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Posts posted by Lethys

  1. 17 hours ago, Lethys said:

    why not split the rights to sell/buy/edit orders?


    can someone with the edit right transfer money too? (forget that, i just read the answer)


    can ppl ONLY transfer but not sell/buy or vice versa?


    can ppl create more than one "division" in an org wallet? so ppl/orgs have a "research wallet", a "pvp wallet", a "trade wallet" and so forth?


    can ppl give rights to each of those divisions?

    So....if this isn't properly done and if the org wallet is just what it says in the devblog



    WALLETS 101

    Each organization now has a wallet.

    There are two new rights related to organization wallet management in the Right and Duty Management System (RDMS):


    • Consult wallet
    • Edit wallet






    Any player with the “edit from wallet” right of an organization can:

    • Sell
    • Buy
    • Edit and/or delete orders






    All players can give any amount of quanta to any other player or organization. Players with the necessary wallet rights of an organization can also transfer money from the organization wallet to any other entity. Transfers are tracked in the wallet logs of both the sender and the recipient.



    Then this isn't even the most basic version of org wallets - it's just another mechanic they can tick off and forget about because "muh org wallets are ingame now"


    One wallet is not enough for orgs. And being able to create more divisions on a whim isn't really rocket science to implement too

    Two rights for a complex topic as org wallets isn't really a good idea and implementing more rights and independent RDMS isn't really rocket science to implement either (I maybe want LOTS of ppl in my org to be able to SELL stuff, but I certainly don't want many to BUY stuff. And I MOST certainly don't want ANYONE (or only the most trusted ones) to be able to transfer money)


    I mean, I'm no programmer but having RDMS already ingame and having a wallet in general implies to me that it's frigging easy to implement those 2 mechanics too at the same time. That would be the absolute minimum to me to call it a mechanic.


    As it looks right now, it's only in 0.24 to tick the box in the welcome screen of DU, call it done and may revisit it after release

  2. 28 minutes ago, Atmosph3rik said:

    As far as i know NQ hasn't implemented any kind of system to handle what happens when an account is canceled.


    Where does your stuff go?  Do you get any of it back, if you re-sub?  What actually becomes salvageable?


    Doing nothing at all may just be the safest, easiest thing they can do, until those systems are in place.


    Right now with the game only partially finished i think it's pretty important for NQ to make people feel comfortable walking away for a while, and coming back later when the parts of the game that might interest them are working.


    Even if that's the case.  Being straightforward with currently paying customers should also be a priority.



    All of that has nothing to do with ppl being able to still play the game while unsubbed tho. 


    What you talk about is what comes after ppl unsub, which is a major part too. But not related to this thread 

  3. why not split the rights to sell/buy/edit orders?


    can someone with the edit right transfer money too? (forget that, i just read the answer)


    can ppl ONLY transfer but not sell/buy or vice versa?


    can ppl create more than one "division" in an org wallet? so ppl/orgs have a "research wallet", a "pvp wallet", a "trade wallet" and so forth?


    can ppl give rights to each of those divisions?

  4. why not split the rights to sell/buy/edit orders?


    can someone with the edit right transfer money too? (forget that, i just read the answer)


    can ppl ONLY transfer but not sell/buy or vice versa?


    can ppl create more than one "division" in an org wallet? so ppl/orgs have a "research wallet", a "pvp wallet", a "trade wallet" and so forth?


    can ppl give rights to each of those divisions?

  5. 14 hours ago, Musclethorpe said:

    You didn't pay attention to my original post. This isn't about complaining or changing the system. This is about how the existing system will treat future players down the line, which can easily be tweeked. Regardless of what others have said about time to train to a reasonable level of skill, there is absolutely no catch-up method for new players. I'm an alpha backer and even I can't get behind having a leg up for the rest of this game just because I got here first.

    yes - and why should there be a catch up? Why no catch up for quanta? or ships? or bases? or anything?

    I tell you why: because you CAN catch up


    Looking at one "old" char it's ofc a huge difference. That one can not only fly perfectly with lvl 5s and has every gun skill on 5 too plus on top of it all he even has industry and building maxxed out too, because heck - why not when he doesn't know what to skill next.

    A "new" char has nothing and can't compete with that - true. And from this perspective it looks like he needs to "catch up"


    This should be an MMO and ppl should specialize. In an org, such "huge" advantages aren't huge anymore but merely a nice bonus to such old chars - they're more versatile and can hop in if some other guy is missing or if someone quickly needs a boost in their build. But other than that it doesn't matter - a big enough and well organised noobgroup can do the same thing as vets in about 1 or 2 months.



    8 hours ago, Hazaatan said:

    Release in 11 months??  I really doubt that.  I think it will be pushed back a few times.  Lots of things need fixing, and PVP is going to be released.  That will require balancing and fixing within itself.  I really don't see 11months.  

    That's what NQ says - End of 21 is release. And JC even goes so far to say "there are no red flags indicating that we need to delay". I don't believe a single word of that, but that's what they officially state so I go with that, true or not.

  6. Its a moot discussion anyway. They won't change the skillsystem. This was the plan from the start. Changing it now would not only mean additional work for the release in 11 months but also a complete overhaul of existing systems plus outcries from players everywhere to compensate them in a way. 


    Amazing how ppl sub and pay for a game with existing features and then complaining about it

  7. 18 minutes ago, Wolfram said:

    Have an org of 10 people with no skills, where their only profitable activity is to mine and sell at markets for low prices because they have no talents and try to make them compete with someone with 10 accounts, each specialized in something. Even for mining, if the person with alt accounts have two computers it becomes easy to keep one account mining while other is hauling stuff around. Have one account with Industry skills and you basically have a machine of making money where you buy cheap ore and profit on it with manufacture.


