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  1. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Neytri in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  2. Like
    NQ-Naerais reacted to HomerGAdams in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - P1/3 Deutsch - Google übersetzt   
    MITTWOCH, 14. APRIL 2021 UM 00:00
    Wie letzte Woche versprochen, möchten wir Ihnen einen Einblick in die Änderungen, Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen geben, die wir für Dual Universe auf Lager haben.
    Wir haben seit Beginn unserer Beta vor sieben Monaten viele Lektionen gelernt. Der Übergang von einem auf Unterstützer ausgerichteten Alpha-Spiel unter NDA zu einer öffentlichen, offenen Beta mit vielen neuen Spielern gab uns viele Einblicke in verschiedene Bereiche: Prozesse, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Gameplay. In diesem Blog konzentrieren wir uns auf Prozesse, wobei die beiden letzteren die Themen nachfolgender Blogs sind.
    Bei Novaquark sind wir immer noch ein ziemlich kleines Team. Angesichts des Ehrgeizes und der Komplexität dieses Spiels kann es eine ziemliche Herausforderung sein, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen, wie wir unsere Ressourcen optimal nutzen können. Bisher haben wir uns auf die Behebung, Stabilisierung, den Ausgleich, die Skalierung und die Verbesserung unserer Server- und Datenbankinfrastruktur sowie auf die Brandbekämpfung bei Bedarf konzentriert, damit das Spiel besser funktioniert.
    Um nicht zu sagen, dass dies alles hinter uns liegt; Es wird niemals so sein (so wie es bei MMOs der Fall ist), und wir wissen, dass einige Fehler und Exploits noch behoben werden müssen - dies ist schließlich eine Beta. Dennoch haben wir Anfang dieses Jahres eine Pause eingelegt, um über die nächste Entwicklungsphase von DU nachzudenken, um den Kurs des ursprünglichen Plans beizubehalten oder um uns an die Entwicklung seit Beginn der Beta anzupassen. Nachdem wir uns alles, was wir aus der Beta gelernt haben, genau angesehen haben, haben wir uns entschieden, wo wir uns als nächstes konzentrieren müssen, basierend auf dem, was wir für das Dual Universe und seine Community für am besten halten.
    Die Aufrechterhaltung eines Live-Spiels, während wir es weiterentwickeln, war ein ziemlicher Sprung aus unserer streng kontrollierten Alpha-Umgebung. So sehr wir uns darauf vorbereitet haben, war es ein ganz schönes Biest, es tatsächlich zu tun. Dies ist wahrscheinlich einer der Bereiche, in denen der Reality-Check für uns am brutalsten war. Die Welt des dualen Universums ist hartnäckig und jedes Mal, wenn wir etwas einführen, wirkt es sich auf den Spieler und das empfindliche Gleichgewicht seiner Wirtschaft aus. Es gibt kein Sicherheitsnetz und das Feedback der Spieler kam oft, wenn sich Fehler oder Ausgleichsprobleme bereits auf das gemeinsame Universum des Spiels ausgewirkt hatten.
    Beginnen wir damit, wie wir unsere Prozesse und die Qualitätskontrolle verbessern wollen, da dies ein Bereich ist, in dem etwas Falsches einen großen Einfluss auf die Spieler haben kann. Wir haben drei Ziele in diesem Bereich:
    Früher im Prozess Feedback von Spielern sammeln, damit deren Auswirkungen auf das beständige Universum richtig gemessen werden, wenn neue Funktionen und Änderungen in das Spiel eingeführt werden.
    Verfolgung eines flexibleren und kollaborativeren Entwicklungsansatzes, der es uns ermöglicht, das Feedback der Spieler zu berücksichtigen und Pläne zu ändern, wenn wir dazu in der Lage sind.
    Verbessern der insgesamten Qualität unserer Releases, was weniger Fehler und Exploits und weniger Hotfixing bedeutet.
    Wenn es darum geht, früher Feedback von Spielern zu erhalten, prüfen wir einige Optionen, wie wir zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt Feedback zu Spieldesign-Ideen von Spielern erhalten können, bevor diese tatsächlich in die Produktionspipeline eingetreten sind. Wir sehen bereits seit dem Start des öffentlichen Testservers (PTS) signifikante Verbesserungen in diesem Bereich, mit denen wir potenzielle neue Funktionen, Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen in einer nicht persistenten Umgebung testen können, in der dies keinen Einfluss auf den Fortschritt der Spieler hat Live Server. Wenn genügend Spieler Funktionen auf dem PTS testen, können wir verhindern, dass Fehler und Ausgleichsprobleme in das beständige Universum gelangen.
    Als wir zuerst 0,24 auf dem PTS bereitstellten, gaben uns die Spieler wertvolles Feedback, um verschiedene Probleme zu identifizieren, die wir beheben konnten, bevor sie den Produktionsserver erreichten. Obwohl unser PTS-to-Production-Prozess noch nicht perfekt ist, arbeiten wir immer noch daran, ihn zu verbessern, und denken, dass er mit jeder Iteration deutlich besser wird. In Zukunft werden wir den Einsatz des PTS auf das Testen von Prototypen von Funktionen außerhalb regulärer Releases ausweiten, damit alle Spieler ihr Feedback so früh wie möglich im Entwicklungsprozess geben können.
