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Underhand Aerial

Alpha Team Vanguard
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  1. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from RudiGaterau in Hyperion - An der Spitze des Möglichen   
    Interesse geweckt? Dann bewerbt euch noch heute ?
  2. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Hachiro in Hyperion - An der Spitze des Möglichen   
    Hyperion - gegründet mit dem Ziel ein Wirtschafts-Imperium aufzubauen,
    dessen Name, Produkte und Entwicklungen auch in den entlegenen Winkeln
    des Dual Universe bekannt sind.
    Als Teil starker Allianzen bietet Hyperion den Rahmen, um in Sicherheit und
    mit Rückhalt Neues zu kreieren und wirtschaftlich zu handeln.
    Die derzeit größte und aktivste deutschsprachige Community sammelt, erforscht und
    baut bereits heute - gemeinsam - Großes.
    Werde auch du Teil dieser Gemeinschaft und lerne uns kennen:
    Hyperion bietet euch das größte deutschsprachige Netzwerk in Dual Universe von Handel, Missionen, Kopfgeldjagd bis zu Rettungsmissionen. 
    Mit der Mitgliedschaft bei Hyperion erhältst du Zugang zu allen Einrichtungen von Hyperion, Lehrgänge mit Betreuung und vieles mehr!
    Mittelfristig möchten wir gemeinsam eine Heimat aufbauen, um weitere, spannende Projekte voranzutreiben. In mehreren Teams aufgeteilt, realisieren wir Raumschiffe, Stadtkonstrukte und diverse, andere Bauprojekte. Die Möglichkeiten für andere Geschäftszweige sind schier grenzenlos und somit liegt es auch an Dir, welchen Weg du beschreiten wirst. 
    Eine freundliche Gemeinschaft deutschsprachiger Spieler und den Zugang zum Hyperion Netzwerk. Erhalte die Möglichkeit an großen und spannenden Projekten teilzunehmen. Hol dir Aufträge vom schwarzen Brett oder nutze unseren eigenen Markt. Bei uns kann sich jeder frei entfalten und seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen, solange es dem Wohl der Gemeinschaft nicht schadet und die Gesetze/Richtlinien von Hyperion, sowie auch der Legion eingehalten werden. Des Weiteren bieten wir Sicherheit und Territorium durch die Legion. Dies ist die größte Allianz im Spiel.
    Jeder deutschsprachige Spieler von Dual Universe der keine Augenklappe trägt und sich Pirat schimpfen lässt ist bei uns willkommen. Wir fordern lediglich eine geistige Reife und die Einhaltung einiger Regeln. Solltest du bei der Hyperion Corporation mitmachen wollen, dann solltest du vor allem teamfähig sein. Ein gutes Betriebsklima ist uns sehr wichtig. Wir haben uns außerdem für ein Mindestaufnahmealter von 16 Jahren entschieden.
    Besuche uns auf unserem Discord und schreib uns an! Dort kannst du uns weitere Fragen stellen, gerne auch im Voice.
    Wir freuen uns auf dich!

  3. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nishtar in NQ-Nishtar rejoint l'équipe CM !   
    Salut à tous !
    Ici NQ-Nishtar, votre nouvelle CM FR sur Dual Universe... Ravie de vous rencontrer !
    C’est un réel honneur de pouvoir enfin me présenter à vous.
    Tout d’abord, sachez que vous risquez de me voir apparaître de temps en temps sur les plateformes anglophones. Pas de panique, mes missions sont principalement dédiées à développer à vos côtés la communauté francophone.
    Etant nouvelle sur le projet, il faudra me laisser le temps de m’adapter et d’apprendre à vous connaître avant que je puisse vous proposer un plan d’attaque. Mais, si vous avez d’ores et déjà des propositions à faire concernant la communauté française, n’hésitez pas à venir m’en parler !
    Pour la petite anecdote, avant Novaquark, je travaillais sur un autre MMO. Et je compte bien continuer à apprécier à mes heures perdues l’univers de DU !
    En tout cas, je suis très motivée pour commencer cette aventure et j’ai hâte d’échanger plus en profondeur avec vous, que ce soit à propos du jeu ou juste des diverses questions et requêtes que vous pourriez avoir.
    Alors n’hésitez pas à venir discuter avec moi. Je n’aurai peut-être pas toujours LA réponse, mais je ferai tout mon possible pour vous aider du mieux que je peux. Je suis persuadée que nous avons beaucoup à apprendre mutuellement les uns des autres ☺️
    A très vite !
  4. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Naunet in A Look Ahead   
    Hello again Noveans,
    While this year may be winding down, the Dual Universe team is winding up for all the great things players can look forward to 2021.
     In this video, Creative Director J.C. Baillie highlights a number of upcoming features and improvements that will take DU to the next level, including: 
    Beautiful graphics enhancements A mission system that will create more emergent gameplay Wallets for organizations let you share (and protect) your organization’s financial assets Territory warfare to entice more gritty player-versus-player action  
    Watch now to hear more about all of this and much, much more! ❤️

