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Underhand Aerial

Alpha Team Vanguard
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  1. Like
    Underhand Aerial got a reaction from Ghoster in Upgrade Silver Founder   
    No rewards? You're getting Alpha and Beta access for free! isn't that enough?

    I understand that you are frustrated cuz the missing upgrade function (I want that DU-T-Shirt xD). But the upgrade function will be added later - just wait a bit longer
  2. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Rptr04 in Upgrade Silver Founder   
    @Mod-Merwyn Thanks for that link. I heard some news recently that drew back to check this place out. I noticed the crowdfunding webpage changed a lot and didn't know how my silver founder package played into things. Good to know that the devs are giving us more for backing early! Also glad to see Dual Universe blew up in popularity and funding! Badass.
  3. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Kurock in Alpha Roadmap AMA Questions   
    For some, the biggest disappointment about the roadmap announcement was the NDA being extended to cover all the Alphas. While it is clear that it was a difficult decision to make, could you elaborate on the reasons for extending the NDA? Could you elaborate on the galaxy that will be available in beta? How many star systems will players have access to? Will there be faster modes of travel, such as warp engines, so that players can get there? Will the star maps be implemented by this time? Will we see volumetric clouds (such as those shown in that first E3 video)? If so, will it be before release? Is there any progress on rotating planets? Are these still in the works? Where can community member send their user generated content, such as videos and screenshots? Are there any guidelines which may make it more likely for their content to be accepted and used as advertising for Dual Universe?
  4. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Xsolla Capital Joined the Party!   
    Hi there,
    To clarify things, here's an official statement from Novaquark:
    - Xsolla Capital has not invested in Dual Universe so far.
    - Xsolla is just the current payment partner of Novaquark, handling financial transactions related to pledges. Nothing more, nothing less.
    In addition, here are some facts:
    - Lockethot made a statement without linking to clear, unambiguous sources.
    - Even the links he refers to do not prove anything (for example, https://xsollacapital.com/ proves that Xsolla Capital has invested in "Life is Feudal", not "Dual Universe").
    - Just to give the whole context: it might be a coincidence but "Lockethot" is one of the two pseudonyms used to start a smearing campaign toward Dual Universe on Reddit and YouTube, posting fake IGN reviews (without - of course - any link to the original source), that has been moderated since then. The current topic being not aggressive, we will give the benefit of the doubt and gives a chance to  "Lockethot", as long as he respects the forum rules.
    While not aggressive, this topic is full of misinformation.
    Here is a first warning as spreading misinformation is not accepted. There won't be a second one. 
    For the same reason, this topic is going to be locked.
    Best Regards,
  5. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to yamamushi in Alpha Roadmap AMA Questions   
    I figured since an upcoming AMA was mentioned in the video that was released yesterday, I thought it would be useful to start a thread to collect questions people have for JC about Alpha, the roadmap, etc.

    I suppose I'll start by listing a few questions I have...
    The roadmap doesn't make any mention of server uptime. When can we expect the servers to be up for extended periods of time? (24/7 even) Is this something that we can expect during a specific phase of Alpha? Is the NDA firm for all of Alpha, or is there a possibility that the NDA may be lifted before Beta starts? Can we expect server uptime during the winter holiday season this year?   Is there a clue of sorts hidden in one of the videos that were recently published?  Where can we get one of those sweet Dual Universe jackets? 
  6. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Hextaku in [Ger] Cyber-Phoenix | Rekrutierung offen!   
    Cyber-Phoenix is a German Org, so this will be a German post.
    If you'ar not speaking German, a short English introduction is on the Communety hub.
    You can ask any question, no mather if in English or in German.

    Sprache: Deutsch
    Komunikation: TS3/Cy-Ph Forum/DU Community
    Color Code: Red: Management|Blue: Science|Green: "Security"
    Ursprung: Cyber-Phoenix MGC
    Wer sind wir?
    Cyber-Phoenix ist eine zweiseitige Organisation.
    Auf der einen Seite sind wir eine wissenschaftliche Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Produktions-Organisation.
