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  1. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Dakanmer in DEVBLOG: A MARKET IN SPACE - discussion thread   
    There is no market but market 6. 
    Centralize planet markets into a single hub already.... All Alioth markets = Alioth Market. All Madis markets = Madis market, etc.
    No point to all these different markets when players will just group to one.....that is not a space market.
  2. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from GraXXoR in The game released in 2020. Why wipe?   
    This picture sums up why they are thinking about it:

  3. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Doombad in Adress to NQ   
    Real players do not agree with wipe. Do not conclude such nonsense.
  4. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Zireaa in The game released in 2020. Why wipe?   
    This picture sums up why they are thinking about it:

  5. Like
    Thunderblaze reacted to CyberDay in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I'm fairly sure if you took the time with a lawyer to go over the EULA and ToS it would be likely unenforceable, like almost 99% of them, something or the other makes them unenforceable. They would also need to show exactly where and when you agreed to it specifically. Another fun one is also the comments made by NQ reps in the announcements/threads/videos going into it. Saying the words ""Whatever you do after beta starts is going to stay in one way or another... You will get what we call for the moment 'magic blueprints'... blueprints with everything included in it so you will be able to respawn the things as soon as we restart the server. So we don't like to call it 'wipe'... The key thing is the beta is really the start... You can start to invest yourself in the game. We guarantee that you're not going to be losing everything at some point... the universe is blank again, and you have to start from scratch."
    IS some guarantee of investment time and money(IRL) wise.
  6. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from RugesV in DEVBLOG: SYSTEM MAP - discussion thread   
    Can you guys post about wipe or no wipe instead of other dev blogs?
    Honestly, the player base doesn't care until we know if it is worth playing or not....
  7. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Doombad in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    This is what they are struggling with:

  8. Like
    Thunderblaze reacted to ABitCrazy in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I think NQ should quickly sort this out , GO or NO GO... announce asap.  Everyday I login to the game and ask my self, maybe things I am doing just being wiped..  Should I continue building my new base after relocation?  should I just sell everything ? .. damn make it quick NQ
  9. Like
    Thunderblaze reacted to DylanHunt in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Pardon, but I have the answer about the wipe already.
    For sure, there will be a 100% Full Wipe. No blueprints at all, no talent points.

    Why ? Because NQ did it always. First they announced a partial reset, and said what they wanted to keep. Then a few days before reset they said : "Well, we made a new decision, probably it will be best to not let players, who spent month in scanning territories, keep their scan reports."

    So somehow NQ is SOOOOOOOOO much scared of being unfair to, not even knowing new player yet, that they rather hurt the player which  they know very close and get money from. Player who spend time, money, creativity and passion in it.
    Sometimes player in here say it is no content in the game. Sorry, but then you need to play a story driven game rather than a "player creativity content creation" game if you don't get it, there will be no one, taking your hand and leading you to a map with thousends of quests all over the map. 

    And WE MADE CONTENT already. It took countless hours every day. Content in terms of nice ships, elevators, bases, cities, infrastructure and amazing scripts of real geniuses.

    So my beloved NQ team, do you think most of us can repeat that after a wipe ?
    Put same energy and lifetime into it ?
    And now, please read carefully :
    "NQ" and the word "persist" does somehow not fit together anymore. 
    How can we start over again and put again years in the game, to create something we can keep as long as WE want to keep it (because we pay money to NQ) and not how long NQ "allows" us to keep it ? 
    It is 100% your game, and you proved it a few times already to the community.
    And please do NOT start promising : "this will be the last wipe in the game"
    Me as a comedian, I know how hard it is to find a punchline like this !

    What are your thoughts after the wipe ?
    Most player will start again from scratch PLUS thousands of new player because the player news in social media channels are that great ? 

    Not sure how this can be happening.
    I think it could really be the last wipe. Simply because there will be no player anymore to recognize your next wipe after this one.

    Please also think about your code and backend technic!
    Why on earth...erm......Alioth, do you need so much resets and wipes always before you are going to do a "big" change ?
    What about a big change in, let's say, 5 years ? Will you do a wipe then ? (don't smile, say "no", and believe yourself now !)
    Do you think there will be always 450k NEW player after a wipe ?

    Consider EVE or other games have to act like this ?
    To let people pay constantly in beta AND doing resets and wipes isn’t the best idea, huh ?

    But for sure also after this, you are going to do a full wipe !
    By the way, I always supported you in our community if someone said : "uhh, they changed color of some voxels" "uhh, they made a change here, i dont like" and so on. I always said: "You try different ways to play the game, so let NQ also try different ways to put game mechanic in."

    But i truly never thought you would announce a wipe !