  5. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from NQ-Naunet in Holiday Chat & Cheer   
    Hey Naunet!

    I think this year will be my first "digital New Year's Eve" in a long time. Will there be free fireworks in DU? Are some of NQ's going to be there to celebrate the new year?

    btw. We are currently in lockdown in Germany, but somehow it doesn't really change my life. I work as usual and play as usual xD I'm very grateful about that, in fact, not everyone is that lucky. So Christmas only involves the closest family. It's a bit of a shame, but also relaxing compared to the other years. Luckily I don't have to shop for presents on the last day because everything is closed. xD
  6. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Freaknasteh in Alioth Aerospace Expo - Be part of the largest community event in Dual Universe!   
    Hey guys! We heard you! We will postpone the Expo! We will announce the new date in the next days. 
  7. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Atmosph3rik in Has NQ just wiped my profession again?   
    We don't know such things beforehand. We are as uninformed as you are. But feel free to take your frustration on us. We will nevertheless keep working for the community, no matter what people say about us. ?
  8. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Actimist in Alioth Aerospace Expo - Still in January? Poll time   
    Heyho Noveans!
    The latest Dual Universe patch has hit many players hard. I heard that many players have left DU and many industries are no longer running as before. But I don't want a discussion about the new patch here. My concern is about the Altioh Aerospace Expo in January. We, as the host of the expo, are managing, with effort, to get the area ready in time. But do the exhibitors manage to get their ships ready?
    We currently have over one hundred registered ships and we were expecting about a thousand ships (before the update). 
    Now the question is, should we give the exhibitors more time to finish their ships? Do you want more time?
    So I ask you to participate in the poll
  9. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Heidenherz in you don't have the necessary talents to use this element???   
    Um das mal klar zu stellen und mein Senf dazuzugeben, der Patch war notwendig. Es geht hier um den Langzeitnutzen.. Der Patch kam leider nur viel zu spät. So wie das Spiel jetzt ist, so hätte es von Anfang an der Beta sein müssen. Damit sich gleich am Anfang die Spieler auf verschiedene Industrien spezialisieren.
    Die Änderungen und der Gedanke vom Patch waren gut nur das Timing war nicht so dolle ?
  10. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Mordgier in Creative mode is coming.. Seriously NQ?   
    Funny enough that was the reason the game didn't have creative mode in the first place.
    I think creative mode is a mistake and solves a problem that they created with yet another mistake.
  11. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Lethys in Creative mode is coming.. Seriously NQ?   
    Love it how NQ desperatly tries to split up the community.
    This pretty much goes against anything NQ ever said in any Podcasts, interview, devblogs and the kickstarter up until now. 
    But on the plus side: I can then finally just refund my lifetime sub if kickstarter goals aren't met 
  12. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Naunet in DRM Transition Changes   
    Hello everyone,

