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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by DarkHorizon

  1. I don't think they implied physically landing on the star itself but within the stars planetary system. Unless of course little green men showed up on your doorstep and gave you some advanced technology, I think we'd all be interested in that.
  2. I can already see forum issues spilling over into the game with people putting bounties on others simply because they won a forum argument. Based on this discussion I can already see myself hating the bounty hunter system and that's honestly a tragic thing imo.
  3. Stinky cheese. Anyways, I'll be Ruby soon enough, so yay, I'll live to alpha!
  4. Clever girl? I don't think there will be, but as many have said before me, role play elements will eventually bring this into being.
  5. Instead of a lengthy holding period between stages, one would think that the developers would continuously optimize the game with live feedback from the alpha as opposed to waiting till the end of alpha, then going through all the feedback at once. Then again, maybe I'm too eager to start playing.
  6. Eh, if that person has a grudge against you or if your orgs are enemies then I wouldn't get your hopes up about getting that image in-game. While it could make for some interesting politics (and wars, people who defend them get brownie points and vice versa), I think that's a sort of power that shouldn't be in other player's hands, no matter how trustworthy they seem, and let alone focus more power into the larger orgs.
  7. Well looking at things from how you put it, this dissuades play for free people and the "baggage" they carry with them from polluting the game. Also mefsh, personal thing here, but please remove all the space next time you quote something like that.
  8. "Hello Derg" I really wish that we could keep the childish stuff out of the adult environment, but I guess people will be people... At least I'll have a reason to get into a shooting match with them. You can bet that'd be fun to spectate.
  9. Instead of a discord server, can't we just have a topic dedicated to those servers?
  10. This is an issue on just about every forum where someone doesn't cut down a long block of text to highlight the specific quote that they are referring to.
  11. Is the "have fun" part of "glhf" in order? I kid, hope everything goes well. Hopefully you'll be all good to go by the time alpha comes and you can take those first steps with all the rest of us. c:
  12. You're in space, which way is up? Actually I found an interesting v-sauce vid on just this thing a couple days back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJhgZBn-LHg&index=5&t=5s&list=LLZEU2DChuKoWAO92DzhbR_A
  13. I was almost starting to think that you meant independent business owners, got excited for a moment. Best of luck!
  14. I'm not sure if SE or the other games mentioned in this thread have this feature, but something along the lines of picture mode in madmax seems to be on point. Would have linked a youtube video but I couldn't quite find anything concise. The only qualm I have with such a feature is that the game itself isn't exactly pausable so getting that right shot would be a bit more of an issue especally when things are just happening instantaniously.
  15. Even to further separate people from their alpha / beta status is sorting among pledge levels but that might be controversial in regards to those who backed the higher pledges.
  16. Another twist of irony I see...
  17. Just imagine for a minute... The community really should be self-policing but there is a certain point to where so far becomes too far, and administrative action becomes necessary.
  18. I'd prefer some togglable feature between the two. I can just never visualize the bigger meter units like a meter, kilometer etc. Dead Earthly Vegan units of measurement? "Yo the enemy is three devs behind me!!!" "You got three developers behind you, cool! Hey guys, what is such and such?" I'll see myself out now...
  19. I feel like this here video is relevant to the current topic...
  20. Another awesome target for pirates and enemy soldiers. Now all I need to do is rig up a few explosives and light some fireworks!
  21. After a bit of thought, I've decided to create an organization focused on those who call themselves furries. We are the Furry Universal and Resolute Society or more simply put, the FURS. It will be a casual group open to anyone who identifies as a furry (obvious prereq) be it something with actual fur like a cat or horse, to less furry creatures like bats, reptiles, and the creatures of the sea. You don't even have to be a present day animal because we also accept dinosaurs which have been dead for over 65 million years, and dragons which only exist in our imagination. I really like the name, especially the "universal" part since we would not only accept different animals, but also the different people behind those which make them up. We all come from unique and diverse backgrounds and won't make critical exceptions based on your race, orientation, religion or so forth. Of courses with that said, the name (in addition to the description and logo) is of course up for debate. I'm still taking suggestions so if you have any, please message me here or via pm. An awesome way to get me to consider your name is if it has some kind of meaning behind it and relates to the org in some form. I came up with this name simply because it had "furry" somewhere in it and the acronym was "FURS" so if you want to use that line of thinking and branch out from there, please do so. As long as you're an awesome individual (which odds are you are) and a furry (the only real requirement to join), then you already have a seat on our org. Furries Universal and Resolute Society Yee okay I guess this isn't exactly a thing anymore. Turns out we already have a group, it is not in the OP so I'll just leave a link here! Furry Association
  22. An interesting bit about me. Mother tried real hard to teach me to write with my right hand, but I always switched to my left hand. She gave up after a while.
  23. Lol, not you, that bit was actually a response to posts 2 - 4, apologies for the vagueness. Although, seriously two other game forums I came across people stating that they were posting drunk today, which, doesn't usually happen. People must be getting pranked pretty good today.
  24. Age old question... As it pretains to writing, left, right, or ambi (both used equally)? I'm a left, and proud of it.
  25. Interesting idea, it could also have a counterpart involved in deep counter intel that can identify the frauds depending on the level of the spy and counter intel player. Still can't wait for alpha, gets more and more exciting every day. Also, why are we drunk? Do drunk people come up with better ideas?
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