    Auf der anderen Seite haben wir auch trainierte Kampfeinheiten, welche sowohl zum vertreten unserer Interessen nach außen, als auch zum Schutz im inneren.
    Dies bietet natürlich auch unseren Mitgliedern differenzierte Möglichkeiten in dem was sie tun können.
    Unser Ziel ist es eine Etablierte rolle in diesem Universum einzunehmen und unsere Interessen zu vertreten. Dazu gehört auch sich in Angelegenheiten ein zu mischen die gegen unsere Agenda stehen sollten. 
    Mehr Information, wie zb. den RP Hintergrund findet ihr in unserem Forum.
    Was bieten wir?
    Wir bieten eine Strukturierte Umgebung für die verschiedensten Spieler, so wie eine gute Grundlage für RP.
    Bei uns stehen euch viele Möglichkeiten offen, die verschiedensten Aufgaben, oder sogar Führungspositionen zu übernehmen.
    Zudem natürlich eine freundliche Deutschsprachige Spieler Gemeinschaft ^^
    Wo kommen wir her?
    Cyber-Phoenix ist ursprünglich ein kleiner Deutscher MultiGamingClan.
    Dieser ist jedoch unabhängig von der DU Org, so das keinerlei Verpflichtungen für irgendwen bestehen.
    Jedoch ist schon eine Grundlage für das Verwalten einer gut Strukturierten Organisation geschaffen.
    Wir suchen euch!
    Ihr sprecht Deutsch? Sucht eine Organisation mit vielen Möglichkeiten? Seit RP interessiert?
    Dann seit ihr bei uns absolut richtig!
    Wir freuen uns über jeden (freundlichen) Spieler der sich uns anschließt.
    Schreibt einfache eine kurze Bewerbung im Community Portal, in der ihr erklärt wer ihr seid und warum ihr euch für Cy-Ph interessiert.
    Community Portal: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/cyber-phoenix
    Website: https://cyber-phoenix.com/index.php?dualuniverse/
    Forum: https://cyber-phoenix.com/forum/index.php?board/20-dual-universe/
    TS3: cyber-phoenix.com
  7. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nomad in Moving away from Star citizen Looking to get package   
    We're always happy to see enthusiasm regarding our game and we're thankful for that. This being said, here are a few things to keep in mind to be sure to keep things clear and healthy for everybody:
    Dual Universe community members must comply with all the rules established by Novaquark (Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, EULA, Forum Rules, everything) Even if we have nothing to say about the rules other developers establish to manage their games and services, we will never encourage any behavior bending or breaking Terms of Service or other kinds of code of conduct of any sort regarding a non-Novaquark game or service If our own rules and policy are not clear enough at a defined time, we'll update them as soon as possible to reflect as best as possible what we want -or not- to see happening in the community. This is done to keep things fun for everybody. Players feedback is very important here As we always said, we want to foster a warm and welcoming community. This asks to establish rules and guidelines. Common sense means that some are permanent and others could evolve as time goes by. So to make sure everybody has a good time, we kindly advise respecting the rules you agreed to comply with by creating a Novaquark account (and to do that in other games in general).
    Dual Universe is a sandbox game and by nature, everything will be open. That's one of the most exciting things about our game. It has never been done like that before. At least, not at this scale. We're not naive, all kinds of behaviors will emerge from it.
    Concerning the behaviors outside the game, same thing. And we want to prevent as much as possible the bad kind of actions we too often see as gamers and that are a plague for our passion. Grey and black market key exchange/selling/whatever-little-arrangements are among them. This is not something desirable when you want to maintain things cool for everybody.
    It's not only frowned upon, we clearly disapprove that. A free key is a free key. It must be gifted for nothing in return. We know how things work though, we're not idiots (we're gamers too) and we will try to prevent that as much as possible with the means and resources at our disposal.
    Again, if our current rules are not clear enough, we'll update them to reflect what is okay and what's not and the possible rewards or sanctions that could come out of that. And as always, the dialog with you guys remains open. 
    We'll give news on the roadmap this Summer, as announced. We're also considering new ATV members and will communicate about that in due time.