    Many of us (if not all) would have not put so much energy in building bases (also underground bases dug up) which took years. And now since a few of us dug up their 24 L core underground base because of your surface reset and your tool only could dig out squares and this could not give back the shape the base had before. So after this week's and month of work again, to restore the look of such building you tell us: "There will be a wipe" ? Wow ! Your Balls having the size of Jago and Teoma !

    You always told us, this is a fantastic persist world. That's why a lot of player took this serious and creates amazing things because we have known (because we did trust you) IT WILL BE PERSIST.

    And now you say: "LOL, no, i´ts not"
    Me personal, I stopped playing the game at all because I have following projects in DU right now:

    - copy/paste my 24 L core space station to a new place because I moved base and I love the caterpillar elevators and want to use them in the future.
    - calculating a few ships where we want to sell in future
    - calculating mining outposts, also for selling.

    - building base and infrastructure
    The Reason I stopped playing is: How much sense does it make, to work on my projects, if I don't know your decision ?
    So by the way, how long will that take in your mind, until we worth it, to hear your decision  ?
    Last thing: How could a full wipe work to be fair for everybody ?

    me, i did a lot of digging ores and then build a factory and got my quanta on this way = after a wipe, gone = very long time to have that many quanta and luxury items again after wipe .
    Others were creating amazing ships with very nice designs = also gone and also long time to get it back to this level
    And what about our amazing LUA scripting geniuses ? 
    First minute in game after wipe = copy/paste all scripts from *.txt files back into game.
    So scripter have a 100% backup of all work AND have a "ready to sell" product in about 60 seconds after first login after wipe.

    We "builder" do not have such a backup or a "ready to sell" product.

    So talking about "fair to all" ? How does this fit into your world ?

    Make your decision good, but make it SOON.
    Meetings every day, and no vacation until decision.
    This is just a splinter, you owe us!
    You already have stolen us enough real life time.

    But I know that you probably not wanted to hurt anyone of us.

    So I wish you a great day and a good progress to your decision.
    Dylan Hunt
    (always for a good commonwealth)