    Eine weitere wichtige Verbesserung unserer Prozesse, die wir ansprechen, ist die Flexibilität. Auf dem Weg zur Beta hatten wir eine ziemlich starre Roadmap, die von der Notwendigkeit diktiert wurde, den Grundstein für alle Gameplay-Säulen für die Beta zu legen und unsere Versprechen an unsere Unterstützer zu erfüllen. Obwohl sich der Gesamtplan und die langfristigen Ziele für DU nicht geändert haben, müssen wir uns auf dem Weg dorthin an das Feedback der Spieler anpassen können, wann immer dies möglich ist. Wenn wir uns beispielsweise für eine umfassende Überarbeitung unserer Bergbaumechanik entscheiden, benötigen wir die Flexibilität, so oft wie nötig zu iterieren, bis wir die richtige Formel gefunden haben, bevor wir zu etwas anderem übergehen.
    Obwohl sie für Spieler möglicherweise nicht sichtbar sind, passieren intern viele andere Dinge, die bereits bewiesen haben, dass sie unsere Veröffentlichungen verbessern. In erster Linie wird unser interner Release-Prozess überarbeitet, basierend auf den Erkenntnissen aus unseren früheren Starts. Wir haben mehr Zeit für die Qualitätssicherung eingeplant als früher, und wir werden eine Veröffentlichung verschieben, wenn wir der Meinung sind, dass sie nicht fertig ist (wie beim Update 0.24). Diese neuen Prozesse werden noch verfeinert, aber wir sehen bereits Verbesserungen .
    Wir halten an unserem Versprechen fest, das bestmögliche Spiel zu liefern. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass die Änderungen, die wir jetzt an unseren Prozessen vornehmen, ein großer Schritt sind, um dies zu einem erreichbaren Ziel zu machen.
    Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Gedanken in diesem Diskussionsthread in den Foren:
  3. Like
    NQ-Naerais reacted to HomerGAdams in DEVBLOG: LIVE SUPPORT INITIATIVE Deutsch - Google übersetzt   
    SONNTAG, 4. APRIL 2021 UM 00:00
    In den letzten Monaten haben wir mit den Support- und Community-Teams zusammengearbeitet, um die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse unserer Spieler besser zu identifizieren. Diese Ergebnisse haben die Initiative ausgelöst, ein Live-Support-System zu implementieren, um einige der häufigsten Probleme in Spitzenzeiten zu beheben und dringende Tickets außerhalb der Bürozeiten zu beheben. Darüber hinaus fügen wir einige Selbsthilfetools hinzu, mit denen Sie einige der häufigsten Probleme lösen können, ohne sich an den Support wenden zu müssen.
    Die unten beschriebenen Änderungen sind im heutigen Update enthalten.
    Wir machen es den Spielern leichter, sich in Zeiten der Not selbst zu helfen. Dies geschieht in Form der folgenden drei Funktionen, mit denen viele von Ihnen bereits vertraut sind.
    Um den Chat im Spiel besser zu organisieren und zu filtern, implementieren wir die folgenden Kanäle:
    Allgemein - Standardmäßig verbunden und kann nicht verlassen werden.
    Hilfe - Standardmäßig verbunden und kann verlassen werden.
    Handel - Kann verbunden und verlassen werden.
    Sie können mit diesen Kanälen interagieren, indem Sie die folgenden Befehle im Textfenster verwenden:
    / join - Um einem Kanal wie Trade beizutreten, d. h. "/ join Trade".
    / help - Listet alle verfügbaren Befehle auf.
    Um einen Kanal zu verlassen, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Registerkarte Kanal.
    Wir wissen, dass globale Kanäle von unserer Community stark nachgefragt wurden, und wir sind dankbar für dieses Feedback und die Möglichkeit, sie umsetzen zu lassen. Bitte geben Sie weiterhin Feedback zu unserem Chat-System in unseren Foren.
    Wenn Sie ein dynamisches Konstrukt haben, das nicht mehr funktioniert, können Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Konstrukt in Ihrer Kartenansicht klicken und auf Abrufen klicken. Dadurch wird das Konstrukt zu Ihnen teleportiert, sodass Sie es normal erreichen und damit interagieren können.
    Wir hatten gehofft, dies überflüssig machen zu können; Wir haben jedoch gesehen, dass es immer noch einen Bedarf dafür gibt. Wir hoffen, diese Funktion für die gesamte Beta-Dauer verfügbar zu lassen, zunächst mit folgenden Parametern:
    Spieler können nur einmal pro 24 Stunden abrufen.
    Die maximale Reichweite wurde auf 4.000 Meter begrenzt.
    Die Spieler müssen auf der Oberfläche eines Planeten / Mondes stehen.