    We are preparing an update for next week (Monday, December 14th is our aim) that will enforce DRM protection for constructs in Dual Universe with the ultimate goal of facilitating construct trading in the game.  
    There are several possible cases though that we would like players to be aware of.
    We have currently have three types of constructs in the game:
    Constructs made before the introduction of creatorID earlier this year, which therefore have no creatorID on them because the feature did not yet exist. Constructs made from a blueprint created after the introduction of creatorID but before 0.23. These have a creatorID, but DRM were not activated on them. Constructs made from a blueprint created post-0.23 have both a creatorID and DRM protection by default (unless the creator decides to make a DRM-free blueprint).
      Type A constructs will unfortunately forever be unprotected as they do not include a trace of their original creator. Players who wish to trade them or make blueprints out of them should be aware that no DRM will be enforceable on them.
    For Type B constructs, we will forcefully activate the DRM for you with this update. This means that in certain rare cases, if you have added yourself a Control Unit or a Screen (not part of the original blueprint) to this construct, it will get DRM protected as well in the update. You will not be able to access the content of those Control Units or Screen Units after the DRM activation patch. Instead, you can either:
    Remove them and redeploy them. (You will need a copy of the content somewhere in a file elsewhere on your computer because you won’t be able to save it in-game). Contact the construct creator to ask him to unlock DRM on these specific elements.
    Type C constructs behave as expected and already benefit from DRM protection for all elements that are part of the original blueprint. New elements added to them by the owner are not DRM protected, so the owner can freely edit them; however, the update made on a Type B construct will unfortunately impact them as well, and the DRM protection will be forced upon all elements, new or old. You may have to resort to the two possible solutions explained above for Type B.

    We hope this information was useful! Thank you for reading! ?
  13. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to vertex in Macht das wirklich jemanden Spaß?   
    Naja, in den letzen 6 Monaten hatte ich über 950h Spielzeit und ich bin seit dem ersten Tag der Pre-Alpha immer wieder mit dabei.
    Mein erstes Ziel in der Pre-Alpha war es einen anderen Planeten zu erreichen und mich dort umzusehen. Videos gab es nicht auf YouTube. Ein anderes Ziel bestand später darin Fracht transportieren zu können, um mir Ressourcen zu beschaffen, die es auf dem aktuellen Planeten nicht gibt - einen ordentlichen Frachter zu bauen ist gar nicht so leicht beim ersten Mal. Irgendwann wurde dann ein Warp-Antrieb das Ziel und hat die Art zu spielen grundlegend geändert. Danach kam der AAG dran und war wieder eine Totalumstellung.
    Nichts davon hätte ich alleine auf dem Sanctuary Mond erreichen können. Heute sieht das wohl etwas anders aus, da man im schlimmsten Fall ja auch so lange Steine kloppen, bis man sich die Teile einfach kaufen kann - aber wer auch nur ein mal ein Erzvorkommen ausgebuddelt hat weiss, wie nutzlos diese Oberflächenressourcen sind.
    Langfristiges Ziel ist: Häusle baue. Davor gibt es aber noch so viel an Elementen, Scripts und Material zu erkunden, dass ich wohl noch eine Weile bei meiner "Brett mit Zeug drauf"-Industrie bleiben werde... sorry, dass das für meine Nachbarn nicht so ansprechend oder interessant ist  
    Die Frage nach dem Wieso und Wofür kann nur jeder für sich selbst beantworten. Manche würden eben diese Frage bei allen Spielen ohne Multiplayer stellen - da fällt irgendwann der Endgegner tot um oder man hat die ganze Welt erobert... und wofür? Interessiert ja niemanden und das Spiel ist vorbei als wäre nie etwas passiert. Manche suchen halt einfach nur Unterhaltung und schauen sich nen Film oder ne Serie an - andere wollen interaktive Unterhaltung und spielen lieber ein Singleplayer-Spiel - wieder andere basteln zudem gern und suchen sich eine Sandbox aus und manche davon möchten das halt mit tausenden anderen Spielern in nem MMO machen. Der Schlüssel liegt darin zu wissen wer man ist und was welches Angebot impliziert, dann ist das ganze Thema relativ einfach.
    Nachdem ich deinen Beitrag gelesen hab würd ich dir mal Horizon Zero Dawn empfehlen - das macht Spass, ist unterhaltsam, gibt einem immer das Gefühl man würde etwas erreichen und das Wofür ist auch ganz klar definiert. Ist im Prinzip eine Light-Version von Skyrim mit mehr Fokus auf ein cooles Kampfsystem und ein wenig Illusion von freier Entscheidung. Beim Tiefgang ist es verglichen mit der TES-Reihe zwar nur eine Pfütze neben dem Mariannengraben, aber dafür wird man sehr gut geführt und unterhalten und muss keinerlei eigene Ambition mitbringen. Klingt negativ, ist aber positiv gemeint - ich mag beide Spiele total gern  
    Wenn's was im Weltraum sein soll: Starpoint Gemini 3 als Repräsentant der unterhaltsamen Pfütze, oder X4 Foundations als Mariannengraben-Äquivalent. Auch hier kann man in der Pfütze planschen oder versuchen sich 10km tief unter dem Meeresspiegel in völliger Dunkelheit selbst zu orientieren. Da fragt man vor dem Kauf am besten Freunde oder schaut ein Let's Play an, dann wird es recht schnell klar zu welcher Kategorie der Titel gehört und ob er dem eigenen Gusto entspricht.
    Danke! Aber wie sinnlos ist es denn sich dann im Anschluss noch im Forum des abgewählten Titels zu registrieren, nur um anderen zu sagen, wie sinnlos man ihre Präferenzen findet? Etwas hypokritisch, find ich. Da frag ich mich allerdings auch: Wieso und wofür?  
  14. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Deintus in Alioth Aerospace Expo - Be part of the largest community event in Dual Universe!   
    Oh this is already a regular event, 2 times a year is the AAE. This should be the third or fourth AAE
  15. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Costanius in Alioth Aerospace Expo - Be part of the largest community event in Dual Universe!   
    Heyho! You can now register your ships on our website. 
  16. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Darkracer125 in This is Dual Universe   
    When you really want the community to "see", feel free to share all messages from discord...

