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  1. This is a load of BS. If you want to talk risk vs reward, ganking an unarmed ship tops the list. You get the ship and the cargo with no risk, and the miner takes all the risk. That's not even PvP, it's PvE with an extra layer. Cry me a river, ganker.
  2. I remember that whole dumpster fire. I remember the near endless discussion on the .23 insider scandal, and how JC/NQ and those same players you're talking about defended the changes as "necessary." Literally, in a few short hours of maintenance, everything I'd built was useless. I was devastated and it made me mad. I tried to recover, but there was no use. I spent everything I had schematics just to try to get back to where I was before. I just didn't have the millions to run the few machines I had, so I gave up and cancelled. It really seems like NQ hasn't learned to listen to all of player feedback, not just a select few, or maybe not at all? It really is telling how they make all of these changes garbage changes that don't help the majority of players, but rather hinders them. That doesn't retain players. At all.
  3. This is probably the single best argument for keeping market bots in the game. No one's buying T1 ores, and people severely undercut the sell orders for everything else, to even their own detriment. I'm convinced the people who undercut so much have no idea what their time is actually worth. That being said, I agree. eventually it'll take months to save up to buy a ship, or all the parts you can't make to build a ship, and even longer if you want to make all the parts. This game is a major grindfest with no real reward, and it makes me sad.
  4. The community, as we knew it, left after .23r dropped at a really bad time. JC's insisted on doing things his way, and the greater community revolted. That is NOT the way to foster goodwill. I'll continue to watch how things unfold, and if they fix things, I may be back to DU. I just hope Nicolas Granatino does right by both the company and the players. Only time will tell.
  5. Toxic positivity is just as bad as toxic negativity. Being positive to the point of ignoring the glaring negatives isn't healthy and should not be encouraged.
  6. If you can find any lies in any of my statements, you can criticize me. Until then, you have no credibility. On another note, I believe that new players should be given the facts. Right now, the game is in alpha state, no beta. That's the very first lie NQ has told. Pretty much their entire advertisement campaign is a lie. That's not fair to the perspective players at all.
  7. Cool. I'm still going to warn new players about NQ's talent for ignoring and alienating players.
  8. Boring? Well, I don't think any of the disgruntled complaints are meant to entertain anyone. Perhaps if NQ actually listened in the first place, then people wouldn't sound like broken records, and it wouldn't be "boring."
  9. Why in active container? Across all containers/equipment would be optimal.
  10. I've worked in data centers that don't allow devs direct access to production servers, and after a proper testing phase only admins push updates, which is ideal. It doesn't guarantee no mistakes, but does minimize them in practice. NQ is a mess, and it really shows in this game.
  11. So literally, they put a decimal in the wrong place. ????
  12. This an admin that needs a reprimand, or a bad decision on the part of NQ/JC. Devs should never have direct access to production systems. This is why there is always a test server, and changes should roll up to it before ever being rolled out to prod.
  13. No, t wasn't a grind when I subbed. NQ made it a grind with .23. It was a bait and switch, which is considered false advertising. Most people can tolerate a bit of grind, as long as there is progression. There is no progression in DU now because it's all grind, which is boring. This is why I let my sub run out. I might sub again if/when they lower the grind factor.
  14. I disagree. PvE element destruction was a terrible idea and would ruin the new player experience as they learned the game, crashing and all. If they'd implemented it just after I joined, I'd uninstall and be asking for a refund. There needs to be balance or the game is going to suck. A game that sucks is a game without subs. A game without subs is a dead game. Also, the more play-styles an MMO caters to, the more players/subs and content there will be. Honestly, PvE destruction was why I grounded all of my ships and pretty much quit playing, before my sub ran out. If I ever renew, it will be because the PvE perma-death of cores is gone.
  15. Semantics. You state they are different, but don't explain how they are different. Either way you are making money to fund stuff, either by "generation" or being paid money. There is literally difference to the player on how the money is acquired, as long as it is acquired. The two most widespread ways to acquire wealth is to mine and sell to bots, and the 150kh daily allowance.
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