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  1. I think it's a patch that 's better to happen now than later, we can't wait for the game to be feature complete before we do these drastic changes. I understand that for some people this patch brings some of the fun away, making them feel as there isn't much left for them to do, but in that case I'd suggest to just take a break and come back when they add more content.
  2. DU was meant from the beginning to be EVE + Minecraft, so it makes sense for it to have that kind of economy system. The economy will find its new balance and the game will work better than before. I understand that in a way these limits can be annoying, but it's the price to pay to have the economy and the emergent gameplay running. Without specialization the economy simply doesn't work. True, the problem aren't the changes themselves but the fact that there are a lot of features missing and players are left with very few choices
  3. Just wait for tomorrow's patch notes, there could be more, not everything is mentioned during streams or on devblogs
  4. This is a mmorpg, so it makes sense for players to have a need for others to achieve things in the game, otherwise we would be playing a survival singleplayer which is not what DU wants to be, nor was ever marketed as such. "Large organizations will have an advantage"... I've heard this so many times, and again it's a baseless claim. The economy has and will have producers of different sizes, from the solo player to the largest organization. An organization with 100 players may end up producing 100 different elements earning 100 mlns, the solo player will simply produce 1 element earning 1 mln, which makes sense since the reward/player ratio is the same. You don't have to produce everything to compete as a producer, nor you're alone against the large organizations since there'll be plenty of other solo players/small orgs participating in the economy, trading and supporting each other. Specialized roles and a working economy will benefit the game greatly, making it more likely for players to play the way they want, since now we start needing each other for production so we effectively pay people to produce elements for us, instead of building industries for self production. One day we'll see other parts of the game require more specialization and it won't be that easy for a miner to pilot a large cargo ship, nor it will be easy for a pilot to use a weapon: we'll need each other and be willing to pay them to do a specific job that we can't do. At that point we'll see new kinds of jobs rise naturally (bounty hunter, miner, hauler, ... ), which is part of what being a sandbox means. DU isn't just a building game for creators, NQ wants to create an actual society that in a way works as a self-sufficient ecosystem, and it relies around the equilibrium between all parts and entities that take part in it. This change is one of the first that goes in that direction.
  5. Yes it is easy, it may take a long time, be tedious, still remains an easy activity that only require you to follow the scanner and click a button. Open a dictionary and go look what "easy" means because you still don't get it
  6. I'm not sure you understand what "easy" means, it has nothing to do with tediousness. The opposite of "easy" is "hard", the opposite of "tedious" is "fun". Mining is currently both easy (literally clicking a button) and tedious
  7. Genoma è un'organizzazione italiana con l'obbiettivo di compattare e rappresentare la nostra community nella scena internazionale, per favorire cooperazione e dare supporto ai giocatori indipendenti ed ai piccoli gruppi. Il nostro orientamento è PvX, in modo da dare ad ognuno la possibilità di specializzarsi nel ramo che preferisce e offrire un gran numero di attività di diverso tipo ai propri membri; ciò ci aiuterà inoltre nello sviluppo di un'economia interna, la quale creerà ricchezza e ci garantirà indipendenza da altre organizzazioni su diversi fronti. Reclutiamo sia singoli giocatori sia i gruppi. Il gioco permette infatti di creare organizzazioni all'interno di altre, per cui potete far parte del nostro progetto senza rinunciare alla vostra identità, ottenendo al contempo dei benefici che solo un'organizzazione più grande vi può offrire. Per ulteriori informazioni o anche solo per fare due chiacchiere, venite pure a trovarci sul nostro discord: https://discord.gg/8fsBy2z
  8. it was stated a long time ago, in many occasions, I don't remember where. They said something along those lines lately, maybe in the last podcast.
  9. No it's not planned, markets for ships are intended as large zones where they are physically placed.
  10. Shynras

    A New planet

    Or better, just dig a hole underground and stay there?
  11. Core and hangar sizes are the standards for now. Other then that, if players will be needing more standards they'll automatically create them. That's what is called "meta".
  12. "With great power comes great responsabilities" cit. If you want power you'll have to work hard to get and mantain it. (Ye, this isn't really what spiderman meant) Regarding OP: You can create the organization you want now, at release or years after that. It does not matter if there's a similar one already: if yours is better you'll succed, otherwise fail. That said, that mentality you have isn't really going to work for this kind of path, you're already demoralized before even starting.
  13. Wheels: Hovers are pretty much a better version. Rotors: if we manage to create rails, we can probably make rotors. Rails: You can maybe build them with voxels? Or tunnels so that the "train" follows a path? Or script its path? Sliders: same. So, there are alternatives. They said once that wheels are a problem because they collide with ground, and that is taxing on the server, so I'd imagine that "moving parts" in general have the same issue (they move, so they can collide and that creates load on the server, like space engineers after all, collisions are always problematic).
  14. As you can see on youtube tutorials, there's tons of scripting, linking, physics and so on, even without rotors or pistons there's a lot you can do.
  15. discordauth:vQk-v-3hBnY6zEw2Nm-dWe5mUYOKpwRJoegR1JmsFCw=

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