  8. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to ShioriStein in KickStarter backer confused 0o   
    I hope this will help you @SHIZNIT:  This link
    From inside that link it said  you will get some of that "contributor" pack 60$ :
    Silver Founder Backers gain:
    Alpha 2 Access (instead of Beta) Sanctuary Territory Unit (x1) Arkship Passenger Outfit (Bronze) Supporter Pet lvl.1 (different from Founder Pets) Legacy Resurrection Node (x1) Extra Character Customization (x3) Content Creator Pack  
  9. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Kurock in DICE (DU Gaming Commission)   
    Want to know more about DICE?
    Read about it in Issue 2 of spaceshipdrama.com
  10. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Forum Rules   
    Update:20/06/2018: Clarification about Necroposting in section III
    Smalll update on the forum rules about Necroposting.
    Best Regards,
  11. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Subscriptions and DAC's: Can You Afford Them?   
    As mentioned in the forum rules, please do not necropost on old threads as you have done already several times.
    (The forum rules has been updated to indicate what is considered an old thread)
    Granted, this time you stay in the limits but keep this in mind for the next times.
    Now to reply on the topic:
    Fallout56 is a multiplayer game and NOT a MASSIVELY multiplayer game. Todd Howard confirmed that during the E3 2018 Bethesda Conference. So it can be compared to Minecraft, Ark, Conan Exiles... but clearly not to MMORPGs where the server infrastructure cost is exclusively handled by the Dev Studio or Publisher.
      The Subscription model is one of the few topics not open to discussion. We have already talked in great length about why we went for a subscription model and no, there is no solid argument countering the reasons why we chose this model.
      1) Dropping monthly subscription to have more players is not a valid argument if the server infrastructure cost grows proportionally to the player base size while incomes don't grow accordingly.
    2) Saying subcription is an outdated model is not a valid argument as it relies on personal opinion not backed by solid reasons. Seeing less MMORPGs using monthly subscription is not a solid reason if there is no understanding about the "why". 
    Here is how we view the situation at Novaquark: monthly subscription model has been on the decline due to nearly no clear innovation in the MMORPG industry during the last decade. As new MMORPGs had to offer something different than those already well settled in the market (World of Warcraft, EVE Online, etc), if they weren't going to offer something really new, they had to be different on another level: monetization model. That's how the Free to Play games wave began. Many marketing representatives said many times that "Free to Play" was the future and most people believed it. Inconvients of such model were put under the rug... for a time. The question "Is F2P good or bad?" is irrelevant. Free to Play is a good monetization model good for some kind of games. We just don't think MMORPGs is among those. When you aim to have a game lasting for decades, you need to have steady income for decades as well. Free to play game incomes are too fluctuant, especially because they rely on the success of cosmetics (which is a everlasting gamble for a company as no one knows for sure in advance if players will love the new cosmetics and how much income it will generate before they hit the shop) and lootboxes.
    Ironically, there has been recently a huge witch hunt about lootboxes. While we totally understand the reasons, it's a bit surprising that this problem has been exposed only recently, as lootboxes are as old as the Free to Play model and represents nearly always a (very) large part of F2P or B2P game incomes. Surprisingly, with this kind of monetization now forbidden in a growing number of countries, discussions about monthly subscription model are a thing again for many studios and publishers. 
    3) Saying people want to make a one time payment is not a valid argument either: nobody with some common sense can ask for a one time payment (at the price of an average game) and expect to have a service lasting forever.

    Quite unlikely.
    From a financial point of view, that would mean taking more risks than necessary: as said above, it would mean going from a steady income model to a fluctuant income model. Cosmetics make a good complementary income to B2P and subscription models but again, making it the main income of a game is very risky, especially if the structural costs for a game are high.

    Those two things are already planned
    Beta Key giveaways and Trial period at official release.
    Best Regards,
  12. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Sammelbecken   
    Warning: speaking in german doesn't allow you to make NDA breaches.
    Strong reminder: anything related to the in-game content that hasn't been publicly communicated by Novaquark is under NDA. The two last posts of this thread have been archived for this reason. Moreover, sharing this kind of information by PM with people who are not Pre-Alpha testers is absolutely not ok either, according to NDA rules.
