVP, then it's PVE. What is PVE in this game? It's personal-progress, not just Organization-progress. Most Organizations in this game are so PVP-based, including their policies and implementations. Very few to none have I seen any Organization lay-out a system(a good developed system) for private-economy that is beneficial for PVE-progress. A Republic-system that you will work on building yourself and contribute to society for the sake of working together to achieve common-goals. 


    EVE is to blame for this! F*** that game that it carried here! 




    I have seen lots of PvP'ers, lots of PvE'rs...and judging from your wit and words above, I'd place some valuable Quanta on this bet: if you are ever a PvE'r, it's to lure in the fellow PvE'rs to a PvP wake up call.


  13. "It has been a while, and we have made some changes to how the organisation works, its goals and objectives. The recent tests have given an insight, but much more prominent, are the shifting dynamics and unfurling events in the Great Game. A refinement of goals is necessary to remain valid and competitive in Dual Universe.


    While the changes certainly are rough around the edges, they will be much more clear as the game matures. 


    Once again, cheers.


  14.  "Interesting options you brought up there. I can't speak for the developers, but in my opinion, fixed destination stargates are the thing.


    For one, let's look at how stargates are deployed. Destination A is where probe number one launches from. Destination B is where probe number one becomes the light of the tunnel. To justify 'dialling' stargates,

    • probe number one needs to be able to do the job of the hypothetical probe number two. That means making probes re-usable.i.e Probe number one serves as an anchor, tunnel point one, tunnel point two, tunnel point three, et cetera.
    • You network stargates by finding some way to connect them, or 'grouping' them. For example, Stargates A, B, C and D belong to Group Alpha; Stargates E, F, G, and H belong to Group Beta. Then you have the obvious problem of setting the connecting link(s) for Group Alpha and Group Beta. Mix size restrictions in there and possible logistics of network topology and you've got your work cut out for you.

    In 'dialling's' defence, I don't know anyone that prefers 'point-to-point' topology (direct access - or fixed in your case here) to mesh (dialling Stargates or a case in which every Stargate is connected to another) network topology. Obviously, allowing any Stargate to dial another is something that makes Stargates more at home in Star Trek and Doctor Who as magical teleportation devices but in this case, good ol' ale is better than the synthetic protein shakes they serve these days. In other words, 'fixed point' is a tried and proven design. Make it hybrid because we'll be playing in a civilisation 500 years into the future, and you have a Stargate that has a fixed end and two or three points. 


    You know where it leads, you know where it ends. Dialling Stargates makes it easier for our dear small scale newbie hauliers and truckers, but if I can pass through a zillion territories without changing bus, why not just make one big country instead? 'Fixed point' does three things for us:

    1. It provides the necessity for a well thought out logistics system. Case in point: your road network. It isn't just strips of tarmac intersecting at weird points; some people sat down to analyze traffic behaviour at different times of the day and built the roads according to those needs. You can build a dozen streets and only two are being used and you can bet on it: they'll be clogged. Without 'Fixed point', every Tom, Dick Jack and Harry would set up a Stargate linking everywhere and nowhere at once. Seeing lights zip everywhere through space is beautiful until you realise that those could be your foes with their new 'omni-location' Stargates bearing down on your territory from a thousand points. Not good.
    2. It makes Hauling the more important. This might not be your thing, but there are players who find a certain fetish pleasure in sitting down after a hard day's work and staring at the beauty of a digital Universe while hauling hundreds of dollars worth of goods for hours at a time. They love it, God knows why, and who am I to judge? There are certain days I'd rather pay someone to stare at a screen for 120 minutes and jumping for joy every one or two minutes at getting through another gate without 'Gate Campers' holding up traffic. Put in a dialling Stargate and you leave them without their pleasure. Why pay someone to jump just one gate? Might as well bring a few friends if I'm so worried about my cargo.
    3. It brings in the suspense of 'content creators'. That's another word for 'Gate Campers' or Pirates. You've got to love guys that sit like 'Chameleon stones' with the equivalent of fifty howitzers as the fore cannon ready to do the '21 Gun Salute' for you and your buddies. Bring your Own Shades: big explosions make big lights.

    In other words, 'Fixed Stargates' are easier to develop for Alpha and Beta, much more fun and much more necessary for the immersion the devs have been gunning for. That's just my opinion on it, I'm more than ready to see someone's differing perspective.



    If you're wondering, yes: the Aether is still offering it's TRANCE Stargate Network and logistics services to any org that's interested (21 organisations have 'formally' signed up so far). 





  15. 10 minutes ago, _Neza_ said:

    Many thanks for your feedback!


    I forgot to mention that having a "goal" in form of a blueprint you want to turn into a flyable ship would be something to keep people motivated. 

    Weeks of gathering resources (which is nothing else than farming) to achieve that defined goal works out nicely.

    But doing the same just to test some ideas? I´m not sure about that.

    What if you get killed and your resources stolen before even coming that far?


    What Falstaf mentioned:

    << Practically this means a person could create blueprints without any investment. <<


    There could be implemented some kind of fixed cost for creation of a i) big, ii) medium or iii) small blueprint. :)

    But still, you can do little with said blueprint, if you don´t turn it into a ship.

    So it´s not like you actually get something for free.



    Best regards,



    I wish you a wonderful day, _Neza_.


    Your ideas are similar to the ideas expressed in this thread here (Creative Mode - Out of Game - Multiplayer for Construct Blueprint/Subassembly Creation) that I suppose @Lethys  was referring to above. 




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