  10. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from CoyoteNZ in DEVBLOG: SYSTEM MAP - discussion thread   
    Does this show the hidden planet?
  11. Like
    Thunderblaze reacted to Doombad in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Keep posting this daily please.
  12. Like
    Thunderblaze reacted to Pyrrhus in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Absolutely NO wipe!!
    First, the talent points - not only did we pay for them through monthly subscriptions, but more importantly OUR TIME!! We earned them, and in no way would it be fair to wipe them "for new player experience", what about existing player experience? Do you care so little for the players that have helped you fund and develop this game from the very beginning, that you would abandon our contributions of time and money, as well as all the bugs and exploits and loopholes and cheats we have identified for you over the Alpha & Beta phases?
    Second, our constructs don't take away from new players experience. How does my space station or ship take away from a new players game? How? I have a ship, you don't - uh....big deal. Even if you wipe, with our experience we will be making new ships and stations quickly anyway, so you aren't doing anything for the new players you are merely punishing existing p;layers.
    Schematics - I never liked them, but they are here now - BILLIONS invested in schematics for my factory......the time it took to hunt megas, mine them, process them, and EARN that quanta through something that you should both acknowledge and respect - MY TIME. I could have been playing Star Citizen or any of a hundred other space games out there.....but I gave you my time and my money. For you to STEAL what I have earned through that time is not only unethical - I imagine (and hope if you do) it will be disastrous to your game as well. How can anyone trust NQ if this is how you treat your players. 
    Because this post you made points out one thing - you value the prospect of new players, which don't yet exist - over your current players who are here, active, and paying NOW. You addressed the issue of people who have unsubscribed or don't play anymore by letting us deconstruct their constructs. You make us pay land taxes. There needs to be an already set up economy and structures for new players to really enjoy the game, as well as to see what they can do. The super factories is what inspired me to make my super factory. The giant cities are what inspired me to make my buildings, the existing architecture of other players INSPIRES new players. Other players ships inspired me to build mine. New players NEED to see what we have figured out, they need to be inspired. Blank worlds starting from scratch will just be boring for them.
    And finally - you TOLD us there wouldn't be a wipe. Are you liars? Yes, there are super rich people and orgs in the game - but they don't detract from the new player experience as much as you apparently think they do. They are going to be a part of the game no matter what you do. And if this game is what it advertises - player generated cities, organizations like nations, there will be the rich and powerful and there will be the small loners - but guess what - we LIKE it that way. Don't let the envy of non-existent players rob the time and money of the actually existing players.
    Read general chat. If you wipe, you will lose about 80% of your players that chat at least. It is the most feared and most unpopular decision of the game currently. And not everyone posts here in the forums - so read the daily discussion about the prospect of a wipe - WE HATES IT!!! 
    I love this game - I don't want to play another. But if you wipe, take away my earned quanta, take away my earned talents, take away the constructs I have bought from other players that I can't make blueprints of (did you think about that!?!?) and take away my constructs and elements I have spend thousands of hours earning or building - you lose all of my accounts. I will quit. And you may lose more current players than you will gain these "new players" you seem to care more about. But when they see that they cannot trust NQ either, when they see how you treat your player base, don't count on them rushing in to buy your game. Trust me, this community will not go quietly into the night.
  13. Like
    Thunderblaze reacted to Megabosslord in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    (1:30) the reason for a wipe would be "(there is) something that we need to fix and there is no other but to wipe to fix it. I don't see anything like that coming... it's something that would happen if we really had no choice..."
    (4:45) "we're going to do everything we can so that we don't have to go through a wipe again"
    (58:26) "there would be a gold rush to get back to whatever you wanted. That's actually not a good idea. We decided that we would rather not do that. There has already been a lot of investment made by a lot of people to terraform very very substantial parts of the planets... It would be a very bad thing to say 'sorry guys, restart from scratch.'" And that was just on a terrain wipe.
    (15:53) "Everything you build is forever"
    (31:58) "Whatever you do after beta starts is going to stay in one way or another... You will get what we call for the moment 'magic blueprints'... blueprints with everything included in it so you will be able to respawn the things as soon as we restart the server. So we don't like to call it 'wipe'... The key thing is the beta is really the start... You can start to invest yourself in the game. We guarantee that you're not going to be losing everything at some point... the universe is blank again, and you have to start from scratch."
  14. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from apollo0510 in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Wipe and most of our org will go to play other games and tell people to stay far away versus recruiting people to "launch"
  15. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Doombad in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    How long do you fools think the no schematics piece will last?
    It's a carrot before they beat you with the stick. People will build mega factories too fast, and they will re-introduce them, and you will all quit or drink the kool-aid some more.
  16. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from DarkEvader in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    How long do you fools think the no schematics piece will last?
    It's a carrot before they beat you with the stick. People will build mega factories too fast, and they will re-introduce them, and you will all quit or drink the kool-aid some more.
  17. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from BlindingBright in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Wipe and most of our org will go to play other games and tell people to stay far away versus recruiting people to "launch"
  18. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Doombad in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Wipe and most of our org will go to play other games and tell people to stay far away versus recruiting people to "launch"
  19. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Novidian in NQ: Time to answer the question - Will there be a wipe?   
    Wipe or no wipe doesn't even matter: we should have an answer either way without being teased and told to wait for weeks.
  20. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from merihimRefin in NQ: Time to answer the question - Will there be a wipe?   
    I would absolutely buy a sub for my three accounts if there is no wipe.
  21. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Bazzy_505 in NQ: Time to answer the question - Will there be a wipe?   
    Listen to the man.
  22. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from Bazzy_505 in Market Inventory & Splitting Stacks   
    Can we please have the ability to split stacks in market inventory? Currently, players must buy ore in 500k chunks if they want to pack it up for mission creation purposes since thats about how much fits in an expanded parcel container XL -- and unfortunately, those can not be container hubbed together currently. 
    Having the ability to split stacks would allow players to place large buy orders up and split up into mission packages from market inventory as needed. This would help make the most out of missions, and provide a quality of life improvement. 
    Thank you!
  23. Like
    Thunderblaze reacted to Wolfram in NQ: Time to answer the question - Will there be a wipe?   
    Wiping or not, I really want an answer from NQ. The way they keep going around the answer and pushing it forward is really giving a bad taste, similar to when scam games start "disappearing".
    At least for me, if they go for wiping I really will pause my subscription until post wipe, as I don't see any point in investing time and money into something that's just going to disappear.
    Sure, many other players *will* do the same, since there isn't really a point in investing when you know a wipe is happening, but if NQ keeps pushing it like that, by hiding information, I *really* hope they are prepared, because the backlash will be monumental and will be another stain on NQ's public image and public relations, similar to the whole Market 15 story.
  24. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from BlindingBright in NQ: Time to answer the question - Will there be a wipe?   
    NQ, with release effectively on the road map, now is the time to let us know if there is going to be a wipe. This will help the player base know if the game is worth continuing to play in the interim and prevent any further wasting of time and mass building for content that would just be wiped.
    Please let us know if you will hold true to JC's words of there won't be a wipe.
    Thank you.
  25. Like
    Thunderblaze got a reaction from i2eilly in NQ: Time to answer the question - Will there be a wipe?   
    NQ, with release effectively on the road map, now is the time to let us know if there is going to be a wipe. This will help the player base know if the game is worth continuing to play in the interim and prevent any further wasting of time and mass building for content that would just be wiped.
    Please let us know if you will hold true to JC's words of there won't be a wipe.
    Thank you.
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