    Best Regards,
  13. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Territories for landing   
    Hi everyone,
    Preventing a construct to enter a specific space is a sensible topic as it could be abused the other way (like imprisoning constructs).
    While we are aware  that giving total freedom on landing anywhere could lead to griefing behavior (especially in Safe Zones where it won't be possible to destroy Constructs having for sole/main purpose to annoy other players, due to the "no PVP" rule), we don't think preventing a Construct to enter a specific space is the right approach. We are currently considering less extreme alternatives that would discourage griefing behavior. These alternatives could define in which case countermeasures can be triggered if visitors don't abide by the rules set on said territory. This will be most likely tied to Territory Units. This topic will be developed further at a later stage of the game development.
    Best Regards,
  14. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to blazemonger in Is the Game Worth it ?   
    IF you ask the questions you ask you are not  ready for the early stages the game is in now. Take some time to read posts, watch videos and generally educate yourself on the game and when you feel you are able/ready/willing to get in choose the pack that suits you.
    The least expensive supporter pack will allow access with Alpha2, a milestone which will not be reached for quite some time.
  15. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Lethys in Cloaking Tech   
    I'm all in for stealth.....but not in the way eve does it (cause that's just bad)
    DU could do WAY better in this regard by simply adding a little more stuff (will rewrite the stuff I talked with beloved twerkmotor about)
    - do different type of radar/sensor: gravimetric (mass), lidar (light), magnetometric (magnetic fields), radar (cross section), thermal (heat, obviously)
    each sensor goes for a different attribute of the ship. We've already seen in videos that DU uses a crosssection in the build widget.
    Smaller crosssection -> radar can't detect you that easily.
    Small and light ship -> gravimetric sensors don't catch you well
    Dark/light absorbing voxels -> lidar can't detect you well
    few elements used (turrets, engines, certain voxels...) -> magnetometric doesn't pick you up
    Coat ship in thermal-resistant voxels -> thermal sensors won't be good
    all of that can be balanced by simply putting different attributes on voxels and elements: you can build an extremely dark ship to evade lidar, but that increases your mass. Use anti-magnetometric voxels ....but increase the heat.
    Balance it so, that you can't build a ship which is undetectable - but may be very, very hard to detect. That has to be an extremely small and expensive ship for maybe 1-5 ppl - to allow black ops kind of tactics.
    imho this can be added easily as it only adds some more numbers which then can be calculated just like the rest of the pvp system (chances).
    Such a system would be way more engaging and emergent as the builder would have to pay attention to what he wants to build - and ppl have to think about different ways of defending their base.
    You may be able to build a battleship which can't be detected by lidar - but it's cross section is a moon. Works pretty well against an outpost which only has a thermal sensor.....
    But radar would be the most basic sensor - because it detects a simple crosssection - and therefor be the cheapest....
    You see, this system would be easily balanceable and it would add way more emergent gameplay for everyone (shipbuilders, basebuilders, pilots, tacticians, miners, producers,...) than just having a full invisibility cloak element like in eve - which is basically an I win button. Plus it can be implemented very well with the existing idea of pvp-mechanics
  16. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Rafiki in Sammelbecken   
    Out of Roleplay
    Natürlich wird der deutschsprachige Teil nur eine Nische in diesem Universum bilden, dennoch würde ich es begrüßen wenn dieser Teil sich gemeinsam organisiert und in den selben Regionen des Universums tätig ist, unabhängig davon wer in welcher deutschsprachigen Orga ist. Gerade meine Organisation kommt von der deutschen Arma 3 Life Rollenspiel Community, wir würden sehr viel im Spiel mit den Leuten reden und eigentlich sprechen die wenigsten fehlerfrei Englisch, auch wenn jeder etwas kann. Dabei geht es nicht um Nationalismus sondern einfach um eine flüssige Kommunikation und ein weiterer Vorteil ist. Hier geht es nicht darum den nächsten Blitzkrieg zu organisieren und das Universum zu germanisieren. Bei einem "Sammelbecken" oder wie man den Verbund auch nennen möchte, geht es eher um Kooperation und Zusammenarbeit in den Punkten in denen man einen Konsens findet. Es geht nur darum einen gemeinsamen Konsens zu finden, da wo es keinen gibt, gibt es auch keine Verpflichtungen.