    Wenn Sie gefangen sind und Ihr aktuelles Spiel nicht fortsetzen können, können Sie jetzt im Chat / Unstuck im Chat verwenden, um sich in eine zufällige Richtung zu befreien. Diese Funktion weist die folgenden Einschränkungen auf:
    Sie können diesen Befehl einmal alle fünf Minuten verwenden.
    Dies teleportiert Sie bis zu 100 Meter in eine zufällige Richtung.
    Teleports können Spieler nicht in die Bauzone eines Konstrukts bewegen.
    Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Funktionen "Abrufen" und "Nicht festgefahren" nur zum Freigeben festsitzender Konstrukte und Avatare verwendet werden sollen. Jede Verwendung außerhalb dieses Bereichs kann als Exploit betrachtet und entsprechend geahndet werden. Das Team wird das Verhalten und die Ergebnisse dieser Funktionen kontinuierlich überwachen und bei Bedarf optimieren, um sicherzustellen, dass die Spieler diese Systeme nicht missbrauchen, um bedürftigen Spielern zu helfen.
    Es ist wichtig zu betonen, dass der Zweck des Live-Supports nicht darin besteht, alle Fragen zum Spielwissen und Unterstützungsszenarien abzudecken, zumindest nicht in dieser ersten Inkarnation. Wir haben festgestellt, dass viele unserer Community-Mitglieder gerne anderen Spielern helfen und sie unterrichten. Wir empfehlen allen dringend, sich unseren Foren anzuschließen, in denen Spieler und Organisationen sich gegenseitig weitere Anleitungen und Dienste anbieten können.
    Abgesehen davon überwachen unsere Support-Mitarbeiter den Hilfekanal im Spiel auf Probleme, die für eine Unterstützung in Frage kommen, um Ratschläge zu Wissensressourcen zu geben oder um zu empfehlen, wann Spieler ein Support-Ticket einreichen sollten.
    Hier ist ein Beispiel für die Unterstützung, die wir anbieten können:
    Unterstützung beim Tutorial.
    Befreien von festeckenden Charakteren (if / unstuck funktioniert nicht).
    Konstrukte von unterhalb der Oberfläche anheben (falls holen nicht funktioniert hat).
    Schiffe holen, die am Himmel über einem Planeten stecken (wenn holen nicht funktioniert hat).
    Verbuggte Elemente auffrischen.
    Sollten Sie auf eines dieser Probleme stoßen, senden Sie uns eine Nachricht mit einer Beschreibung Ihres Problems über @GM im Hilfekanal. Bitte erlauben Sie mindestens 10 Minuten für eine Antwort. Danach können Sie stattdessen ein Support-Ticket einreichen. Mit der Implementierung des Live-Supports erwarten wir eine deutliche Verbesserung der Reaktionszeit für dringende Anfragen.
    Wir sind sehr daran interessiert, Ihr Feedback und Ihre Gedanken zu diesen Änderungen zu hören. Bitte nehmen Sie hier an der Diskussion teil:
  4. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from TildaW4 in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  5. Like
    NQ-Naerais reacted to Megaddd in Market pollution   
  6. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Zeddrick in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  7. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from blundertwink in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  8. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from ManfredSideous in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  9. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from CptLoRes in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  10. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Clipper in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  11. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Maracuja in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  12. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from FuriousPuppy in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  13. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from slowdroid in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  14. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from GEEKsogen in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  15. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from _DNeo_ in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  16. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Muhadmananda in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  17. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Shaman in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  18. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from admsve in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  19. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from D4nkkn1ght in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  20. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from WooTiPanTz in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  21. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Dr Rhubarb in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  22. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Bad3gg in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  23. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Palis Airuta in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  24. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from Atomi7 in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
  25. Like
    NQ-Naerais got a reaction from BlackFalcon375 in Market Clean Up - Today!   
    Despite our recent efforts to expand and clear out Market 6, we are still getting reports about performance and clutter. We want to assure our players that we understand your frustration and are still working to find better permanent solutions. 
    Meanwhile, we will be addressing clutter across Alioth this weekend. Our plan is as follows:
    Dynamic constructs that have not had direct interaction with their owner over a set duration (currently 30 days*) will be hidden.  Constructs at the market that violate our rules,  Code of Conduct and EULA will be removed.
    If your construct is hidden, you can unhide (recover) it by using the Fetch tool. To do this, right-click on it in the Construct list on your Map screen. Any constructs that you own, whether visible or hidden, will appear on this list.
    Fetch functionality now works for organization-owned constructs as well. For hidden constructs that belong to your organization, your legates can retrieve them via that same functionality. 
    Our customer support team is at the ready if you still need assistance recovering your constructs. Simply ping our Live Support staff in the in-game help chat with “@GM” or file a ticket on our support page and we will dispatch help right away!
    Please note that this is intended only as a temporary measure to aid performance and improve your experience when visiting these areas. 
    We look forward to seeing the results from these changes over the weekend.
    May your frames be plenty.
    *Duration may change based on our findings 
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