    Here is my part of "threatening" you:

  17. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Naunet in Anybody getting Cyberpunk 2077?   
    I'm 10000% getting it. I CANNOT wait to play Cyberpunk. ?❤️
  18. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Mod-Mondlicht in Frage zum AGG (Anti Gravity Generator)   
    Hey @Anubis-1 und @vertex,
    ich habe eure Beiträge mal aus dem Sammelthread herausgelöst und einen eigenen Thread daraus erstellt, da wir hier noch kein Thema zum AGG haben und es so auch besser von anderen gefunden wird. So vermeiden wir auch im Sammelthread off Topic zu gehen  
    Sanfte Grüße
  19. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Pann in Hi, I'm NQ-Pann! AMA!   
    Hihihi! I'm thrilled to be here as the newest member of the Dual Universe Community team. ICYMI, you can read my introduction post here.
    Tell me a little about yourself. What brought you to Dual Universe? 
    Ask me anything. I'll answer what I can. 
  20. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Pann in Introduction: NQ-Pann joins Community team   
    Greetings, Noveans! I'm NQ-Pann, the latest addition to the stellar (see what I did there?) Dual Universe Community team. It is my esteemed privilege to be here, entering into my second week at Novaquark. 
    Some of you may know me from previous projects. My MMO journey began as an Ultima Online player. It wasn't long before I began writing for game sites (mostly UO Stratics) and joining the UO volunteer program. This led to my first "real" job in the industry as the original community manager for EVE Online. I've also worked on Tabula Rasa, Auto Assault, Imperium: Galactic War and, most recently, Crowfall. 
    I'm a native Texan, living in the Austin area with my husband (whom I met in UO!) and our very large, spoiled rotten cat. 
    My role here will mostly be behind-the-scenes, writing news and blogs. I'll also be the primary point of contact for content creators, so if you stream, make videos, or resources for Dual Universe, I look forward to meeting you soon. 
    Head over to my AMA thread and let's get acquainted! 
  21. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Naunet in UPDATE: Keeping the 'port' in support!   
    [Updated Nov 19, 2020 @ 3:02 PM EST]: The rules outlined below apply to teleporting both avatars and constructs. This means that, outside of the list of approved scenarios, we won't be able to fetch your ship and bring it to your location. 

    Good day fellow Noveans,
    I come bearing support-related news! More specifically, I’d like to address teleportation requests with all of you.
    For a while now, we’ve allowed players in need of a port to say the word on Discord and - voila - your wish would be granted! ✨
    That worked well for a time, but our Discord support channel is now beginning to slip under the veritable wave of port requests… and we’d like to rescue it and all those in need of a ‘lift’.
    As of November 19th, we would like everyone in need of teleport-related assistance to use the in-game chat support, or submit an official support ticket. By using the in-game chat function instead of Discord, you’re likely to receive an answer quicker because our GMs are ready and waiting for you there!

    Having said that, we’d also like to inform everyone that we will no longer grant port requests if you’re simply out of fuel, stuck in one of your own constructs, or just generally stranded. All port requests will now be investigated, verified and potentially denied if the request falls outside of approved scenarios.