    (english, tl;tr):
    Foreigners! Don't be afraid! There will come NO intergalactic blitzkrieg.
  17. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Mod-Meldrik in Last Post Wins   
    You are all making me hungry.
    I guess I win. Somehow!
    ~ Meldrik
  18. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Linux crowdfund please   
    Hi everyone,
    To conclude this never-ending discussion that already happened many times before and after the Kickstarter campaign:
    We are still a small company aiming to make a very ambitious game, especially for a company of this size.
      We have a tight budget, and we can't go overboard with appealing (but not mandatory) goals before we reach the official release of the game (at which point we should be able to self-finance the said goals, if all goes well). Among appealing goals are: localization in multiple languages and giving a thought for other platforms.
      Developing for another platform cost money, but it also need to have the right available people, and right now, we are still recruiting to complete the team for the main platform. It wouldn't be reasonable to start another team for a new platform. Polishing the game on one platform and running it smoothly on the main hardware configs (intel/AMD nvdia/ATI) is already a huge task.
      Yes, some devs are running Dual Universe on Linux. That doesn't mean it's a stable and polished version, that we could guarantee to allocate people to fix problems happening on Linux if such issue arises. Linux players will be the first to throw rocks at us if something goes wrong in that regard (and they would be right).
      Developing in one thing and maintaining is another thing. Doing both for a second platform has an irreducible base cost + a proportional cost. At this point we have no irrefutable proof that making a Linux version will cover this. Sorry but linking a press articles (released in 2010) and based on indie games is not enough. While we are an indie company, we are trying to make a MMORPG, and we haven't read yet a source (backed with facts) saying the market share using Linux in MMORPG communities is big enough to be profitable. In fact, the few news in this category tend to be interpreted as the contrary: for example, CCP dropped official Linux support for in 2009.
      So this is not a "definitive no", but not a yes either. In any case, we won't take the risk to make too much too fast at the same time. This would be the best way to jeopardize the project. We have no big publisher backing the project if something goes wrong. We understand that the idea is appealing to Linux players, but that doesn't sound a reasonable idea for the moment. Making a proper game first on at least one platform is.  
    In a nutshell:
    There are ways to run the current version of Dual Universe on Linux. However we won't allocate any (human or budget) resource to start a Linux version in the current context. That doesn't mean we can guarantee it will be always the case and we can't promise official support for it so far. Having developers running Dual Universe on Linux should give a hint that Linux compatibility isn't completely out of our mind (but again this shouldn't be interpreted as a firm promise for a Linux version).
    Best Regards,
  19. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Apology from Slaxx to NQ and the Dual Community   
    All right, this topic is going to be locked.
    Surprisingly all these "TheSlaxx" defenders are fresh new accounts.
    Apparently some think it's okay to create accounts just to try to strongharm Novaquark's decision, even if this was already discussed and explained in private many times.
    Making it public will NOT change Novaquark's decision. If someone opens another topic on TheSlaxx to try to change Novaquark's mind, expect your account to be banned permanently from the forum without further notice. We don't have time to waste on this topic anymore. This practice of coming back again and again on a decision made by Novaquark will only make the situation worse.
    TheSlaxx hasn't been banned for the shady practices regarding the Organizations.
    He has been banned for what he did after.
    "He has changed now" will never be a valid argument to rehabilitate him.
    If we make an exception for him, we will have to make exceptions for everyone else that has a toxic behavior. 
    That's not gonna happen.
    Best Regards,
  20. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Player Recruitment & Advertisement: dos and don'ts   
    I) About Dual Universe (and/or a DU Organization) Advertisement
    (a) It's fine to advertise the game and/or your DU Organization(s) to players you already know or with whom you have already played with in other games without harassing them. If they aren't interested, do not insist.