    No, you compare Apples to oranges. How is "having 10 ppl with NO skills" even remotely comparable to "someone with 10accs fully trained"? It isnt. Cause you know. Some guy with 10 accs starting and some org with 10 ppl starting have the SAME AMMOUNT of skillpoints 


    21 minutes ago, Wolfram said:

    Please, enlighten my ignorance and show me how orgs are P2W, because I really don't see your logic here.

    Read his comment again and mine. One guy having 10 accs isn't any advantage. Because he cant play all 10 simultaneously. 10 ppl in an org are perfectly fine. Ergo, an org with 10 ppl is ALWAYS superior to one guy. Regardless of the alts. He alone can do more stuff when compared to another guy with one acc. But he pays for it. And he cant do ANYTHING which anyone cant do within an org. So yes, That's not p2w at all. Because in an org ppl do specialize too and can do stuff 

  8. 2 hours ago, Wolfram said:

    Having people getting accounts and actively farming skills in background without even being logged-in is already a form of botting, which aggravates as P2W since the person is literally getting benefits by doing so... In terms of having the skills, a single player could easily be ahead of an entire org if he have enough accounts. The same goes for orgs too, they can get extremely powerful by having many people do this, which is literally mass-botting.


    Please show how one guy with 10 accs dies better than one org with 10 ppl playing. They will have more ressources, more production, more everything. But please show, I do want to know.


    2 hours ago, Wolfram said:

    Also, having players actively play the game to gather skill points not only would would give them a chance to play, but also would balance orgs in general, as giving players specific roles would make them specialize, otherwise everyone would be a "jack of all trades, master of none" in the org.

    Yeah. If botting is ACTIVELY playing the game then sure.....


    The Crux with the talent system is that it doesn't really force ppl to specialize because nothing is gated behind talents like in eve. In that regard du by design is made to please everyone, thus making everyone a jack of all trades. That has nothing to do with talents being passively gained tho, it's NQs design of that system



  9. 18 minutes ago, Wolfram said:

    which leads people to having alt accounts trained to specialize in one thing in background, which is not optimal and ends up being P2W, as this clearly gives them advantage over players with only one account, specially players starting out

    Nope, That's what orgs are there for too for newbros. Band together and specialize, it's a mmo. Doesn't matter in that regard and it's not an advantage whatsoever because the guy cant do anything which an org can't do. So the premise is already false


    Actively aquiring talents would just Lead to bots doing the stuff and ppl simply leaving them running

  10. 36 minutes ago, Burble said:

    -help new players get started

    -advertise what is good about it
    -be open about what is bad but do not constantly throw it in the spotlight
    -DO throw what is good about the game in the spotlight
    -Have an attitude towards the developers that says 'thank you for what you have done so far. If you want my feedback please ask'

    1) sure

    2) certainly

    3) nope. Definitely keep the spotlight in bad things and make ppl aware what's wrong and right in this game. 

    4) certainly. And also do that constantly ofc. Cause you know, only doing it for the positive is driving a narrative. And thats bad

    5) no. Its more like. I play this game and here is my feedback. They dont have to ask for it, they get it anyway

    40 minutes ago, Burble said:

    You Alpha tagged people are the role models for how the general public will treat the game and the developers. If you cannot at least behave with some decorum and maturity then absolutely no one else will.

    That's why I make ppl aware what's Bad in this game. I don't lure ppl in here (and never did) because I only tell them the good things. I tell them the full story and what's good and bad about du. It's just that there's little which is good and much that is bad to me 

  11. So hauling missions.....guess I called it right xD 


    Depending on how they do aphelia missions, markets will lag out even more now. My guess: aphelia only creates missions from market A to B. GL doing those I guess - markets lag out for me even now when noone is around.


    So what you get is an unfinished and untested system with hauling missions only for now ("but the dreams! The possibilities! Just think of what will be possible!" - can already hear the fanbois) while at the same time you don't even have org wallets. Nice, I guess.


    Also, how to prevent ppl from hiding that Target container from you? 

  12. 1 hour ago, blazemonger said:

    The CM team is now what 6 staff strong? And you are saying that leaves no room for at least one of them to have an active and engaging presence here? That makes me wonder what the actual role is the CMs have as it seems like Community Management is not one of them. The DU community is small.. and fragile.. The attitude NQ is showing us is not one of being willing and able to nurture the community, it is one that shows the community is regarded as a nuisance, distracting NQ from what they are doing

    Especially when considering that there are ppl like you commenting and elaborating on many of those ideas. So gg blaze, you actually do better than NQ with 6 ppl obviously xD 


    That Argument from NQ is just a cheap cop out when considering that 

  13. 6 minutes ago, SirJohn85 said:

    According to this definition, one would not be allowed to play Early Access games that have not yet reached the beta stage. Too bad. I had so much fun with Minecraft when I bought it back in 2010 when it was in the alpha version. Or Factorio... The poor fun 1000 hours I'm not allowed to have.

    Exactly this.


    Im not into building games at all and never played factorio ir Minecraft or that stuff but for some reason I picked up dyson sphere program a few days ago which is in early access rn. And guess what, all the basic funcionality is in the game right from the start and I love it so far, sitting at 60h and rising.


    When compared to NQs labeling that game might as well be at release rn and not in early access. Go figure

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