    Some examples of when to ask for a port (approved scenarios):
    if you’re stuck in an Aphelia construct if you’re trapped in any other player-owned tile (unable to dig) if you’re unable to get past the loading screen upon logging in
      What to do if you’re just stuck/out of fuel/stranded: 
    Don’t forget: there are plenty of player organizations available to assist in your travels through space! Be sure to check out the organizations and services provided on Discord and our Forums. Some organizations will be happy to provide you with transportation, refueling, repairs, building help and so much more!! ?

    How to contact support:

    To access in-game chat support, simply click the “support” tab in-game, as depicted below.

    From here, it’s as easy as typing up your request, starting the message with "@NQ" and sending it off!
    To submit an official support ticket, please click HERE. ?

    Then, select the hyperlinked text that says “submit a request” in the top-right corner of the page. Once you see the screen featured below, select the appropriate category for your issue and go to town!

    (Quick note for those submitting crash reports: PLEASE do not forget to include a crash log and/or XML logs with your ticket!!)

    And there you have it! Let’s all do our part to keep the Discord server free and clear of port requests so that players with big ol’ bugs and other issues to report can receive the visibility they deserve.


    PS - I want to give a special shout-out to all of our support staff for everything they do!! Thank you, all!!
  22. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Zamiel7 in Alioth Aerospace Expo - Be part of the largest community event in Dual Universe!   
    The Alioth Aerospace Expo is a Community event where all the manufacturing organizations come together to show off their latest designs. We have events and contests at these Expos as well. For now attendance is free and we rotate which Organization hosts the Expo.
    This time Hyperion has the pleasure of hosting the Expo. We are looking forward to present you the biggest event in the beta.
    ► When:
    Spring 2021
    ► Why should I attend?
    The Expo aims to become a central hub of the shipbuilding scene. It is an opportunity for both industry giants and innovative startups to attract new civilian and military customers, by showcasing their talent to the wider player base. More than 600 constructs were already participating at the last Expo! 
    ► Want to show off your ships?
    Players and Organizations can register for exhibition spaces, one construct per area. There will be 9 areas in total.
    There will be three phases/ways to register your ships for exhibition.Choose the way you prefer. We recommend our Website.
    Phase 1: Pre-Registration on the Hyperion website starting 23rd November
    Phase 2: Registration via a Google Form starting 14th Dezember
    Phase 1 and 2 are live now! Feel free to use our website to register your ships. For boring people we have this google form.
    Phase 3: During the event, free space can be arranged via Discord. For each area there is one responsible person who takes care of it.

    ► What are the areas? What kind of ships can be exhibited there?
    1. Military Ships - all ships that are designed for PvP
    2. Freighter - any vessel designed for the transport of goods
    3. Shuttle - all ships designed for the transport of persons
    4. Replica - replicas of constructs from the real or a fictional world
    5. Scripting - all dynamic constructs related to Lua
    6. Starter & Scouts - all ships that can operate as scouts or are especially suitable for beginners
    7. Racing - all ships designed for racing
    8. Luxury Ships - The most glamorous ships with the only purpose to sparkle and shine
    9. Organizations - Extra exhibition space for organizations with a greater amount of ships

    Further details about the Expo and the events taking place will be posted here

    We welcome any support you like to contribute to the project
    Contributions for the Expo can be made here: ::pos{0,2,16.7544,112.0115,42.2058} Please claim your items
  23. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Naunet in Forum Overhaul!   
    Super valid! For now, your best bets regarding consistent game updates are:
    The community newsletter! Discord's #announcements & #release-notes channels (which I know you're already part of - this is mostly for anybody else reading that may not know... ) This thread, frequently updated by NQ-Nomad whenever something new pops up! Last but not least, this roadmap:
    Having said that, I do want to let you know that both the community and marketing team are assembling this week to talk about communication. Stay tuned - perhaps we'll be able to provide you with updates that better suit your needs.  
    We're really glad to hear that the last Reddit AMA was useful to you!

    1. What specifically did you like about the Reddit AMA format compared to our other social channels?
    2. Were there any key team members missing, in your opinion?
    3. That leads me to: who would you most like to hear from next? ❤️ 

    This is a biggie, we agree. For this, I think you'll just have to keep your eyes peeled - as I get ramped up in each of DU's community spaces, I invite you to watch closely and make sure I'm interacting the way you and your fellow players need and deserve!