    (b) It's absolutely not acceptable to enter other gaming communities with the only intent being to randomly advertise Dual Universe or your DU Organization to players you don't know. Being polite isn't enough. Participating in said group with the intention to legitimize your advertisement is not enough either. You won't fool many people with this method. While one player may be convinced to join your Organization, it will most likely antagonize significantly more players, making them hostile toward you and Dual Universe due to these cheap and inappropriate practices. 
    If you don't understand why this is wrong, just imagine players coming from 10 different game communities and invading your Discord, subReddit, or Steam group, falsely pretending to be interested in the game you’re playing while instead being there to make advertisements for the game he plays in your channels. Any person would quickly be tired of this behavior and ban them all, as well as form a negative image of the game that has been advertised. Please don’t do this.  Not only is this rude, this can be considered harassment in addition to brand damage, which could result in a ban from Dual Universe for such behavior.
    (c) While it didn’t seem clear for everyone so far (despite being in our EULA and in our forum chart here), here is a strong reminder: impersonating Novaquark staff is a serious offense. This will result in a permanent ban without further notice or discussion. There is also no limitation period for this offense (meaning: if we got proof of Novaquark staff impersonation several months or even years later, the sanction will still be applied).
    (d) While this has been some kind of grey area until now, there won’t be sanctions applied to involved Organizations for the past actions. However, from now on, Organizations that will benefit from the aforementioned bad practices could see their member list reset at Novaquark’s sole discretion. We wish to make it clear that there is nothing to gain from such advertisement and recruitment practices as well as inform other gaming communities that the Novaquark staff will not tolerate these methods of advertisement and recruitment.

    II) About Gifting Practices as a Recruitment Incentive
    Novaquark has not enforced any strict rules regarding gifting practices so you are free to gift DACs or Supporter Packs as you see fit. However, we don’t encourage use of this freedom as a recruitment incentive unless you are perfectly fine with the definition of "gifting" (giving something for free to someone else without expecting anything in return for this gift). 
    Before gifting a DAC or a Supporter Pack, you should carefully consider that a player could leave your Organization or simply never join it at all. In this situation, this will be your responsibility and we will not refund nor reverse the gift you made to another player. The Novaquark team will not step in to oblige the receiver to fulfill his part of the bargain either (if there was any).
    So choose and gift wisely.
    If you have any further questions on the topic, please let us know.
    Best Regards,
    The Community team.
  21. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Griphass in Dual Univers RocketDock Icon   
    I made us some Duals Univers icons for the Rocket Dock program. Help yourself and enjoy!
  22. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to yamamushi in Can you (not pilot) move freely inside ships mid flight and craft, build as well?   
    Yes, you can. While a ship is in motion people can move around freely inside of it and build and do various other ship related tasks. 
    Here's an example of this (albeit a small example):
  23. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Vyz Ejstu in Heimera Trade Xchange   
    Congratulations to @Falstaf for the second Community Spotlight: https://www.dualthegame.com/en/news/2018/04/10/community-spotlight-2/
    You deserve this one Falstaf, and we're as happy as you could possibly be with the interview and the spotlight. It's great to see your hard work with Oz getting limelight too!
    Many cheers and good wishes from all of us at the HTX!
  24. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to z0Kng in Dev Tracker   
    we are  providing a dev tracker for Dual Universe until Novaquark may provides their own. It tracks the Twitter accounts (@dualuniverse, @jcbaillie and @Novaquark), Forum accounts(of course not pre-alpha posts) and the news page (https://dualthegame.com/en/news/). Maybe we will implement other channels later, e.g. reddit.
    You can find it here: https://hyperion-corporation.de/tracker.php
    It supports notifications for new posts (you must select the "Notify" checkbox) and automatically loads new posts (no refresh required).
    If you find any errors, feel free to contact me. I hope you will like it.
    With kind regards
    z0Kng from Hyperion Corporation
  25. Like
    Underhand Aerial reacted to Lyria in Lyria´s fanarts   
    So, it is done! The first DU-Fanart made by me  Hope you like it!
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