    (I will add that, occasionally, we may not be able to delve into as much detail as our players desire... but that definitely doesn't mean we don't value transparency as an organization. Managing expectations is critical to the heath and happiness of everyone involved in DU - from the NQ devs to all of you.)  
    I think I've got an advantage here, as both a new staffer and player. I'm hoping to bring fresh eyes and a different perspective to the things we surface as a community! Put simply: I'm ready and willing to do the digging it takes to showcase lesser known orgs and celebrate some real diversity within the game. Thank you so much for your feedback on this idea! Your suggestions to combat "same-old-syndrome" are excellent. 
  24. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Naunet in Forum Overhaul!   
    Greetings Noveans,

    This is your newest Community Manager, NQ-Naunet, reporting for duty! ?

    It’s no secret to all of you that Dual Universe has undergone some changes in recent months; the launch of Beta, an increase in fan-made content appearing across our social channels (bye, bye NDA), and new NQ staff members popping up all over the community... just to name a few! Exciting things are on the horizon for all of us, and we couldn’t be happier about it.
    The first big mission I propose we tackle together, should you choose to accept it, involves this space right here - the forums. In the interest of keeping things tidier, more useful and fun for everyone, we’ve been thinking about giving this place a bit of a makeover.
    If that piques your interest, read on to see what we’ve got planned so far. We propose:
    Cleaning up some older, less relevant pinned posts and limiting future pinned posts to ~5 per topic. Archiving older, pre-Beta material. Creating a dedicated Beta category! Adding an “Innovation Station” space for creators to show off what they’ve been building in-game. Changing the look and feel of the forums with a brand new theme. Implementing an “Organization of the Month” series to highlight some of the amazing things all of you are getting up to together.
    What we’d like from you is your feedback, as it’s important to us that this place continues to be made for you, by you. Please let us know:
    Which topics/threads you feel should be preserved! (Tutorials, lore, etc.) What sorts of categories you might like to see! Any theme/styling suggestions you may have. Anything else you think we should know about the forums/our proposal.
      I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and getting to know all of you a little better. Together, I think we can whip this place into the best shape it’s ever been in! ?

    ~ NQ Naunet, over and out.
  25. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Ater Omen in Alioth Aerospace Expo - Be part of the largest community event in Dual Universe!   
    The Alioth Aerospace Expo is a Community event where all the manufacturing organizations come together to show off their latest designs. We have events and contests at these Expos as well. For now attendance is free and we rotate which Organization hosts the Expo.
    This time Hyperion has the pleasure of hosting the Expo. We are looking forward to present you the biggest event in the beta.
    ► When:
    Spring 2021
    ► Why should I attend?
    The Expo aims to become a central hub of the shipbuilding scene. It is an opportunity for both industry giants and innovative startups to attract new civilian and military customers, by showcasing their talent to the wider player base. More than 600 constructs were already participating at the last Expo! 
    ► Want to show off your ships?
    Players and Organizations can register for exhibition spaces, one construct per area. There will be 9 areas in total.
    There will be three phases/ways to register your ships for exhibition.Choose the way you prefer. We recommend our Website.
    Phase 1: Pre-Registration on the Hyperion website starting 23rd November
    Phase 2: Registration via a Google Form starting 14th Dezember
    Phase 1 and 2 are live now! Feel free to use our website to register your ships. For boring people we have this google form.
    Phase 3: During the event, free space can be arranged via Discord. For each area there is one responsible person who takes care of it.

    ► What are the areas? What kind of ships can be exhibited there?
    1. Military Ships - all ships that are designed for PvP
    2. Freighter - any vessel designed for the transport of goods
    3. Shuttle - all ships designed for the transport of persons
    4. Replica - replicas of constructs from the real or a fictional world
    5. Scripting - all dynamic constructs related to Lua
    6. Starter & Scouts - all ships that can operate as scouts or are especially suitable for beginners
    7. Racing - all ships designed for racing
    8. Luxury Ships - The most glamorous ships with the only purpose to sparkle and shine
    9. Organizations - Extra exhibition space for organizations with a greater amount of ships

    Further details about the Expo and the events taking place will be posted here

    We welcome any support you like to contribute to the project
    Contributions for the Expo can be made here: ::pos{0,2,16.7544,112.0115,42.2058} Please claim your items
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